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Saturday, January 26, 2019

Why more crime + 3 more


Why more crime


Tragically, peeping is not going on just in one or two places, but everywhere. Because more and more of the world is turning toward this legalised over-accumulation - capitalism. This is the approach sanctioned by nearly all the governments of the world. And in this modern technological era, the government has direct influence over the lives of the people. No longer is the government some far distant mechanism that hardly touches one's daily life. In the days of old it was like that. But now, the split second a government adopts any policy then the common people feel that in their lives: Like increased security and spying techniques.

In the name of security infringing on our rights

In the US especially, this has come to the fore. Tighter security measures are being enacted; it is part of the ongoing protocol. By walking through the airports, or when getting a driver's license, or when taking children to school, security is at an all-time high. Cameras are everywhere.

Because where capitalism is more extreme, then such "security" measures must be taken to protect the wealth of those top exploiters. Naturally though, government has their own justification. They claim they are watching over the "security" or well-being of the common people. Yet in reality those security measures - like increased police, secretly checking people's mail, and DNA testing - are aimed toward controlling and suppressing the people so that top capitalist corporations and / or government agencies can protect and maintain their exorbitant wealth and exercise greater control of the people.

Prout philosophy states, "The vaeshyas use most of their capital and privileged status to deprive others of the wealth they earn through their hard labour." (1)

Capitalism has no limit

The overall idea being that capitalism knows no end of its exploitation. To safeguard their interests, capitalists trap everyone. They instill security in each and every corner of society.

Only in such a mature state - when the people truly understand that they are being exploited and realise that capitalism itself is disease - will we witness the end of this capitalism.

So long as the exploited masses harbour the idea of one day becoming a billionaire, capitalism will survive. And the ultra-wealthy will hire legions of security guards and forces to protect their claims.

Prout is the solution

Only Prout presents the way how to manage and distribute the limited material wealth in a just and proper manner. The diseased outlook of a capitalistic mind-set must be transformed toward the psychic and spiritual reaals. This will prevent the vast, over-accumulation of material wealth, and protect human liberties.

Prout philosophy states, "Human expressions are trifarious. Human beings have unquenchable, infinite physical longings and out of these physical longings capitalism came into existence. Capitalists toil day and night for money. This may be a natural desire but physical objectivity is finite, hence the infinite desire to accumulate finite physical objects is a psychic ailment...We have to divert physical longings to psychic and spiritual longings to avoid a fratricidal war, and thereby safeguard human rights." (2)

Through mass education, circumstantial pressure, and a concerted effort, we can create a bright new society where all have the capacity to breathe freely and grow and develop in all the spheres of life: physical, mental, and spiritual. No other "system" has such a solution.

Prout philosophy states, "This earth of ours is passing through a critical juncture. The solution is of immediate necessity. It brooks no delay. That is why our PROUT is to be propagated throughout this universe, especially on this planet of ours. You should chalk out programmes for its materialisation and implementation within a short period." (3)

Prout philosophy states, "There should be a proper solution to all these mundane problems. To solve these problems a socio-economic theory has been formulated in the form of PROUT, an acronym for Progressive Utilization Theory." (4)

The new dawn is rising

The dawn is going to knock on our door very soon.

"Ke jeno a'siya' kaye geche ka'n'e nu'tan prabha't a'sibe..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0018)

Meaning: The Lord is whispering in my ear - the new dawn is coming and all the darkness and negativity will go forever.

In Him,

Examples of the rise of security

As the most capitalistic nation on earth - the USA - laws were passed and orders given to give full and extensive powers of the government to investigate and peep into the private affairs of the common people: These were all done in the name of national security and public welfare. And the ultra-rich have hired security detail to protect their mansions from being ransacked by the people during times of turmoil - and on an everyday basis.

Baba's directive: tackle capitalism not capitalists

Here Shrii Sarkar expressly tells us to confront the ravenous ways of capitalism, simultaneously rectifying capitalists from their destructive outlook.

Prout philosophy states, "Capitalists are the unworthy sons and daughters of the Cosmic Father because they go against the principle of cosmic inheritance. They should be cured of their ailments. To fight capitalism is therefore within your goal." (5)

1. Human Society - 2, The Vipra Age
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout
3. A Few Problems Solved - 8, 'Rule of Rationality'
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 12, Some Different Forms of Government – Excerpt B
5. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Sign of great sadhaka

"Áloker path cháŕibo ná ámi, áloker path cháŕibo ná..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0337)


O’ Parama Purusa, by Your grace, I will not leave the path of sadhana, bhakti, or the path of refulgence. I will tread on the path which You have shown me. By Your mercy and guidance, I will mold myself according to Your desire and make my mind straight and simple. My thoughts, speech, and actions will be one, not three. I shall never bow down before human-shaped animals, to those sinful forces. By Your krpa, I will fight and destroy them.

Baba, the Supreme Entity, I shall move on the straight path, the road of satya, not the ways of duplicity or hypocrisy. I shall speak the plain satya - frankly, and deeply engage in Your thought, in Your sadhana. I will not extol myself in front of anyone, nor eulogize my own existence, nor propagate my own personality on any occasion. I will never promote myself or invite acclaim. My Lord, You have taught me to propagate the glories of the Supreme. I will sing the grandeur of Parama Purusa - not anyone else - andl refrain from praising myself.

Parama Purusa, I have come on this earth to do Your work. O’ my Lord, Your váńiis, Your teachings are the vital force of my life. They are my prana dharma and very important for me. I will meditate on my Guru and propagate His greatness. Baba, the Parama Purusa, whether sleeping, dreaming, or when awake and conscious, by Your sweet will I shall not recite, chant or sing anything but Your holy name...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Origin of world’s languages

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "When a swift horse runs its hooves make a turtur sound. That which makes a turtur sound as it moves is called turaga or turaunga or turaungama (that is, "horse"). That animal which makes a kurkur sound as it runs is called kuraga or kuraunga or kuraungama (that is, "deer"). In this way human beings have created many word forms and verb forms to express their mental ideas. This process of word formation is called "acoustic derivation" and the original verbal roots in all the world's languages were created in this way."

"The first word forms in all the world's languages were the original verbal roots. By adding prefixes and suffixes many different words were derived. Among the established languages of the world, mainly four can be considered as the root languages. They are Vedic, Latin, Hebrew and old Chinese. If one examines the derivation of the vocabulary of these languages one will find that their method or process is identical. (1)

Here Baba is explaining that these 4 languages (Vedic, Latin, Hebrew, and old Chinese) are root languages. The words and vocabulary of these languages are based on the natural sounds those inhabitants heard, such as when a horse runs. In that way those early people created root verbs.  Time passed; daughter and granddaughter languages were formed. And those languages were built upon the root verbs of those four original root languages.

For example, Sanskrit / Saḿskrta came from the Vedic language and from Sanskrit / Saḿskrta so many Indian languages were created: Hindi, Bengali, Gujurati, Malayalam and all the Indo-Aryan languages. They are all based on Sanskrit / Saḿskrta and follow the same root verb from the original Vedic. This is also happened with Latin, Hebrew, and Old Chinese. So many languages were formed upon the root verbs of these 3 other root languages, just as happened with Vedic.

1. Varn'a Vijina'na, Disc 19, p.270

== Section 4: Links ==

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This email contains four sections:
1. PS #0337: Sign of great sadhaka
2. Posting: Why more crime
3. IT: Origin of world’s languages
4. Links