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Monday, July 15, 2024

Sadhakas & downfall + 3 more

Sadhakas & downfall


We have all come onto the tantric path of Ananda Marga - the path of pure spirituality. It is His grace.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Vaedikii diiks'a' is to request God, request the Lord, to show one the right path. And after a long time, when the Lord is satisfied, He arranges for Ta'ntrikii diiks'a'. Ananda Marga diiks'a' is Ta'ntrikii diiks'a'." (1)

So ours is the fast path where the Guru is Brahma Himself and where every sadhaka's progress is rapid. One life is all it takes to get moks'a (salvation).

Ours is rocket speed

As we are moving very quickly towards our final destination - i.e. onto Baba's divine lap, we must take proper care along the way. For instance, if one is walking slowly down the sidewalk in a quiet town on a sunny day then there is not much danger involved. Because one's speed is quite slow. But if one is aboard a rocket that is blasting off into outer space, then there is the potential for grave danger. Because one's speed is quite fast.

Likewise, those involved in material life are just revolving far around the Cosmic Hub, similar to a person slowly moseying down the street. Hence, they are not exposed to many dangers (i.e. allurements etc). Whereas as sadhakas of the tantric path of Ananda Marga we are making a straight line to the Cosmic epicenter. Our speed is super fast - like that rocket. In that case, every allurement and obstacle under the sun will come our way.

Beware: degeneration can come

Given our great speed, we must be extremely careful. We are burning all kinds of samskaras very, very rapidly. We are leaving behind the old ways of past animal lives, embracing the ideas of neo-humanism, and striving to lead life divine. Along the way, so many problems, difficulties, temptations, and obstacles confront us. Nearly each and every day brings a new hurdle.

We may be lured by greed, tempted by sensuality, or hanker for prestige, fame, and occult powers - so many things may befall us, i.e. the sa'dripus (six enemies: physical pleasure, anger, avarice, vanity, blind attachment, envy) and the as't'apasha (eight fetters: hatred, doubt, fear, shyness, dissemblance, vanity of lineage, cultural superiority, and ego), and we also may fall prey to all kinds of negative microvita.

And indeed we see such things happening every day - it is a very real reality:
  • Some stray from the path to pursue material wealth;
  • Some get caught up in nonsense behaviour and leave;
  • Some join a particular group due to their pride of cultural legacy or lust of power;
Others think they are so great and then leave to start something else. And still others think that their sadhana is very high and therefore they are above so-called normal people. Sadhakas with this kind of superiority complex can never enter the kingdom of Parama Purusa. Thus, there are a whole slew of difficulties that may befall us.

The tricks of Maha’ Ma’ya’

Why do all these difficulties arise? Because our minds are focused and moving ahead quickly so we face an endless barrage of allurements as avidya maya does not want to let us go. She (Maha Maya) likes that we should remain in her bondage. Whereas if we become liberated and attain salvation, then she must be our obedient servant. Thus, she is using all her tricks to keep us in bondage. Whereas those who are leading ordinary mundane life are already keeping themselves in bondage. Thus Maha Maya focuses more of her energy on us as we are moving quickly out of her grasp.

So if we are not careful those things -- the gross temptations of avidya maya etc - can catch hold of us and bring about our degeneration.

Here the point is not that we should suddenly become scared and leave the path and take shelter in materialism and animal life so as to slow down our speed. That is not the point and doing like that will only invite a whole new slew of problems.

We should advance at our rapid pace but at the same time we should be acutely aware of the dangers that might drag us down. We should be aware of those temptations and know how to combat them as well. And the best way to overcome any obstacle is to surrender to Parama Purusa and desire to please only Him, and not harbor any personal desires. For this, we must ask His grace.

Negative microvita: so many problems

Failing to surrender to Parama Purusa means inviting so many problems as sadhakas. Without His shelter, there are so many types of negative microvita that can allure us.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Kinnara microvita is that category of microvita which creates a thirst for beauty – a strong desire for beautification and decoration. The word kinnara means “receptacle of beauty” or “a beautiful and graceful structure”. This category of microvita creates a tendency in the human mind to make the human body as beautiful as the many forms and figures it observes in the external world. This tendency or propensity is called “kinnari vrtti”. If the kinnaras direct the mind towards crude matter instead of leading it towards the subtler layers, they are considered to be enemy microvita or negative microvita." (2)

So we should always be aware what we desire in life. If we desire the wrong thing such as physical beauty and charm, we may become negative microvita itself. Same is the case if we chase after fame and fortune or so many other worldly things. Negative microvita will swallow us.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "There is yet another category of microvita whose collective name is called “videhaliina microvita”. These microvita cause the human mind to rush from one place to another, and finally lead it away from Parama Purus'a. They keep the human mind oblivious to the supreme purpose of life. Due to their inner thirst for material gain, they force the human mind to go around in circles, like bullocks trudging endlessly around an oil mill. They make the human mind restless, and by misdirecting it, throw it into utter confusion." (3)

Along with the sa'dripus and as't'apasha', we must keep all kinds of negative microvita at arms length.

Even happens to good sadhakas

Perhaps the most dangerous thing is to think that, 'I can never fall - it will never happen to me.' After all, people always thinking that this can't happen to me.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Suppose a person is practising spiritual sa'dhana' regularly, properly, and with proper inspiration and sincerity, but some other desires, some other longings, remain coverted in the person’s mind. The person is a good person, he or she is sincerely doing sa'dhana', but in his mind he thinks, "If Ba'ba' gives me ten lakhs – or five lakhs – or only two lakhs – everything will be managed properly. Oh, no! I won’t ask for these things. No, no, no, it is bad, it is bad." That desire, that longing for money, remains in him, although he is a developed soul, not a bad person, not at all a bad person. So what happens? Because of his piety, after death he gives up the physical structure, the solid body, and gives up the aquatic structure, that is, apatattva, also; but the other three factors – tejas [luminous factor], marut [aerial factor], vyoma [ethereal factor] – remain with him, with his detached mind." (4)

In that case, a person become negative microvita instead of attaining Parama Purusa. Here is yet another example.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "“I am a good sa'dhaka, but haven’t any vocal power. I can’t dance properly, I can’t sing properly, my vocal cord doesn’t function well. I require more attributions, more qualifications – and if I get more qualifications I will get promotion in the service also. Oh, no, no, no. These are all bad things. These are all bad desires. A person should not have any desires.” When such a person dies, they also get that type of body, luminous, gaseous and ethereal. These three bhu'tas are there. These people are called vidya'dhara." (5)

In that case a person become negative microvita instead of attaining Parama Purusa. So there are any number of ways that one might get transferred into becoming negative microvita and they all stem out of improper longing.

We should desire to please Parama Purusa - nothing else. Otherwise even good people will get caught in the net of negative microvita and float for centuries across the universe as disembodied souls who could not attain salvation.

Occult powers

Here is yet another problem that can pull us down off the path.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "If one gains occult power, one may do so many things. In the third stage of sa'dhana', a sa'dhaka gets some occult power. And after getting the occult power, suppose that he becomes engaged with that occult power, he wants to display that occult power. What will happen? He will fall down. He will be nowhere. He will not remain a sa'dhaka. So in that stage, in the third stage, one will have to be very, very cautious. And even with those occult powers [one should say], “I want Parama Purus'a, not the occult powers.” Do you follow?" (6)

The attainment of occult powers is not some far-off fantasy. Here above Baba Himself says that occult WILL appear on the doorstep of every sadhaka. It is an inevitability, but we are to pass them by and not pay heed to such allurements. We must focus on our goal of pleasing Parama Purusa and surrendering to His sweet will.

Unfortunately, many get lured in this crude direction of occult powers. They want to be able to do things that will catch the attention, praise, respect, and awe of others. It is common. In the material sphere, one may buy a sports car or become a half-naked super model, and in the realm of spirituality one may become a slave of occult powers. That is how they satisfy their strong urge to command the attention and respect of others. In that case, all their hard-earned spiritual attainment becomes lost as one will never ever get close to Parama Purusa.

Mind attracted to animal life

One of the main things we have to remember is that every human has emerged from animal life. That is part and parcel of the cycle of brahmacakra. So the ways of animal life are well known to us. And in general, people march towards things that they are familiar with - not toward new things. Spirituality is new to humans; we have not been there before. So it take a lot of effort to move in that direction. In contrast, the allurement toward carnal pleasures is well known to us and easily gotten. In that case, if we are not careful, at any moment one can fall in that direction: Sex, greed, crude food, excess sleep, etc, etc.


By Baba's grace, we have all come onto the path of life divine and are moving ahead quickly. We should be aware of the obstacles - hence the above letter - and be proactive to remain on the true path. Let us fill our lives with His teachings, song, dance, and sadhana. The more we think and involve the mind with Him, the less we are prone to fall into problem.

There is no need to be scared of negative microvita or avidya maya. Just, we should be aware and honest with ourselves about the direction in which we are moving. Then, by His grace and with His practices, we are sure to be successful in this very life and attain Him.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "You will never attain Him through your erudition, intellect, valour, or vanity. You are to attain Him through constant ideation, sweet devotional sentiment, and intense spiritual longing." (7)

In Him,

1. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 3, Sadguruḿ Taḿ Namámi
2. Microvitum in a Nutshell, Crude and Subtle Microvita
3. Microvitum in a Nutshell, Crude and Subtle Microvita
4. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 3, Ghosts and Evil Spirits
5. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 3, Ghosts and Evil Spirits
6. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 30, Occult Powers or Parama Puruśa?
7. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, Form and Formless

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Benefit of dances

Ananda Marga ideology states, "You know Lalita Ma'rmika dance used during Kiirtana is a purely spiritual dance, and Kaos'ikii is a psycho-spiritual dance - it starts on the psychic level and culminates on the spiritual level. And Ta'n'd'ava is physico-psycho-spiritual."

"In Lalita Ma'rmika, the position of the arms is above 90 degrees. This denotes that it is a Mudra' - in Sam'skrta it is called a 'Mudra'. This mudra' means, 'O Supreme Creator, Thou art mine and I am Yours. I am Thine'." (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrrtam - 12, A Purely Personal Entity

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Animals keenly forecast natural disasters

Ananda Marga ideology says, "A crow has a natural premonitive instinct regarding storms. An owl and to some extent a dog can sense beforehand the possible occurrence of an earthquake or some other unforeseen natural calamity of great magnitude. Such power of apprehending phenomenal vibrations exists not in ten or twenty but in innumerable species of birds.  Such a power is indeed of paramount necessity in their rigorous struggle for survival.  Such a power did exist, too, to some extent, among the prehistoric people.  But today, in this age of so-called civilization, human beings, having become extremely ease-loving, have lost that power through misuse and lack of necessity; just as their tails, their ability to move their ears and their capacity to hold things with their feet have disappeared.  Now the hairiness of their bodies and the strength of their teeth and nails are also becoming extinct. The greater the pre-occupation of creatures with the struggle for existence, the necessarily greater must be their power of premonition or prescience of impending danger, or else their existence will be effaced from the surface of the earth -- this is the law of nature." (1)

Note: People often think that animals are lowly and neglected beings but that is not true. As Baba points out above, animals are far more aware about naturally occurring phenomena than human beings. On this point animals are highly instinctual and are always surveying the scene. They can forecast and predict a wide array of storms and natural calamities - and save themselves from impending disasters.

In the above quote Baba indicates how humans also used to have such abilities, but now with the onset of modernity and a comfort-oriented lifestyle, humans have lost this skill. So now people are entirely dependent upon science to forecast the weather etc. But as developed as science is, scientists (meteorologists and seismologists) are still in the dark about earthquakes. They are unable to predict when and where an earthquake might occur; whereas various animals like dogs and owls have this unique innate gift.

That's why when earthquakes occur in various regions, it is reported how street dogs and other animals were behaving abnormally beforehand. They were restless, walking around whimpering, and running out of the buildings or caves. The dogs knew about the impending disaster that was about to strike. Often zoos also report how so many of the animals cry out several minutes before the first tremors of an earthquake are felt. So they run out of the their shelters, buildings or caves.

In contrast, modern scientists generally do not have any idea that an earthquake is about to occur. But dogs know. And those people who understood why the dogs and other animals were upset were able to help themselves and others also. At the same time, those dogs living with human dogs are losing that ability.

So in future, we should rely upon animals to guide us about when and where natural disasters will strike. While dogs can often detect impending earthquakes, crows can sense cyclones. Similarly there are numerous animals that are acutely aware about impending storms and natural disasters. And by that way they are able to save themselves.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour