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Friday, February 23, 2024

For every sadhaka + 3 more

For every sadhaka


Ours is the path of subjective approach through objective adjustment. We have to firsts and foremost move on and on towards Him, and maintain our affairs in everyday life. In general, the common occurrence is that in sadhana, by His grace, the mind gets pointed towards Brahma, and when taking care of worldly duties the mind gets associated with mundane objects. This is the common phenomenon. But, Baba warns us that this type of materialistic outlook precipitates one's degeneration. So we should know the proper remedy to avoid degradation and keep the mind spiritually vibrated.

Ideal way to practice madhuvidya’

Generally people are busy doing one work after another. They shift from “work A” to “work B” to “work C” to “work D” etc. And when dealing with A, B, C, D works, they think in a completely crude way. How? In work A, they think they fed their pet. And in work B they think they swept the floor. And in work C they think they donated an item to the needy. And work D they think they helped their child with their homework. And in work E, they think they helped their grandmother. When dealing with their pet they do not think, “This is God in the form of my pet”, they think it is a pet. And when sweeping the floor, they do not think, “This is Brahma in the form of this mundane object”, they think that this is just the floor. And when helping others, they do not think that, “God has come in the form of the needy.” They think that this is one needy person. When helping the child with schoolwork they do not think, “I am helping Parama Purusa in the form of one child.” They are just thinking this is an ordinary child. Likewise, they do not think, “I am helping God in the form of my grandmother.” They think in a mundane way that they are helping their grandmother with her food and medicine etc.

Due to a lack of brahmacarya or cosmic ideation, they were just busy with the pet, sweeping, needy, child, and grandmother. But brahamcarya, second lesson, madhuvidya, Brahmavidya, or cosmic ideation, teaches us that, “Do not think or look upon all these things as being mundane.” Rather, the sadhaka thinks that, “God is before me in the form of a pet.” Or they think God has come in the form of the floor, or a needy person, or a child, or a grandmother. They think that , “God has come in various forms and I am serving God.” By this way, the mind is not moving from one crude object to another crude object. Instead, with the help of second lesson and ideation of the Supreme, the mind is busy in serving God in various forms, from one to the next. And that is what is called as Brahma to Brahma'ntar. 

The central idea of second lesson or Guru mantra is that a sadhaka’s mind should not be involved in one mundane work to another mundane work etc. Rather one should be involved in one form of Brahma to another form of Brahma, to another form of Brahma - always busy with Brahma. That is the great practice of second lesson - in a very practical and ideal way. Otherwise, reciting second lesson like a parrot without any ideation has no meaning, and indeed no benefit.

Meaning of Brahma Brahma'ntar

In Samskrta, the term 'ka’l' means time. The phrase, ka’l ka’la'ntar, means from one time to another. And in Samskrta, the term 'gra’m' means village. Then the phrase, gram gra’ma'ntar, means from one village to another. Similarly, Brahma is Parama Purusa or Cosmic Consciousness. So Baba's guideline - Brahma Brahma'ntar - means to move from one expression of Brahma to another. That is the spirit and practical approach of our second lesson.

In our regular dealing, we are to constantly feel and think that when doing worldly duties we are merely interacting with His various expressions - just moving from one expression of His to the next. That is how to see God in everything and follow the code of brahmacarya.


Those who fail to follow this practice of second lesson or brahmacarya will certainly undergo radical degeneration. Although second lesson demands a shift in one’s outlook, through constant effort and practice, seeing all as the expression of Brahma will step by step become very natural.

So we should take strict efforts. Baba guides us that, “Without yama and niyama sadhana is an impossibility”, and the practice of brahmacarya is one of the key aspects of yama and niyama. Devoid of brahmacarya, one cannot progress along the path of sadhana. As His disciples we should sincerely follow brahmacarya, become established in this practice.

At His feet, 

As human beings, as sadhakas, we have our fixed Goal - Parama Purus'a is our Goal. Baba is our Ista. And, by His grace, everything we do in our spiritual lives is leading up to His blissful stance. Simultaneously, in day to day life a certain adjustment is needed. For various reasons, we cannot maintain our silent meditation practice day and night, sitting in padma'sana all the 24 hours. We have many other duties and responsibilities to take care of in this world.

~ In-depth study ~

Baba's warning about mental degradation

Here below Baba scientifically explains how the mind - our existence - gets grossly crudified by identifying one's mental waves with worldly objects.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "We hear a sound, but the concept of the word uttered is not clear till the mental waves are brought in contact with the physical concept involved. [Someone]...hears the word 'cat'. He sees a cat and the mother says, 'See, my son! That is the cat which drank your milk yesterday'. The [person] associates the word 'cat' with the cat seen. That means he establishes a parallelism between the mental waves created by uttering the word 'cat' and the physical wave coming from the physical form of the cat. Hence psycho-physical parallelism is the meaning of a word which itself (the word) is a psychic wave. Psycho-physical parallelism always tends to make the psychic waves cruder, and if the mental wave gets cruder, human beings will be transformed into cruder beings (the path of negative pratisaincara will be taken by them) and spiritual elevation will remain a dream." (1)

As Baba warns us above, one's mental waves degenerate towards crude matter when they think about objects of this world. And this leads to one's downfall. The overall idea is that the mind takes on the shape of its ideation. And in the cycle of life and rebirth, one gets a body according to their thoughts in the mind - according to their mental pabulum.

So if one thinks about a cat they will be reborn as a cat or maybe some other kind of animal. And if one thinks about bricks they will be converted into stone. And if they think about their business finances, they may be converted into a wallet or purse or a silver coin etc.

The overall equation is that by thinking about crude matter one's nerve cells and nerve fibres get adversely affected - i.e. degraded - and an ectoplasmic change takes place. The end result is that significant degeneration whereby one's entire existence gets converted into crude matter. Baba's warns us about this horrible outcome in the above cited passage and in countless other discourses. This we have all heard.

From one form or expression of Brahma to another

Each and everything in this vast, universal creation is the expression of Brahma. So Baba's directive is to ideate on Brahma before starting any mundane work. According to Him we are to apply the feeling of Brahma-hood to our actions. This is our practice of brahmacarya or second lesson of sahaja yoga.

By engaging in the spiritual outlook of brahmacarya, one's mind naturally contemplates or moves from one form or expression of Brahma to another. In this practice the mind is always involved with Brahma-- i.e. it remains constantly in that subtle spiritual realm. In which case the mind will never degenerate. By following the code of brahmacarya and converting one's mental waves into the spiritual sphere, there is no scope for any downfall.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states:

"Whatever you speak or do,
Forgetting Him never;
Keeping His name in Your heart,
Work, remembering it is for Him,
And, endlessly active, drift in bliss." (2)

Baba's special teaching

Here is another of one of Baba's special teachings that is intimately linked with the whole topic of brahmacarya and the practice of second lesson.

Mana eva manus'ya'na'm' ka'ran'am' bandhamoks'ayoh;
Bandhastu vis'aya'saungi mukto nirvis'ayam' tatha'.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "'The mind is the cause of bondage, and this mind, this very mind, is the cause of liberation, is the cause of emancipation.' If the movement towards subtle is encouraged, and there is movement with proper acceleration, then what will happen? There will take place one of two different things: either one's existence will be converted into the Cosmic Mind -- that metamorphosis of unit mind into Cosmic Mind is known as the qualified stance -- sagun'a'sthiti -- or, if the very "I" feeling is surrendered at the altar of Supreme Existence, then the alternative will be that the entire existential factor will become one with the Supreme Cognitive Faculty, with the Cognitive Principle -- one will become omniscient, an all-knowing entity. Thus one will attain sagun'a'sthiti or nirgun'a'sthiti (the non-attributional or non-qualified stance)." (3)

He is watching me

Another very simple and effective way of practicing second lesson is outlined in the below posting. The basic idea is to think: He is watching me. This idea alone brings Parama Purusa into your awareness - and that is a kind of second lesson.

Baba gives the grand solution

The predicament then becomes: What is the answer? What is the way out? How is it that human beings-- sadhakas-- can live in this world yet maintain their march towards Parama Purusa. Here Baba gives His perfect answer.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "In day-to-day business, we have to conceive the meaning of words and thereby establish psycho-physical parallelism. Then, is human destiny sealed forever? No, it is not! We can have a supreme position of the spiritual wave over the physical wave and perceive the latter as one of the manifestations of the spiritual infinite one. This is what Ananda Marga philosophy means by Brahmacarya. Brahmacarya does not mean celibacy but means the assimilation of the psychic wave of the unit mind into the eternal waves of the Macrocosm. Ananda Marga lays down for the spiritual aspirant a practical method by which this spiritual imposition is done and the mental waves are saved from becoming cruder. Rather by bha'va sa'dhana' (spiritual practice of auto-suggestion) at the time of action laid down by Ananda Marga, the mind will tend towards Brahmacarya and thereby towards psycho-spiritual parallelism, the only way to ultimate liberation. Because, for mental liberation, the psychic waves must be made subtler, and this is only possible if one either entertains only subtler mental waves or by inspiring with a spiritual force gets a parallelism of the mental waves with spiritual ones." (4)

In His above revolutionary teaching, Baba guides us that by practicing second lesson - brahmacarya - then while performing mundane works we can goad the mental waves of the mind towards the spiritual realm-- and not towards the crude matter. By this way one can work in the world yet progress spiritually and reach the divine stance.

Subjective approach through objective adjustment

Baba says, "On all other days they are to remain balanced between objective adjustment and subjective approach. On these days of fasting, however, on these days of upavasa, one remains in closer proximity to the Lord than to one's mundane duties." (5) 

In Baba’s above teaching He gives us two basic pathways. First, He is guiding us that in our daily life there should be a proper balance between our worldly duties and spiritual life, i.e. subjective approach through objective adjustment. And second, on days of upavasa, Baba’s directive is that one should primarily focus on sadhana, i.e. subjective approach. There is no third approach. That means there are no days where we exclusively focus on worldly dealings, i.e. objective approach. So Baba’s above teaching wholly refutes the notion that one should “adjust” with the mundane world by compromising on one’s spiritual values. There is no scope to ever give up the subjective approach - i.e. God-centered outlook. 

Special tip

Here is the easiest way to practice 2nd lesson. Take a look around you: trees, birds, sky, grass, stars, dogs, leaves etc. And think that all these entities are the expression of Parama Purusa in that particular form. So the tree is not a tree, but Parama Purusa in the form of that tree. And a bird is not a bird, but Parama Purusa in the form of that bird. By this simple and easy approach, one will cultivate an ideal practice of second lesson. When one has achieved siddhi (perfect facility) in second lesson, they will attain a deep state of samadhi.

1. Idea & Ideology, Psycho-Spiritual Parallelism
2. Caryacarya - 2, 'Sadhana', point #10
3. Neo-Humanism in a Nutshell - 1, 'Existential Flow & Its Culminating Point'
4. Idea and Ideology, Psycho-Spiritual Parallelism
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 6, Upavása

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section: Important Teaching ==

Role of art & artists

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states:

"Agriculture, arts, commerce and other developmental work should, as far as possible, be carried out on a cooperative basis."

"Fine arts lead human beings to the trans-sensory realm; hence sádhakas should not discourage fine arts; rather they should support them, directly or indirectly."

"Artists are great benefactors of society, hence take active steps for their protection. For example, before enacting a drama or its translation, enough money for a day's maintenance must be given to the author."

"If a drama or other art performance is staged and a charge is made for tickets, after deducting the incidental expenditure, the remaining money should be distributed among the artists, half on the basis of labour and half on the basis of merit." (1)

1. Caryacarya, Society, Points #15 - #18

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How factional groups copied dogmatic religions

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “As regards the intellectual exploitation of others, nearly all vipras think alike, so when they operate their machinery of exploitation, quite a remarkable unity can be discerned among them. When Mahatma Buddha, Kabir, Chaitanya, Guru Nanaka and Hazrat Mohammed tried to make people aware of religious exploitation, the vipras of those times, irrespective of their religious affiliations or beliefs, united against them. Hindu priests and Muslim mullahs united to fight against Mahatma Kabir. The same thing occurred at the time of Mahaprabhu Chaitanyadeva.” (1)

Note: In His above guideline, Baba is marking how over the course of history how all the exploitative religious priests would form a black pact and together attack any righteous person who opposed their religious dogma. Now, this same scene is unfolding in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. If anybody supports the cause of ideology and opposes the imposed dogmas of factionalism etc, then all the groups form a black pact and launch an offensive against that dharmika. For instance, if a dharmika margii opposes how various group leaders are embezzling funds, or selling properties, or creating dogmatic tiirthas to lure margiis etc, then that margii will face the wrath of all the various groups. Here it should be noted that the EC faction does not exploit directly, but keeps silent and witnesses margii suppression and victimisation by the other Wt groups.

1. Human Society - 2, The Vipra Age

== Section: Important Teaching ==

See how a darker skin tone is beneficial

Because of their inferiority complex, many around the globe want to whiten their skin. They do not know that one's skin colour is for the well-being and safety of their body. God has specially designed and protected them in this way. In hot climate areas, melanin is a natural chemical in the skin that makes the skin dark. And that dark skin tone protects them. But due to their imposed inferiority complex, some people want to become white. They do not know that they are destroying themselves and may die a premature death due to skin cancer. Because dark skin is good for health in those hot regions. The solution is that those with dark skin suffering from an imposed inferiority complex should understand that dark skin has specific benefits. Even in colder areas, it get warm for a few months each year, so in that case also those with dark skin get direct medical benefits - e.g. protected from getting skin cancer etc. This is especially the case when involved in outdoor activities. While white-skinned people do not get those benefits. So dark skin is a plus.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The greater the heat of the sun, the greater the amount of ultraviolet rays in the sunlight. A study of geography tells us why there are differences in the degree of heat of the sun’s rays. Where the sun’s rays fall on earth obliquely, there is less heat of the sun, and where the sun’s rays fall straight on the earth, the heat is greater. In very hot countries white-skinned people find it very hard to live, because their skin, having less of the chemical substance called melanin, is unable to stand much heat. Body skin with a great quantity of melanin in it turns jet black, and obviously a lesser quantity of melanin makes one’s skin white."

"If ever white people are forced for some reason to live long in a hot climate, their colour turns brown. In 1939-40, when British soldiers came to India for war purposes, their colour became brown due to the great heat. Naturally, as the skin of these soldiers had to adjust with the hot climate of India, there were some necessary changes in their skin to effect acclimatisation." (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved  - 2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 1

== Section 3: Links ==