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Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Accidents? + 4 more


When an event takes place and people cannot find any reason for it then they say an accident happened. They use the word “accident” to denote how a messy event occurred in this universe with no just cause. But according to Ananda Marga philosophy, this universe is very orderly and well-managed. What we see and don't see, everything is run according to universal law. And if anyone goes against that universal law they get punished. Since humans have free will they face the consequences, good or bad.

Suppose one mass murderer kills 339 people in a stadium and then kills himself. In that case, some might think that the perpetrator escaped punishment, but that is not so. The next time he takes birth he may contract a disease at merely 23 years of age and have both arms and both legs amputated and lose his eyesight. When common citizens see this they may think this was an innocent person and that there is no reason for this tragedy. But they only say this because they do not know that this person  was a mass murderer in their previous life. In conclusion, everything in this universe is an incident; nothing is an accident.

Everything is an incident

True disciples follow Guru’s teachings, while some disciples fail to assess the situation properly. Now we see what Baba is telling about this issue.

Sadguru Baba says, "There is nothing accidental in this world – everything is an incident." (1)

  Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Some people [of misguided intellectual outlook] say, “It is something accidental.” Just to conceal their ignorance, they say it is accidental. You know, there is nothing accidental in this universe. For each and every incident there is some cause. We may or may not know the cause, but we must not say it is accidental just in order to conceal our ignorance. Everything is causal. Nothing is non-causal in this universe of causality.”
   “Sometimes it so happens that the cause is translated into effect in a very short span of time; the translation period is very short. In that case, the effect is called “accidental”. [But is it really accidental?] And sometimes you see the result but you do not know the cause; in that case also you say it is an accident. You do not know the cause, so you say, “It is an accident, it is an accident.” No, there is no accident; everything is incident.” (2)

By Sadguru Baba’s above teachings it is clear that everything in this universe has a cause, and nothing is an accident. Rather, everything is an incident.

As Ananda Margiis, our understanding and speech should reflect Guru’s teachings. So we should bear in mind that there is a cause behind every happening. And we should never fall prey to the materialistic perspective that something happened by accident, or that an accident occurred etc.


There is no accident - never. Everything is an incident. That is what Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us..

in Him,
(Sheila Bromberg)

~ In-depth study ~

While serving do not think about their past sins

Animals cannot contravene natural law but humans can. That is why humans have to undergo punishment. Nonetheless, this universe runs on and on - even if humans do not do anything, creation marches onwards.

There is a reason behind everything that transpires; that is why everything is an incident. That is the way natural law works. There is a cause as this entire expressed universe is causal. But as Ananda Margiis, we should be very alert. By seeing one’s suffering we cannot ignore their pain and simply say, “This person has done some terrible things in the past, and that is why he is suffering this heinous reaction - and therefore I need not help them.” Rather, our duty is to serve - not analyse why a person is facing that misery. That is our code of service in Ananda Marga. It is just like how in civilised countries, doctors do not judge the actions of the patient. Those medical professionals attend to the patient’s wounds and ailments - whether that patient be a hero or a terrorist. Likewise, we should always seek to help and serve those in need.

How some naive people express themselves

Here is an example of how some people express themselves in their writings etc. See the yellow highlighted line below. This is an example how either by habit or lack of knowledge some contravene Ananda Marga teachings in their day to day life.

I recently came across this discourse by accident  - and I have spent several months reflecting and digesting it, as I found it a bit clashy.  I find it also quite relevant to recent discussions on conception and a new one beginning on AI.  I first want to post Baba’s actual words and then I will make other posts with some of my own thoughts...

Now and again, someone says or writes that something happened in their life by accident. So their statement is against Guru’s teaching - philosophically and practically. First, everything that occurs is an incident - there is no such thing as an accident. Second, as disciples of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji, our each and every action has to be in line with His teachings. Our humour, stories, explanations, and overall conduct should be in sync with Ananda Marga philosophy.

Here following is an English summary of Baba’s Hindi teaching from Ananda Vacanamrtam - 32 (H), p.86-7:

Those who protect dharma, dharma protects them. One should always protect dharma, in both big and small ways. If one thinks that they will only follow dharma in some big events, and not in small ones, then those big events may not ever come in their entire life. It may be that in their whole life, besides their birth and death, not a single big event happens. Yet at the time of birth how can one protect dharma. At that time one is just a small infant and cannot do anything. That infant is totally unaware about the events going on around them. Then how can they protect dharma. And at the time of death, a person is senseless. In that case also how can they protect dharma. For this reason, dharma should be protected always. In small and big ways-- even in jokes and humor dharma should be protected. Those who protect dharma, dharma protects them: Dharma raksati raksitah. (English summary)

Following dharma at all times

So one’s entire conduct should be according to dharmic guidelines - one’s stories, humor, dress, and each and every expression.

And this is especially true if one is a Wt as they are regarded as a leader and an example of AM teachings.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Persons who teach such well-regulated behaviour to others by their own conduct are called ácáryas." (3)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "an ácárya or ácáryá should always instruct by his or her exemplary actions and words." (4)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Bear in mind that people may be harmed or misled by even a small weakness or defect in the conduct of an ácárya." (5)

So there is no scope for a Wt / acarya to swerve away from Ananda Marga teachings in any realm of life or on any level of interactions. All their dealing should be in consonance with Guru’s teachings.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "What is accident? There is nothing such as accident – everything is incident. When an action is materialized within a very short time, or when the root cause of the action is not known to us, we are just seeing the reaction, the incident. When the cause, the causal side of the incident is not known to us, or when the causal side is translated into action in a very short time we say it is an accident. But actually nothing is accidental, everything is incidental. Because of our lack of knowledge, we say it is accidental. When the causal side, the causal factor is translated into action slowly, we do not say it is an accident, we say it is an incident." (6)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The philosophers say to the devotees, “Yes, these ideas appear to be logical,” but then they take up another hypothesis. “Is yadrcchá or accident the cause of creation?” they ask. Some people say that this creation is accidental, but the devotees retort that this is simply absurd. In this universe nothing is accidental; so how can accident be accepted as the ultimate cause of creation? It is merely a simplistic attempt to hide one’s ignorance about the ultimate cause. One should remember that each and every incident is causal, nothing is non-causal. When some incident takes place abruptly we call it an accident, because the effect has taken place so suddenly that we can not determine its cause. Thus we use the word “accident” just to cover up our failure to detect the cause behind the effect. These arguments convince the philosophers that the idea that accident is the ultimate cause of the universe is simply absurd.” (7)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, Who Is the Liberating Entity of Human Society
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 24, The Causal Matrix
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, Conduct of an Acarya
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, Conduct of an Acarya
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, Conduct of an Acarya
6. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, Microcosm and Its Object of Ideation
7. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11 Relativity and the Supreme Entity

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section: Important Teaching ==

Spirit of full lotus

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Padma'sana [lotus posture] is just like a lotus in full bloom. Just as the roots and stem of the lotus remain under the water and only the leaves and flowers float about it-- and although it is born in the mind it sustains its love for the stars-- in the same way people sitting in this lotus posture and remaining in the world, can keep their minds above their mundane environment. That is why on the path of sa'dhana' this posture has tremendous importance." (1) 

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva in the Dhyána Mantra (Discourse 20)

== Section: Bangla Quote ==

কেন জানাৰ না, নিশ্চয় জানাৰ

“সাধনার দ্বারা সেই কুলকুণ্ডলিনীকে উপরে তুলতে হয়, সেটাই হ’ল রাধা-কৃষ্ণের মিলন | এখন এই যে উপরে ওঠা, এর সঙ্গে কতকগুলো জিনিস আছে | সাধনার গূঢ় তত্ব রয়েছে | যা ইতঃ পূর্বে সম্ভবতঃ স্পষ্ট ভাষায় কখনও জানানো হয়নি | কারণ, কিছু লোক কোনও অজ্ঞাত কারণে সাধনার অনেক জিনিসকেই গোপন রাখা উচিত মনে করতেন | হাঁ, যা জিনিস সৰাইকে জানালে, ক্ষতি হতে পারে, সেটা জানাৰ না | কিন্তু যা সৰাইকে জানালে, কল্যাণ হতে পারে, তা কেন জানাৰ না, নিশ্চয় জানাৰ | বরং তাতে তাদের সাধনার প্রতি অনুরক্তি তৈরি হৰে |” (1)

1. V17-15 Krsnastu Bhagavan Svayam

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

Not for a single moment should one forget it

“Human society is one and indivisible. Keeping this supreme truth ever fixed in one’s vision, one will have to think of promoting human welfare, love for humanity, human solidarity and universal fraternity, and move accordingly. Not for a single moment should one forget it nor even ignore it. Due to lack of intellect or mutual conflicts in the past, a vast number of creatures have become totally extinct from the surface of the earth. Let human beings not meet the same dreadful consequence.” (Ananda Vanii #60)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.

== Section 3: Links ==