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Sunday, June 5, 2022

Baba in day-to-day life + 3 more


Baba in day-to-day life


Here are some observations and experiences on spiritual life, by His grace. 

#1: With every sadhaka, all-gracious Baba comes in their life so many times, in various shapes and forms. And He guides them and saves them from precarious situations, rescuing them from death and disease, and warning them about upcoming danger.

#2: He comes in innumerable ways whereby people cannot always recognise Him until He says something or gives a hint. According to my experience and hearing from others, this is so common, just like air and water.

How Baba is always with you & helping

#3: In your own life Baba has surely come in front of you so many times - you may not have recognised it, but certainly He has helped, guided, or saved you from danger and made the impossible possible in your life. That is Baba.

#4: In the true sense of the term, Baba does not come. He is already there with you and when there is a need He does something and makes His presence known, otherwise He helps while remaining hidden. This is not hearsay.

#5: Unfortunately, crude people think this happened by chance, or they do not know the cause. They do not connect it with God. But when margiis would go see Baba for PC then Baba would tell them all those things and remind them of those old incidents.

#6: See your own life and look how Baba always helped and came to you in various shapes and forms, through any media, and He will come in future also. He comes in a flash. It does not take any time. He comes out of the blue when there is a dire need and the situation is saved.


#7: To reiterate, Baba does not come; He is already there with you, and when there is a need He intercedes, otherwise He helps while remaining hidden.

#8: Baba is not far. Unfortunately, for some lowly and crude people He is dead, but not for bhaktas.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “It is His duty to see that everyone moves towards the Supreme Goal, towards the Supreme Desideratum.(7) And He is always ready to help anybody and everybody; and He helps, and He will be helping in future, because it is His only [duty]. And for the created beings, their only duty is to move along the path of beatitude shown by the Supreme Father.” (1)

in Him, 

~ In-depth study ~

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “The Supreme Entity is always with you to help you, and this is the first and the greatest merit of this fact, of this Supreme Veracity. The only demerit is, as He is always with you, you cannot do anything secretly; you will be caught red-handed. But, the merit is, that because He is with you, you are never alone, you are never weak. You are never helpless. So, the duty of a perfect person, the duty of a spiritual aspirant is always to remember this Supreme Truth, that he or she is never alone. You are always with your Supreme Father, who will always help you, and will always accelerate the speed of your progress.” (2) 

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Your future is bright – not only bright, but guaranteed. A new spiritual life free from all sorts of dogma is sure to come in the near future. In this phase of introversion, in this eternal game of Parama Puruśa in which the physical, psychic and spiritual entities are all moving forward, one day the mental realm will be elevated to the spiritual, and unit consciousness will become one with Cosmic Consciousness. Parama Puruśa is also waiting for that auspicious day. He is with you – He will give you proper direction so that with His gospels for the salvation of the universal creation, you will reach your goal without much difficulty. He will do what is necessary. You just go on obeying Him, just go on doing His work and adhere to what He says with all your energy. Let the speed of His introversial thinking be accelerated by your noble actions and by your spiritual pursuits. Let that golden day come at the earliest and make your life effulgent.” (3)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, An Expression Is Never Alone
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, The Supreme Truth
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, Biological Transformation Associated with Psychic Metamorphosis and Vice Versa

== Section: Comment from FEB 2019==

Re: Videos: breach of sanctity + Worthless Wts



I have seen the mudra on YouTube before. Disturbing, terrible, enraging and sad. How easy it would be to offer this video in a quiet way to true devotees, not on YouTube, which is a filthy place for Guru. If Baba came to the US, would I personally escort him down to 42nd street in Manhattan for everyone to gawk at?  Not only does sharing this video on YouTube show gross misjudgement, the papa is terrible because it is constantly recurring as every day so many people see Baba's video and His mudra in this public place where anyone can see Him among ads and chat and commercialism and filth. So the sin accrues. It gets worse every day! 

I will go to YouTube and condemn this behavior, but I do not like even going to YouTube and seeing this and having to add my opinion in the chat section. 

Acaryas do not seem to be aware of this problem of the defilement of Baba on public media. Whenever I have been sold a picture, I have never been told, don't do this, care for the picture that way. Maybe the acarya understood me to be a true devotee who would not do such a thing, but that is not enough. Acaryas should warn people not to share Baba on public media, and I do not think they are doing this, which is worse than bad form. They are contributing to the problem! All they have to do is explain how the picture should be cared for, which they should do anyway. Include in that talk how it should not ever be shared on social media, and if that person ever does it and the acarya finds out, he will not give them anymore media, including photos and/or video of Baba. 

at His Lotus Feet,

- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: Videos: breach of sanctity + Worthless Wts

1. Posting: My realization
2. PS #0201: In this spring breeze
3. Comment: Re: Videos: breach of sanctity + Worthless Wts
4. Links