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Thursday, December 6, 2018

History: role of margiis + 2 more


History: role of margiis


It is well known that family margiis have played a tremendous role in the start-up, growth, and development of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS). During the first 7 or 8 years of organisational life, there were no Wts. It was those dedicated margiis who initially preached the gospel of Ananda Marga ideology. And even after the creation of the wholetimer cadre in 1962, Baba continued to place great responsibility on family margiis.

Demolition of margii structure after 1990

Unfortunately, after 1990, in a destructive and systematic fashion, certain group leaders demolished many aspects of the margii side of the organisation. Most notably, the bhukti pradhan (BP) post has become mostly a shadow of its former self as group leaders fix elections to put their stooges in power and victimise those dharmika BPs, ensuring they have no voice at all.

The PKB (Purna Ka'lika Bandhu) position and other top margiis posts have been all but eliminated. By sidelining and abusing those margii postholders, those positions have become eradicated entirely, or remain as mere skeletons of the way things were prior 1990.

Let's take a brief look back and see the grand role bestowed upon family margiis in the formation of AMPS. This demonstrates that margiis have a rightful place in the organisational structure of AMPS as they provide a key sense of stability and balance.

Senior margiis requested by Baba to tour globe

While certainly many family margiis have had leading roles in AMPS, here we examine the case history of a few notable margiis from those early days.

Margii B. of Tamil Nadu along with senior margi brother, the late Sri B.V. R. of Coimbatore (South India), travelled to Europe upon Baba's order to do AM pracar, participate in the first AM Global Conference held in Mainz, Germany, and in the first Prout Convention in Paris, France. Those days, it was no small matter to travel from India to Europe, and those were inaugural conferences and conventions, yet Baba entrusted the vital responsibility of being an organisational representative upon two family margiis.

In particular, Margii B. and R. focused on pracar efforts in Germany, France, Italy, and Switzerland. Then on a separate tour, Margii B. was requested by Baba to do AM pracar in Southeast Asia, in countries and places such as Philippines, Malaysia, and Singapore. Along with many other duties and responsibilities, Margii B. was chosen as the master translator Whenever Baba visited to South India & Tamil Nadu.

Margiis play a big role in AMPS

And verily Sadguru Baba placed great trust and faith in innumerable margiis and gave them numerous top organisational posts. Up through 1990, the PKB designation, Purna Ka'lik Bandhu or 'Whole Time Friend of the Marga', held great honor, respect, and responsibility. Indeed there is essentially no practical difference between PKB (Purna Ka'lika Bandhu) and WT (Purna Ka'lika Karmii). Both are full-time for the Marga - the only difference being the first is Bandu and the later is Karmii.

Who can forget how top margiis like Sri Dharmenrda Rao of Devariya worked full-time as PKBs in India. Other notable PKBs were H. who was involved in ACB Society Building Department, P. who worked in Publications Department in Tiljala, and Dr S. who was the in-charge at clinic in Tiljala. All these aforementioned margiis and so many others made great contributions at the lotus feet of Baba for the development and growth of AM. With their full mind and heart, they did whatever was demanded of them and more, for the welfare of our Marga. Such margiis were eager to serve Baba and play a great role in the development of AMPS.

Still today, so many margiis have such a strong desire, but due to the present organisational climate there is little or no scope for margiis to take on such roles. It is a terrible tragedy that today, that entire enterprise of the Marga has dried up due to the selfish and exploitative behaviours of certain so-called top Wt group leaders. Sadly, we do not see margiis being used in the organisation in a dynamic way these days.

Monkey analogy

The whole situation can be likened to one shy, quiet person who was eating a very tasty meal. Seeing that individual, a monkey thought he was must stronger and could bully that person. So the monkey went over there and pushed that man to the ground and took away all his food. The monkey ate what he liked but threw most of the food all about - just wasting it. In result, that person lost all his food and had no meal to eat. This is the analogy depicting the tragic state of affairs nowadays in our AMPS. The bully Wts have malevolently intervened and stripped family margiis of all their rights, posts, and responsibilities as had been bestowed upon them by Baba.


All in all there is great benefit to be gained by allowing family margiis to play a dynamic role. And indeed it is not a question of "allowing margiis", but rather paying heed to Baba's wish: It is the birthright of margiis to have a prominent role. That is Baba's design and edict.

By tapping into the great potential of family margiis, our organisation will increase its resources and capacity many fold. Plus, by these experiences, family margiis will become more dynamic and capable. And our wholetimers will have a better support structure and will be able to focus more on acarya type of programs, not just money-making etc.

So there is lots to be gained in all respects by creative a truly coordinated cooperative structure as in the days prior to 1990. By remembering the great contributions made by family margiis up till 1990 and restoring their dynamic role in the organisation, we will create a dynamic AMPS at the earliest.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "What I said just now is that now humanity is at the threshold of a new era. And so many epoch-making events, so many annals of history, are to be created by you boys and you girls. Be ready to shoulder that responsibility of ages to come. You boys and you girls, what do you say? Are you ready for your revised duties and responsibilities?" (1)

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

More of that history

For everyone's awareness, here is more about the dynamic history of Margii B.'s dedicated involvement in the Marga. By Baba's wish, Margii B. got imprisoned during Indian Emergency in the years 1975 to 1977 for 21 months in Chennai Central prison. 

At the end of that time, he was in Salem prison along with the then P. A . Ramananda ji & Shiveshwarananda ji. And so many other incidents took place in the life of this humble soul in service to Lord Baba.  And he always feels himself only to be a machine in the hands of Baba, just to inspire others.

In 1964 Margii B. got initiated and within 15 days got the opportunity to hear Baba on one of His finest topic 'The Stance of Salvation and How to Attain It' at Salem itself. And he got his 1st lesson revised by  Baba in 1965 on the Tiger's grave at Jamalpur & much later on his insistence & by His Grace received microvita sadhana in 1987 at Tiljala.

Margii B. was present when the eternal song of Proutists was sung by Baba with all the melody during a visit to Baba in Bankipur Jail after his release from the prison. And top of all it is His grace how Baba loves us through ordeals and crisis. His grace is causeless and endless.

PKBs & WTs are the same

Indeed there is essentially no practical difference between PKB (Purna Ka'lika Bandhu) and WT (Purna Ka'lika Karmii). Both are full-time for the Marga-- the only difference being the first is Bandu and the later is Karmii.

1. A Few Problems Solved - 5, Humanity Is at the Threshold of a New Era

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Baba please come in my heart

"Alakár dyuti niye eso priiti,d́hele dáo shúnya hiyáy..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2535)


O' Parama Purusa, please come in my heart, and pour Your love into the deep core of my dry core. Baba, come with Your brilliant, spiritual refulgence of satya loka. You are my everything - my dhyana, my jinana, my Ista, and my object of ideation. You are the most sacred and holy - sweetness personified Bandhu. kindly pour Your divine nectar in my lonely mind.

O’ Supreme One, You are more sweet and more pleasing than any heavenly entity. Baba, You are the controller of my entire existence, and the maker of my future. By Your ideation, by thinking of You, a sweet feeling of bliss permeates and fills my dry life - and inundates me with sublime nectar.

Baba, kindly come with the lamp of love. With Your prema and guidance in my heart, I am treading on the path which You have shown me. Keeping Your affection in my core, I continually recite Your name with every breath, floating in the bay of the river of bhakti, by Your grace. That is the propulsion for my spiritual journey…

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This email contains three sections:
1. PS #2535: Baba please come in my heart
2. Posting: History: role of margiis
3. Links