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Sunday, August 12, 2018

Dark & dangerous act + 5 more


Margii genital mutilation: due to distortion


In the original Caryacarya Baba forbids circumcision and gives the directive that the foreskin should be kept in tact for one’s entire life.

CC publishers devious agenda to please certain religions

Some vested interests Tiljala Publications (TP) secretly, silently, and stealthily changed the English edition of Caryacarya part 2 - unbeknownst to readers. This was serious betrayal by TP. This sin of circumcision was committed by TP to please followers of certain outdated religions.

In result, many harmful things happened including:
(a) thousands of infant margii boys were mutilated and still this is going on, and
(b) margiis around the globe got the wrong message about circumcision.
Acyutananda did this distortion with the approval of his boss, and that sin cannot be undone. So these TP are mahapatakiis because they cannot give it back to those victims. Now circumcised children are demanding Acyutananda to give back the foreskin. And Ananda Margiis are challenging Tiljala Publications (TP)  about the distortion and Acyutananda and those in TP do not have any reply. It is so sad and shameful also.

Dark & dangerous act: circumcision

Sadguru Baba warned us about the dangers of circumcision more than a half-century ago, i.e. 50+ years. If we do not educate others and spread His teachings then this dark and dangerous procedure of circumcision will be perpetuated. It will continue and more and more innocent babes will be tragically mutilated.

Here we are not just talking about the general society; this is going against Baba as thousands of circumcision are being done inside our AMPS on a regular, ongoing basis. We have to spread this news that circumcision is inhumane, barbaric, and dogmatic.

The below image shows how the barbaric circumcision of the new-born has destroyed the reproductive organ. See the photo of the child’s pubic area and groin. Due to circumcision, the infant has lost its organ and only a stump remains. And the scrotum has become grossly inflamed due to infection. Now the child will be maimed for life; it is so disgraceful. Up till now, as Ananda Margiis we could not propagate how circumcision is just an outdated, inhumane, torturous dogma. That is why billions are still suffering. Now see the below photo.

~ Barbaric practice of circumcision ~

Due to circumcision, the infant has lost its organ and only a stump remains. The above image is a graphic portrayal of how the barbaric practice of circumcision mutilated the child for life.  As Ananda  Margiis we could not propagate how circumcision is just an outdated, inhumane, torturous dogma. The above image shows how the barbaric circumcision of the new-born has destroyed the reproductive organ.

While there are innumerable reasons why barbaric circumcision does not belong in our Ananda Marga way of life, perhaps the clearest wording has been given by Sadguru Baba in the the original Caryacarya. And this is one of the most important books in Ananda Marga - as this text provides tenets central to guiding all of humanity.

Sadguru Baba warned us about the dangers of circumcision more than a half-century ago, i.e. 50+ years. If we do not educate others and spread His teachings then this dark and dangerous procedure of circumcision will be perpetuated. It will continue and more and more innocent babes will be tragically mutilated.

Circumcision not approved in AM

Here below is the central idea of Guru’s teaching from Carycarya. As you will read, Baba is wholly against circumcision and categorically condemns it.

Here is the central idea of Guru’s teaching from Carycarya. As you will read, Baba is wholly against circumcision and categorically condemns it.

Tiljala distorted English Caryacarya

Circumcision is a dangerous dogma from those outdated religions. Baba condemns the ritual of circumcision . Yet the Tiljala publishers distorted the English edition of Caryacarya part 2 and inserted the dogma of circumcision to please followers of certain outdated religions. According to Baba there is no place for circumcision in our Ananda Marga teachings. Ananda Margiis must keep the foreskin.

This sin of circumcision was committed by Tiljala Publications to please followers of certain outdated religions.

What to do

Ananda Marga forbids and condemns the practice of circumcision.

Baba’s guideline is that from birth to pre-adolescence and the entire life the foreskin should be protected and remain as is. During the time of puberty, the body goes through many changes, the glands develop. and then at the time of puberty the foreskin becomes loose and naturally it can be pulled back.


Sadguru Baba wholly rejects the dogmatic and harmful practice of circumcision. Accordingly males in AMPS should not be circumcised - and we should educate all sectors of society about this dangerous practice. Baba guides us that circumcision is a harmful bad tradition of the Semitic religions, i.e. Islam, Christianity, and Judaism.

Here is the approach that we should take as Ananda Margiis:

(a) Baba says that up until the age of puberty and through the whole the foreskin should be kept.
(b) Baba guides us that after the age of puberty, one should pull back the foreskin.
This is the natural, hygienic, and proper approach in our Ananda Marga way of life.

This sin of circumcision was committed by Tiljala Publications to please followers of certain outdated religions.

in Him,
(D. Foster)


About: For the last 20 years, this News Bulletin network has been only for committed margiis and Wts who want to explore the organisational problems to find out the solution. If by mistake someone else has been added to this forum, kindly let us know.

Dangers of barbaric circumcision

And now the medical profession has also warned about the inherent dangers and health hazards of circumcision. There is a growing movement of doctors who oppose circumcision as they feel it severely compromises the health of the baby.

A short video (link below) by one medical doctor discusses the medical ramifications of circumcision. These points include:
- high complication rate
- loss of tissue
- painful memory in neo-natal period
- excessive bleeding
- infection
- problems with urinary opening
- nerve cells destroyed

Specifically in the video, Mark D. Reiss, M.D., Executive Vice-President of Doctors Opposing Circumcision discusses the effects of circumcision upon the developing brain and the risks and complications of infant circumcision.

Doctors Opposing Circumcision (DOC) has written a Genital Integrity Policy to support its position that genital integrity provides the highest state of health and well-being. DOC's staff has had many letters published in medical journals. DOC has voiced strong opposition to the pro-circumcision Circumcision Policy Statement published by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

DOC receives complaints from parents of medical misbehavior regarding the foreskin and circumcision, and assists parents in filing complaints with medical licensing boards.

DOC collaborates with other human rights, children's rights, and genital integrity organizations, such as NOCIRC and Intact America, in the furtherance of their common goals. (Courtesy of Wikipedia)
Unfortunately, the Tiljala Publications Dept distorted the translation of point #2 of Sixteen Points in the English edition of Caryacarya part 2 whereby they have accepted circumcision. This has cause a lot of confusion and led many astray, causing some to unknowingly go against Sadguru Baba’s teachings.

Video: dangers of circumcision

This education video succinctly outlines the medically dangerous aspects of circumcision. This is not a graphic video but rather an informative talk where Dr. Reiss addresses this important topic.

Watch the video about the medical dangers of circumcision

~ In-depth study ~

How dogma of circumcision became a tradition

And here below Baba further classifies circumcision as a dogmatic ritual that has no place in our Ananda Marga this as a dogma:

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Certain practices were not originally religious rituals, but traditions or customs. Long ago the Jews started practising circumcision. When Moses converted some of his contemporaries to Judaism, and later when Mohammed converted some local people to Islam, neither prophet dared to instruct their new followers to discard the old customs they followed, consequently the old customs continued after their conversion." (1)

So circumcision is nothing but a holdover custom from thousands of years; it not based on science or rationality. And it was adopted by the Semitic religions. Thus this harmful tradition has just been blindly passed on from one community to the next.

And here below Baba guides us how this irrational and harmful procedure of circumcision was blindly accepted by the people until today it just became an accepte dogma, embraced by people all over. Now is the time to educate the public and put an end to this barbaric practice of circumcision.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Human beings readily accept traditions without seeking the reasons behind them. Since ancient days the semitic people have been observing the practice of circumcision. Moses and Mohammed accepted this system which today has become tradition.” (2)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, How to Unite Human Society
2. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2

Guru's direction: During breakfast, Baba would regularly read Ananda Marga newspapers / bulletins. If an AM newspaper was not available He would not take food till He received one. At DMC gatherings, Baba used to tell everyone that they should first read AM newspapers and support its cause.

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Your causeless mercy

"Shrit́i dhárá dháy tomári karuńáy, liilá racanáy tumi advitiiya..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3600)


O' Parama Purusa, this flow of creation is moving ahead by Your endless karuńá. Because of You, everything is formed, nourished, and withdrawn back to its origin. This entire cycle of brahmacakra is nothing but Your causeless grace on everyone. In the generation of Your cosmic liila, You Yourself are unparalleled; You have no comparison. You are Alaks'yaca'rii, Cittaviharii, Sarvadukhaha’rii, O' my adored One.

O’ Supreme Entity, there are many similarities between us - between You and I - even though I am 'unit' and You are 'Cosmic'. In Your vibration with the most charming aroma of candan permeating all around, and with Your beautiful Presence, my atoms and molecule, my entire being has started dancing in bliss.

Baba, You are so gracious, we are so close; there is no difference between You and I. My existence is depending solely on You. Because You are, that is why I am. O' Infinite Entity, if You would not have been, then I would have floated away somewhere into the vast oblivion.

Baba, You are the nucleus of this vast cosmological order. Because of You, everything is existing and flowing around You in bliss. You have no equal...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #3600:

[1] Alaks'yaca'rii: This is one of the names of Parama Purusa and refers to His attribution as the Entity who always moves invisibly - secretly - around the entire universe. The following explains why He moves around secretly:

Ananda Marga ideology says, "He [Parama Purusa] can never be fully discovered; He has concealed most of Himself. If He were to express Himself fully, He would face many difficulties in carrying out His work and thus the collective interest of humanity would suffer. In the interest of human society, He will have to keep Himself secret." (1)

[2] Cittaviha’rii: This denotes one of the beautiful attributes of Parama Purusa whereby He lives in each and every unit mind, ensconced in His eternal bliss. In this divine & playful stance of His, Parama Purusa is called: Cittabiharii.

[3] Sarvduhkhaha’rii: This name of Parama Purusa represents His great compassion wherein He takes away & removes all the sufferings and pains from each and every being of this entire creation. In that role, His presence serves as a balm of bliss. That is why Parama Purusa is often called: Sarvadukhaharii, (Sarva= all; dukha= sorrow; Harii= He who takes).

[4] Candan: sandalwood.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, p. 30

== Section 3: Prabhat Samgiita ==

To fulfil Your desire

“Esechi tomár icchámato calite, ámár jiivan pań ámár báncá marań, tomár áloy udbhásite…” (Prabhat Samgiita #2020)


O' Parama Purusa, I have come here on this earth to move according to Your desire. Please grace me so I may illumine my small to big endeavours, my happiness and sadness, my trivial to important actions, my everything from beginning to end of the life, with Your refulgence. My only desire is to move according to Your tenants, wishes, and guidelines. I have born in this world to dance according to Your rhythm.

Baba, from the dawn to dusk, from birth to death of my life, O' Lord, there is neither enough nor sufficient time to complete Your task. Have karuna on me so that, the work You have entrusted to me, I can fulfil and complete all the duties and responsibilities during my lifetime. I am here in this world to obey Your command.

O' Parama Purusa, I do not want any wealth, ma'n, and I do not want pratiśt́há. Please bestow iiśt́a niśt́á on me, so that by fulfilling Your desire I feel blessed. I can only complete and manifest all Your work with the strength of Your blessings. My sole duty in this world is to satisfy Your wishes and dance according to Your direction. Baba, please keep me at Your lotus feet…

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #2020

[1] Ma'n: This means ego and is one of the eight fetters. Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The aśt́a pásha [eight fetters]: ghrńá [hatred], shauṋká [doubt], bhaya [fear], lajjá [shyness], jugupśa [dissemblance], kula [vanity of lineage], shiila [cultural superiority complex] and mána [egotism]. These eight fetters are created by the static state of mind." (1)

[2] Pratiśt́há: Ananda Marga ideology says,"Pratiśt́há – the desire to make oneself known. A person influenced by [the desire for] pratiśt́há expects respect from everyone, and hankers after name and fame. This mental state can be easily compared with the mental condition of a beggar. The beggar asks money from others, while the person craving for prestige begs others to give him or her respect. [The person desires something that] is really meaningless and possesses no value, something that has been fitly compared to the excrement of a pig." (2)

[3] Ista-nista: Ananda Marga ideology says, "When people are established in devotion, they attain a state called “iśt́a niśt́a” – devotion for one’s goal. In that stage there is but one dominant thought: “Whatever I do, be it social, political or socio-economic service, the motivating thought in my mind will be to please Parama Puruśa”." (3)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 4, Ism and Human Progress
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Safeguards against the Defects of Jiṋána and Karma
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, Please Parama Puruśa through Your Service

== Section 4: Important Teaching ==

How yoga posture prevent back issues

The following is an English summary of Baba’s original teaching given in Bangla in Shabda Cayanika part 8:
When calcium builds up and gets deposited in the back it becomes hard. That is why when people are very young then their backbone is quite flexible but due to an accumulation of calcium over just a few years then by the time they are teen-agers already their spinal column has become stiff and rigid.

Doing noakasana, utkata paschimottanasana, and shalabasana etc eliminates the possibility of developing a hunched back. So those doing hard manual labor that demands bending the back for extended periods of time should do these aforementioned asanas on a regular basis. That will prevent them from suffering from hunch-back in the future.

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita  ==

हे प्रभु! तुम्हारे आध्यात्मिक प्रेमदीप से यह सन्ध्या जगमगा गई है

तुम वह कौनसी सत्ता हो जिसने मेरे मानसिक आकाश में आकर मेरे सभी दोष और दुर्गुणों का सफाया कर दिया है।

प्रभातसंगीत 1894 आलोकोज्जवल एइ  सन्ध्याय....


हे परमपुरुष ! इस दीपावली के प्रकाश से  चमचमाती सन्ध्या, तुम्हारे आध्यात्मिक प्रेमदीप से जगमगा गई है। तुम वह कौनसी अलौकिक सत्ता हो जिसके मन की मधुरता ने  मेरे सभी दोष और दुर्गुणों का मेरे मन से सफाया कर दिया है। तुमने मुझे स्वच्छ और शुद्ध  कर दिया है। हे दिव्य ! तुम वह कौनसी सत्ता हो जिसने बड़ी दयालुता से मेरे मानसिक आकाश  में प्रवेश किया है।

हे परमसत्ता ! हे बाबा ! तुम्हारे लिए यह तारे और ग्रह सभी प्यार भरे हृदय के दीप जलाते हैं। तुम्हारी अनन्त भव्य सत्ता को देखकर यह चाॅंदी जैसी महान चमक वाली आकाशगङ्गा भी चुप रह जाती है। हे प्रकाशमान ! तुम नाचते हुए प्रेम से लबालब भरे  मेरे हृदय में तैर रहे हो।  इससे मेरा हृदय  स्वयं चमक रहा है।  तुम्हारी  दयालुता  महान है।

हे परमपुरुष ! मैं अनगिनत जन्मों से तुम्हें चाहता रहा हॅूं। अनेक जीवन और मृत्युओं के चक्र के बीच तुम्हारे लिए तरसता रहा हॅूं। तुम्हारी कृपा से मैंने बार बार नया जीवन पाया है और हमेशा  तुम्हारी चाह को मन में बसाया है। मैं अपने हृदय के प्रत्येक अंश  से तुम्हारे प्रेम के लिए तरसता रहा हॅूं। तुम्हारी कृपा से मैं अपने बेसुध मन के गहरे विचारों  की नदी के प्रवाह की प्रत्येक लहर से तुम्हें पुकारता हूँ

हे बाबा ! हे परमपुरुष ! आज तुमने इस प्रकाश से भरी दीपावली की रात को मेरे हृदय में आने की अपार कृपा की है। (1)

1. Hindi purport translated by Dr .T.R. Sukul from original English purport by Ananda Marga Universal.

== Section 5: Links ==

Recent postings

Other topics of interest

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For posting translation: 
Those who face difficulty in understanding English should copy sections of the post, paste them into Google translate, choose whatever language you like, and the post will be translated then and there into your selected language. In this way you will get some approximate idea of the subject discussed. Here is the link for Google translate:

This email contains five sections:
1. PS #2020: To fulfil Your desire

2. Posting: Dark & dangerous act

3. PS #3600: Your causeless mercy
4. IT: How yoga posture prevent back issues
5. Links