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Saturday, August 18, 2018

Coeducation: root of the problems + 5 more


Coeducation: root of the problems

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


All know that Baba is very strict  about gender separation within our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, and that includes our Ananda Marga schools as well. For instance, Dadas and male assistants / staff oversee our schools for boys; and, Didis and female staff run our schools for girls. That is the practical vision of our Ananda Marga education system, and Sadguru Baba carefully ensured in reportings that this was maintained. Because that is what is best for the children as well as for our Wts, teachers, and staff running the school. Even those young boys walking to school had to be supervised by male guardians. So our Ananda Marga education system is single sex education. That includes the students, teachers, staff, assistants, and everyone. Note: Only our primary schools are co-ed, so long as the students have yet to enter into puberty and are less than 12 years of age.

Baba's guideline ignored by mock Wts

Many may recall that in reportings there was a performa that had to be completed about the management of our Ananda Marga schools. And one of the points on the performa was, "Are there any members of the opposite sex working in your school?" And every Wt understood that they had to reply "No" to that question.

Before 1990 there were no coed schools anywhere in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS). Throughout our Ananda Marga educational institutions, there were high schools exclusively for boys and ones exclusively for girls. So all our learning institutions in Ananda Marga are single-sex. Only those schools for small kids are co-ed such as kindergarten etc. This manner of separation is not unique to our Ananda Marga. All the major orthodox religions follow this basic tenet. Their schools are all single sex.

Unfortunately, nowadays in our Ananda Marga schools, Guru's system is not being followed. In numerous instances, co-education is going on up to the 8th class. Yet, theses days more and more youths are entering adolescence early. So by 8th class, many of the students have already entered puberty. We have to reexamine our current method. We have to follow Baba's strict guideline and stop co-education before children enter puberty. Tragically, now in some so-called developed countries, some girls are entering puberty as early as 7 or 8 years old. Those youths can no longer attend co-ed schools according to our Ananda Marga system.

Their approach is admirable

The religions have all kinds of illogical and dogmatic rules, but on the point of single-sex education their approach is admirable. And Baba says if anyone is doing something good we should appreciate them on that particular point. In contrast, our own schools are falling away from that gold standard. We are compromising on our ideals while those in the dogmatic religions are shining brightly on this point. It is a real tragedy that we cannot reflect our our Ananda Marga teachings. By this same type of  compromising, people start eating meat, skipping asanas, and invite so many problems. So this negative trend of falling into compromise on the point of co-education is not to be tolerated or encouraged.

Everything is separate in Ananda Marga

We have to remember that Baba has arranged life in Ananda Marga where we we maintain our sanctity by adhering to certain codes of conduct, not by compromising with our values. In the realm of male-female relations, our proper standard is separation, not free and sensuous mixing of the sexes. Baba has mandated that everything in Ananda Marga should be separate: For example WWD, our relief activities (AMURTL), reportings, social service projects, LFT trainings, etc. There are all separate along gender lines. Here is a more complete list:
1. Jagrtis are not shared between males and females for staying over or for office work.
2. Co-education is not practiced with students above 8 or 10 years of age, i.e. or above the age of puberty.
3. During dharmacakra, seminar, and classes, sadhana is done in distinctly different rows.
4. The organisation itself has an entire separate wing for females, WWD or Women’s Welfare Department.
5. Prout, AMURT, VSS etc also have separate sections for males and females.
6. Reporting is done separately.
7. LFT, Tattvika, and Acarya training is separate for males and females.
8. In-Charges are not mixed. Males are in-charges of males and females of females.
Note: Only in Central Office will the head of WWD be controlled by the General Secretary.
9. During DMS, kaoshikii was also performed separately. And still this practice is maintained for DMS.
10. Females do guard duty for females, and males for males; it is not mixed.
11. Akhanda kiirtana is done in a separate manner.
12. Madhur Sadhana is done according to gender, not with the opposite sex.
13. In any gathering, females & males do not participate together for games and sports.
14. All public processions are organised keeping males and females separate
15. And there are so many systems in place that ensure strict separation of the sexes.
When our entire Ananda Marga way of life is separated along gender lines, it is obvious that our Ananda Marga schools must reflect this same standard.

Conclusion: Protects from downfall

At present the mass of society is drowned in sensual infatuation and degradation etc. Baba's key Procedural Order mandating single-sex schools protects us from such a downfall. So we should be keen to follow His guideline.

Ananda Marga procedural order says, "As per rules, co-education is allowed in our Schools up to Standard V. but boys who are learning in Std. V or below but have crossed twelve years of age will not be permitted to study in any of our lady managed Schools. Similarly girls who are learning in Std. V or below but have crossed 12 years of age, shall not be allowed to study in our Schools (for boys)." (1)

Vidya Rashmi
Victoria Anselm

Guru's direction: During breakfast, Baba would regularly read Ananda Marga newspapers / bulletins. If an AM newspaper was not available He would not take food till He received one. At DMC gatherings, Baba used to tell everyone that they should first read AM newspapers and support its cause.

~ In-depth study ~

Here following is Baba's own Procedural Order which states that our Ananda Marga  schools must not be co-ed once children have reached the age of puberty.

Here below is further proof that our AM system of education is gender-separated.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "From today itself, a Homeo-College, Electro-Homeo College and Ayurvedic College have been opened in Anandanagar. From tomorrow, a medical school is being opened for the training in different “pathies” A separate institution for girls is being opened at Uma Nivas. Certificate courses in NATAC (Naturopathy, Acupuncture and Chandsi) are also going to be offered soon. I hear that from 3rd October, 1990, a music college and fine arts college will be opened. A Textile Institute is also to be started soon in order to provide the textile-training for improving the self-reliance of the people. A branch of the same can also be opened for ladies." (2)

Keeping good company essential

Here Baba guides us how good company is such an important component of one’s overall progress. With regards to our Ananda Marga education system, good company refers to single-sex schools where the overall in-charge is keen to impart the true ideals Ananda Marga spirituality and neo-humanism etc.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Even a golden vessel needs polishing occasionally. Unmaintained it gathers dust and dirt and loses its lustre. Similarly, even a good person or a sádhaka needs proper maintenance, for in a world of constant change, care must be taken that the change be always towards the better or the higher. Keeping good company is essential for this positive development. While bad company strengthens the bondage of the soul, good company is conducive to liberation and salvation. The keeping of good company is conducive to liberation and is known as satsauṋga in Sanskrit. When satsauṋga is followed, either physically or mentally or both, the subconscious mind, and thus the conscious mind, are charged with better and higher influences. This change will move the follower forward towards higher and better goals. The alternative is asatsauṋga, the keeping of bad company, which leads one into greater and greater bondage.” (3)

Why some participate & disobey Baba

Here are some final thoughts on this topic:
  • Sadguru Baba’s rule is not to involve in pseudo-culture but some do this due to their own weakness.
  • In Ananda Marga way of life, meat-eating is not allowed but some margiis eat meat due to their weakness.
  • Money-earning should be done in an honest manner, but some take bribes and earn money by selling illicit drugs etc
  • Unfortunately, some Wt administrators of AMPS institutions choose co-education due to their sexual weakness.
1. Procedural Order: PLO no. 1A/4.2.1969
2. Disc NH Education, Gurukul: History and Planning
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 33, Satsaunga

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Everyone is my kith and kin

"Ma'nav sama'j avibha'jy jayga'n..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0880)


Human society is one and indivisible - collectively we have to express this glorious ideal through song, dance, and music. We cannot allow our fellow human beings to become divided. We have to propagate the idea that all humans are one. O' my brothers and sisters, let us march ahead and form a united human society without delay and tread onwards crushing all sorts of thorns that hinder our plan and program of forming one vast universal family. Those obstacles are like spikes and must be destroyed. A singular human society should be established. We have to sing His glory.

All people are my brothers and sisters - my own close and very intimate ones. No one is far or distant. Everyone is my kith and kin, nearest and dearest. If all human beings are moving collectively in one flow then Parama Purusa always remains with them. And He is ever-gracious. When human beings are fragmented they go far from Parama Purusa. If everyone is moving together towards Him in unison then this dusty earth will be turned into one golden paradise.

In the past we got swept away in the dogma of groupism - giving way to disparities and differences. We kept other human beings, our brothers and sisters, distant and separate - thinking that they belonged to another faction. This was our ignorance. We fell into the dogma of narrow-mindedness and degenerated into a dungeon of fissiparous tendencies - drifting far from Baba's divine teachings of neo-humanism.

Today, by His grace, I have overcome my ignorance and illusion. Now I am working tirelessly for everybody's attainment of perfect peace. We have to raise the slogan of one human society; our collective humanity is singular and indivisible. We are to sing the glory of Parama Purusa as our Cosmic Father...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Dharmic method for becoming immensely powerful

These blow tantric teachings guide us how by doing sadhana properly and adhering to the tenants of 16 Points, then by His grace one's mental strength will increase immensely.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "What is the best way to strengthen the mind? The best and proper way is to strictly observe the 16 Points. The more rigidly you follow the 16 Points, the more your mental strength will increase. It will increase so much that it will be more powerful than the collective mental strength of 100,000 people. In a psychic clash they will have to concede victory to you...So you must endeavour to develop your psychic strength - this is your bounden duty. The more rigidly you follow the 16 Points, the more psychic strength you will acquire. It will not take you long." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "If you follow Sixteen Points, your longevity will be greater." (2)

Ananda Marga ideology furthermore states, "Be firm on sixteen points. Unite all the righteous forces. All the tall talks of the evil forces will be silenced." (3)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, An Exemplary Life
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 5, Devotion and the Realm of Intellectuality
3. Ananda Vanii #44

== Section: Letter ==

Why practice 16 Points, sing Prabhat Samgiita, and do paincajanya

We were eager to follow 16 points and sing Prabhat Samgiita. Now it is more important than ever that we do these things.

By doing these practices, we get contact with Baba. Therefore it is more important than ever that we follow 16 points, sing Prabhat Samgiita and also do painca janya. So point one motivation, do this to be with Baba.

The second reason to do this is that Baba's teachings live through our efforts. Part of 16 points is pracar. Where is it said? In the Supreme Command. "It is the bounden duty of every Ananda Margii to bring all to the path of bliss. Verily is this a part and parcel of Sadhana to lead others along the path of righteousness" Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji, jai! Supreme Command is point 13 of the 16 points.

The more you do the practices, the closer you will be to Baba. It is that simple. We can argue over many points. Here there is no question. This is not dogma. It is a verifiable fact. Put your whole heart into following AM practices day after day and see if you don't feel more love and closeness towards Baba. Bring others onto the path. Sing His songs. Do tandava, kaoshiki and kirtan throughout the day. Do japa. With every breath, be with Baba.

The more you follow the practices with the greatest of sincerity, the more you will become a magnet for others to want to follow you and do the same. Make whatever sacrifices you must make to do this.     The reward is Baba. I cannot think of any better reward than that.

Through our sincerity, we will push through any difficulties AMPS faces. Baba is with us. We will become more and more devoted. What is more precious than life? I can only think of one thing: Baba. So we devote our lives to Baba, whatever our circumstances.

More bhaktas. More bhaktas. More bhaktas...They are there just waiting to connect with Baba. The closer we are to Baba, the more of a magnet we will be for these seekers, and the more help we will be to them. So, powder down the ego and open up to Baba.

Sing His songs. His songs are so sweet. They are so beautiful. I would like to create a way to learn Bengali through just singing the songs.

One can say one is devoted. Actions speak louder than words.

Baba told us to do a lot of things and to not do a lot of things. It would be nice if we were always His obedient children. To make sure we do what He wants and not do what He doesn't want, remember three things:


1. By following 16 points, doing pracar, singing His songs, doing panca janya, following the 15 shiilas and the social norms, everything that Baba told, we get to be closer and closer to Him.This pleases Baba that we love Him so. It feels good to be closer and closer to Baba But the main reason to be closer and closer is that, by doing so, we make Baba happy. We want to make Baba happy. That's what Ananda Margiis want to do. That's what makes us Ananda Margiis.

2. By taking these actions, we continue Baba's work. We make the world a brighter place by being closer and closer to our Baba.

3. Baba told us to do these things. The only way to know we are on the right track is to keep increasing our bhakti through action. Do what you know to do. Make your life a continuous Baba Nam Kevalam.

Baba’s Grace,


== Section: Important Teaching ==

How patriotism is also a psychic ailment

Prout philosophy states, “It has become fashionable today to cry out for nationalism. In fact, nationalism is also a psychic ailment. The supreme broadness lies with the Supreme Self. The broadness of an individual depends on his or her angle of vision – as the angle of vision becomes smaller and smaller, he or she gets more and more mean-minded. Those who think that casteism is worse than nationalism are incorrect. The total population of Brahmins in India is approximately 20 million people and the Malayan population is near 4.5 million. The angle of vision of a Brahmin is bigger than a Malayan nationalist. Persia has a population of 15 million people and Australia has a total population of 7.5 million. The continentalism of Australia is worse than the nationalism of Persia. An Indian nationalist is more mean-minded than a Chinese nationalist. Thus it is universalism and universalism alone that deserves support. In fact universalism is no ism, for it is all-pervading and does not favour any group or party interest. The mental projection of a universalist does not know any narrowness. Universalism is the only panacea for all mundane and supramundane ailments. Therefore, a Proutist is necessarily a universalist.”

Note: Everyone knows that nationalism and patriotism are the same thing.

1. Talks on Prout

== Section: Hindi Quote ==

 दो होने से नियम में सङ्घर्ष हो जाएगा

तो, ये रुद्र दो भी नहीं हो सकते हैं | क्यों ? न, विश्वब्रह्माण्ड में सब कुछ एक system के अनुसार, एक नियम के अनुसार चलता है | दो होने से नियम में सङ्घर्ष हो जाएगा | तो, नियम में सङ्घर्ष होने से कुछ भी रहेगा नहीं, विश्वब्रह्माण्ड का | किन्तु दुनिया में हम देखते हैं, सब कुछ नियम के अनुसार चलनेवाला है | इसी से प्रमाणित होता है कि ये एक हैं; दो नहीं हैं | (1)

1. अप्रकाशित, हिन्दी, MGD, September 4, 1978 Patna

== Section 4: Links ==

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This email contains four sections:
1. PS #0880: Everyone is my kith and kin
2. Posting: Coeducation: root of the problems
3. IT: Dharmic method for becoming immensely powerful
4. Links