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Monday, January 15, 2024

Cure of selfishness + 2 more

Cure of selfishness


Plants and animals are not selfish; they take care of their own existence, which everyone does, but not more than that. They do not take more than what is needed.

For example, a lion does not go on killing all of the animals in the jungle, even though it is capable of doing so. It kills only when it is hungry, for its existence. Because that is how Parama’tma’ has designed animals. Similarly, a shark does not kill all fishes in the ocean, even though it is capable of doing so. But sick human beings, in addition to preserving their own existence, have tremendous desire for self-pleasure and that is misdirected.

Covetous capitalists want to amass as much as possible even though other human beings are not getting food to eat. If bloodsucker capitalists keep on exploiting general masses, a situation may arise wherein general people, deprived of basic necessities, may forcefully take money or kill the parasite capitalists to protect their own existence.

The selfish nature is most evident in sick human beings specifically in capitalist countries. Capitalism is nothing but selfish nature at its extreme in human beings. Such a selfish nature is not good for society.

Wrong direction: marry but don't want children

In capitalist countries, people with no children feel that why should they pay for education for other children. Education is so expensive that people marry but do not have any interest in having their own children. In rich countries, even the population is decreasing. In Germany, the population has also decreased, so is the case in the U.S. That is why there is a need for the US to have immigrants. Without immigrants, the population of the U.S would have reduced even further.

In the U.S, old people are dying, and the same number of children are not being born. Because there is a fear among people that if they have children, then it will be an added responsibility in raising the children which is so expensive. When such people grow old, then there will not be anyone to even give them medicines, or to take them to the graveyard. Because they felt that to have children is an added responsibility, and why have children as it will cost so much - not to mention the amount of time they have to spend to raise children.

More police & gated communities: sign of distrust

Looking back at India about 50 years ago, the number of police officers was much less. Because there was no need. Slowly people became selfish, wanted to amass more money, build large houses, and for their security they needed police. More gated communities were built, and more police were needed to maintain security as the deprived people got engaged in illegal activities to fulfill their basic necessities. Prior to the 1970’s there were not houses with big boundaries. Prior to independence, people did not construct boundaries around their houses. Simply to mark the house boundary, people may erect a pole, but did not construct actual boundaries.

Nowadays in India, there are tall boundaries around houses as well as apartment complexes with tight security in place, and one may need to have a pass to enter into the premises. Being affected by self-interest and capitalism, people amass more wealth than they need, and in turn others do not get their basic necessities fulfilled. The deprived people often become criminals, and attack the wealthy. Mostly rich people are on the receiving end of a crime and face serious consequences. The lives of those impacted thus by crime are severely affected, either their family members are killed, or their wealth is stolen etc.

Selfish persons suffer in misery

Capitalism is based on the principle of selfishness. Selfishness is a disease, and the result is not beneficial. Selfishness is not good at one’s home or in society. Selfishness is a mental disease in which one thinks that no one is mine; a selfish person thinks that everyone is on their own. As long as one is physically well and has the ability to earn money, one works hard and earns as much as possible. But when something happens to the selfish person’s health, there is no one to take care of them as they never lived with anyone.

If a selfish person needs to be taken to the hospital or needs care then no one is there to help them. When a selfish person thinks only for their own self, then he does not have any friends or family members. Due to the resultant stress, such a person’s lifespan typically is reduced. Over time, consequent to this stress, such people experience loneliness and not uncommonly attempt suicide. It is very sad how one has failed to utilize the capacity of human birth. For a perceived short term gain, the selfish person forgets the long term benefits of living and sharing with others.


AM philosophy says that the whole world is one society. Everyone is my own. With this type of feeling, love for each other will increase in a society. A lot of problems which exist today in the world will be easily resolved and new ones arising in the future can be prevented by developing a sense of togetherness and removing self-interest by thinking the whole world is one society, and everyone is my own.

In Him,

“Human beings of the world, unite!”

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Sadvipras will firmly declare, “All human beings belong to one race. Everyone has equal rights. Human beings are brothers and sisters!” These sadvipras will sternly warn the exploiters of society, “The exploitation of human beings cannot be allowed!” and, “Religious hypocrisy cannot be tolerated!” Giving a clarion call to the fragmented human society from beneath the saffron flag, the symbol of service and sacrifice, they will proclaim at the top of their voices, “Human beings of the world, unite!” (1)

Ananda Marga ideology teaches us, “Saḿgacchadhvaḿ saḿvadadhvaḿ saḿ vo manáḿsi jánatám.” (2)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #37
2. Ánanda Vacanámrtam - 3, Saḿgacchadhvaḿ

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The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Path unto the Supreme abode

Note: Only those who sincerely practice the 6th lesson of sahaja yoga meditation can realise this song in the depths of their heart.

"Tumi sabár práńer priya, tomár náhi tula ná..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0905)


Parama Purusa, You are the dearest One of everyone's heart and have no comparison. Your endless love has no parallel, and Your grace knows no logic or reasoning. You do not differentiate between the virtuous and the sinners, nor between the righteous from the wrongdoers. Lord, You love all, shower Your karuńá equally, love each and every being of this expressed universe, and pour Your infinite compassion. Your unending kindness is causeless.

Supreme Entity, Baba, You are Liilananda - hiding in the depths of my mind - in my heart. You always do whatever is best for me. It is Your mercy. You take care of  every aspect of my life, and have given me everything without my even asking. My Lord, still today You are constantly drenching me with Your sublime inspiration so I may march on the path of divinity - on the path unto the Supreme abode.

Magnificent Entity, Baba, in the sky of my heart You are ever-sparkling. You are the hope of refulgence in my hopeless core and fill my entire being with Your sweet smile. On the path of this journey towards divinity, You go on pouring the white, brilliant illumination of Your cosmic affection upon all, and ceaselessly shower Your spiritual blessing - Your varabhaya mudra.
Baba, You are Kalyansundaram...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Negative samadhi

   Ananda Marga philosophy says, "By the way you should know that samádhi does not only occur as a result of a certain realization; other samádhis can occur on indriyas or the five fundamental factors. When the mind is focused on a particular object and becomes intensely concentrated it is called samádhi. According to spiritual science the samádhi attained when the entire mind is pin-pointed on Parama Puruśa is called prajiṋá samádhi."
   "When a sádhaka focuses his or her mind on the solid factor (solid is one of the five fundamental factors) and thinks “I am the earth” he or she attains kśitibhaetik samádhi, losing all practical intelligence in the process. Those who constantly think about rupees or dollars attain a kind of samádhi, too, for they become completely identified with their crude object of attraction. If such people incur heavy losses due to the collapse of their business or bank, they will die an instant death, for the pillars on which their life was built crumbled beneath them. So, once they lost their wealth, they lost their lives too." (1)

Story of my own cousin

Note: Tragically, my own cousin experienced this type of negative samadhi. During the last economic downturn, he became very worried about his finances. He had an inheritance of 20 million dollars, and he thought he was going to lose it all. He experienced a very strange, deep, dark depression and feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.

Finally, his mind just stopped - and he sat there frozen - completely fixated on the prospect of losing all his money. He sat in a comatose state completely engrossed in thoughts about losing money - everything else in his mind vanished. It was just money, money, money. He skipped his food, ignored natural call, and sat in one spot all day long for almost 1 week. He did not die, but he came very close to death. When at last he emerged from this state, he was totally unaware about what had happened. It was as if he had been in a vacuum.

Baba's warning is that mundane things like money or wealth should never be one's object of ideation. Worldly things are by definition transient. They slip away. And when that happens, people become shocked, even negative samadhi. This becomes very serious for those who were very attached with those objects. They will fall into a state of terrible misery, and perhaps even death.

Best is to goad and point the mind to Parama Purusa. Because if one is fixated on the mundane and prone to that negative type of samadhi then one may remain depressed or even resort to suicide…

In Him,

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell, Ekendriya – 7

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Soul vs átmá

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Ruh, spirit, soul and átmá are not exactly the same thing. A ruh can rise up from the grave; a spirit can move around and frighten people; a soul can come close to God and sit beside Him; while a non-attributional átmá is not bound by the bondages of time, space or person. This entity beyond the realm of nature was the contribution of the vipras. Their intellectual struggle against the hostile aspects of nature, assisted by the kśatriyas, gave them the opportunity to imagine this kind of puruśa [consciousness] entity beyond the realm of nature." (1)

1. Human Society - 2, The Vipra Age

== Section 4: Links ==

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