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Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Crime everywhere + 3 more

Crime everywhere


There are some people in the society who possess low-grade thinking, such as some who do not have any children, and they complain that they should pay taxes which will be used for free education for the kids in their neighborhood. Their thinking is that why should they pay for the education of someone else’s kids when they don’t have children and should therefore not pay any taxes towards free education.

Example of no police on trains

Prior to the 1980s there were no police seen on trains in India. Each train would carry about 3,000 - 4,000 people where not a single police officer was on board. People had faith in each other that if any adverse situation would arise then fellow passengers will help them, and there was no need for police. Similarly, in many areas of India, back then one would not find police for 100s of miles because there was no need for it. Post 1980s when materialism and unemployment rate increased, (college/university) students were involved in theft and violence not only in the streets and communities but also in trains. If we see today, the presence of police is often to ensure safety of all in trains and to prevent occurrence of any theft or violence.

People in US jails

The population of the U.S is about 320 million out of which 3 million are in jail. Expenditure for one person who is in jail is about US $100,000 per year which includes expenses towards food, clothing, medicine, courts, lawyers, security etc. Who pays for these expenses? Government provides funds for residents who are in jail by taking money collected from everyone's’ taxes. So indirectly one pays for expenses for people who are in jail. If we think why people are in jail? Because of criminal activities they performed. Why did they perform such activities? Because of the lack of education system and their level of thinking was not high but rather low. Because of a lack of a proper education system there exists a large gap between the educated versus uneducated. In the U.S, there is so much insecurity among people that no one knows when one will begin gun violence against others-- be the person rich or poor. Even though one is rich, s/he is under so much uncertainty that there are people in the streets who are not educated and present a threat to them. Education is the root of all such insecurities in the society, and everyone faces the consequences of societal disturbances.

Society analogous to a human body

Ananda Marga considers the society as a body. If the mind thinks that it is the chief part of the body and does not take care of the other parts like the feet, then if any disease occurs in the feet such as cancer, the entire body will be affected. So all the parts of the body will have to be taken care of to maintain good health. The society consists of human beings, animals, plants, and other animate / inanimate beings, and all have to be taken care of to build a healthy society. As we are human beings, and possess the highest level of intellect compared to any other beings, we have the responsibility to take care of everyone in the society. Like when a baby is born in a family, the baby does not know where s/he is located, who are parents, what is her/his name etc. But parents / elders who are at home, ensure that the baby’s needs are fulfilled. Similarly, we as human beings have to take care of the society.

Responsibility to take care of animals and plants

A cat does not understand whether she is a cat because of lesser awareness in animals. Plants even do not understand that even they exist. People who are aware feel that there is a need for everybody’s existence including smaller creatures such as insects, birds, flies, etc. For example, we need bees to exist because they are responsible for  pollination which further generates seeds, and fosters the cycle of existence of plants from one season to another. Similarly, plants are so important as they provide us with food, oxygen, rain, etc. If human beings think of their own advantage and not for the society, then the society will not exist. If human beings will not take care of plants/trees, then we will not get oxygen, there will not be any rain, etc. Everyone is dependent on each other, like plants produce oxygen which are consumed by human beings, and human beings generate carbon dioxide, which in turn is needed by the plants. The relationship of everyone’s existence is interweaved. So as human beings we have to be aware of the fact that we have a bigger responsibility to take care of every being in the society.

Selfish people pay price

Every living being is interdependent. That is how the universe is created.  But because of self-interest one pays the price, if not directly then indirectly. Certainly, every selfish person pays the price. For instance, because of self-interest, people are hesitant to pay taxes for education, then every child will not get the opportunity to become educated. Due to lack of education, one may drift into a life of crime, or try to earn money by illegal means, then they will be taken to jail for their illegal activities, which in turn requires more policemen to maintain security, or more administrative people in courts, jails etc. The number of jails needed will be higher. Who will pay for these? People who have money. So if rich people do not pay taxes for children’s education then they do pay their share in other forms. If the cost of education is about $100,000 per student, and that much amount was not paid by the society, then the child becomes a criminal in the later stage of life because of lack of education, and taken to a jail. Once in jail, the expenditure is about $100,000 per year till about the person reaches 100 years of age, ie until he dies. So the cost of keeping a criminal for a number of years is much much more than paying for the education of a child. Had the child received free education, then he would not have become a criminal. So being selfish if one does not pay directly, then certainly pays indirectly. Selfishness nature is a disease in Ananda Marga’s viewpoint.


AM philosophy says that the whole world is one society. Everyone is my own.  With such type of feeling, love for each other will increase in a society. A lot of problems which exist today in the world or the new ones arising every day can be prevented by developing togetherness and removing self-interest by thinking the whole world is one society, and everyone is my own.

In Him, 

Collective movement aims at expanding a person’s mind

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "What is society like? It is like a group of people going on a pilgrimage. Try to imagine the scene! Suppose one of the pilgrims is struck down by cholera. Will the rest of them continue on their way, leaving the sick man behind? No, that would be inconceivable for them. Rather, they will break their journey for a day or two, and cure him of his disease. If he is still too weak to walk they will carry him on their shoulders. If some people run short of food, others share what they have with them. Together they share their possessions, and together they march ahead, singing in unison. In their eagerness to move ahead with others they forget their trifling differences...The essence of cooperation resulting from this collective movement aims at expanding a person’s mind by striking down the barriers of meanness [and selfishness]. I repeat that a true society is like such a group of pilgrims who attain a deep psychic affinity while travelling together which helps them solve all the problems in their individual and social lives." (1)

Incarceration figures

“In the entire US total, 6,899,000 adults were under correctional supervision (probation, parole, jail, or prison) in 2013. In addition, there were 54,148 juveniles in juvenile detention in 2013.” (Courtesy of Wikipedia)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 6, 'The Spirit of Society'

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Islam: women torture


Ananda Marga philosophy says, “The social and religious rights of women were curtailed in numerous ways so that they would be kept forever in thrall to the men. They were even forbidden walking in the open space under the open sky. Covered in burkas and veils, they were reduced to the status of caged birds living on seeds and water. It was decreed that they were not entitled to their ancestral property. The girls were given much less than the boys. It was categorically declared that they were not entitled to mukti or mokśa; that women go to heaven, it’s true, but the men get all sorts of privileges there that women cannot get. These rubbish ideas have died out due to various circumstances. In some places they are in the process of extinction, and in other places they are totally extinct.” (1)

Caged birds living on seeds and water

The below scene is a gathering of females and they are not allowed to breathe fresh air. Seeing this inhumane condition, Sadguru Baba is graphically opposing this dogma. Please pay attention to the chain which they are holding in their right hand. Because their face is fully covered, they can’t see very clearly what is around them. So going from point A to point B, they may lose the path and go astray. To avoid this catastrophe, this system is there. So, when they are going from point A to point B, and if on the way there may be a crowd, then one male member leads the group, and the females all follow behind holding onto the rope. You might have seen, in rural areas when farmers want to take a group of cattle from point A to point B, they chain all those animals, like this. Especially they do this when there are crops on both sides of the road. In that way this below scene is very inhuman and ghastly. In Islam, females are treated like animals. And this is the proof. Baba opposes such types of cruelty. And these types of torture of women, are a blot on human society.

The following photo description appears above the photo as well; if you have already read it you may skip this para. 

The above scene is a gathering of females and they are not allowed to breathe fresh air. Seeing this inhuman condition, Sadguru Baba is graphically opposing this dogma. Please pay attention to the chain which they are holding in their right hand. Because their face is fully covered, they can’t see very clearly what is around them. So going from point A to point B, they may lose the path and go astray. To avoid this catastrophe, this rope system is there. So, when they are going from point A to point B, and if on the way there may be a crowd, then one male member leads the group, and the females all follow behind holding onto the rope. You might have seen, in rural areas when farmers want to take a group of cattle from point A to point B, they chain all those animals, like this. Especially they do this when there are crops on both sides of the road. In that way this above scene is very inhuman and ghastly. In Islam, females are treated like animals. And this is the proof. Baba opposes such types of cruelty. And these types of torture of women, are a blot on human society.

How the burka came in India

   Ananda Marga Ideology states, “There was a time in India when the ruling class would kidnap women. The burka was introduced throughout northern India, where this particular ruling class had undisputed authority, so that those wicked men could not see the women’s faces.”
   “At that time dogma pervaded not just a few, but all aspects of life. Dogma in the psychic realm thwarts human progress. Dogma has long been rampant in our society, and wherever there is dogma, there cannot be proper conduct, or the development of rational intellect, or the thought of genuine sacrifice.” (2)

This above teaching is related with Muslim rulers, those who invaded the country from the Middle East, and occupied a large section of India. In the above teaching, Baba is indirectly talking about those Muslim rulers. They were forcibly abducting girls, so non-Muslim people also started using veils, to save themselves from barbaric attack and kidnapping by their own Islamic kings.

In His above teaching, Baba is talking about scenes like the one portrayed in the above photo. Many may not understand what is meant by a veil. But here you can see what a veil really is. The entire head is covered - as is the rest of their body - and if you look carefully you will notice a small screen in front of the eyes. This allows them to see in a very contrived and limited manner. The field of vision is just barely enough to walk and move around. But nobody can see from the outside in.

This is extremely suffocating - the flow of air is stifled making it even difficult to breathe. That is why it is non-hygienic as one is breathing the same air, even when outdoors.

The worst thing is that this rule of wearing a veil is mostly imposed in the Middle East amidst searing temperatures in the hot desert sun. Plus it is used in parts of Africa, and throughout northern India where in the past Islamic rule was enforced by the sword. These are hot climate areas and that makes it more terrible. To cover the body from head to toe in such extreme heat is nothing but hell in the name of religion.

Those wearing such veils were indoctrinated into this lifestyle since their birth. So they become habituated with it and some do not even want to leave this dogma.

Zamil Ahmad

About Islamic cruelty 

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Humanity, in its all-out quest for this aesthetic science, attained spirituality. One must acknowledge this. Herein lies the excellence of aesthetic science. For this reason, I have given my whole-hearted and explicit support for nandana vijiṋána. You know that there are certain religions which do not encourage aesthetic pursuits. You will notice that in those religions inertia, inferiority complexes and a sense of violence are predominant.” (3)

1. Shabda Cayanika-10, “Kramalaya”
2. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 15 , ‘Fight Against All Dogmas – Excerpt D
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 10, Yatamána – the Stage of Perseverance

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Emulating old outdated traditions

Note: In His following teaching, Baba guides us that pseudo-spirituality severely hampers one's progress on the path of true spirituality. Unfortunately, we see some instances of this taking shape in our AMPS. 

For instance, a few Ananda Margiis born into Hindu families copy their ancestors on the point of annual shraddha ceremonies. Confused sadhakas feel that as their forefathers did like this so they should carry on the tradition. Thus each year confused sadhakas organise programs and mass feedings in the name and honour of their deceased relatives. But this goes wholly against Guru's mandate and guideline. Tragically, their mind has been stifled; these confused sadhakas cannot see this matter in a dharmic way. Just some are stuck on their old, dogmatic family tradition of observing annual shraddha ceremonies. 

Same is the case for those who follow so-called mahaprayan. Some confused sadhakas think that, "In the past my ancestors honoured their gurus and teachers by making a yearly shraddha ceremony so I should do this too.” In their confused state the thought arises, “Now my Guru is gone so I should organise an annual death day / tomb worship / shraddhainjali commemoration." In that way some emulated the dogmatic religious worship carried out by their forefathers and re-created that in our AMPS. That is the tragedy which has occurred. As this runs wholly contrary to our Ananda Marga teachings. 

Here again, the ill effects of pseudo-spirituality from old traditions have caused the mind to freeze and overlook all logic and reasoning. In Ananda Marga, Parama Purusa is the Guru, and He is eternal. Then where is there scope for so-called mahaprayan. There isn't; it is utterly baseless.

But when the mind is blocked by pseudo-spirituality one cannot think freely on such matters. Hence some become prone to dogma. Sadly, some confused sadhakas think they are getting benefited by such annual shraddha ceremonies and so-called mahaprayan programs, when in fact such confused sadhakas are ruining their own spiritual progress.

According to Baba, the real homage to our ancestors is to fix their flaws so society can progress in the physical, psychic, and spiritual realms.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Pseudo-spirituality cannot help us in our free thinking either, for our thinking is badly affected by dogma. When a human being sits alone and thinks, if the person thinks for the collective interest, then such thoughts are proper; but usually people do not think in this way. Usually they lament over the worn-out skeletons of the past. “This was done by, this was imposed by, our forefathers – when our forefathers have said this, why should I break with the old traditions? It was written in this way in the scriptures; and moreover if I follow these old conventions and traditions, what is the harm?” These types of dogmatic and dogma-ic thoughts will naturally stifle the free flow of human thought. And that is why whenever there is dogma, human thinking cannot be free; and for want of, for paucity of, free thinking, there cannot be any proper psycho-spiritual progress either. So here what we want is perfect spirituality and not pseudo-spirituality. Pseudo-spirituality cannot promote the cause of human welfare; the seed of welfare does not lie there. The seed of welfare cannot exist where the seed of dogma exists." (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 5, Pseudo-Spirituality and Neohumanism

== Section 3: Links ==

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