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Sunday, February 17, 2019

Human sorrows & solution + 3 more


Human sorrows & solution


The formula is well known: Humans have infinite longing, and the only way to satisfy that infinite desire is to goad the mind towards something infinite, i.e. the Supreme Entity. Humans can never be satisfied by limited material gains which are finite. 

That is why in today’s materialistic era, most people are in a terrible quandary that ultimately leads to their own misery, degradation, and demise. Humans have a developed mind but instead of using that mind for its intended purpose, people become overwhelmed by all its trappings. Yet it need not be like that as we were born for something far greater. First we should better understand the problem at hand and then help our brothers and sisters, i.e. those of our universal family members who are in need.

Blessing and curse of developed mind

The equation is straightforward: Humans have been blessed with a developed mind, but instead of reaping the benefits of that developed mind, people drown in all its complexities. For instance, the main quality that separates humans from animals is that humans have a reflected consciousness. With that developed mind or reflected consciousness, people are meant to do sadhana and by that way they can bask in supreme bliss and take shelter in Parama Purusa.

Unfortunately, in this materialistic era, people fail to direct their minds toward the spiritual realm and instead indulge in materialistic allurements. The chief issue is that people have a developed mind which gets misused and becomes overwrought with fear, worry, anxiety, stress, and all kinds of psychic machinations including depression. Naturally, sadhana clears the mind of all those psychic diseases and ailments. But when one leads a life devoid of sadhana, as is the case in materialism, then people turn towards various degrading tendencies and “fixes” to temporarily alleviate themselves of their psychic burdens. This leads to substance abuse, intoxication, addiction, and animalistic pursuits etc. That brings about their ruination. So that is that dilemma that is rampant throughout any materialistic society. Humans have a developed mind with infinite longing, but instead of basking in the brilliance of that mind by goading it towards the Supreme, they suffer from the psychic complexities of their developed mind. At that point, human life becomes a curse.

For instance, humans are fearful about the uncertainty of the future, or worried about mistakes they made in the past, or concerned about their own mortality. In addition, with the advancement of science, life has become so much faster and more complex whereby the mind is overrun with problems and difficulties, both real and perceived. Verily, there are countless everyday and existential issues that haunt the human mind. All of which can be resolved through spirituality, but when one is submerged in a materialistic flow of life, then that higher functioning of mind is obscured. And one is left to wallow in those lower propensities, desires, and worries.

Ignorance of animality or bliss of spirituality

In contrast, animals have no such problem. Their minds do not have infinite longing so they are quite satisfied and happy with their material surroundings. They do not yearn for anything more. And since they do not have a developed mind they cannot do sadhana. However, since their minds are undeveloped they do not suffer from all kinds of worries, anxieties, fears, and addictions that beleaguer human beings. Saved by their ignorance, animals are quite content in their animal life, while humans are besieged with troubles in their human life.

At this point, there are only two options. Those depressed humans can either take rebirth as animals and live peacefully in that ignorant state, or they can embark on the path of spirituality and develop an inner link with the Supreme Entity Parama Purusa, by His grace. Those are the only two pathways to get rid of their psychic afflictions.

There are some who are drowned in maya and are seemingly enjoying themselves, but that intoxicated state does not last long. Invariably, they will hit the wall of materialism and despair over the fact that this world is impermanent and that one day they will invariably lose everything they have. And when they reach that point, either they will be blessed to receive diiksa, spiritual initiation, or they will turn towards degrading allurements and intoxicants which will only compound their problems.

Real solution: proper education

The root cause of this entire ordeal and disaster is a blatant lack of proper education. In materialistic societies, people are taught and rewarded for collecting inanimate objects, i.e. crude, material wealth. In that case, they fail to receive the answers they need to find a lasting sense of peace and security, hence they inevitably suffer from melancholia and depression etc.

A neo-humanistic approach towards early childhood education empowers young learners with all the tools to have a successful human life, free from worry, anguish, and mental disease. From the outset, children are taught of their inherent connection to the Divine Entity. This key spiritual component provides a base of human understanding whereby they grow into aspirants and sadhakas and that changes their entire outlook. Instead of trying to satisfy themselves materially, they view this world as a changing phenomenon and divert all yearning towards the Supreme. This enables them to live peacefully in this world, free from worry and distress, forever engaged in the thought of the Great.


Humans are born with a reflected consciousness, i.e. infinite longing, and when that developed mind is used for the spiritual practice then one will bask in His bliss, never overwrought or depressed about the worries and losses of this mundane world. Failing that, human life becomes a curse.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “One of the numerous benefits of sádhaná is that it keeps the mind free from psychic disease and encourages the natural growth of the mind.” (1)

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, “It is only the well-reflected consciousness which differentiates human beings from animals. Is it then not imperative for human beings to make use of their consciousness? If their consciousness lies dormant behind their animality, people are bound to behave like animals. They in fact become worse than animals as, even though endowed with well-reflected consciousness, they do not make use of it. Such people do not deserve the status of human beings. They are animals in human form.”
   “The nature of consciousness is to seek for the Infinite or realize the Cosmic Entity. Only those who make use of their consciousness and follow its dictates deserve to be called human beings. Therefore, every person, by making full use of his or her reflected consciousness, earns the right to be called a human being and finds his or her dharma or nature to be only the search for the Infinite or Cosmic Entity. This longing for the Infinite is the innate quality or dharma which characterizes the human status of people.” (2)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Sádhaná, therefore, is to unify the two into one – the internal “I” and the external “I”. Two-ness in one single personality is a disease. The more the gap between these two “I’s”, the more you will undergo psychic torment. You must remember that in this second half of the 20th Century people are feeling much gap in between their internal “I” and external “I”. Because of the trouble in adjusting these two “I’s” there is an increase in mental illnesses. This is the greatest disease in the 20th century.” (3)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 7, The Faculty of Knowledge – 3
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 1, The Dharma of Human Beings
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 19, Parama Puruśa

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Remove those anxieties

"Calár pathe prabhu klánti yadi áse, tumi utsáha jugio..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1938)


Parama Purusa, if I ever feel fatigued and tired on this spiritual journey of Ananda Marga, the way of enlightenment, then bless me with the inspiration and stamina to march onwards. Please give me the strength and encouragement to progress along the path of righteousness. After engaging in various works, occasionally, now and then, when frustrations and worries arise, then shower me in Your krpa and remove those anxieties.

Baba, out of greed for the honey of flowers, if the insects of the lower propensities come into my mental garden, then please alert me. When pasha rpu and animal tendencies become active in my mind and try to take away the spiritual nectar from the flower of my sadhana, then please help me - save me. If, due to intense rains, black clouds cover and envelop the blue sky of my soul, if lower propensities cover my mind and if I become confused and depressed, then joyfully come with Your soft, sweet smile and bless me with samvit. Be merciful and show me the right way to advance.

Parama Purusa, I am moving with Your vitality, strength, and blessing. You are the owner of all energies. I have no strength - nothing of my own. You are the Cosmic Controller. I surrender unto You completely. O' Supreme Entity, O' the Granter of Liberation, I have full faith that I will receive Your blessings. My time passes in counting the days to receive Your resplendent grace. With mercy, kindle my lamp of hope. Parama Purusa Baba, You are my everything...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #1938

[1] Samvit: "Samvit means spiritual consciousness, spiritual awakening. A man engaged in bad things all of a sudden feels that “No, I shouldn’t do all these things. No, I should be a good man henceforward.” Such an idea all of a sudden comes in his mind. And this thing, this change of mental tendency, is brought about by samvit shakti of Vidyámáyá. Do you follow? This is what is called samvit shakti. “No, henceforward I must be a good man. No, henceforward I must be a spiritualist. I must not encourage any depraving idea.” Samvit shakti." (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Brahma Cakra

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Special elements of our DC chant

   Ananda Marga ideology says, “Just see the case of air, light, water, respirations and everything. The need for these things is the same for all individuals. There have been no differentiations. These differentiations that we see in society are creations of vested interests, creations of depraved persons, of degenerated, immoral people. So you should not support these actional defects of immoral persons. You should follow the divine vibrational system, that is, you must not try to find any differentiations among individuals. “Devábhágaḿ yathápúrve saḿjánáná upásate.” It is the wont of divine expressions that there be no differentiations, no class of exploiters and exploited. That is, this wont of not creating any differentiations was not only their duty, it was their upásaná, the desideratum of their existential march.”
   Ananda Marga ideology ways, “Samáni va ákuti”. When everything cometh from the same source, from the same Progenitor, and when finally everything goeth back to the same desideratum, there must be the same aspirations, the same longing, in the heart of each and every individual. But due to the depraving actions of immoral people, those exploited, those downtrodden people are forced to forget their goal. They are drifted away from the desideratum of their life. This should not be done. Everybody should get the chance to develop their natural longings for Him.” (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, Saḿgacchadhvaḿ

== Section 4: Links ==

Upcoming festival: Dadhiici Divas 05 March

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This email contains four sections:
1. PS #1938: Remove those anxieties
2. Posting: Human sorrows & solution
3. IT: Special elements of DC chant
4. Links