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Monday, February 19, 2018

Democracy is menacing: on some matters + 3 more


Democracy is menacing: on some matters


We live in an era where democracy is seen as the ultimate form of leadership and governance. Here we examine important ways how democratic rule undermines unity in society.

Prout philosophy states, “There are occasions when majority decisions do not create unity in society because people are more or less divided on an issue. In such circumstances, the leaders should be very cautious when making their decisions, and take special care to safeguard the interests of everybody. In particular, they should select a course of action which does not harm the sentiments of any group. For example, suppose there are seven brothers in a joint family, and these brothers are divided on an issue. Four brothers may be on one side and three brothers on another. If the head of the family takes a decision based on the wishes of the majority, the family will be divided into two groups. Therefore, a decision should be taken which safeguards the interests of all the brothers.” (1)

Up till now, amongst the various political systems, democracy is the best of a bad lot. The ideal system will come in the future. Until that time, we must stick with democracy, despite its pitfalls and limitations. On certain occasions, the democratic approach works well, but in many circumstances the result of majority rule is harmful. There are many delicate issues that should not be decided by the democratic process because such majority decisions harm the sentiments of the people, thereby leading to disunity and division. That is the warning given by Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, the Propounder of Prout. Here are a few practical examples from the greater society.

Majority decision: sparked anger, alienation, & disunity

(A) After Indian Independence, using the democratic process, a majority decision was taken to make Hindi the national language. Tens of millions of people were extremely displeased and angered by this decision, especially in South India. That led to chaos and bloodshed within the country, and national unity was lost. This was clearly a case where a majority-based decision went against the well-being of the country, and failed to protect the interest of all. Thus, on sensitive issues, a democratic, majority decision sparks anger, alienation, and disunity.

(B) In certain Middle Eastern nations, the majority Muslims made Islam the national religion, thereby alienating those citizens who followed a different religion. This too led to infighting, socio-religious tensions, and disunity among the populace. Here again we see that a majority decision led to the fragmentation of society. Thus, on sensitive issues, a democratic, majority decision sparks anger, alienation, and disunity.

(C) For decades Pakistan and Bangladesh were one nation. But majority leaders of Pakistan suppressed the mother tongue (Bengali) of Bangladesh. In addition, those Pakistani leaders imposed various rules and laws. The people of East Pakistan felt suffocated and in result broke away and formed their own nation, i.e. Bangladesh. This also shows how a majority vote by Pakistani leaders led to a divisive outcome. Thus, on sensitive issues, a democratic, majority decision sparks anger, alienation, and disunity.

(D) One key factor in the 2016 US presidential election was the issue of gay rights / homosexuality. That had become a trademark issue of the Obama administration and the democrats in the preceding years (2008 -2016). They spurred and passed much legislation on this issue. And while they gained much of the gay vote by 2016, that was dwarfed by even deeper divisions and a bigger backlash throughout much of the country. In that rigidly split terrain on core issues like gay, the democrats lost the presidential election in 2016. Thus, on sensitive issues, a democratic, majority decision sparks anger, alienation, and disunity.

Why majority rule cannot work at a university

(D) Here is another avenue of life where a democracy or majority rule cannot work: A college or university. At these institutions the student body numbers in the thousands or even tens of thousands, while the number of faculty and administrators is far, far less. If majority rule was applied, then students could grade their own assignments, write their own letters of recommendation, and change the rules according to their own liking – everything from academic requirements to alcohol and drug use to male-female relations etc. The institution would suffer on all fronts. That is why no academic college operates by majority rule. Rather there is a distinct leadership, both in the classroom and in the administration. By that minority rule, the university develops and grows.


The overall point which Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar has given is that the democratic approach does not bring social harmony if a majority decision is made on certain sensitive issues. On various occasions, the rule by majority is fine. Yet there remain numerous instances related with delicate topics where a majority decision alienates and angers many people, ultimately causing division and disunity. Care and caution are needed to build a unified society. According to the teachings of Prout, simply resorting to majority rule will not do.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Prout philosophy states:
"Now let us discuss some reforms to democracy. Democracy cannot succeed in countries where people are illiterate, immoral, or backward. Countries like England, the USA and France are suitable for democracy, but even these countries need to introduce some reforms.”

"First, legislators in the states and at the centre should be elected on the recommendations of the people at large. At the time of electing representatives the people should pay heed to their education, moral standard and sacrifice for the society etc. If the representatives are elected keeping in view these factors, they will not be guided by party interests but by collective interests. In their minds the interests of the entire human race and society will dominate, and not any class interests. They will be able to enact laws keeping in mind the problems of all and sundry, thereby accelerating the speed of social reconstruction. Their impartial service will bring happiness to all."

"The voting rights should be vested in educated persons who have political consciousness and awareness of people’s problems. Age should not be a bar to voting right. If illiterate people are given voting rights there is the possibility of antisocial and incompetent representatives being elected."

"To provide a fearless and independent ambience to the administration, the secretariat should be kept free from pressures from the cabinet. The cabinet should confine itself to legislation, the passage and passing of the budget, the implementation of its plans and policies, defense etc. The power of ministers should remain confined to the parliament and they should not poke their nose into the workings of the secretariat. The chief secretary should not be under the president or the prime minister but should act independently as the executive head. All the secretaries should work under the chief secretary. Free from cabinet pressures, every department will serve the people well."

"In the present system the judiciary functions under a cabinet minister, and pressure from the minister may impair its independent functioning. To remove this defect and to ensure impartial justice, the judiciary should have the right to function independently. In no case should the chief justice be treated as inferior to the president or the prime minister. Only moralists and honest persons should be installed on the hallowed seat of justice. If people fail to keep this issue under their close scrutiny, injustice will take the place of justice."

"[[Finally, for the proper utilization of the nation’s revenue and to ensure that every paisa is spent on building up the nation, it is extremely important that the audit branch as well be independent. The auditor general should be independent of the president. Only the independence of the auditor general can ensure that this branch will be able to fearlessly check the accounts of every other branch. Thus it should be a separate administrative branch of government, and independent of the party holding a majority."

"All the four branches mentioned above should be given the scope to function independently. Thus there will be four compartments. No compartment will function under another.]]"

"But in such a situation there is still the possibility of injustice and exploitation. So to supervise or monitor the function of all these compartments, the benevolent dictatorship of the board of Sadvipras is required so that spirituality will reign supreme." - 17 July 1961, Bettiah, Bihar (2)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 14, Compartmentalized Democracy

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==
Baba, for a long time I was oblivious of You
“Tumi ese chile ese chile káche t́ene nile…” (Prabhat Samgiita #2114)


O’ Parama Purusa, You came into my life. Prior to Your arrival, I had no idea about You. Yet You brought me very close and coloured my mind in Your spiritual colour. You are unparalleled. You gave me everything - all the good things I desired, as well as whatever I did not deserve. On my own, I had no merit to have such gifts, but You blessed me with them.

O’ Parama Purusa, in the past I was drowned in materialism. I never even thought about You. I had completely forgotten You. You woke me up, made me aware, and showed me the proper path. Step by step, You guided me how, in this human body, one can realise Parama Purusa and attain mukti and ultimately moksa. It is Your krpa’.

Baba, in the past I had nothing which I could call my own. I had neither a spiritual goal nor any sadhana. My life was as dry as a desert. You drew me near and gave me everything. Now I realise that with Your grace everything is possible. Even crude, spiritually blind people who do not have any cosmic vision can develop a subtle inner eye and attain liberation and salvation. Their life could be wholly changed. It was my mistake that for a long time I was oblivious of You.

Baba, I have nothing to say. You have given me everything - words fail to express all You have done for me. Your causeless grace is unforgettable...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Why respecting all religions is bad​

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Some intellectuals are in favour of respecting all religions. I say that such people cannot do anything to promote the solidarity of the human race, for most religions demand blind faith rather than rationality from their followers. “Don’t argue,” they proclaim. “Accept the teachings of the scriptures for they are the direct word of God.” The cunning intellectuals of the past imposed the importance of blind faith on the minds of their gullible followers. They told them to obey the teachings, rational or irrational, otherwise there would be no respite from the endless suffering of human life, no other path to take them to the eternal bliss of heaven.” (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, Form and Formless

== Section: Hindi Quote ==

अगर यही तुम लोगों की

“अधिक से अधिक कीर्त्तन होना चाहिए | कीर्त्तन से मन शुद्ध होता है | मस्तिष्क सीधा हो जाता है | काम करने की प्रेरणा तथा प्रेषणा मिलती है | इसलिए अधिक से अधिक कीर्त्तन होना चाहिए | अगर यही तुम लोगों की राय है, तो मैं भी उस राय से सहमत हूँ | मन पवित्र हो, शुद्ध हो, और तुम लोग कल्याण की राह पर चलते रहो |”

[यह प्रवचन-अंश, बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया है । बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्दमार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं हैं -- बंगालीकरण (बँगलाइजेसन) के तहत उनकी बर्बादी की गई] (1)

1. अप्रकाशित भाग, 3rd June 1990, DMC, “The Cult of Spirituality, a Cult of Pinnacled Order”

== Section 4: Links ==

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This email contains four sections:1. PS #2114: Baba, for a long time I was oblivious of You
2. Posting: Democracy is menacing: on some matters
3. IT: Why respecting all religions is bad​
4. Links