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Monday, December 17, 2018

Three types of margiis / Wts + 2 more


Three types of margiis / Wts


In Ananda Marga philosophy, there are three types of sadhakas: pashvacariis, viiracariis, and divyacariis. Pashvacariis are half-margiis; viiracariis are mediocre sadhakas; and, divyacariis are strict and do not compromise on points of dharma.

Lowest tier sadhakas: pashavarcariis

Those moving on the path of pashavacara are pashavacariis. They are also known as pashus / animals. From a biological perspective they are not animals; but, in the mental sphere they are brutes; they do the sadhana of animals. Such persons are not strict in the do’s and don’ts of our Ananda Marga way of life. For instance, they often adhere to the various dogmas of their religious upbringing and have some faith in Baba as well. So their approach is an amalgamation, i.e. compromised. That is why Baba has made various concessions for them.

These pashavacariis should not be taught asanas or given higher lessons, but some acaryas are not alert and give them those lessons - often because they were given a donation etc. But, regardless of how much you teach them, they are not going to absorb it. They will only do the most basic sadhana, not those higher lessons. Really speaking they have not come to practice dharma sadhana per se, but to give money and help in mundane measures. That is the extent of their engagement in Ananda Marga way of life.

Here is a case study of some pashavacariies (animal-minded individuals) in our AMPS:
  • Lokanath Pradhan, in 1980, performed his younger brother's marriage It was a caste marriage. Acarya Rameshvarananda was the priest. The then Acarya Mayatiitananda (afterwards known as Mahavishvananda) was also present in that caste marriage.
  • Various senior margiis like Swetbasant Pandey and Shankarlal attended the feast at that caste marriage, and there were two rows of food: (1) veg without onion & garlic, and (2) non-veg, i.e. meat. Some margiis joined the non-veg row for the feast at the caste marriage.
The above mentioned persons are animal minded.

Middle grade sadhakas: viiracariis

When one is more strict then they are known as viiras (heroes) and follow the path of viiracara. Then are 80% - 90% strict in dharma, and 10% - 20% of the time they are not strict. For instance, during times of crisis or when involved in important decisions they often fall apart. For instance, when their boss or favorite acarya is part of one group or faction, then then those who are viiracariis will also join that faction, either for personal prestige or for the post etc. In general they are mediocre sadhakas and cannot be depended upon fully. Here is another case scenario: They may not follow casteism but due to pressure of their grandmother of father then may accept or give a dowry. But, in their professional life they will refrain from taking a bribe etc. Similarly, they may go eat and enjoy a feast at a non-margii marriage if it is arranged by their own laokik family members, whereas sincere margiis will never take food at a dogmatic ceremony.

Top notch sadhakas: divyacariis

The highest path is divyacara - and those followers are devas or divyacariis. They never compromise on points of dharma, no matter the circumstances. They always adhere to 16 Points, yama and niyama, and are never swayed even one inch off the path of Ananda Marga ideology. They are veritable gods in human form.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “In divyácára sádhaná, they attain still loftier states of mind and establish themselves in the realm of divinity. Here they are devas [gods] and their lord is “Mahádeva”.” (1)

Society is a mixture

There will always be a mixture of all three grades of sadhakas. Always, new people are coming into human life and they will enter onto the path of pashavacara, as those followers of pashavacara are pashus (animal) in their mental colour. Although, they compromise on various aspects of 16 Points, but they are also margiis in their own way. They live amongst us – we all know this and recognize who is who. A person may not openly declare, “I am a pashavacarii; I am a half-margii”, but everyone knows.

After many lives and with the grace of Parama Purusa, those pashavacariis will one day become viiracariis. Similarly, through diligence, satsaunga, and the grace of Parama Purusa, those viiracariis will one day become divyacariis.

Whenever one moves from one stage to the next - their whole demeanor changes. It occurs over a continuum, but certainly one can easily differentiate a pashavacarii, from a viiracarii, from a divyacarii based on their conduct.

Naturally the lowest of the three grades is a pashavacarii. They are weak and inconsistent in following Sixteen Points and the various conduct rules.

AM teachings are rational

Baba is very strict on points of discipline yet the rules of Ananda Marga spiritual and social life are 100% rational. Once in general darshan, when Baba started AMPS it was thought that before learning sadhana all must take a full bath. Baba told that it would be difficult in certain areas due to a lack of water or cold temperatures so that is why He made the rule that one should take half-bath before learning meditation. That was the rule, yet it conditions were favourable then it was encouraged to take a full bath - but that was not imposed upon all.

Here is another situation that demonstrates how rational our AM way of life is. At the outset it was thought that at the time of death the body should be burned. Yet Baba understood that this may not always be possible as it would be difficult in the desert due to lack of wood and in colder regions like Iceland and Siberia. So He made the rule that best is to burn the body but burying it is also accepted. These are examples how AM rules accommodate one and all.

That is why all three above paths - pashavacara, viiracara, and divyacara - are all accept and why we have various grades of sadhakas. All are margiis and all types of people are present in our AMPS.

In contrast, in the various religions, their rules are set in stone - people follow rigidly or give up entirely. In that case they are either outsiders or they become atheist. And being an atheist is even worse than being a follower of the dogmatic religions. Atheists are a burden to society. If in a period of great social change then in our Marga there is possibility to change the rule so all can follow and discipline can be maintained. A clear example of this is that if during wartime many males are killed, then the surviving males be take more than one wife out of a social need so that females may marry and start a family etc.

Clear evidence of being pashavarcariis

In the above case study, it is evident that a number of the margiis were not very strict in adhering to Sixteen Points. They contravened various aspects like caste marriage, sentient food, etc. That is why one can easily conclude that such persons are pashvacariis.

But is it not just family people who are inclined in this manner. Some Wts are also prone to lesser standards. For instance, some Wts, driven by their own sensual desires, like to perform marriages as they like to be near those females etc. Surely they will deny this. But when it is clear that family acaryas are to conduct all Ananda Marga marriages, then what is the need for wholetimers to engage. Yet, driven by carnal desires, they like to go close in this way. This shows that mentally they are pashvacariis, despite the fact that they are walking around in avadhuta dress.    


Our Ananda Marga is the path of pure rationality wherein all can join and take part. At the same time there are various grades of sadhakas, and those who are committed Ananda Margiis should always hold themselves to the standard of the top tier - divyacara. By being strict in 16 Points and spiritual life, by His grace an aspirant will one day become fully established in this highest realm.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “This stage is called “divyácára” or “divyabháva” in Tantra. In this stage, Parama Puruśa is called “Mahádeva” or “Devádideva” – the God of gods. At this level the sadhaka becomes a deva, a vibrational existence. The sádhaka can vibrate the world, can create a vibration in the universe, and is thus a deva.” (2)

In Him,
Sadashiva Deva

~ In-depth study ~

What devious people do

When pashavarcariis (i.e. animal margiis) are intellectuals they falsify and misinterpret AM philosophy for their selfish endS. They are not just pashavarcariis but devious agents also. Here are some of the bogus justifications they make:

(a) Loknathji gave a speech that tamasik items like meat can be eaten as per Caryacarya.

(b) Supporters of MPD dogma argue that kiirtan can be performed anywhere - at any time. Anybody can join kiirtan - anywhere. According to them, kiirtan can be performed on the occasion of the inauguration of a strip club, casino hotel, pub or bar, live monkey eating restaurant, before racial riots or the inauguration of Ku Klux Klan headquarters, or before a human lynching, the burning of child widow along with her dead husband, before committing arson or performing a human sacrifice, prior to a female genital mutilation ceremony, at a slaughterhouse, or at a gay orgy gathering. They justify that kiirtan can be done at all these occasions. Such persons who say like this are devious-minded, pashu (animal) sadhakas.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Pashvácára, Viirácára and Divyácára
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 5, Pashupati, Viireshvara, and Mahádeva

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Are there different cultures on this earth

Prout philosophy states, "Culture is a vague term. It is the collective name for different expressions of life. People eat, enjoy hospitality, laugh on some occasions and shed tears on others, and thereby express life through various actions. The collective name of all these actions is culture."

"According to PROUT all of society has the same culture. There are local variations in the mode or state of cultural expression, but the expression is universal. While everybody eats, some eat by hand, others by stick and still others by spoon. Indian dance is based on Mudrá or dance postures, and European dance is based on rhythm, but they do not represent two different cultures."

"Local variations will diminish if there is a close blending between different groups of people, because this will create common customs. In Nepal there is a blending of Hindu and Buddhist customs. In Bengal there is a blending of Aryan and Dravidian customs. These local variations are called customs. Thus local modes of expression bearing local or group specialities are customs, but the expression itself is culture. Therefore it is a mistake to readjust boundaries on the basis of language and culture. Indian culture and the culture of the world are one and the same." (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section 3: Links ==

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This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Three types of margiis / Wts
2. IT: Are there different cultures on this earth
3. Links