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Wednesday, May 25, 2022

They are enemies + 3 more


They are enemies


Baba warns us against those Dadas involved in selling off Ananda Marga land as it will have an ongoing, recurring negative effect.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "This maha'pa'taka is also atipa'taka, but the difference is that its effect is of recurring nature. Suppose a corrupt businessman uses papaya seeds [in the black pepper] – he invents a [new kind] of adulteration – papaya seeds. Now other businessmen will learn it from him, and the process will go on in recurring nature. So the particular businessman who invented this art is a maha'pa'takii. That is, its effect will be of recurring nature. It will go on forever." (1)

So those selling Ananda Marga properties come in the maha'pa'takii group because in the future other Dadas will follow their negative example and sell more Ananda Marga land and property etc.

How to deal with Ananda Marga land sellers

Baba has given the order in "A Guide to Human Conduct" that if someone tries to capture our land then they can be violently attacked.

    Ks'etrada'ra'paha'rii ca shastradha'rii dhana'paha'h
    Agnidagaradashcaeva s'adete hya'tata'yinah

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "“Anyone who, by the use of brute force, wants to take possession of your property, ks'etra-land, abducts your wife, comes with a weapon to murder you, wants to snatch away your wealth, sets fire to your house or wants to take life by administering poison, is called an a'tata'yii.” If any person or a nation wants to occupy all or part of another country, the use of physical force against such invading forces is not against the principle of ahim'sa'. Rather, by a wrong interpretation of the term ahim'sa' or by interpreting him'sa' and brute force as identical, common people will have to suffer from loss of wealth, happiness, or other hardships." (2)

By their wicked ways and cheating tactics some are selling AMPS lands to gain money to use at their own disposal. They are taking possession of AM property and using it for their selfish ends. Per Baba's above teaching, we are to understand that those culprits involved in selling our organizational property are also to be treated as enemies of the Marga.

Ananda Marga land sellers are maha'pa'takiis

Here below Baba tells how those who set a negative example that has a recurring effect are terrible sinners. Read the following and reflect how this also applies to those Dadas involved in selling AM lands.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "To kidnap Sita was an act of maha'pa'taka. But he didn't kidnap Sita as a thief or as a robber. He went in disguise. He went in the form of a sa'dhu. That is, he [Ravana] created a very bad precedent, and henceforward no kulabadhu, no lady, will pay credence to what a sannya'sii says. They may think: ‘He may be like Ravana; he may also be a thief – like Ravana.’ So he has set a very, very bad example, and it will have a recurring effect on each and every lady of society. So Ravana is a maha'pa'takii, his action is of recurring effect." (3)

Just as Ravana's misdeeds set a bad and lasting precedent for the society, and is hence considered a deliberate sinner, similarly those who sell AM lands fall in the same category. Their sin has a recurring effect.

Firstly, it will give the idea to other groupists in need of funds that selling AM land is a viable option. Secondly, good people will lose all faith and trust that those at the helm of AM will be able to properly watch over their land. Hence no one in future will donate land to the Marga.

Thus there are two recurring negative consequences. Hence, there is no question that - per Baba's above declaration - such land-sellers are grave and terrible sinners, i.e. maha'pa'takiis.


Baba has blessed us with the opportunity to safeguard His teachings and AM lands. Unitedly we can fix the problem, prevent future land sales, and reverse the damage that has been done.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Who else is to come and shoulder the responsibility? It is you – you are to do everything. You are the torch-bearers of human civilization. You are the pioneers of human march, and you are the vanguard of a new civilization." (4)

in Him,
Gunadiisha Sharma

~ In-depth study ~

So, we margiis should not believe in any groupist leaders. We should be united without taking the shelter of any group. By Baba's grace we are to raise ideological issues, be alert and conscious, and fight against the idea of selling land of the organisation. It is our sacred duty to save our Marga's property from the greedy eyes and bloody claws of groupist leaders of all factions.

We must know that when our organisation sells land then we will never get money to buy land. No one will donate to the cause of AM land. Because people will think that any land donated today or bought today will one day be sold by the organisation. So the inspiration to donate or buy land will be burnt forever. That is the very real and scary outcome. No one will trust us to oversee our landholdings in a proper and responsible manner. That is the "after-shock" effect of selling AM land.

Indeed in this way development of our organisation will be hurt. The situation is that grave. So this selling of AM land is not a simple issue, but has far-reaching consequences. This will create a dangerous and recurring effect for our AMPS. We have to remember that it is wholly against Baba's explicit guideline to sell Ananda Marga property. We must pay heed to His call. Let us also remember that Ba'ba' regards our land as dharmasthan, and this is our dharmic duty to protect our Marga's property.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, Sinners and Their Rectification
2. A Guide to Human Conduct, Ahimsa
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, Sinners and Their Rectification
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, The Glorious March

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Buddha’s lack of clarity stifled followers

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "It is true that Buddha did not explicitly mention Iishvara, but it is also true that he never denied Iishvara. He was once asked, Kim Bhagavata atthi [“Does God exist”]? Buddha did not answer. He was again asked, Kim Bhagavata natthi [“Then does God not exist”]? Again Buddha remained silent. At this, three types of people formed three different ideas about Buddha. One group thought that since Buddha did not answer the question about the existence of God, he must be an atheist. Another group thought, since Buddha did not answer the question, “Does God then not exist?” then he must be a theist, a believer in God. And yet another group, the third group, thought, “God’s existence is beyond the saḿkalpa and vikalpa of the human mind, and so beyond the scope of atthi and natthi [existence and non-existence], and for that reason Buddha preferred to remain silent.”"

"Regarding jiivátmá [unit consciousness], Buddha did not use the term jiivátmá or any such word, but he uttered one sentence, Attáhi attánaḿ natha. This sentence may have two meanings. One meaning is, “One is the lord of one’s own self,” and the other is, “Átman is the lord of átman.” The second meaning perhaps is more acceptable because in the Prákrta language the word appan is generally used to indicate one’s own self, while the word attá is mainly used in the sense of átman, or soul. Thus one cannot conclusively prove that Buddha did not accept the existence of átman; there is sufficient scope for controversy on this point."

"It is true that Buddha did not support the Vedas. But while preaching his philosophy he remarked, Eśa dhamma sanantana – “This is the eternal dharma.”" (1)

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Shiva in the Light of Philosophy

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