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Tuesday, September 26, 2023

All can do AM pracara + BNK road + “great dada" + False history

All can do AM pracara


Some think that only Wt Dadas and Didis can do pracara. However as the below cartoon demonstrates, every Ananda Margii is capable of playing a special role in doing pracara and bringing more and more to the practice of dharma sadhana.

The Supreme Command states, “...It is the bounden duty of every Ananda Margii to endeavour to bring all to the path of bliss. Verily is this a part and parcel of sadhana, to lead others along the path of righteousness.” (1)

The below animated image or cartoon highlights the various pracarakas in AMPS. A pracaraka is one who propagates the ideals of dharma, i.e. Ananda Marga ideology. Sadguru Baba has given a revolutionary philosophy that empowers family people along with sannyasis to preach the gospel of neo-humanism, spirituality, and the vast array of Ananda Marga teachings. The descriptions in the below image are in Spanish so here is a short review of each.
LPT: This is a local part-time volunteer who sets aside an amount of time each day or week etc to spread the teachings of Ananda Marga ideology. This is a family person, male or female, who may also have a job or is a student etc. A sketch of an LPT is in the upper right hand section of the below cartoon. They can be male also.

LFT: This is a local full-time volunteer who has decided to dedicate all their energies to spreading the ideals of Ananda Marga, and / or volunteers in AMPS service projects. An LFT wears an orange top and white pants or gown, but not a turban. At first sight, by seeing the dress, one might think that person is a Wt but an LFT is still single or a family person, not a sannyasi. LFT may be a male or female. A drawing of an LFT is in the upper left hand section of the below cartoon. They can be a female also.

Married Family Margii: Those who are married also serve as great teachers and exemplars of Ananda Marga teachings. Although they have many family duties such as raising the children and earning a living, they strictly adhere to 16 Points and play a key role in doing outreach with the local community and bringing people for initiation etc. The married family margiis are in the center of the below cartoon.

Tattvika: This is a family person who has successfully completed a comprehensive course on Ananda Marga philosophy. Most often, tattvikas lead seminars and teach the very initial aspects of Ananda Marga meditation. A picture of a tattvika is in the middle row to the right side. They can be a female also.

Ghrii Acarya / Family Acarya: Those family margiis, male or female, who successfully complete tattvika training may take a course to become a family acarya. As family acaryas they can give initiation into Ananda Marga sadhana and they should take a leadership role in the local unit. Family acaryas do not wear a special uniform. In the bottom row on the right side there is a picture of a family acarya in the above cartoon. They can be female also.

Brahmacarii / brahmacarinii: Those who opt to become Wt sannyasis and complete the first level of training are known as brahamacariis for males and brahmacariniis for females. They work whole-time in the organisation teaching sadhana and doing social service. They wear a uniform: orange top, white pants or gown, and turban etc. There is a picture of a brahmacarii in the middle row of the above cartoon on the left side.

Avadhuta / avadhutika: Those sannyasis who successfully complete their training as a brahamcarii / brahmacarinii are then initiated as an avadhuta for males and avadhutikas for females. They work whole-time in the organisation and have orange dress from head to toe. They teach sadhana, oversee service projects, lead workshops etc. There is an image of an avadhutika in the bottom row on the left side of the above cartoon.

In Him,
(Sanford Espinosa)

== Section: Comment ==

Road & village named after Baba Nam Kevalam in Bihar


जिला अरवल , बिहार के एक सड़क  पर लगा यह संकेतक.......परमपिता "बाबा" की जय.........        🙌🙌

This sign post was seen on a road in the district of Arwal, Bihar ....... Parampita "Baba" Jai ......... 🙌🙌

The name of the street is: “Baba Nam Kevalam”.

In the below image there is a large green and white road sign. The white lettering is in Hindi. And the sign indicates that up ahead there is a turn onto a side road. The name of side road is “Baba Nam Kevalam” and that road leads to a village called “Baba Nam Kevalam”.

(Courtesy to the margii who was on the spot and took this photo)

In Him,
Ram Kripal

== Section: Comment ==

Re: That “great” dada Samanvayananda


I am very sorry to state that the very meaning of Guru for any individual to realise his/her identity has been very unfortunately misconceived even among us. Our Baba has been very kind to tell us very categorically that the all-pervading Master Nucleus of the entire cosmological order as only to take one beyond the time function responsible for the diversity not only to make all appear different but even to feel different is the only GURU. As such He is not only omniscient but omnipresent with the person desirous to identify with the Supreme Self.

We are very fortunate to find our Baba as the great Guru always with us to guide, enlighten & to unify one really very restless to forgo his/ her all, with the Supreme Master Nucleus.

Samanvayananda (aka Shivanandji) as talked about in the context of the mail, be found totally to have deceived himself. He be found not only such person. The most unfortunate part is that the workers or even the griihis who got emboldened to take to sensual & worldly pleasure taking Baba as no more to see them after He physically left in 1990, deviated & formed even groups in their pursuits.

Our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgh as founded by BABA to take forward His great mission Ananda Marga as purposely founded by Him without any dogmas & superstitions, giving first time liberty to all to march on to unify with the Supreme Entity, be found most unfortunately split into groups.

It is total abuse of the very purpose of Baba as the elected Purodha Pramukha. In stark contrast, Vishvadenandji alleged as controlled by Rudranandji & his caucus & Kinshukji declared now another Purodha Pramukh of a parallel Ananda Marga are found totally different as to rally against each other for their say.

It is really not hard that the persons really aspiring forgoing their all to unify with the Supreme Entity can ever remain different from each other. It is left totally to all margii brothers & sisters including the workers to come forward even now unitedly to take forward the great mission of our Baba.

Yours brotherly,

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Example of false history: still continues

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, “If the chronicles of history merely describe who succeeded to the throne and when, who plundered the neighbouring countries or kingdom, and who became a minister, they will be of no importance whatsoever, nor, indeed, of any interest to the common masses. If human beings are to profit from the study of the annals of history, they must reflect the weal and the woe, the hopes and aspirations of the masses.”
   “The annals of human history should show which communities brought about which amount of progress and prosperity in which area of social life and in which part of the world – only such significant events are worthy of being recorded. History should also maintain special records of the trials and tribulations which confronted human beings, how those trials and tribulations were overcome, how human beings tackled the numerous obstacles to effect greater social development, and so on. Only such history would I call the complete history or complete cultural history of the human race.” (1)

Note: Around the globe, false history is mostly being taught. For example in India 50 years ago, kids were taught that Columbus discovered an uninhabited land. The truth is that Columbus was an aggressor who destroyed the native populations. But instead they were propagating a false history in India about Columbus. 

Similarly, in the southern part of the US, still today they are teaching a false history regarding the US Civil War. In the south it is propagated that the cause of the war was economic. When in truth, slavery was a major issue and a key cause of the US Civil  war.

MK Gandhi divided India

In India, they do not teach that MK Gandhi divided the country; rather they treat him as a hero. But the real history is that Gandhi was a coward and a villain who divided the country. But still today in India, false things are being taught to kids in history class with regards to MK Gandhi.

Here below is a link to an interesting account from that period.

PP Dada is ordinary human not spiritual head

Likewise in our AMPS many false things are being taught. For example, they propagate the notion that the first PP, i.e. Dada Shraddhananda, was the divine incarnate. When in truth PP Dada Shraddhananda was a coward and who destroyed the organisation. And at present also, many margiis are brainwashed and wrongly think that the current PP Dada is the spiritual head. But the truth is that PP Dada is ordinary human, pp is bound by maya. For instance, PP cannot give varabhaya mudra, or create any new Ananda Marga scripture. PP cannot become Guru. So it is utterly false to lay claim that PP is the spiritual head etc.

All in all, in His above teachings, Sadguru Baba guides us that a proper account of history should be rendered. The story will have to be told how those purodhas and avadhutas etc became so selfish, and betrayed the ideology by implementing the dogma of mahaprayan. In addition they expelled so many innocent and righteous sadhakas, and broke the organisation into pieces. This entire history will have to be recounted. Their names and black deed will be documented and explained in our AM historical record.  So it should be written how from 1955 up to today our Ananda Marga society moved forward with all kinds of trials and tribulations. That history would be quite interesting. That will be the true history of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha.

1. A Few Problems Solved - 4, Let History Be Rewritten