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Friday, April 27, 2018

Risky step + 2 more


Risky step


Suppose you are a sincere Ananda Margii - dedicated to following a yogic way of life - and you are about to marry a someone who is completely unaware about Ananda Marga. And they do not even know that you are a margii. But, in your own way, you thought that after marrying and making them your spouse, you will gradually teach them about Ananda Marga way of life - and that slowly over the course of time they will learn about Sixteen Points & Guru etc.

Such an approach will not bear proper fruit. For a successful marriage, it is imperative to talk to your future spouse about everything ahead of time. Failing that, they will be stunned as they slowly, over time, learn the truth. Once they fully realise what kind of marriage they are involved in, they will bitterly complain, “Why were you not honest with me? Why did you deceive me? Why did you not tell me this earlier - if I had known I would have to follow this lifestyle then I would not have married you.”

Under such circumstances, you will be most miserable. There will be constant quarreling, crying, beating, and finally divorce. That is why all the matrimonial websites and articles profess that, “Telling who you are ahead of time is the only way to find a proper match. Withholding information is not good.”

And verily that is the central theme of this topic - please read further to get the whole picture.

Mock meaning 'Love is all there is'

Here are some of Sadguru’s special teachings about our kiirtan mantra. Because our Ananda Marga kiirtan is unique. It means only the name of Parama Purusa. He is the Parama Purusa and we are singing to Him and Him alone. Parama Purusa is the only object of our adoration and ideation.

Whereas if in explaining the meaning of our kiirtan mantra to a new person, one switches the name “Baba” for the the term “love’ then that is highly problematic. Because the term “love” has all sorts of vague meanings and mundane insinuations. People commonly say, "I love movies", "I love ice cream", "I love my boyfriend", "I love drinking wine" etc. So when thinking about kiirtan those new people will have this type of hazy or mundane idea in mind.

Due to that they will not get the benefit of kiirtan. Because in spirituality, ideation is everything. So if anyone does not have a pointed understanding of the kiirtan mantra, they will not have a unique experience doing kiirtan. In that case, they will walk away confused thinking that Ananda Marga is useless. In contrast, if someone understands the proper meaning of the kiirtan mantra, they will have a more spiritual experience. Then surely they will be more likely to become a committed and dedicated sadhaka.

We should avoid translating Baba Nam Kevalam as 'Love is all there is', and instead use Baba's own description and translation: Only the name of Parama Purusa.

Why people are flocking to fake yoga

Yet some feel shy or nervous and do not want to convey this truth. They suffer from a particular kind of inferiority complex. And for this reason they do not reveal the truth about the meaning of the Baba Nam Kevalam mantra when doing pracara. Yet there is no reason for this.

Because, just see: The fake yoga movement in the west is unabashedly introducing new people to all kinds of Hindu dogmas like multi-deity worship, idol worship, and all kinds of dogmatic shlokas etc. And millions of people are readily embracing these things. So here the point is that if one guides others in a self-assured and confident manner, then people will readily adopt what you are saying. Even if what you are saying is dogmatic. Of course, our Ananda Marga is 100% pure dharma. So there should not be any question of any shyness as we are veritably leading others along the path of righteousness. So we should move ahead in a forthright, confident manner. Then everyone will benefit.

Whereas if one is shy about what they are teaching then it is a double loss. The guide fails to properly portray the topic at hand and undermines their own standing; plus the new person will lose interest in what you are saying and will not get the benefit of what you are trying to teach. That is why it is a double loss. The endgame is that the path of Ananda Marga is bhagavad dharma as given by Taraka Brahma and by propagating His ideals we will lead people - individually and collectively - along the path of progress. So there is no question of any shyness; rather every sadhaka should be courageous and bold when doing dharma pracara. That is the sign of a true tantrika.

New people are ready to follow what is being taught

One thing to clarify here is that if anyone feels shy to talk about the real meaning of the Baba Nam Kevalam mantra then the shyness is not due to the receiver (new person), but the preacher (margii). Why do I make such an assertion? Just look around. Again, these days dogmatic people are preaching idol worship and new people are following along; and others are teaching hatha yoga and hoards of people are joining in. And those Hare Krishnas are preaching about the holy cow and they get many who adopt those dogmas. Here the point is that new people are not shy or hesitant, rather they are ready to follow what is being taught - whatever it is. And in our case we are teaching and preaching the ideals of dharma. And new people are ready to listen. It would be an injustice not to teach them in the right manner. So there should be not shyness from the teacher’s side. Because ours is that path of manava dharma and all who adopt the teachings of Ananda Marga will be greatly benefited.

Or think of it this way: In Indian tourist site one person was selling rasogolla to the tourists and they were telling that this is an Indian egg. They did not like to tell the real thing because then who knows what those tourists would think. But those tourists were not actually interested in eating eggs since they get that in their own country and instead wanted to eat some Indian sweets. So the seller failed. In the same way people do not want to follow the old, dogmatic traditions; they want something new, revolutionary and unique, i.e. the dharmic appraoch of Ananda Marga kiirtana and meditation.

Tell the truth at first step

So if anyone does not want to tell the real meaning of the “Baba Nam Kevalam” mantra, it is their own shortcoming. They think that if they say that Baba Nam Kevalam means, ‘the name of Parama Purusa is everything’, then people will feel get reacted and walk away. But this false perception is nothing but the shyness or weakness of the preacher. Just know that dogmatic gurus have thousands of more devotees than Ananda Marga. Because they are assertive in preaching their dogma and the people listen, even though those teachings will lead them astray. So when we know that Ananda Marga is the path of bhagavad dharma then we should be extremely proactive to propagate our ideals. Then surely the people will listen and ultimately progress.

The important thing to remember here is that when the common people come to learn yoga then they will adopt the mindset of a student. So what you teach they will learn. Fake yogis have so many disciples, while our number is less. The cause of the problem is not our kiirtan mantra, but rather shyness in teaching others our ideals. If we are forthright and confident, and openly guide people about our dharmic principles and practices, then the people will listen and readily adopt the teachings of Ananda Marga. So there should not be an ounce of hesitancy of shyness in our approach.

Who try to conceal their devotion from others

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Those who are reared in the cradle of materialistic ideologies, feel shy or ashamed at first to sit in meditation in the presence of others. Overwhelmed by the influence of avidyá, they think, “People may perhaps think that I, an ultramodern boy or girl, am emulating the pre-historic mode of worship!” There are many who may try to conceal their devotion from others and there are many who try to maintain their position among their friends by feigning skepticism – and then mentally beg God's forgiveness. But inspite of such an attitude of shame, after a few days of regular spiritual practice, they will acquire the strength to overcome the influence of avidyá; and finally casting aside all the vagaries of shame and shyness, they will then be able to freely express their genuine devotion to God." (1)

As sadhakas of the Marga, we should be extremely confident and assertive because we are presenting the teachings that are perfect and true for humanity. In contrast, those fake yogis are just preaching dogma. So there is no comparison. The bottom line with regard to teaching our Baba Nam Kevalam kiirtan is that we should be more keen and enthusiastic to let all know that our kiirtan is wholly focused on the Divine Entity. And by chanting this siddha mantra kiirtan, one can achieve liberation.

Conclusion: Real meaning produces best outcome

No sadhaka should suffer from this type of weakness (shyness, embarrassment etc); one should be forthright and tell the truth. Telling the veracity is better than telling something else. So telling the real meaning of the kiirtan mantra will produce the best outcome. So we should tell new people that Baba is the Controlling entity then they will have the right idea - and they will not be stunned later on. On day #1, certainly they should know that our kiirtan mantra is focused on the Divine Entity and not anything else.

Answer: Should we really hide the meaning of Baba Nam Kevalam? No we should not hide it.

in Him,
Mary Reynolds

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Shreya & Preya

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Whispered sweetly in my ear 

"Kathá kaye gele tumi káńe káne,kaye gele tumi káńe káne..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1785)


O' Parama Purusa, that time, when my heart was heavy with sufferings and agonies, then You graced me, came close, and made my soul joyful by Your song and dance. You whispered sweetly in my ear. In response, my entire being started dancing. My whole existence got infused with new prana - new life.

That time when I was in distress, there was no one who could understand the pain within nobody also had time to listen to my suffering. During that period of agony, not a single person looked towards me with eyes of compassion. Rather they glanced at me in disdain, and viewed me with a cold, distant, dispassionate look. Seeing my condition, everyone remained far while I was crying and undergoing torment. Yet in that hour, You were merciful, came near, and with love and affection, whispered sweetly in my ear. Hearing those tender words, my inner self became blissful.

O' Parama Purusa Baba, You loved me, silently came, and filled my internal world with divine compassion. You came near me in that isolated place, with tender footsteps on that lonely occasion, and in a radiant mood, revealed to me this eternal truth, by whispering, “You are not alone on this earth. I am always with you - in your mind and core.”

Baba, You came to me in a very intimate and loving way. It is Your causeless krpa...

== Section 3: Links ==

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This email contains four sections:
1. PS #1785: Whispered sweetly in my ear
2. Posting: Risky step
3. Links