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Monday, February 12, 2024

Bhakti practice + 2 more


Bhakti practice


It is the duty of every sincere margii to do Guru sakash upon waking. In the practice of Guru Sakash, it is explained that one should see Guru in varabhaya mudra. And for that, the pratikrti [photo] has been given.

Those who remain 24 hours in manan, shravan, nidhidhyasana, pranayama, mantra japa etc, then, for them, visualization is very easy and blissful. But for others it is not easy. This following process is for those who in the deep core of their heart want to visualize Him with sincerity and bhakti.

This below section is not for all. This is for those who feel that Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji is Sadguru, the Supreme Entity, Parama Purusa. This below guideline is useless for those who do not have this type of feeling.

Process to enhance Guru sakash & related lessons

1. One should place Baba's (varabhaya mudra) photo before them.

2. Then they should keep their eyes open, gaze at the photo intently, and mentally extend their hand (not physical hand) and hold His feet mentally, and start serving Him mentally. Mentally, they should go on repeating His name “Baba’ (all the while keeping their eyes open and gazing at His feet or photo with open eyes.) Ask His grace - beseeching Him mentally. And do only those things which feel very natural. During this point #2, the eyes are open the entire time.

3. Then they may close their eyes and try to do all of point #2 in the mind, i.e. with the eyes closed.

4. If point #3 does not work they should go back to point #2.

5. Repeat the process (i.e. points #2 and #3) again & again.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Early in the morning one should meditate on the Guru in Vara'bhaya Mudra … and address Him with your most loving and affectionate epithet..." (1)

So the idea is to sweetly call Him using your most loving and affectionate epithet, and that is the term ‘Baba’. Verily, as sadhakas and bhaktas we affectionately address Him as ‘Baba’. That is why all Ananda Margiis emphatically raise the slogan: “Parama Pita Baba Kii - Jai!!”

Baba is ever-gracious; certainly, you will feel His grace.

in Him,

Prabhu Sharan

Instructions for Guru sakash

Here below is that special section of the discourse where Baba speaks specifically about Guru Sakash and how to ideate upon Him.

Pra'tah shirasi shuukle'abje dvinetram' dvibhujam' gurum'...

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Early in the morning one should meditate on the Guru in Vara'bhaya Mudra with two hands and two eyes seated on a white lotus in Guru cakra, and address Him with your most loving and affectionate epithet..." (2)

Note: The photo should be medium size, i.e. 10” X 12”  at least or larger - not just a small postcard version. The larger the photo the greater the clarity.


1. Yoga Psychology, Under the Shelter of the Guru

2. Yoga Psychology, Under the Shelter of the Guru

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The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

How to elevate needy communities

Prout philosophy states, “In capitalism or democracy the state is theoretically for the welfare of the majority, but in practice it is the rule of the minority of vaeshyas. Other groups of people are forced to become second grade citizens.”

“The Proutistic social order follows the principle sarva jana hitáya – that is, PROUT is for the welfare of all. Nobody is suppressed or oppressed. PROUT supports the rule of sadvipras. Only sadvipras can guarantee the all-round welfare of all groups of people because sadvipras represent the interests of all classes in society.”

“Until PROUT is established, however, special efforts should be made to protect the interests of backward classes. For example, tribal people are among the most deprived of the backward classes. In Tripura and many parts of India, and in other countries of the world as well, tribal people are poor and illiterate. Special steps should be taken immediately to enhance their socio-economic development. Such steps should include the removal of all educational inequalities; the widespread establishment of cottage industries; proper agricultural facilities, especially irrigation water; self-reliance in energy production, such as electricity; increased communication facilities, such as telephones; and better transportation infrastructure, such as railways.” (1)

1. Proutist Economics, Elevating Backward Classes

== Section 3: Links ==