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Sunday, August 20, 2023

Meaning behind praise + 4 more

Meaning behind praise


As disciples of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji, we have to understand His all-encompassing guidelines, including His praise and appreciation of other philosophers. For instance, when Baba approves of a given thinker’s particular teaching, should we then wholeheartedly embrace the full body of that philosopher's work. Here we examine two case studies.

Case study #1: Vyasa Dev

Vyasa Deo created all sorts of negative mythologies and all kinds of tiirthas etc. Vyasa Deo wrote all the 18 puranas / myths which are full preachings about the glory of tiirtha. So he is responsible for starting so many of those Hindu dogmas. But about this same Vyasa Deo, Baba appreciates his literary epic, The Mahabharata. In addition, Baba has expressed His appreciation for Vyasa Deo in Prabhat Samgiita #1307.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Krs'n'advaepa'yan'a Vya'sa is renowned as Vedavya'sa for having divided the Vedas into three main portions (Rk, Yajuh, and Atharva)...He was born in a fisherman's family (Kaevarta [a fishing caste]) on a blackish island that rose out of the waters of the confluence of the Ganges and the Yamuna at Prayag, and for this reason the people gave him the name Krs'n'advaepa'yan'a. This Krs'n'advaepa'yan'a or Vedavya'sa was the composer of the Mahabharata. The Mahabharata was composed long, long, long after the Vedas, but nonetheless it is undoubtedly more than three thousand years old." (1)

However, just because Baba appreciates Vyasa Deo’s literary accomplishments, it does not mean that we Ananda Margiis should follow all of Vyasa Deo's dogmatic teachings in the Mahabharata or that we should pass the rest of our days going to one or another of those dogmatic Hindu tiirthas etc. Instead we must continue to stand on the firm foundation of Ananda Marga and wipe out all forms of dogma.

Case study #2: Tagore

And same is the case with Shrii Rabindranath Tagore. Because Tagore's writings contain all sorts of errors and Baba has pointed out the problematic approach of some of Rabindranath's songs - Ravindra Samgiita. Yet on certain aspects Baba has also appreciated Tagore's contributions.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “O Parama Puruśa, give me strength to continue the struggle. I do not want to escape from affliction and suffering, I want to attain You in a joyful struggle against the affliction and suffering.” The great poet Rabindranath Tagore said in this regard,

Vipade more rakśá kara e nahe mor prárthaná,
Vipade yena ná kari kabhu bhay;
Duhkha tápe vyathita cite nái bá dile sántvaná
Duhkhe yena karite pári jay.

[My prayer to You is not “Save me from danger,” but “Bless me so that I can overcome danger.” You need not console me in my suffering, but bless me so that I can overcome suffering.] (2)

But we would be foolish to think that therefore all of Tagore's writings are pure and that we should start following them. Or that we should cast Prabhat Samgiita aside and instead delve into the world of Ravindra Samgiita. This would not be good. No one should get confused in that way. Rather we should strictly adhere to Baba's dharmic teachings.

Understanding His praise of other philosophers

There are other examples where Baba appreciates a particular person in a very specific manner while other teachings by that same individual go against Ananda Marga ideals and created problems in the society.

About those thinkers and social leaders whom Baba has recognized, Baba does not appreciate their overall philosophy. Rather Baba only supports one limited aspect of their teachings which is consonant with the ideals of Ananda Marga.

We should not think just because Baba has cited and appreciated someone that therefore we should start following that person's entire approach. For instance, just because Baba has remarked that Mahatma Gandhi was a simple man does not mean we should adopt Gandhism. And just because Baba has appreciated Karl Marx’s empathy for the common man does not mean we should follow communism / Marxism.

Baba has appreciated certain people on one point or another, based on whether that particular teaching is consistent with Ananda Marga ideology. On that single particular point their guideline is approved. It does not mean however that we should appreciate all their teachings. In that case, we would be wholeheartedly embracing communism, Marxism, Gandhism, Islam etc.

More takeaways

To think that everything Vyasa Deo or Shrii Rabindranath Tagore have given is a jewel is not correct. While some lines that Vyasa Deo and Shrii Rabindranath published are good, but at the same time they have also written numerous teachings which Baba warns us about and does not approve.

We always have to view Baba's comments in a balanced way. Then we will understand that which Baba has approved is consistent with Ananda Marga ideology, whereas that which He critiques is dogma, i.e contrary to Baba's teachings.

Drifting away from Guru's guideline and reading anyone's negative and dogmatic philosophy is not good, rather harmful.

Human life is short; best is to adhere to Baba's own guidelines. In this way dharma will be established and one human society will be built.

We are fortunate Baba has given everything; the philosophy of Parama Purusa is perfect. So we need not read other dogmatic writings. Just we should follow Baba.


In a line we can say Baba appreciates those thinkers when their guidelines are rational and Baba criticises those thinkers when their teachings are irrational. That is the sole reason behind Baba's praise and condemnation of any philosopher or social leader.

at His lotus feet,

1. Shabda Cayaniká Part 2, Disc: 11
2. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life in a Nutshell Part 8, Sadhana

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You are kśamá sundar

“Sumadhur tumi sushobhan…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0581)


O’ Parama Purusa, You are very sweet, exquisitely attractive, and stunningly ravishing. You are kśamá sundar. You are ever-forgiving. Due to your forgiving nature, You are very beautiful. With Your divine touch, the world has become very charming. You have made this earth pleasant. 

Those who do not know You think that You are harsh. Those who have not realized You mistakenly think You are unkind. They see Your liila and cannot understand You. They are unable to grasp that You are love-personified and the essence of benevolence. By Your grace, I know that You are extremely charming and unparalleled. No one is above You; nor is anyone Your equal. You stand alone and control all. You are beyond all comparisons. You are paratpara - the Supreme Controller.

O’ Parama Purusa, by Your love and affection that dormant consciousness (kulakundalinii) gets aroused. That subtle spiritual energy transforms their existence. Those who love You feel Your unbounded kindness and attain the supreme rank. You are guńádhiish; You are the Lord of maya. You are the Purusottama; You are the Supreme Entity, and everything and everyone revolves are You. Baba, You are the remover of darkness in the physical, mental, and spiritual spheres, as You shower Your divine light upon one and all...

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Bastardization of family acarya system

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "Only those persons who are sincere, spirited and endowed with sharp intellect; and who understand and can make others understand the philosophy will be considered eligible to become acaryas." (1)

Note: Sadguru Baba’s above golden guideline is an essential component of developing a strong cadre of acaryas. Eligibility for becoming an acarya is to be based on one’s psychic and psycho-spiritual development, as well as one’s commitment to understanding and propagating Ananda Marga ideology.

Sadly, this high standard is not being upheld these days. One such avenue needing attention is the pathway for becoming a family acarya. In today’s organisational climate of extreme groupism, family acaryaships are not granted on the basis of one’s sadhana and ideological understanding. Instead, people become family acaryas only if they will blindly and obediently follow the notorious agenda of their bosses (i.e. adopt a stooge mentality), and / or if they are big financial donors to Centre etc. That is why nowadays they are fake family acaryas. 

The overall idea is that if one is willing to unquestioningly compromise on points of ideology for the sake of a particular narrow group, then one will be considered a prime candidate to be a fake family acarya. Unfortunately, this is the chief qualification these days.

To truly advance and propagate Ananda Marga ideology, our entire acarya cadre, both family and Wt acaryas, will have to be formed and based on Guru’s guideline.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "Only those persons who are sincere, spirited and endowed with sharp intellect; and who understand and can make others understand the philosophy will be considered eligible to become acaryas." (2)

1. Caryacarya - 1, Táttvika, Ácárya/á, and Purodhá
2. Caryacarya - 1, Táttvika, Ácárya/á, and Purodhá

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Never succumb to this debased attitude

   Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "There are people, however, who have opposite feelings. They burn in envy to see someone happy, and make an all out effort to put them in danger. On seeing someone in distress, they think: “Rightly served. As you sow, so you reap. Let their troubles augment.” Such human-shaped animals are prowling about in many fields of life, including the field of politics."
   "There are some people who, on seeing someone engaged in noble work, try to stop that person; for example, when someone belonging to the opposite camp is trying to help the neglected, downtrodden, people badly hit by famine or flood, they think that [through their philanthropic acts] their adversaries may become popular, and so they must be opposed. There are people who, on seeing someone engaged in harmful activity or malevolent endeavours, encourage them in crude, bestial activities so that they can directly exploit the opportunity for their own benefit." (1)

1. Shabda Cayaniká Part 4, Disc: 27

== Section: Comment ==

Re: Example: H group fell in dross


Fantastic write-up on current status of AMPS and very accurate for that matter. Once again the same question comes up as to who is going to tie the bell in the neck of the cat? It already seems things have gone too far to be saved in any manner. Even a 1% change in behavior seems to be almost impossible among all the factions. As article put it very well that all groups have forgotten BABA's ideals and Ideology and they have become a pure Charawaka 's disciples.
Ywat jeevet sukham jeevet, rinam kritwa gritham piibet,
bhasmiii bhutasya dehasya punaragamank kutaha.
Eat, drink and be merry leaders. Gathering money for their old age and providing their families money etc  seems to be the goal of WT's and all leaders in varied factions. No pracar anymore .

Jai Baba
N Rao, USA

- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: Example: H group fell in dross

== Section 3: Links ==

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