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Wednesday, August 8, 2018

News: Sarvatmananda... + Divyacetana... + Kinshuk ji... + 4 more


Imaginary story by B group to justify their point


Whenever B group does anything wrong they create a fictitious story to support their misdeeds and sin.

Mythological elephant story

It is akin to the mythological elephant that walks in the vicinity of the village and steps in human feces. The elephant's friends warned him then and there about stepping on that spot due to the foul smell, but the arrogant elephant refused to accept its mistake and to prove its innocence that elephant licked its own foot that had feces and told a lie, "It is not feces, but a very delicious and tasty dish." All parties involved understood that it was a lie. Even then up to the very end that arrogant elephant did not accept the truth that it had stepped in human feces. Rather to prove its innocence it went one step further negative and licked that putrid feces.

Example: B group spreading falsehood

Similarly the stooges of B group are spreading this false account in the name of Baba to justify their ugly deed. It is unconscionable. First they printed Baba's photo in the newspaper which is used as a diaper by poor people and now they are telling that Baba became happy when He heard that His photo was printed in the newspaper, even though He knew it would be used as a diaper. See the fictitious imagination of a devotionless mind.

Please read below the false story they created to continue printing Baba's photos in the newspaper, which is used around the globe in the slums and poor neighborhoods as a diaper.

Dada Divyacetanananda below lie highlighted in yellow:
"I have seen myself in 1989 Baba's photo was published in Alokpath. The magazine was shown to Baba by Acarya Mantreshvarananda Avadhuta."

- Acharya Divyachetanananda Avadhuta
(Courtesy of WhatsApp)

The above bogus type of justification is what Dada Divyacetanananda give again and again to justify his wrongdoing.

Yet we know it is of utmost importance to maintain the sanctity of Guru's photo.

in Him,
Krsna' Mukhopadhyaya

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "You shall protect, in all respects and at all costs, the dignity...and the sanctity...of the pratikrti [photo] of Márga Guru." (1)

1. Caryacarya -1, Treasures of Ananda Marga

== Section 2: Main Topic ==

Religions are not God-centered: How


People mistakenly think that various religions such as Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, and Judaism are many dharmas. Let us first see what dharma is. Dharma is longing for and running towards the Great, i.e. Parama Purusha.

Baba says in Ananda Sutram, “Brhadeśańáprańidhánaḿ ca dharmah.” (1) 

“Purport: So knowingly or unknowingly, human beings are indeed running after limitlessness. When knowingly one tries to attain the Great and to that end one prays, that bearing is called dharma, and the effort involved is called dharma sádhaná [the practice of dharma].” (2)

Religions are based on materialism

Ananda Marga philosophy teaches that the infinite desire of humans can only be satisfied by running for Parama Purusa and that alone is the Dharma. On the other hand, religions preach that god should be prayed to to get success in the mundane sphere. Whatever religion it may be, the followers pray to god to ask for mundane objects like a cure from a disease, a job, their daughter's marriage, a new home, healthy children, getting a raise, and so on and so forth. A purohit in a Hindu temple, a cleric in a mosque, a priest in a church all teach their followers to ask materialistic boons from god and that is the be-all of religion. There is no recognition of infinite desire in any religion.

The spiritual approach of Ananda Marga, on the other hand, teaches that from the moment one wakes up in the morning one performs Guru Saka’sh, practices a’sanas and sa’dhana’, and spends the whole day ideating on Brahma using Guru mantra and practicing Brahmacarya and eventually going to sleep practicing sa’dhana’ to derive spiritual bliss. Thus, logically speaking only Ananda Marga is the path of spirituality and the path of dharma.

In contrast, religions are tools to fulfill mundane desires using the name of the divine. Religions fabricate a god just as a means to fulfill mundane desires. Even if that fabricated god appears in front of a religious person the person will just ask that god to fulfill their mundane desires. It is 100% sure that such an approach will not lead one to fulfill the infinite desire. Such religions are not dharma.

How priests / clerics / mullahs / rabbis / lama / cheat believers

In order to befool general public in believing blindly, the religions construct an edifice of superstitions based on a fear complex. The stakeholders of religions like priests / clerics / mullahs / rabbis / lamas out of self-interest, created bogus scriptures to befool the public into believing illogical religious dogma. To make their approach foolproof they used the psychology of the fear complex and introduced beliefs such as heaven and hell. So, according to the various religions, if a person does not treat the priest properly in a material sense then the person may have to go to hell. If a priest is treated well in a material sense then the priest can help the person to reach heaven after the death.

Religions instill a fear, which being a false belief is actually baseless, among people about hell. For example, if a store-owner spreads a fear that if people do not buy medicines from his shop then they may get a dreadful disease then all the people will flock to the store. The store-owner can make a lot of money using such a tactic. Priests of religions use the same strategy to befool the masses and make a monetary profit. Often, such priests are found to be claiming that they can rid people of their sins.

On an overall level religions are a business of falsehood and cause only harm and no benefit. We are aware that in the name of religion there have always been hate crimes, intolerance, and bloodbaths - all over the world.

Faith-groups / religions turn humans into animals

Religion propagates outlandish beliefs like killing people of other religions can land oneself in heaven with all luxuries. Even today there are many people in India who firmly believe that no one can step on the moon as the moon is a god. They are in denial of the fact that someone already landed on the moon. For such blind believers, these scientific reports are just a sham. In many places, such blind belief systems are propagated systematically via religious schools. It is true that such schools teach people that one should keep one’s intellect outside the place of worship.

It is a sin to corrupt children’s minds with superstitious beliefs. By using such blind belief system religions turn an entire group of people into animals. Animals do not have discrimination or vivek. Religions make people superstitious and thereby uproot the sense of discrimination from their minds. This is how religions reduce humans into animals.

Dharma has to be propagated

Many who are indoctrinated into blind beliefs eventually realize that they have been misguided and stay away from religions. A vast majority of these people become cynic or atheists. They have no interest in the propagation of real dharma, which is longing for---and running toward---the infinite. It is thus the need of the hour to understand that only Ananda Marga is true dharma and propagate the same.


The true meaning of dharma is longing for and running towards Parama Purusa. Religions use the concept of god to fulfill mundane desires. Following those religions it is sure that someone cannot fulfill mundane desires and it is also sure that one can never get spiritual bliss, as that is not the objective of those religions in the first place. The priests of religions teach dogma and blind beliefs and impose the psychology of a fear-complex to keep their religious business booming. Religion turns humans into animals by killing the sense of discrimination from the minds of followers. The only dharma is Ananda Marga and there is a dire need to propagate the same.

Sadguru Baba says, “Ánanda Márga alone is Dharma and all the rest are sectisms.” (3)

In Him

Note: Unfortunately, some Wts are trying to make Ananda Marga into a religion for their own personal benefit and gain.

1. Ánanda Sútram, Chapter 2
2. Ánanda Sútram, Chapter 2
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, The Call of the Supreme

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 3: News Kinshukji==

News update about Kinshuk ji

~ Courtesy of WhatsApp ~
(7th August, 2018) Kinshukji was detained by Lal Bazar Police Station, Kolkata on the grounds of discrepancy in documents. His laukik name, biological mother father and educational documents are in name of Rajat Dutta and after adoption  he was given name of Kinshuk Ranjan Sarkar. He applied for passport in the name of KR Sarkar while supporting documents like educational are in name of Rajat Datta. Now, he has his Adhar No., PAN No. Voter Id Cards are in the name of Kinshuk Ranjan Sarkar. He has since made bail and been released.
~ Courtesy of WhatsApp ~

== Section 4: News Dada Sarvatmananda==

Dada Sarvatmananda's health situation


It is very sad news that Dada Sarvatmananda suffered a mild brain hemorrhage the last week of July and was in the hospital. Fortunately the doctors were able to stabilize him with the latest medicines. Dada Sarvatmananda has since been released from the hospital ICU and is now back at the jagrti, but suffers from paralysis of his limbs.

The whole situation is sad and I hope and anticipate that Dada ji will be better soon.

Baba krpa hi kevalam....

at His feet,
Gopal Roy

== Section 5: Important Teaching ==

Specially for mothers

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "When the foetus in the mother’s womb becomes somewhat developed, its hair starts to grow. The mother may develop nausea. Sometimes she develops a special fascination with certain edibles and inedibles, and some peculiar distastes as well. In ancient Bengal there was a social custom to provide an opportunity to a pregnant woman to eat foods of her choice. This was known as sádhbhakśań."

"Normally, in the advanced stage of pregnancy, women are not permitted to do physical labour. This is wrong. Women in that condition should be allowed to do a little work. (The same principle applies to pregnant animals.) Otherwise, there remains a risk during labour. Pregnant women and female animals may work half of what they usually do at other times; but under no circumstances should they be allowed to do strenuous work, as it may lead to premature delivery or stillbirth."

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Foods which are highly acidic, such as acidic citrus fruits, overripe pineapples, overripe jám, cottonseed flour and spicy pickles, should be carefully avoided as they may harm the fetus. Bending over in a stooping posture to lift anything heavy is strictly forbidden for pregnant women. Although there is no objection to carrying loads for those who are accustomed to it, they must not stoop over to lift a heavy load onto their heads. It is better if others will help them to lift it up. In this stage of pregnancy a daily bath is a rule, but one must not bathe after sunset. It is better to lie down on a hard bed."

"It is desirable that the best room in the house should be used for the confinement. In certain parts of rural Bengal, the worst room or the cowshed is used for confinement out of superstition. This practice is certainly wrong – more than that, it is a crime."

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "There are many people who affect respect, loudly praising women as a race of mothers, but who in practical life suppress them underfoot, sending them into the jaws of premature death by depriving them of happiness and the comforts of life. The conscientious should be vocal against these heinous acts. We must pay due honour to women as mothers and help them to live long lives."

"The family should see to it that the woman is not forced to walk to the outhouse on foot for at least twenty-four hours after delivery. The delivery room should be fitted with a bathtub and commode. If a girl is born no one in the family is to point an accusing finger, either directly or indirectly, at the mother. It may create undue pressure on her heart. There was one lady of my acquaintance who was unable to bear the humiliation brought down by her family just after the birth of her seventh daughter. She cried out, “Again a daughter, again a daughter, again a daughter!” and immediately expired."

"A pregnant woman must certainly be provided with nutritious food. No constipation-creating foods should be supplied to her. (This is as applicable to animal mothers as to human mothers.) Sweet-pea leaves, or if not available, then spinach, nat́e shák or gourd leaves should be taken daily in small amounts. Puṋi shák [Basella rubra Linn.] should be strictly avoided."

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "All that I have said in the above is as applicable to pregnant animals as it is to human mothers. In the case of the first delivery one should consult a physician or experienced midwife after one month. If one follows the above instructions, death during delivery will become a rare phenomenon." (1)

1. Awakening of Women, Chapter 40, Footnote #4

== Section 6: Important Teaching ==

Strengths & weaknesses in Buddhism

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Buddha clearly and firmly supported the doctrine of rebirth. In fact, no doctrine before him had placed as much stress on the theory of rebirth as his did. One who accepts the theory of rebirth is bound to accept the existence of átman also. If the átman is non-existent, then who will take rebirth? Although there is a controversy about Buddha’s theistic or atheistic beliefs, there is no doubt about his concept of morality. In fact, in every sentence of Buddha’s teachings, in every rhythm of his vibrations, his moralism radiates unblemished light, pure effulgence. Before him, no one had tried to illumine the minds of people with the brilliant rays of this kind of moralism. He advocated the Eight-Fold Path [Aśt́a Shiila] as a path of human progress, to lead people from animality to humanity. This Eight-Fold Path consists of (1) Proper Philosophy, (2) Proper Determination, (3) Proper Speech, (4) Proper Occupation, (5) Proper Exercise, (6) Proper Work, (7) Proper Memory [i.e., meditation] and (8) Proper Attainment of Samádhi. He exhorted people to follow these progressive steps, and his teachings without doubt laid a solid base for human morality.” (1)

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Shiva in the Light of Philosophy

== Section 7: Links ==

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Reply to:

This email contains seven sections:
1. Imaginary story by B group to justify their point
2. Posting: Religions are not God-centered: How
3. News: Kinshuk ji news updates
4. News: Dada Sarvatmananda's health update
5. IT: Specially for mothers
6. IT: Strengths & weaknesses in Buddhism
7. Links