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Friday, November 9, 2018

Fear & distrust + 4 more

Fear & distrust


These days we see crime increasing in nearly every region. Side by side, there are more police and security personnel posted across the land. Both these factors - criminal activity and number of police - have increased exponentially, and still it is fast on the rise. Here we explore the precipitating factor behind this.

First of all, this world is limited. There is a finite amount of water, land, gold, food, oil, silver, wealth, dollars, and money etc. The material wealth of this world is restricted. Yet, now nearly every country and community is dominated by a materialistic outlook. So everyone is seeking to acquire an unlimited amount of wealth as they think that will bring them lasting peace and tranquility. In this pursuit, some accumulate a huge amount, far more than they could ever spend. They are the top vaeshyas or capitalists. And some have enough to physically survive but they feel they need more material wealth to be truly happy. And then there are some who suffer from a lack of physical necessities to even survive. This is the global landscape these days. There are 7.5 billion people on the planet and not enough resources for everyone to become a billionaire, or own thousands of acres and numerous mansions. There is not enough on this earth for all to accumulate billions. Those who do not get their basic needs feel frustrated and angry, while the destitute and impoverished tragically die from severe shortage.

Example of bananas

Let’s take a look at this on the micro level. Suppose there are ten bananas that are supplied in the kitchen every day and there are five people living in the house. Then everyone can have a healthy breakfast if they each get two. But dominated by a capitalistic and materialistic mindset, day after day, one person grabs 9 bananas while the other four people are forced to divide up the last banana. And that is the formula of capitalism that is taking place around the globe these days. And with the banana example, those four people will feel frustrated that they are not getting their fair share. And if this continues for days on end, their situation will get so dire that they will begin to fight back.

Nowadays, top capitalists have taken control of an inordinate amount of the resources and wealth, and the remaining 99% of the population is forced to struggle for their basic needs. That sets off a whole chain reaction where others are not getting the amount they need. Those wallowing in frustration or hunger will lash out. They may steal from the local store or they may break and enter into a rich man’s home. There are innumerable ways that people transgress the law in order to survive.

Revolution will be tomorrow if...

The flawed philosophy of capitalism preaches that a person can accumulate as much material wealth as they want with their cunning intellect. Prout philosophy condemns this approach. Because the logic itself is bogus. If the intellect is used to acquire psychic wealth then that is okay because the field of knowledge is unlimited. If Mr A earns a master’s degree in hundreds of subjects, Mr B will not suffer from a shortage of knowledge. But if one hoards thousands of acres of land then others will be landless because the amount of land is limited. So the philosophy of capitalism is bogus. Until people understand the idea expressed in this paragraph, economic misery will never end. The exploited mass has to come to understand that accumulators have no right to hoard vast wealth. All are progeny of Parama Purusa and everyone is due their fair share. Proutists have to teach this idea to everyone. If today we convey this point to all, tomorrow there will be revolution.

Why capitalism & crime are interconnected

There are two basic forces at work:
#1: The material wealth of this world is finite.
#2: The spread of a materialistic outlook which dictates that matter is the be-all and end-all.
By these two components, there is bound to be tension, unrest, and criminal activity in society. Those clinging for survival will make a last gasp to save themselves by resorting to thievery and robbery. By this way the peace of society will be disturbed. The best situation is when social leaders awaken the masses to start revolution. And those disappointed with their lot in life because they could not afford the fancy things that they so desire also take aim at illegal dealings to satisfy their psychic hunger. So when the wealth gets concentrated in the hands of a few, "crime" will dramatically spike to new highs. With the vaeshyan era fast climbing towards its apex position, greater security measures will be taken. There will be more police officers on the street and the increased use of surveillance cameras and alarm systems to keep the hungry mass at bay. That is the way of the world in capitalism; as materialism takes a greater hold of society, social unrest will escalate exponentially.

For proof of this just look back in your own life. Go back 10, 20, or 25 years. Was their more police back then or now. Consider the airports, shopping malls, schools, workplaces, and other common aspects of life. In comparison to the past most probably you have seen a great change. For instance, airports in the west used to be places of easy access where people could freely move throughout the entire airport. And same was the case with the Indian trains. The security in both these venues has changed dramatically: Armed guards, body scanners, surveillance equipment, and security personnel have become the norm.

God-centered philosophy is the answer

When the world has limited resources and rapacious materialism has become the lay of the land, the outcome is higher crime. That gives rise to a society of distrust, greed, and perpetual surveillance of the people. That is the hallmark of the vaeshyan era.

Only spirituality and a God-centered philosophy can provide that soothing balm to humanity where once again friendliness, trust, and amity emanates from the human mind and heart. Such a benevolent, humane, and healthy environment cannot grow in the fields of materialism. It is time to bring forth a new system to the people: Prout. The days of capitalism are numbered. To hasten this end, it is our duty to make the common public aware about the basic tenets of Prout, and way of life based on spirituality.

Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar says, “PROUT is the panacea for the integrated progress of human society. It aims to bring about equilibrium and equipoise in all aspects of socio-economic life through totally restructuring economics. Without PROUT, socio-economic emancipation will remain a utopian dream. Only PROUT can save the world.” (1)


This current situation is unhealthy and terrible for both rich exploiters and the hungry mass. More money is spent on jails, police, the courts, security, judiciary, and and gated communities. The rich live under the perpetual fear of looting, kidnapping, murder etc. The wealthy cannot even move in the street as they will be gunned down. Danger is all around. In various countries, the rich cannot travel by car. Rather they have to go by helicopter due to fear of attack. So when there is huge wealth disparity in the society, it is very detrimental for one and all, rich and poor. To solve this problem we have to propagate Prout. Prout is the panacea for all social ills.

Capitalism is spreading across the whole globe and that is why crime is on the rise. This spike in crime will only stop when capitalism is eradicated. Some may worry how 20 - 30 years ago there was trust in the general society and now it has vanished. And they think that if this degree of distrust continues to rise then it will be difficult to even exist. In that case, what will happen in 100 - 200 years from now. However, you know that human progress is not linear; it is cyclical. And capitalism is going to end. A new era will begin where people have love and affection for each other, even for those whom they do not know. The camaraderie that was limited to one's own group, clan, or social group will spread throughout the entire society. That will be the era of neo-humanism.

In Him,

How capitalism breeds crime

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Sudan, war has been ongoing for many years and the people have been displaced. There is a high demand for the precious stones of that area. So the mafia stepped in and took control of that area. Sadly those living there were attacked and killed. The surviving local citizens ran away to save their life. This is an example how native people are killed or forced out of their own homes. All because the greedy mafia took control of the area in order to lease it to western companies for big profits. This is an example of crime due to capitalism / materialism.

~ In-depth study ~

Looks like criminal but is not criminal

   Prout philosophy states, “Most crimes throughout the world are committed due to poverty, except in countries where the minimum necessities of life have been met. Of course the tendency to engage in antisocial activities because of poverty does not manifest equally in all places or among all people. The degree of such crimes varies according to the moral strength of an individual. But no matter how strongly developed the moral consciousness of a person, if poverty threatens his or her very existence, usually the person will try to attack the prevailing social structure. This being the case, I cannot in the name of human dharma reject the reasons such people give, if they give any reasons at all, in defence of their actions. They demand simply the right to live, and on this human right stands the well-being of society, the justification for its existence.” (2)

Bringing revolution is how to bring new social order

  Prout philosophy states, “Throughout history millions of people have died due to artificial famines created by other human beings. While walking along a road, weary, plodding legs have given way and a person has collapsed in a pitiful heap on the ground, yet he or she has refrained from stealing. Although a high standard of morality is one reason why the person did not make a last desperate bid for self-preservation, it is not the only reason. Starving people, particularly if they lose their vitality by slow degrees, do not have the moral courage to fight. Knowing the end is sure, they seek refuge in the arms of death. Basing their way of life on incorrect philosophical and religious teachings, they accept their miserable situation as destiny. Perhaps, at that time, if they were led by a spirited leader and inspired by his or her fiery lectures, or if they received guidance about the course of action to take, they would collectively attack the prevailing social structure. In such circumstances, their actions might perhaps be described as immoral, but they certainly would not contravene the dharma of human existence.”
  Prout philosophy states, “Sometimes honest people, who hate corruption from the depths of their being but fail to keep their mental balance due to the pressure of poverty, resort to crime just to maintain their existence. What will happen in such circumstances if the judge looks only at the crime, or is even slightly indifferent to the questions of cause and effect related to the crime? Such offenders – who may be more honest than most well-fed, well-dressed, so-called honest people – will be thrown into jail and branded as criminals merely because of deficiencies in the system of production and distribution of basic requirements. Due to the bad company there, and overcome with shame, hatred and humiliation due to their punishment, they will gradually turn into habitual criminals after being released from jail.” (3)

Way to cure psychic disease of capitalism

   Prout philosophy states, “How was capitalism created? Capital is consumable commodities in their potentiality. Intelligent people collect more capital than others in the form of consumable goods, but since this capital cannot be stored for a long time, they began to keep it in the form of money. Such people are called capitalists. These capitalists are the unworthy sons and daughters of the Cosmic Father because they go against the principle of cosmic inheritance. They should be cured of their ailments. To fight capitalism is therefore within your goal. The seed of infinite expression lies within Dharma, but you must nourish it. Capitalists create hindrances on the path of human beings to prevent them from becoming one with the cosmos – to prevent them from becoming great. So capitalism is anti-Dharma and the actions of capitalists are also anti-Dharma.”
   Prout philosophy states, “How can the conduct of the capitalists be rectified? In the realm of morality two forces act side by side. One is the internal urge and the other is external pressure. Each and every object in the universe has a vital force which longs for infinite expression. Átman or the witnessing entity supplies the necessary stamina to fight evil forces, but it requires great external pressure to neutralize the evil forces working against the internal urge. External pressure may come in the form of suggestions, advice, punishment and clash. Capitalists are immoral and are fighting a fratricidal war. Their internal urge is meagre and does not function properly. We have to apply external force to rectify their conduct. Nicely worded advice will not do the job.”
   Prout philosophy states, “Human expressions are trifarious. Human beings have unquenchable, infinite physical longings and out of these physical longings capitalism came into existence. Capitalists toil day and night for money. This may be a natural desire but physical objectivity is finite, hence the infinite desire to accumulate finite physical objects is a psychic ailment. Human beings also have unquenchable, infinite psychic longings, and out of these excessive psychic longings psychic ailments arise and people become abnormal. The object of psychic longings associated with physicalities is also finite, but the object of pure psychic longing is infinite. Your psychic body and physical objectivity are always separate and so the seed of dualism arises. But the attainment of spiritual objectivity means bridging the gulf between the self and the object, and in this attainment lies peace. The psychic ailments mentioned above also lead to clash with others and create many have-nots. We have to divert physical longings to psychic and spiritual longings to avoid a fratricidal war, and thereby safeguard human rights.” (4)

1. Proutist Economics, Economic Dynamics
2. Human Society - 1, Justice
3. Human Society - 1, Justice
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I have come to serve one and all

"Sabár tare ásá ámár, sabári bhár ámi nobo..." (Prabhat Samgiita #5000)


Parama Purusa has sent me here to serve everyone. I have been granted this life not for my own self indulgence - i.e. not for living like an animal in human form. I have come on this earth to help one and all, without differentiating between educated and uneducated, or so-called high and low. Everyone’s problem is my concern. I will take it as my duty to resolve their miseries and suffering and carry the burdens of those in pain. I will always be by their side to console and encourage them. By the grace of Parama Purusa, I will go on remaining very close and lend my support to all my brothers and sisters of our universal family.

Nobody is alien for me - all are my own. Everyone’s home is my abode. I will spread love, affection, and camaraderie amongst the entire humanity. Every person is mine. I will pour my heart for their welfare. Parama Purusa has sent me here to relieve others of their agony. I will not neglect even a single individual.

In the society, if anyone is plagued by any injustice, I will try to eradicate and rectify that wrong, alleviate their agony, and provide them with justice. I will wipe away everyone’s tears, remove their worries and anguish, and form one human society where peace and tranquility rule. By the mercy of Parama Purusa, I have come on this earth to watch for the well-being of one and all….

== Section 3: Comment ==

Re: False things by Pranavatmakananda



And would Baba ever spend 10 to 15 minutes dwelling on something a Margi did? Incredible. This story is the antithesis of a Baba story. What an ego. We all know very well samadhi cannot be attained without Baba's Grace, and He says so in countless passages in His books. Baba would NEVER suggest that nirvakalpa samadhi, the highest state, could EVER be attained without His blessing and His Grace. It is amazing anyone would tell such a story. Is this story in a book? Or is it just something distributed over the net? 

This story suggests that Baba was very impressed, to say the least, with this man's spiritual accomplishment. Baba was not like that. He would not have inflated this man's ego like that. He would not have spent 10 minutes in awe looking at the sky. 

If someone can reach the highest state without help of the guru, why does one need a guru? Completely false and misleading story.

in Him,

- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: False things by Pranavatmakananda

== Section 4: Important Teaching ==

Very important definition

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “What is dogma? Dogma is also an idea, but there is rigidity of the boundary line. Dogma will not allow you to go beyond the periphery of that boundary line. That is, dogma goes against the fundamental spirit of the human mind.” (1)

Note: Any idea which has a boundary around it is a dogma. In that case, one is not allowed to debate this idea in an open and free manner. Rather, any and all debates are contrived or forbidden. For instance, if one religious leader says that the first Sunday of every month one must touch the dog’s tail to get virtue for heaven, then that becomes the rule for that religion. And no one can question it. Here is another example. A few years ago a discussion was going on about MPD. In trying to defend the existence of mahaprayan, Dada K responded that this is beyond logic and reasoning. By this way, unknowingly he accepted that MPD is a dogma.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30, Beware of Dogma

== Section ==

সাধনায় যখন যেমন এগোৰে সেই মুরলী-ধ্বনি শুনতে পাৰে 

পরমপুরুষ যে অভিব্যক্ত হচ্ছেন ছন্দে, সেই ছন্দে রয়েছে রূপ, রাগ, বর্ণ, আৰার সেই ছন্দেই রয়েছে {মাধু} মাধুর্য় ভারা শাব্দিক স্পন্দন | এই শাব্দিক স্পন্দন বিভিন্ন ভাবে, বিভিন্ন সৃষ্টির মাধ্যমে, বিভিন্ন রকম অভিব্যক্তি ঘটাতে-ঘটাতে এগিয়ে চলেছে | এবং তার ফলে, তার ভেতর দিয়ে এই যে শব্দ, অনুরণিত হচ্ছে, তাকে ৰলা হয় কৃষ্ণের মুরলী-ধ্বনি, বংশী-ধ্বনি | এবং সামগ্রিক ভাবে, তা ওঁকারের নামান্তর মাত্র | এবং বিভিন্ন স্তরে, সে বিভিন্ন ভাবে মানুষের কানে সাধকের কানে, সাধকের কানে ধরা দেয় | ঠিক, এটা তোমরা সাধনায় যখন যেমন এগোৰে সেই ধ্বনিটাও শুনতে পাৰে | এই সকরর্ণেই শুনৰে | (1)

১ মার্চ ১৯৮০ Vasantotsava

== Section ==

बाबा की कृपा से आज सब अंधकार और जड़ता चली गयी है और एक नया उज्जवल युग प्रारंभ हुआ है।

प्रभात संगीत 4647: तमसा काटिछे विहग डाकिछे, पूर्व तोरणे...


उनकी कृपा से आज पूर्व में सूर्य  निकला और अंधकार दूर हो गया, पक्षियों ने चहचहाना प्रारंभ कर दिया। ऊषा की लालिमा लिये हर वस्तु आकर्षक  और मधुर लग रही है। नये युग का द्वार खुल गया है।

 ए मेरे भाई बहिनो! तैयार हो जाओ नींद और तंद्रा में मत रहो, ए बच्चो जागो उठो! ए संसार के लड़के लड़कियो! जड़ता और स्थिरता का जेल तोड़कर बाहर आ जाओ। अब यह हमारी ड्युटी है कि हम पूर्वकाल के ऋषियों द्वारा प्रारंभ किये गये महान कार्यों को पूरा करें।

 हमे सतर्क रहकर नव्यमानवतावाद का दीपक सदैव प्रकाशित करते रहना है। बाबा की कृपा से आज सब अंधकार और जड़ता चली गयी है और एक नया उज्जवल युग प्रारंभ हुआ है।

- Trans: Dr. T.R.S.

Note: If you would like the audio file of the above Prabhat Samgiita kindly write us.

== Section 5: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest
More important letters

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This email contains five sections:
1. PS #5000: I have come to serve one and all
2. Posting: Fear & distrust
3. Comment: Re: False things by Pranavatmakananda 
4. IT: Very important definition
5. Links