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Monday, December 9, 2019

Hypocrisy & dowry: AMPS + 3 more


Hypocrisy & dowry: AMPS


The dowry is one of the most heinous dogmas in our human society as it denigrates females as second-class citizens and leads to a whole host of social ills including suicide and the murder of the female fetus. That is why Sadguru Baba has condemned and opposed this exploitative ritual.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "For marriage, neither party can demand a dowry." (1)

Even then, some cannot let go of this age-old dowry dogma and it rears its head in various, sneaky ways. Every Ananda Margii should be aware about this.

Huge demand from avaricious bridegroom

A dowry is any payment, gift, or economic burden that is forcibly imposed at the time of marriage. And while typically, the dowry has been associated with Indian females, in one form or another this type of social dogma has taken root around the globe. For simplicity and clarity, here we shall focus on the situation in India, though it is a more pervasive issue.

Generally, before the actual date of marriage, the groom’s family makes huge demands in order to proceed with the marriage. So there is an ongoing period of tense negotiation between the bride and bridegroom’s families. And those talks reach their culmination when the two sides meet and formally agree on how much the bride’s family will pay as a dowry. Once this is established then the marriage plans and wedding arrangements can be finalised. Here it should be noted that the dowry payment is usually an astronomical amount of money and expensive gifts (gold, automobiles etc) that can break the bank of the bride’s family.

Murder the new-born baby girl

That is why families in India do not want to give birth to girls. In turn they may kill the fetus if it is a female or even murder the new-born baby girl because of the severe financial burden associated with that female infant. Not only that, if a girl is born and reaches an age where she becomes aware of what a burden she is to her family, she may commit suicide.

The problem became so widespread that the Indian government was forced two issues two acts:
(a) The Dowry Prohibition Act
(b) Prohibition of Sex Selection Act

In response to the severe mistreatment of baby girls, the Indian government outlawed the dowry and testing for the sex of the child before birth. These acts (appended below) were done to protect girls. But sadly, the systemic problems did not subside. Still today, it is a raging issue, as it takes shape in new, and newer forms.

Deceitful ways: gold on daughters wedding

The most obvious form of a dowry is when the bride’s family directly pays the groom’s family. But in the modern era, this is not the only way that the dowry dogma takes shape. These days, at the time of marriage, the bride’s parents often give their own daughter huge amounts of gold on her wedding day. This is one sneaky approach because to the common eye it does not look like a dowry. But in all practicality it is a dowry. Because that girl will marry, leave her home, join the residence of the groom’s family, and take all her gold and wealth with her. The end result is that the gold is an indirect payment to the groom’s family as they take control of the bride’s finances etc.

Even then some may passionately defend that giving their own daughter gold on her wedding day is not a dowry. But the fact is that it is a dowry. Because if it was their son who was getting married they would not give him any gold. But when confronted about this, the bride’s family may outrightly deny it is a dowry and they may lay claim and justify that nowadays all do like this. But that does not resolve the matter. It just means that the ugly dowry dogma has taken new twists and turns to masquerade itself.


The only solution to the dowry problem is to adhere to the teachings given in Caryacarya. That means that male and females must be given equal status. And there should not be any economic pressure at the time of marriage. Just as both males and females may freely walk into dharmacakra and participate on equal ground, the same should be the case with marriage. There should not be any economic burden to the bride’s family. That means no direct payment to the groom’s family, and no gifts of gold to the bride, as a means of indirect payment to the groom. About this every Ananda Margii should be honest and firm, and not capitulate to the social pressures of the day, otherwise the dowry dogma will persist. 

In Him,

Sadguru Baba states, “The dowry system is yet another glaring example of social injustice. In my book Human Society [Part 1], I have already mentioned that the dowry system has two major causes: the first is economic, and the second is the numerical disparity between women and men. With the decreasing economic dependence of women on men, the inequity of the dowry system will cease to exist. But to expedite this process, it is essential to propagate high ideals among young men and women. Our sons and daughters are not commodities like rice, pulse, salt, oil or cattle that they can be haggled over in the marketplace.” (2)

~ In-depth study ~

Governmental laws to protect girls

Here below are two acts by the Indian government aimed at curtailing and eliminating the injustices and harm done to girls because of the dowry dogma. By prohibiting the testing of the sex before birth, then families will be less inclined to abort or murder the fetus if they do not know for sure that it is a girl. Secondly, the Indian government bans giving a dowry in all its forms and ways. Both governmental orders have been pasted directly below.

1. Caryacarya - 1, Marriage Ceremony, A Few Instructions, point #6
2. Problems of the Day, Point #14

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Ever-present with all

“Se sujan tháke kotháy, tháke kotháy…” (Prabhat Samgiita #4309)


Where does that very Charming Entity reside - where does He live? In the anthocephalus indicus flower garden, the peacock goes on telling that it is difficult to understand His liila.

That very Entity smiles like the golden hue of the crimson dawn in the eastern horizon. With great love and affection He is conveying the divine message of spiritual life in every ear - He is telling everybody, without differentiating between caste, creed, colour, or any barriers. He is giving His special teachings to one and all about how to lead a dharmic life.

Age after age, He comes and goes and is known as Taraka Brahma; He takes advent and lives within the reach of human beings, by accepting the bondage of time and space. Even then He remains beyond the limitation of those relative factors always. He comes on this earth by taking human form yet acts beyond time and space eternally and is ever-present with all...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Festivals are for young & old

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Every human being likes utsava [festival]. It is the desire of all that they will rejoice unitedly. In Europe Puritanism failed in the end, only because the Puritans failed to care for the desires of the general public. They preached their theory only to a handful of devotees of knowledge.”
   “Ananda Marga is for the general public. So, considering the necessity of the general mass, proper importance has to be given to the utsava in social life. Excitement in a utsava is the greatest in the children, in the tender aged boys, in the youths and last of all in grown ups. In the programmes of a utsava, therefore, you shall think for the children first. Their sweet stammering noises ensure the success of the utsava. But whatever arrangements you may make for the children, the youngsters, youths, or for the grown-ups, make that there is no dearth of discipline even to the minutest extent anywhere. Let there be complete harmony. ” (1)

1. Táttvika Diipiká (Dvitiiya Parva), Point #4 - Utsava

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Suicide and our moral duty

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Those who commit suicide, do it when their mind is in a negative state. It is unnatural.” (1)

Note: Those in a balanced state of mind never commit suicide or opt for euthanasia (assisted suicide). The only people who commit suicide are those (a) in a poor emotional state, (b) affected by dogma, or (c) suffering from a severe mental ailment. If a person attempts or actually commits suicide it means their mind is not working properly. To prevent this social ill and personal tragedy, those with a balanced mind who are near the patient have the moral duty to intervene. They must save those mental patients who are planning or trying to commit suicide or euthanasia.

1. A Few Problems Solved - 6, The Three Causes of Sin

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How to overcome gossiping

WT conduct rule says, "You will cultivate the practice of maonbrata (vow of silence) at least half an hour every day during working hours." (1)

Note: In the above conduct rule Baba is giving the solution of one common problem. Because many suffer from the mental disease of gossiping needlessly. It can happen to anyone but certain Wts are more indulged because they talk all day long. Even if a kiirtan program is going on then still they are sitting and talking non-stop. So this is the bad habit of some Wts.

To stop this Baba has given the aforementioned conduct rule. So if anyone is not following Baba's above guideline then they should be encouraged (or pressurized) to practice it. And by that way they will gain control over their negative habit of talking uselessly. Indeed by that way one can make the extroverted mind introverted. 

1. Fourteen Points: Point #9
== Section 4: Links ==