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Sunday, July 29, 2018

Sexual issues: solutions #4 + 3 more


Sexual issues: solutions #4


This is part of an ongoing series titled “Sexual issues: solutions”, and thus far three letters have been posted:
Best is to read the prior three letters before reading the below. This following letter is comprised of miscellaneous points.

Will constipation be cured by eating meat & taking medicine?

Let us consider an example. Suppose someone is affected by a stomach disease, say constipation. By looking deep into this disease it is clear that the patient has consumed meat, resulting in constipation, and further deterioration of digestion capability of the stomach. By superficially applying some ointment or blindly giving medicine will not cure the stomach disease, because the patient is still consuming meat and other animal products that result in constipation. Unless the person stops eating food that creates constipation, taking medicine will not cure the disease. Without understanding the root cause, just providing medicine is not the solution. So for any disease one has to find out what is the root cause, and then treat it accordingly.

Youth degeneration as a result of fear

People waste their semen in an early age, and when they want to have children it is too late as they have lost the capability to have children. As a result, people find other surrogate means to have children

Because of stricter rules, negative approach is being developed among youth. Being fearful, younger people are involved in other types of wrongdoings in which they extract sex energy without being involved in sex violence (e.g. dirty self-stimulation). Sex energy in the body is not only support functions towards sex, but also supports overall growth of the body, nurtures various parts, development of mind etc. As a result, teenagers are becoming neuters. Medical reports suggests that about 10%-15% of teens have become neuters.  These teens were not neuters by birth, but became neuters by releasing their vital sex energy by dirty self-stimulation, thereby excessively using sex vrittis (instincts). With excessive use of a vritti, it fails to function. So for neuters, the sex vrittis (instincts) does not function. In such an early age teens lose their sex energy, and how will they be involved in giving birth to new children? This is an example of how fear creates unnecessary problems in the society. The problem of sex violence on women is multifaceted, and similarly multifaceted solutions are needed to address it.

Sleeping separately

Even married couples should not sleep together except when it is not intended for giving birth to children . Because if they sleep together, husband want to have sex, and wife does not. Sex vritti gets activated in husband, while no such vritti is activated for wife. Abhoga Samsargat Praptiresana - when the husband sleeps near wife, the object of enjoyment (as an ordinary person will think) is near, and the husband attempts to indulge when the wife does not want, as the biology of husband and wife are different. Because of this, quarrel occurs between husband and wife, leading to beating, use of gun, and finally ending in divorce or death. If husband and wife sleep in separate rooms then such attraction will not arise. Husband and wife sleeping together is a western culture, and now this culture is seen everywhere in the world. About 50 years ago, husbands and wives were not sleeping together in India for example. But now, the western culture is in India and other places around the world.

Is castration the solution?

The other problem is castration. When people are in jail for committing sexual violence against women, some governments give options to either to be in jail for 20 years or be castrated whereby the prisoner can get out of jail sooner. A number of prisoners choose castration. Because of castration, the sex vrittis (instincts) are completely destroyed, which is not good as the sex glands not only help in having children but also helps in overall growth of the body and mind.

There are two types of two types of castration: physical and chemical. Physical castration is the process which the connection to sex glands are removed. When the connection is removed the person loses the ability to have sex. Whereas chemical castration entails inactivating the sex glands by use of medicines. Baba has issued a strong warning against both of these options.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Methods which deform the bodies of men and women or destroy their reproductive powers forever cannot be supported, because this may cause a violent mental reaction at any moment.” (1)

10-pronged solution

These days the rules are regulations do not offer any good solutions to address the problem of sexual violence against women. They generally apply a one-pronged approach harsh rules and punishment, but this is not the solution. Rather a much more dynamic approach is need that directly addresses the issue all the while embracing the overall well-being of both males and females.

Here is the multifarious solution to wholly eliminate sexual violence against women:
(1) dress code for women
(2) do’s and don’ts for men and women in terms of not being involved in loose talks, drinking, dancing etc.,
(3) husband and wife sleeping in separate rooms
(4) not being involved in any activity that leads to castration (physical or chemical)
(5) rectify and transform a person to become a good human being
(6) not giving extreme punishment so that the person’s life is wasted
(7) avoiding various advertisements that are geared towards activating sex glands in men and women
(8) making the modern newspaper, internet, and other social media free from sex related stories, and portraying women as object of sense enjoyment
(9) government’s effort to ban materialistic mediums which encourage desire for men to have sex
(10) educating the society of moral and spiritual values of human beings by encouraging people to be involved in art, literature, and spirituality, stories.


One important aspect is educating people that even having all vrittis (instincts) present in a human being, one still can lead a dharmic life in the world. Radio, television, media, internet, and other forums can be used constructively to spread spiritual teachings. Teenage years are a crucial time when such desire for sex arises. Teens can be given proper direction such as education on how to effectively utilize the mind, good company, and a way to engage them so that the mind will not divert towards sexual pleasures. If teenagers can be properly educated about sex and sexual violence, then this problem will slowly wane and ultimately be eliminated. Following 16 points is a great way to channelize the mind towards spirituality.

In Him

~ In-depth study ~

Indulgence ruins life of the male, spouse, & progeny

To open the eyes of those who think that sex for sex sake is good, Baba has given this guideline. Here Baba is conveying the idea that when human beings are sex addicts they not only destroy themselves but their spouse and progeny also. Various kinds of females disease of the reproductive organs arise due to male
over-indulgence. So coercing women in marriage to fulfill the husband’s animalistic degrading behaviour is completely inhumane.

When there is a need for procreation then a female’s physiology is different whereas other times it is deadly and very detrimental for their well being - for women and the progeny also. And the  male is also harmed. So sex for enjoyment is beastly. Those marrying for this purpose are bewildered and do not know they are running after a mirage.

The conclusion of the below teachings is that human beings have no right to sexually indulge (for enjoyment and not for procreation) and destroy the life of their spouse and ruin their children’s lives.

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments states, “Though female diseases may not be obviously fatal, they slowly sap the vitality of the individual, and children, who are the hope of society, are born with mental and physical defects which remain throughout their lives. What a terrible situation this is for society can easily be imagined. On account of female diseases women often die prematurely.” (2)

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments states, “In most cases, if not all, lack of self-control by the male is one of the causes of female disease. It is certainly not desirable for women to go to their graves prematurely due to the intemperance of men. Sexual over-indulgence is also harmful to the men, because it causes excessive wastage of shukra, which [in the lymph stage] nourishes the brain. Remember that self-control is the greatest thing in life.” (3)

How humans changed from mating season to 24-hour indulgence

In the hoary past humans did not have ongoing sexual feelings all the 24 hours. For instance, animals are not sexually oriented all the time, rather they have a specific mating season. And early human beings followed a similar pattern. But in human life various changes have occurred that might be difficult to believe. To better understand this, let’s take a look at a few examples.

Initially, humans had a second stomach just like cows etc. Such animals can store food in multiple stomachs which is in excess of what they need at the moment. But later on, they chew that food and can keep hunger at bay for long periods. This system is provided for many animal types (cow, oxen) because it is difficult for them to go long distances to collect food. In humans also such type of system existed before as food was scarce. But slowly the second stomach over the years was converted to the appendix, which humans do not need for storing or digesting food. In result it became completely disconnected from the esophagus.

Here is another example. Hundreds of years ago, cities were on the bank of a river. And when the flow of the river changed, the bank of the river also changed such that now the river is situated about four kilometers away from the city. Modern age people might not believe that the river was so close to the city, but the alignment of river changed over time as to adapt to the changing environments.

Here the point is that in the past humans did not have sexual tendencies all the 24-hours, but now they have this quality because humans have developed and possess all kinds of socio-physico-psycho and spiritual qualities. In turn, they have been granted full freedom and are no longer governed 100% by brute instincts. According to their own circumstances people can choose to procreate or delay. But the unfortunate outcome in materialistic societies is that humans are abusing this freedom through over-indulgence, thereby inviting their own degeneration and terrible diseases for their spouse and children.

1. A Few Problems Solved - 9, Population Growth and Control
2. Yogic Treatments and Natural Remedies, Female Diseases
3. Yogic Treatments and Natural Remedies, Female Diseases

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Main Topic ==

Give language to voice against exploitation

“Tumi ese priya, sabárai man ráungiyo…” (Prabhat Samgiita #2641)


O’ Dearest Parama Purusa, please come in everyone's heart and colour their mind in Your colour, in that colourlessness. Teach them sadhana, make them follow 16 Points, and help them bathe in supreme effulgence - i.e. grant them moksa. Guide them about the language of neo-humanism so they can properly utilize their faculty of speech to raise their voice against exploitation.

Baba, those who think that You are an unknown, distant, and unrecognisable Entity, and those whom You do not attract close, please also bring them near and break the ignorance of their mind. Help them understand that You are theirs also.

O’ Parama Purusa, You are everywhere. In the darkness You glow, and in the light You smile. Please educate all that despite remaining hidden and at so-called distance, You love all...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Flawless witness

Ananda Marga ideology states, “In the case of a living person, the unit consciousness continues to see everything. In that case, the átmá witnesses all that the mind thinks, does, remembers, how it regulates the active sense organs, how the person talks, how the person thinks. “I will eat this food, I shall sit here, I will exploit these fools in such and such a way. I shall sit with my body smeared with ash. If any erudite person comes, I shall send my disciple and tell him to say that today Sádhujii is observing silence; so I won’t have to answer his questions. I shall observe silence.” One has entertained all these thoughts and one has decided accordingly. The átmá has heard everything.” (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 10, The Supreme Entity – the Non-Doer

== Section 4: Links ==

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This email contains four sections:
1. PS: #2641: Give language to voice against exploitation
2. Posting: Sexual issues: solutions #4
3. IT: Flawless witness
4. Links