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Sunday, January 7, 2018

Why you got this body + 2 more


Why you got this body


Baba has warned us not to pay attention to occult powers. The goal of life is to realize Parama’tma’ and not the achievement of material pleasures such as money, prestige, power etc. A sadhaka in advanced stages should never develop this feeling of s/he is more knowledgeable than others, or has more power than others. Such type of thinking is dangerous because they are temporary. Someone possesses money, power etc. today but may not have them tomorrow.

For example one who is a great scholar today may not know a simple thing tomorrow if s/he will have alzheimer’s disease. With such disease the yesterday’s scholar may not even remember own name. Even this body will not remain on this earth or even whoever is present today in this earth, no one will remain after about 100 years.  There will be new human beings who will replace the older ones. It is like a play. In the play there is a stage and many performers. One came sang a song and left, another one came narrated a story and left, another one danced and left. Similar to the play, we are players in the stage of earth. Players come and go, and their nature is transitory. However, the lamp on the stage witnesses everything that happens in the play. Parama’tma’ is the witnessing Entity who observes everything that happens in this creation. The play in the creation is never ending.

Parama’tma’ vs secondary desires

We have a duty to perform in this creation. In the form of human beings we have the potential to utilize our efforts in the right way towards Parama’tma’. If there are obstructions, self desires on the way then they have to be removed. There has to be one and only one desire to realize Parama’tma’, proceed towards Parama’tma’, and merge in Parama’tma’. There should not be any secondary desire. If there are secondary desires, then the secondary desires will be fulfilled and the main desire (i.e. to merge in Parama’tma’) will be forgotten. There are many sadhakas who are responsible for their own downfall because of secondary desires. Secondary desires are like toys that the mother gives to the child not to cry. Occult power is like a toy. Parama’tma’ has a lot of toys to give to sadhakas if they want, but if the sadhaka wants the toy then they will be diverted from the path and will never be able to reach Parama’tma’  as they are satisfied with the toys.

But a true sadhaka wants only Parama’tma’. Such a sadhaka’s life is filled with bliss. Many get human birth, but they live the life of animals before their death. Even there are many people who not only live like animals but even do much harm to others that they even do not deserve another human birth. Whatever samskaras they had before getting birth, they accumulate even more samskaras in this life, and hence will not even born as humans in their next birth. Majority of people fall in this category who do not deserve human birth. There is a minority percentage of people who are humans in this birth, and they are reborn as humans because they did not do so good or so bad in this life. But ones who are doing sadhana if they have secondary desires then they accumulate negative samskaras. If they have desires to accumulate money, then in next birth they may be reborn in a wealthy family and making their chances very low to do sadhana in their next life, hence they have degenerated themselves. There are sadhakas who do sadhana for some time, but they do have secondary desires. They will get secondary desires, but because of that they may do harm to others hence they even downgrade themselves to a position which is lower than where they were prior to doing sadhana.


So a sadhaka needs knowledge of what one should do and what not. Occult power should never be desired and the thought even not be entertained. It is a trap in the play of this creation. So there is no need to be attached to such things such as money, power or prestige or taking pleasure in self praise. Rather everything belongs to Parama’tma’ and goal of life should be based on Parama’tma’ and not on the self.


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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Humiliating religions vs discussing them

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Psychological methods will have to be employed to make people realize the irrational nature of blind religious faith. This requires a rational interpretation of philosophy through enlightened intellect. When the human mind is gripped by the fear psychology it gives indulgence to blind faith rather than logic and reason. If human fear is removed through logic and reason, the very basis for blind faith will be weakened. That is why human beings will have to be taught philosophical doctrines in a rational way." (1)

Note: In His above teaching, Baba guides us that it is our duty to expose the inhumane and barbaric rituals of the various religions. This is to be done in a sensitive, psychological, and practical manner. By this way we will be able to logically convince those followers to give up their negative approach and follow the path of dharma.

The questions arises: How can we reconcile a few ideas (a) not hurting their religious sentiment and (b) pointing out their inhumane and barbaric rituals.

Ridiculing them to their face is bad

Hurting the religious sentiments of others means rudely attacking or mocking religious followers to their face. For instance, the dogmatic Hindus worship the monkey Hanuman and the elephant deity. And those followers believe those deities are real and that they get their blessing. Suppose you directly tell them, “You stupid people, do you not have any brain. Is that why you are worshiping a monkey. What you are doing is preposterous.” Then those believers will feel insulted, hurt, and angry. This action goes against the code of Caryacarya, i.e. you are wounding their religious sentiment.

Whereas, if you raise the matter in respectful and psychological manner and carefully explain to them the origin of their worship, they may become curious and wish to know more. In that case you can explain how in the past there was hero worship. To give respect to the clan leader, the idol of the mighty Ganesh was conceived. And since then this tradition started. Hearing this logical analysis, many followers may give up their rituals. But if you mock them they will dig their heels in and cling more to their dogma.

In a rational and just manner, we aim to discuss and review the inhuman rituals of the various religions. There is no mocking or put-downs etc, just open, logical, and respectful debate. This is the way Baba guides us to proceed. So if you politely and courteously point out the religious dogma to those followers, and you carefully watch to see how they are receiving your words, then that is ok and in concert with the guidelines of Ananda Marga ideology. But if you mock and ridicule their religious rituals to their face, and hurt their religious sentiment, that is not approved by Ananda Marga teachings.

1. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2

== Section 3: Links ==
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This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Why you got this body
2. IT: Humiliating religions vs discussing them
3. Links