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Monday, May 28, 2018

When education becomes deadly + 3 more


When education becomes deadly


Here following is one key teaching from Baba about how those who accrue knowledge, without the spirit of welfare, pollute their own mind, and endanger the greater society.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The endeavour to assimilate things in the spiritual world is harmless and blameless. And the attempt to assimilate something [get university degree] in the psychic world, if it is directed towards the welfare of humanity, is also harmless. Otherwise, it pollutes the minds of people and makes them intolerant: it leads to conflicts between dogmas and theories and degrades people to the level of animality." (1)

Why people look upon others with suspicion, fear, ambivalence, hatred, & skepticism

Most are increasing their intellectual capacity so they can gain the upper hand to achieve their selfish agenda. With their insatiable hunger for acquiring more, people are hoarding psychic wealth. Out of greed, they harm innocent people. This leads to conflicts. There is a blatant lack of concern for others - what to speak of the high ideals of selflessness and sacrifice. Those ideals are essentially absent.

For these reasons, people have literally lost their regard for their fellow human beings. They look upon others with suspicion, fear, ambivalence, hatred, jealousy, and skepticism. All trust is gone. That  is the unfortunate trend of this modern era. And again the chief cause is one: Acquiring knowledge devoid of welfare motive and using that for selfish endeavors.

Bear in mind, knowledge is very important. One should learn. When accompanied by a benevolent intention, that knowledge can be used to help others do great things on this earth. However, when goaded by self-interest, that same knowledge will only harm society. In that case, knowledge is dangerous. Those who thirst after knowledge for selfish reasons are deadly. That is the main problem on this globe nowadays - knowledge for selfish pursuits leads to conflicts in the form of war, exploitation, and the imposition of harmful doctrines. These poisons are engineered by demons who have a lot of knowledge but are extremely selfish and crooked. They are the cause of countless massacres, and much bloodshed and infighting.

Beware of intellectuals who acquire knowledge without any service mentality; they are very dangerous. That is the teaching of Ananda Marga philosophy. We should be careful.


Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The endeavour to assimilate things in the spiritual world is harmless and blameless. And the attempt to assimilate something in the psychic world, if it is directed towards the welfare of humanity, is also harmless. Otherwise, it pollutes the minds of people and makes them intolerant: it leads to conflicts between dogmas and theories and degrades people to the level of animality." (1)

Baba’s main teaching is that if anyone acquires knowledge and studies in order to serve others then that is great. However, those devoid of a service mentality gain knowledge to establish themselves, cheat others, and show their grandiloquence in debates and discussions. They will prove day as night and night as day for their selfish agenda. Such persons harm the society terribly. Their main goal is to establish themselves by stepping on others. In His book on neo-humanism, Baba has named such persons as “demons in human form.” Nowadays, there is no dearth of such people in AMPS, unfortunately. They have created all kinds of dogma and done so much harm. If you look around you will find some in your area, or unit, or country. Beware of such people.

In Him,
(Rachel Kaiser)

For bad people education becomes deadly

There are three spheres of human life: physical, psychic, and spiritual. As per Baba’s teachings, people may accumulate in all three realms according to the following parameters:
(A) Physical accumulation: Everyone should accumulate enough in physical realm so they can meet the minimum requirements of life. Any accumulation beyond that needs to be done with the approval of the collective body.

(B) Spiritual accumulation: The spiritual field is also infinite and as one makes progress in this realm, they will be better able to apply their knowledge for self-realisation (a’tma’ moks’a) and the welfare of humanity.

(C) Psychic accumulation: The psychic world is infinite and people should be encouraged to accumulate psychic wealth in the form of knowledge based on a service motive of helping others. Failing that, devoid of any service motive, the knowledge gain will be harmful for all. For example, many do not have service motive but even then they acquire knowledge, but due to lack of service motive they start harming others. For example, take the cases of selfish, degrading, and harmful dealings by terrorists, scammers, cheaters, and exploiters etc. Due to a lack of service motive, such anti-social elements misuse their knowledge for preying on innocent people causing much pain and suffering. Their debased actions harm millions of people every year.

Acquiring knowledge devoid of any welfare motive

In His above teaching, Baba clearly warns us that when people gain knowledge [get university degree] goaded by self-interest and not the motive of welfare, the outcome is extremely harmful. That is the main guideline which Baba has expressed above. Tragically, that is what we see happening in this modern era.

This earth has become "poisonous", where people have lost faith in their fellow humans. The root cause is one: Assimilating ideas without the spirit of welfare, i.e. acquiring knowledge for a selfish agenda, devoid of concern for others.

In their persistent quest for expansion, people are gaining more and more knowledge. Yet when that knowledge is not fortified with a benevolent outlook and a welfare motive, it is misused. People are employing their brains and intellect for harming, cheating, and deceiving others. In result, this earth has become unlivable for the common person. The chief cause: the acquisition of knowledge devoid of any welfare motive, just for selfish ends.

~ In-depth study ~ 

The person who is most responsible for this type of demonic behaviour is Osama bin Laden. With his knowledge and oratory skills he popularised the dastardly approach of using suicide bombers to kill thousands of innocent civilians.

False propaganda by priest: poverty is a result of their previous life misdeeds

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, “How far is relative knowledge acceptable to human society? As long as there is no conflict between absolute knowledge and relative knowledge, relative knowledge may be tolerated, but the moment relative knowledge does more harm than good to society, it should not be allowed to work in society, because by taking advantage of relative knowledge opportunists get the scope to exploit the psychological weakness of human beings. For example, the concept of selfless action in the Giita and the theory of the migration of souls have been interpreted in such an unscientific way that the society is greatly harmed. The boot-licking Vipras of the capitalist trick the hungry Shúdras or workers into believing that poverty is a result of their previous misdeeds. Hence they will have to be prepared to wait until their next life before receiving the inexorable decree of fate. This makes a group of people passive fatalists. On the other hand, it paves the way for the ruthless exploitation of the capitalists.”
   “Once a reputed professor of Calcutta made a statement which became popular amongst Indian students that the beef-eating race enjoys independent political life. Many enthusiastic students were misguided by that. Today in the communist countries of the world thousands of people are being killed in the name of communism.”
   “So the value of relative knowledge should be assessed in the light of universal humanism. If relative knowledge promotes universal humanism, it will be tolerated by the society, but once it goes against the spirit of universal humanism, it will forfeit the right to exist.” (2)

Education without the spirit of welfare is dangerous

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The degree of intolerance has increased immeasurably. People have lost faith in their fellow human beings; one state has lost faith in other states. In all spheres of life these days, people think one thing, say another thing, and do something entirely different. That is, hypocrisy is now at its peak. Now the question is: What is the motivation behind this? It is the tendency to assimilate ideas [get university degree] without the spirit of welfare.” (3)

Case incident: Demon in human form

In the above posting, Baba points out how those who acquire knowledge, without a service motive and spiritual outlook, will misuse that knowledge to inflict untold harm upon humanity. And that is exactly what is displayed in this below news article. The key person, devilish Adam Jones, is using his oratory skills, film techniques, and communications talents to misguide millions about his conspiracy theories. With his heinous logic, he labels real incidents as false and blames the victims as fake - and mocks and tortures them. And his blind followers believe his every word. It does not end here it turns deadly also. All this and more is described in the below newspaper article.

In 2012, a horrific shooting took place at an elementary school where 20 children and 6 teachers were murdered in a mass shooting. This is a well-documented incident and declared as a national day of mourning etc. But, for his monetary gain, one liar and swindler named Adam Jones completely distorted the facts and convinced his followers that this mass murder incident was just some type of staged ploy to take away your guns. And Jones’s blind followers embraced those false claims as truth.  And they started threatening those parents who lost their kids that they will attack them. And that he blames those grieving parents as being mere actors.

This is a classic example of the type of demon in human form Baba is warning us about.

~ Courtesy of the New York Times ~

May 23, 2018
WASHINGTON — After the body of Jesse Lewis, age 6, was recovered from his classroom at Sandy Hook Elementary School, his father, Neil Heslin, cradled him for a final time. At the top of Jesse’s forehead was the gunshot wound that ended his life. “It meant a lot to be able to see him,” Mr. Heslin said in an interview. “When he was born, I was the first to see him, and I was the last one to hold him.”

Alex Jones, an online conspiracy theorist whose InfoWars website is viewed by millions, seized on this agonizing recollection to repeat the bizarre falsehood that the 2012 shooting that killed 20 first graders and six adults at the elementary school in Newtown, Conn., was an elaborate hoax invented by government-backed “gun grabbers.”
On his radio show, Mr. Jones said Mr. Heslin needed to clarify “because the coroner said no, the parents weren’t allowed to have touched the kids or have seen the kids.” He played a video in which the InfoWars “reporter” Owen Shroyer says of Mr. Heslin, “He’s claiming that he held his son and saw the bullet hole in his head.”
“That is not possible,” Mr. Shroyer said.
More than five years after one of the most horrific mass shootings in modern history, the families of Sandy Hook victims are still enduring daily threats and online abuse from people who believe bogus theories spread by Mr. Jones, whom President Trump has praised for his “amazing” reputation….

...Now, for the first time, the families are confronting Mr. Jones in court.
“When anybody’s behind a machine, whether it’s a gun or a computer or a car, a dehumanization takes place that makes it easier to commit an act of violence,” Veronique De La Rosa, the mother of Noah Pozner, another victim, said in an interview. She is suing Mr. Jones, she said, because she wants to force him to admit to his devotees that “he peddled a falsehood, that Sandy Hook is real and that Noah was a real, living, breathing little boy who deserved to live out the rest of his life.”...

...Sandy Hook families have been followed, videotaped and harassed by people demanding “proof” that their loved ones died. Monuments to the slain children in Newtown have been stolen and defaced. An Alex Jones devotee went to prison last year after phoning and emailing Leonard Pozner, Noah’s father, with death threats, including “LOOK BEHIND YOU IT IS DEATH.” The family relocated to a gated community with 24-hour security. Their daughters, who survived the shooting, check doors and windows before going to bed, and sleep with the lights on….

 ...In an earlier video on his website, titled “Alex Jones Final Statement on Sandy Hook,” he says: “If children were lost in Sandy Hook, my heart goes out to each and every one of those parents, and the people that say they’re parents that I see on the news. The only problem is, I’ve watched a lot of soap operas, and I’ve seen actors before.”...

...Mr. Jones exhorts his followers to investigate what they call “false flags,” events concocted by the government or other powerful entities determined to usurp citizens’ rights. Mr. Jones issued a rare apology last year after spreading a fake story that Mrs. Clinton and Democratic operatives were running a child pornography ring inside a Washington pizzeria, which had led Edgar M. Welch, a Jones listener, to enter the pizzeria in 2016 with an assault-style rifle, firing it. No one was hurt, and Mr. Welch is now serving a four-year prison term.
Last year, InfoWars posted a video on its website with the headline “Idaho Yogurt Maker Caught Importing Migrant Rapists,” falsely claiming that a Chobani factory in Twin Falls, Idaho, that employs refugees was connected to the 2016 sexual assault of a child. The charges fueled an uproar in the town, and Chobani sued Mr. Jones. As part of a settlement, Mr. Jones admitted on his radio show that he had “mischaracterized” Chobani, and retracted the false material…. (Courtesy of The New York Times)

They misguide not only thousands, but millions

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Those who are demons in human structure are all in categorical forms [fall into various categories]. Although these structures, these frameworks, look like human beings, they are exceptionally clever and cunning. By inculcating various sentiments, they misguide not only thousands, but millions, of people to the path of malevolence, just for some petty social status or other temptation. Common people never think deeply about this; they have not been taught how to think deeply about it; they do not ponder over it even now. Until today this aspect of knowledge has been generally unknown to the world. That is why common people, not fully understanding these cunning people, are inclined to give them undue importance. They write voluminous books about these clever people and accept their words as authentic, thus bringing about considerable harm to the society, the state and the common masses. Simple ignorant people do not realize that they themselves are being harmed or that they, being misguided by those clever people, are harming others.” (4)

Those who misuse their faculties are also doomed to destruction

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The knowledge of the learned, the strength of the strong, the intelligence of the intellectuals – all these faculties have been given not to be merely preserved but to be utilized. Those persons who do not utilize their faculties have no right to ask for anything from the Lord, and those who misuse their faculties are also doomed to destruction. The misuse of one’s qualities not only brings harm to the world, but it also exhausts one’s own inherent strength.” (5)

Example of poisonous, narrow, and lowly mindset

Here is an example of the aforesaid point: how some people are very devious and come on this earth to misguide others. Such perverted people are very dangerous to society. Here below is the example of such a rotten mentality. In WhatsApp, one person wanted to belittle Baba’s neo-humanistic grand personality for his own lowly ulterior motive. And he wrote like this on a WhatsApp forum:

[5:33PM, 10/24/2016] Sidhil Jii: “Shri Prabhat Ranjan sarkar was a Bengali …”
[5:40PM, 10/24/2016] Sidhil Jii: “There is nothing wrong to say Shri PR sarkar  a, Bengali”
[12:00AM, 10/25/2016] Sidhil Jii: “I really don't care how many agree with me . I write what's seems to be correct n realistic in my point of view”

In Him,
(Rachel Kaiser)

Note: This person is a so-called margii and on this forum he is often trying hard to belittle Baba and misguide others. The action of this person proves time and again that he is the incarnation of negative  microvita; his behaviour is abhorrent. To keep the mind pure, genuine sadhakas keep themselves away from him like the plague. 

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 1 (continued) (Discourse 10)
2. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 4, Prápta Vákya and Ápta Vákya
3. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 1 (continued) (Discourse 10)
4. The Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism, An Ideology for a New Generation (Discourse 10)
5. A Few Problems Solved - 4, Forward Movement Is the Essence of Life

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I have come on this earth for...

“Karuńáketan krpá karo more, tomár tarei dharáy ásá…” (Prabhat Samgiita #4303)


O’ the Abode of Karuna, please shower Your grace on me. I have come on this earth to please You, and do sadhana, service, and sacrifice for You. There is no other purpose to take birth. In this world, there is happiness and sorrow, but for me You are the Polestar. All my joy and sadness, pleasure and pain, is related with You. Some may become elated or suffer for various worldly reasons. But for me, my everything, the full spectrum of my feelings, is related with thinking of and ideating on You. When I feel close to You that is my bliss and when I feel distant then I cry in despair. My smiles of jubilation and tears of pain are all centering around You.

Since the dawn of creation, the way You think I am floating in Your thought waves, flowing through saincara and pratisaincara. And now I have reached this stage of being human, by Your grace. All along You have always been with me and have surrounded me in all the directions with Your ota and prota yoga. My position is just like a drop or bubble roving in You, O’ Great Entity. Whatever I do and whatever I think You are always with me, never leaving me on any occasion.

 O’ Great Ocean of Compassion and Mercy, You are the Controller of the universe. This unit being is expressing its surrender by doing sastaunga pranam to You Please accept. O’ the Ultimate Destination of the highest prema - ragatmika bhakti - all the desires, hopes, and longings of the physical, psychic, and spiritual worlds are satiated after realizing You. Baba, You are everything for me...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Symbolism & quality of lotus pose

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Padma'sana [lotus posture] is just like a lotus in full bloom. Just as the roots and stem of the lotus remain under the water and only the leaves and flowers float about it-- and although it is born in the mind it sustains its love for the stars-- in the same way people sitting in this lotus posture and remaining in the world, can keep their minds above their mundane environment. That is why on the path of sa'dhana' this posture has tremendous importance." (1)

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva in the Dhyána Mantra (Discourse 20)

== Section 4: Links ==

Recent postings Other topics of interest

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This email contains four sections:
1. PS #4303: I have come on this earth for...
2. Posting: When education becomes deadly
3. IT: Symbolism & quality of lotus pose
4. Links