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Thursday, February 15, 2018

Valentine’s Day & AM + 2 more


Valentine’s Day & AM


The pseudo-culture “holiday” of Valentine’s Day is celebrated in many parts of the world on 14 February. As sadhakas, we should clearly understand the forces at play so we can best guide the society. After all, if the disease is not understood, the patient cannot be cured. Similarly, we should know the modus operandi, i.e. degrading tactics, of events like Valentine’s Day so we can lead people onto the path of sadhana.

Path of negative pratisaincara

There are basically two paths in life: the one of baser propensities towards animality, and the one of refined inclinations towards divinity. On the cycle of brahmacakra, human life emerges from animal life. So people are well acquainted with those degrading animalistic tendencies. Falling prey to those attractions does not take any skill. Already they are lured in that direction.

That is why many readily embrace Valentine’s Day because it is grounded in mundane, sensual allurement. Valentine’s Day is all about exciting the lower propensities which in turn invites their psychic degeneration. People are misled to believe that worldly passion will bring them happiness and if they have a happy Valentine’s Day then their life will be fruitful and joyous. But those beastly propensities can never satisfy human longing. And as their mind becomes fully involved in those bodily desires, they march quickly on the path of negative pratisaincara, i.e. back towards animal life. That is the “gift” of Valentine’s Day. Yet sadly people are goaded in that direction and become enamoured with Valentine’s Day.

So those involved suffer; and, side by side, another horrible outcome is that impressionable youths get indoctrinated into the materialistic notion that crude romance is everything. This is the value that gets imposed. Idealistic youths want to find love but ensnared by materialism they end up looking in the wrong direction. Pseudo-culture holidays like Valentine’s Day set off a vicious cycle that entices a large swath of society, from one generation to the next.

And once they become indulged in that way, it is not an easy escape. Because when any negative vrtti like lust is encouraged, then that vrtti multiplies and grabs a greater hold of the mind. The person becomes more deeply entrapped.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The peculiar nature of these...propensities is this: if they are given indulgence, they increase.” (1)

So these degrading propensities are no different from addictive narcotics; the more you take the more addicted you become. Unfortunately, all those debased vrttis surrounding Valentine’s Day have the same awful effect. People literally become drowned in those lustful desires and invite their ruination.

The path of tantra

The path of Ananda Marga tantra is entirely different. It is natural as it brings people further along the path of pratisaincara and leads them towards mukti / moksa, by the grace of the Supreme. And that is the natural movement of human life, from crude to subtle. All through one’s various animal lives one is progressing until finally they are blessed with human life. Those who succumb to materialism are dominated by baser propensities and revert back to animal live. Whereas those humans who adhere to the path of tantra progress reach the Supreme rank.

One of the key elements for success is to understand that the mind should never be controlled by the bodily organs, i.e. degrading propensities. Valentine’s Day pushes one towards crude sensuality. In contrast, as sadhakas, we are taught that sex is for procreation and society building, not for pleasure or happiness. And that is the case with all of lower the propensities. We are not to indulge in those; rather we are to channelise the mind towards the higher realm through sadhana.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The human propensities that operate in the mundane sphere are five in number: áhár [food], nidrá [sleep], bhaya [fear], maethuna [begetting progeny] and dharma sádhaná [spiritual practice]. Of these five, only the first four play a part in the lives of animals. The peculiar nature of these five propensities is this: if they are given indulgence, they increase. And they easily come under control with a slight effort; only in the initial stage, one must struggle a little to control them. Of these propensities, the first four are primarily physical and secondarily mental, and the fifth one is equally physical, mental and spiritual. The amount of the first four required for physical and mental health is minimal; but the need of the fifth, dharma sádhaná, is unlimited – the more the better. If the need for any of the first four is channelled into the fifth, then so much the better, there may no longer be any necessity for that propensity at all.” (2)

Doing more and more sadhana leads to unlimited bliss and happiness while the baser propensities submerge one in animality. As sadhakas, we have to practice and teach others that by exerting a little discipline initially then one can free oneself of the trappings of those degrading propensities. That means goading the mind towards the spiritual plane.

Remember the paths of asakti (worldly / crude attachment) and bhakti (love for Parama Purusa) are mutually exclusive. They cannot co-exist. If one gives in to the degrading ways of pseudo-culture mentalities like Valentine’s Day, there is no scope for bhakti. Both paths cannot be pursued simultaneously. So one should pay heed accordingly.


By adhering to Sixteen Points and the path of sadhana one will establish themselves in an ideological flow. And that will ensure one’s progress. Giving in to the dealings of Valentine’s Day is the antithesis. We should help others advance on the path and save them from reverting towards negative pratisaincara, i.e. animal life.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Human life, unlike animal life, is an ideological flow. Where there is no ideological flow, in that case, even if the physical structure is just like a man, he is not a man, but is an animal. So each and every human being must try his best to maintain the special status of humans. It is our first duty. It is our fundamental duty. This ideological flow must be maintained at any cost." (3)

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Devious ploy of capitalists: Valentine’s Day

The modern version of “Valentine’s Day” is the brainchild of capitalists who are eager to employ sentiment to entice people to purchase their products. By this way they exploit the common people in a very indirect and cunning way. They say, “Show your loved one how much you are, by buying her this…”, or “If you really want to improve your romance treat her on Valentine’s Day etc.” By this way the business community sells massive diamond rings, flower bouquets, boxes of fancy chocolates, expensive dinners, etc. In the USA alone, in 2016 consumers spent $19.7 billion dollars on Valentine’s Day

Businesses create the psychic hunger in the customer's mind that, "You need these products". Capitalists do this with even the most unnecessary items. In response the innocent public feels that, "Yes it is very essential for me to have those things. I must purchase them." By this way capitalists empty the pockets of the unassuming masses.

So the pseudo-culture holidays like Valentines’ Days is the invention of capitalists. Their sole aim is for the common people to run out to the stores and buy more products - i.e. special commercially produced items that give the message that this is what you need to have a happy Valentine’s Day.

Prout philosophy states, "Capitalists, in their singular or collective roles, exploit society through their gigantic propaganda machinery, and create unhealthy, artificial demands which not only poison the mind but encourage dangerous habits detrimental to psychic sanctity and expansion." (4)

Such type of mentality is the cause of the invention of the growing phenomenon of Valentine’s Day. Because in this way capitalists get a huge benefit. And although it started in the western materialistic areas, now it is spreading step by step around the globe and the so-called third world countries strive to emulate so-called first-world states. So the disease of this capitalistic venture is being passed on to other places around the globe.

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc: 16
2. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc: 16
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, Man and His Ideological Desideratum
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 12, The Parts of the Economy

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I cannot remember my Ista mantra and Guru

"Ámi ár kono kichu bhúli ná, shudhu bhúle tháki tava nám..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0838)


O' Parama Purusa, I never forget anything mundane; but it is so unfortunate and painful that I cannot remember Your divine name. I cannot keep You in my mind. I cannot remember my ista mantra and guru mantra for 24 hours, without a break. Whereas those worldly things always hover in my mental plate. Please grace me. I want to call You all the time - within each and every breath and respiration, but alas it escapes me. O' Supreme Entity, although I fail to ideate on You, even then I can see that You love me. I always feel Your love, especially when I look towards You. It is Your mercy.

O' Parama Purusa, the star which came down from the heavenly, spiritual, radiant bosom of Taraka Brahma, a particle of that star’s supreme effulgence filled my mind  with divine ecstasy. It has inundated my existence in supreme bliss.

Baba, the Parama Purusa, the supreme love which You have poured in my heart - the affection that You saturated in my mind - always vibrates my being and brings me to the divine world. The melody that You played within my mind, today with that tune and melody I do sastaunga pranam to You again and again. O’ Prabhu, You are the most compassionate One.

Baba, bless me so that I always remember my ist’a mantra...

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2. Posting: Valentine’s Day & AM
3. Links