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Thursday, August 30, 2018

False claim in Ananda Yuga magazine + 2 more


False claim in Ananda Yuga magazine


The duty of disciples of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji is to propagate Ananda Marga philosophy, i.e. Sadguru Baba’s teachings. But one Dada is preaching the exact opposite.

Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us that this creation is finite. Please read below what Sadguru Baba is teaching.

Ánanda Márga ideology says, "This universe is a creation of three fundamental binding principles – sentient, mutative, and static – and wherever there is the binding influence of the static principle, the objectivity, that is, the phenomenal counterpart of the noumenal subjectivity, becomes limited. A line of demarcation, a boundary line, is created. And where there is a boundary line, it cannot be infinite." (1)

Now see the 3rd line in the below scan from the Ananda Yuga magazine where Dada has printed that this universe is infinite. But that is false. The reality is the universe is finite.

Screen Shot 2016-12-04 at 9.16.41 AM.png

Article in Ananda Yuga Year 37, Issue 2, p. 34, “Cosmic Cycle, Ananda Marga Philosophy”


Ananda Marga philosophy states that this creation is finite. Unfortunately, the article printed in the magazine Ananda Yuga wrongly states that the creation is infinite.

Wt conduct rule: “One should not give any false answer and should consult with one`s seniors for the correct answer.” (2)

In Him,
Malati Singh

~ In-depth study ~

This universe is not infinite ie. limited

Ánanda Márga ideology says, "This universe is a creation of three fundamental binding principles – sentient, mutative, and static – and wherever there is the binding influence of the static principle, the objectivity, that is, the phenomenal counterpart of the noumenal subjectivity, becomes limited. A line of demarcation, a boundary line, is created. And where there is a boundary line, it cannot be infinite. It may be very, very big, but it is not infinite...Now the Supreme Cognitive Entity, rather the Cognitive Faculty, when It creates something, when Its creation comes within the jurisdiction of the static principle, that creation is very big, though not infinite." (3)

Will have to face the consequences

Directly or indirectly supporting any sin is also a sin. That is why I request good margiis not to associate themselves with this magazine. One must keep away from this magazine the way one stays away from the virus. This magazine is propagating false things. 

Who is the wrongdoer

Some naive persons might claim that the real culprits are the editorial staff. But the fact is that the staff will not dare do anything against the wishes of the editor Dada Guniindrananda jii. And this is Ananda Marga; Dada Guniindrananda is running the show. He is the editor and he is the culprit.

The names and contact details of the involved editorial staff has been provided in note #1. Readers are requested to contact the editorial staff of Ánanda Yuga magazine and inform them of their wrongdoings. In order to make our Ananda Marga magazines pristine, please forward this posting to respected Dádá Guniindránanda.

Note 1: The editorial members of Ananda Yuga are listed below:

Editor: Ac Guniindránanda Avt - As the editor he is most responsible.

Will have to face the consequences

Directly or indirectly supporting any sin is also a sin. That is why I request these below listed good margiis not to associate themselves with this magazine. One must keep away from this magazine the way one stays away from the virus. This magazine is propagating false things. So if any margii supports this magazine, they will have to face the consequences of the cosmic operative principle - so watch out.  Below is the list of some of the names listed on the editor’s page.

Co-Editor: Shri R. D. Singh

Decoration Dept:
Ajay Kumar Deva
Amod Kumar Sharma

Editorial Staff:
Shrii R. L. Sharma
Shrii Diliip Sagar
Shrii Chakradhar Shastri
Shrii Ram Ujagir Choudhury
Shrii Ac Diipnáráyanji
Shrii Sunil Ananda

Please contact Dádá Guniindránanda, and open his eyes:
Phone #1: 011-24643344
Phone #2: 011-24627870
Phone #3: 09953949754 (may also be contacted on WhatsApp)

Please forward this letter to the below addresses, so they can fix the problem:
Email #1:
Email #2:

This universe is not infinite ie. limited

Ánanda Márga ideology says, "This universe is a creation of three fundamental binding principles – sentient, mutative, and static – and wherever there is the binding influence of the static principle, the objectivity, that is, the phenomenal counterpart of the noumenal subjectivity, becomes limited. A line of demarcation, a boundary line, is created. And where there is a boundary line, it cannot be infinite. It may be very, very big, but it is not infinite...Now the Supreme Cognitive Entity, rather the Cognitive Faculty, when It creates something, when Its creation comes within the jurisdiction of the static principle, that creation is very big, though not infinite." (3)

Dada Guniindrananda, Gunindrananda, Ac Guniidranand, Dada Guniindranandji, Guniindránanda, Guniindránandji

1. Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 21, "Unit Spirit and Cosmic Spirit"
2. 37 Workers Rules, Point #32
3. Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 21, "Unit Spirit and Cosmic Spirit"

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Is neg MV beyond the control of Parama Purusa

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Negative microvita cannot influence a person’s mind at all when one’s mind is moving in the higher cakras. They cannot even fully control the body, although they can have a negative influence to some extent. If a person in a state of meditation keeps his or her mind concentrated at a higher cakra for a long time, and immediately after that negative microvita carried by the smell inference enter the body, these negative microvita cannot overpower the person, but they can do so partially. But if the mind moves towards crude objects, at that time the negative microvita do not spare the person – they will attack the person severely.” (1)

Note: Parama Purusa is the Supreme Controller and negative microvita fall under His jurisdiction. And by His grace, good sadhakas are never adversely affected by negative microvita.

So only confused people think that negative microvita works independently of Parama Purusa. Most often, this is a result of some kind of religious dogma that’s been carried forth since childhood. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to remove the dogma of Satan from the mind when a person has been raised in such an environment. That is why even a few good margiis are confused on this point and view negative microvita as some kind of Satan. But that is neither rational nor consonant with Ananda Marga ideals.

The Semitic religions do not have any philosophy - just theology. And that is self-contradictory. Their theological approach states that Satan is all-powerful and works independently of God. But according to our Ananda Marga philosophy, Satan does not even exist and God alone is all-powerful and the Supreme Controller of everything. He lords over both positive and negative microvita. Everything is controlled by Parama Purusa. To fully understand this, however, one must study all of microvita philosophy. In closing, it has been proven here that Satan and negative microvita are not the same thing.

1. Microvita in a Nutshell, “Disembodied Souls and Microvita – Excerpt A”

== Section 3: Links ==

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Other topics of interest
More important letters

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This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: False claim in Ananda Yuga magazine
2. IT: Is neg MV beyond the control of Parama Purusa

3. Links