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Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Baba’s way + 3 more


Baba’s way


Sadguru Baba introduced His various plans and program in a phase-wise approach. By this method, He practically demonstrated the wide array of projects that must be properly implemented. He posted and reposted Wts to best teach them about the various types of works that needed to be done. More about this is discussed below as well as how Baba mapped out an entire blueprint for serving humanity.

When workers were transferred to new posts and jobs, they developed greater experience and learned new languages, psychologies, and problem solving skills etc. All along Baba was creating new and newer programs in further succession. If those Dadas had been kept in those old programs then who would have been available to learn the new programs.

Two important points

Baba's phase-wise working style aimed to achieve two distinct goals. First, the already existing programs which He gave to serve society for thousands of years should continue running operated by Lfts and margiis. Second, those new programs, which were also for the humanity, had to be started by Wts.

How Baba unveiled AM social service programs

Imagine if Baba had not continued giving new plans, programs, and teachings. Then Ananda Marga guidelines for social service would not have been complete, and after '90, margiis would never have thought that such programs should be done. For example, in various religions, social service programs are not as vast and comprehensive as those in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. Our programs serve each and every arena of individual and collective life of the entire society.

If Baba kept one Wt as a teacher for decades and decades at one school then who would have learned the new programs He was putting forth. If the school could not be maintained by margiis and Lfts, then Baba would lovingly scold everyone for the closure of the school - but He would not stop His divine plan of presenting dynamic new programs. His aim was to give a blueprint for what to do and how to proceed.

When Baba got a report that a school did close, then He lovingly scolded everyone from top to bottom. He told Wts that it is the duty of Lfts to run the school and that Wts should ensure that the school was operating well. Whole-timers were to oversee those Lfts and get needed work done by margiis. That was the system. This was all part of Baba's blueprint for serving humanity.

Why the need for frequent transfers

One thing to understand is that those days Wts were getting transferred frequently because the number of Wts was not very high. We did not have a lot of workers and Baba wanted to unveil an increasing number of programs to Wts and margiis. So when margiis and Wts had learned that primary schools are an important service project, then Baba added that a school must have a children's home also. And if some unit had many children in their home then Baba might post a Wt for the home as well. That was the home superintendent post. And when the home started running properly and was respected, after some time the Wt got transferred and it was the duty of the Lfts and margiis to run that home. But when this did not happen, that children's home would also collapse. This happened year after year. Schools and childrens' homes closed and opened while new programs were always getting introduced. And certainly some of those schools and projects of old are still running to this very day. But the main thing is that Baba was presenting us with His blueprint for serving humanity.

Plus, more areas had to be covered around the globe and Wts were needed to go to other districts, regions, and countries where pracara was newly started. And Baba also created so many new organisations - such as Prout, PBI (Proutist Block of India), VSS, SDM, and countless more - and needed workers to staff those organisations.

By this way, sadhakas knew that Baba made all those organisations, whereas if He had not posted workers to those organisations, we would not know that such organisations existed or were needed. We would not know that we were to manage those organisations in the due course. So Baba did all this to make a crystal-clear blueprint for serving humanity.

Baba's grand blueprint

Essentially, all along Baba was creating a blueprint of future organisational activities. It is just like if you want to build a big mansion, then you may or may not have money, but you must have building plans and / or a blueprint.

>From the beginning, it was quite obvious that margiis and Lfts were needed to help with all new programs. So they were assigned to many projects but it was not always possible for them to properly attend to them all. On the top, Baba wanted to have personal communication with each and every margii and Wt; that is why He would call them in reporting sessions and give His divine blessing. By having His darshan everyone become stronger spiritually. So each month, time passed in this way, by His grace.

In other words, Baba had so many different programs to show us. That is why, ultimately in a short span, Baba would add a new project. Baba never stopped any project but told that it was the duty of Wts, Lfts and margiis to manage old as well new works. It was His grace - His liila.

Analogy of technical college

Think of it this way. Just as a technical institute has a workshop so their students learn can and practice what to do by making and breaking various projects, a similar method was going on in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha before 1990.

In the case of trainees in the technical college, they are under the tutelage of their teachers. By making and breaking, they gain the requisite skills and understanding for how to work on their own. And finally when their training is complete and they have earned their degree, they are ready to work professionally in a factory etc. Before that, they were just trainees - just making and breaking for learning purposes. So there is a distinct difference between their training time in the workshop and the professional work that occurs in the factory.


Before 1990 in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, the situation was akin to a workshop where huge training was going on. People were making and breaking schools and various other works. This was the time of their apprenticeship. By this way, they were being taught so they could carry out Guru's plans and programs in the future. The main thing was that Baba was giving a blueprint and creating a workshop environment to prepare everyone for their future works and assignments.

The phase before 1990 phase was for learning - i.e. making and breaking - and it was not meant to go on forever. But unfortunately many could not understand. Now, this is becoming more clear to everyone.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Service in Hinduism: Not in true sense

Everyone knows that in Shrii Shankaracarya's non-dualistic philosophy there is only Brahma - nothing else. There is no importance of the external world; the world is seen as an illusion. So there is no need of social service when the world itself is an illusion. That was his teaching. But nowadays, they have started doing social service in a very minimal way. And the trigger point was that Christians were converting Hindus to Christianity through their so-called social service - especially in severely impoverished areas where starvation was rampant in Hindu followers. This went on for decades and decades such that now millions in Kerala has been converted to Christianity. And there are numerous other pockets of Christianity in other poor states of India. Seeing this, those Hindus became terrified and in reaction started doing social service in order to put a halt to the conversions to Christianity. Still the tension is high - the aim is not social service but to block of the floodgates of conversion of Hindus to Christianity.

Service in Christianity: their hidden agenda

While, the Hindu religious scriptures do not sanction any social service programs, they might help others on an individual level. But there is not an organised approach to social service. The proof is that Hindu monks do not perform service. In contrast, Christians perform so-called service in an organised way with the main agenda of converting the masses.

So in Christianity also, the aim is not social service. They only do social service in those areas they feel are ripe for conversion - otherwise not. And when they “lock” people into Christianity they tax those persons by injecting fear. In the world, there are so many countries where 90% of the population is Christian yet there remain countless people living in dire poverty in the slums. That means you will not find those Christians performing that type of grand service which they do in areas where they have an agenda to convert from other religions - but you will find service everywhere but not on that grand scale.

Rather they will tax the people in their churches. Because those masses are securely held within the stronghold of Christianity. But in regions where other religions are dominant, then those same Christians are extremely busy in doing social service and converting those people. So Christianity is not motivated by the spirit of service. Their goal is the conversion from other religions.

Furthermore, Christianity lacks a logical spiritual philosophy and socio-economic plan. And Buddhists do not have any real approach for social service programs. But Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha has all that and so much more.

Buddha did not give a social code

Lord Buddha did not give any social scripture - rather, his nihilism philosophy neglected the world. Thus Buddhism is devoid of any social code. So those disciples of Buddhism just continued those same social trends that they were doing earlier in their Hindu heritage.

Comparative analysis: AM vs religions

Thus, Ananda Marga ideology is very different from any religion. There is no selfish reason behind doing social service - the one and only reason is that of serving God. Those served are looked upon as God in the form of suffering people and / or victims of disaster etc.

Those who are confused should know that the above is a philosophical discussion of the merits and demerits of various organisations and is not criticism of any religion per se.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Read any so-called religious book: one will seldom find anything resembling tolerance of the religious beliefs of others...If necessary, different views can be compared and presented in philosophical books. The philosophical and psychological loopholes in an argument may be pointed out without being disrespectful.” (1)

1. Human Society - 1, Moralism

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I will no longer cow down to any kinds of obstacles

“Áji, nútaneri álo eseche, kálo kuyáshá shuńye mishe geche…” (Prabhat Samgiita #1166)


Today, the Spiritual Refulgence of evernew has come. Due to Its arrival, the black fog, which was enveloping everything, just disappeared and vanished into thin air. By Your grace, a brand-new era of neo-humanism has come. Now there is boundless happiness in life, overflowing across the entire universe. This exquisite brilliance has ushered in a phase of tremendous speed.

>From this very moment on my spiritual journey, I will no longer cow down or be afraid of any kinds of obstacles. I will never stop this movement, be scared of anyone’s threats or ominous gestures, or surrender to those dark forces. By Your propulsion, I will courageously move forward. Today, new tidal waves of spirituality and cosmic unity have inundated this whole creation. Everything has been transformed. By Your grace, those suffocating days of old are bygone.

By Your krpa, today I understand that marching forward is the sign of vitality and life, whereas looking back into the past means inviting my death and demise. By Your mercy, I realise this supreme truth. There will be no more wallowing in my memories of defeats or miseries. Now, my eyes have been blessed with a spiritual awakening. By Your sweet will, I view the world in a whole new light. Someone has come, broken my slumber, and given me Your grand assurance that this life will be successful...

== Section  ==

परमात्मा को सुख में, दुःख में, दोनों अवस्था में बुलाओ |

“परमपुरुष हमारे हैं | हम परमपुरुष के हैं | परमपुरुष हमारे साथ हैं | हम किसी भी हालत में अकेले नहीं हैं | परमपुरुष हमारे सुख में भी हैं, दुःख में भी हैं | हम दुःख में उनका नाम लिए और सुख में नहीं लिए, सो नहीं कर सकते हैं | दुःख में भी नाम लेंगे, अवश्य लेंगे; सुख में भी लेंगे | दुःख में भी उनसे मदद माँगेंगे, सुख में भी माँगेंगे | हाँ | दुःख में भी बोलेंगे—”परमात्मा ! मैं दुःख में हूँ, तुम आ जाओ, दुःख को दूर कर दो |” सुख में भी बोलेंगे—”परमात्मा ! मैं सुख में हूँ, तुम आ जाओ, मेरे साथ बैठकर मिठाई खा लो |”
[मार्गी लोग—”बाबा, बाबा, बाबा !”]
क्या जी ? ऐसा करते हो, नहीं करते हो ? दुःख में बुलाते हो और सुख में बुलाते नहीं हो | न्योता नहीं देते हो |
सुख में दावत देते हो परमात्मा को ? नहीं देते हो | दुःख में दावत देते हो | हाँ | सुख में, दुःख में, दोनों अवस्था में बुलाओ |
तो, यही है “तत्वभावात्‌ |” तत् माने है—”that, वह |” अर्थात्‌ उनकी भावना | हमेशा उनकी भावना लो | हाथ-पैर से काम करो और मन में उनकी भावना लो | जो हम लोगों का गुरुमन्त्र, जिसे हम लोग कहते हैं |”

 [यह बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया, बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्द मार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं]  

1. विश्व का मूल कारण क्या है ? S16-08 (H)DMC 29 Jan 1984 Gorakhpur.

== Section 3: Links ==

More important letters

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This email contains three sections:
1. PS #1166: I will no longer cow down to any kinds of obstacles
2. Posting: Baba's way
3. Links