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Friday, December 29, 2017

Cooling system of human body + 2 more


Cooling system of human body


Here are pointwise benefits of keeping joint hair and how the joint hair benefits the body and mind.

(a) Regulation of Heat: It has been scientifically proven how the joint hair helps keep the glands cool in the heat of the strong summer sun, and that hair provides much insulation and warmth during the colder seasons.

(b) Like an Engine: Just as the radiator ensures that the engine does not overheat, in a similar way joint hair helps release heat that is generated in the body. If the the glands get overheated and weakened, ultimately the mind is also adversely affected. So the joint hair has a grand effect on the whole human condition. By cooling the body, the joint hair prevents both physical disease and psychic degeneration.

(c) The joint hair protects the integrity of the glands and organs of that region. That means in the underarm the joint hair protects the glands in the underarm which then have a beneficial effect on the major organs of the torso. And the hair of the pubic region has a similar effect on the glands and organs of that area.

(d) Without hair on the head, one will be uncomfortable in both the warm and cold seasons.

(e) While there are various benefits related with this point of keeping the joint hair, one tremendous benefit is also related with the lymphatic glands.

How joint hair helps & keeps the glands healthy

As we are all aware, the major lymphatic nodes are located primarily at the joints and these glands produce hormones which govern the functioning of the body. Side by side, one important rule is that excess heat is disturbing to those glands. Thus to protect these precious major lymphatic nodes Parama Purusa has specially situated them at the joints - since by that way those major lymphatic nodes are kept safe. Because the joint hair of those joints serves the unique purpose of keeping those glands cool during the hot season, and warm during the cold season.

Lymphatic glands, thyroid & hair

Here following is Baba's guideline about how the joint hair protects the glands.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Joint hair grows near the lymphatic glands in the armpits and leg joints. If this hair is removed, then the lymphatic glands tend to overheat, causing over secretion, and this in turn decreases the function of the thyroid and parathyroid glands. There is an inverse relation between the lymphatic glands and the thyroid and para-thyroid glands -- if one is more active then the other is less developed and it becomes weak. For this reason, the joint hair should not be removed." (1)

Lymph, joint hair, glands and disease

Lymph is the food for the brain cells.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Lymph goes to the brain and provides food for the nerve cells in the cranium." (2)

In our daily routine, invariably we move our arms and legs to perform various tasks. And by this movement, frictional heat gets generated - especially at the joints. Yet the human body cannot remain healthy when excess heat is generated in those areas. To combat this, Parama Purusa has provided a very good system: During puberty hair grows in those joint areas and that helps to dissipate the frictional heat, thus allowing the body to naturally cool itself. And this is especially beneficial for the glands. The question may then arise that if joint hair is so important then why is it that babies and children do not have hair on their joints also - after all they are generally born with hair on their head.

The reason is that in a child's body the sex glands are not developed. So for them when their joint areas invariably become heated from their various activities then it does not have a negative effect on their glands - as those glands have yet to be developed. Thus children have no real need for hair in their joint areas. But for others it is extremely important.

In the same way joint hair grows on the human body exactly when it is needed - not too early and not too late, just at the perfect time.

Yogic Treatments and Natural Remedies guides us, "Due to the quick development of physical energy at this age, nature [by the order of Parama Purusa] has provided necessary hair at the joints of the body to keep the body heat balanced and, because of the possibility of rubbing, to keep the skin healthy. So when people remove this hair owing to lack of proper knowledge, they harm themselves both physically and mentally." (3)

Lack of joint hair sex vrtti becomes dominant

So  joint hair satisfies a particular and special function within the body system; because that hair is needed for the all-around balance and health of the body. But some people - in their ignorance - cut the hair of the joints thereby inviting various diseases which result due to the improper functioning of the glands. And in addition when the glands get overheated the sex vrtti becomes dominant.

Here are two of Baba's fundamental mandates about joint hair and daily conduct.
(a) Caryacarya states, "Never cut the hair of the joints of the body." (4)
(b) Sixteen Points guides us, "Do not cut the hair of the joints of the body." (5)

Removing joint hair harms you physically & psychically

Ananda Marga philosophy states "Due to the quick development of physical energy at this age, nature has provided necessary hair at the joints of the body to keep the body heat balanced and, because of the possibility of rubbing, to keep the skin healthy. So when people remove this hair owing to lack of proper knowledge, they harm themselves both physically and mentally." (6)

Thus from points of physical charm and beauty, to the psychic well-being of the personality, to the sharpness of brain, to the depth of spiritual ideation of the mind, the lymphatic glands play a special role. Thus by not cutting the hair of the joints of the body, we are able to derive unique benefits in all the realms of life.


This letter discussed the third point of Sixteen Points - "Never cut the hair of the joints of the body." By adhering to this tenet:
(a) The temperature of the body is properly regulated.
(b) One is able to balance and keep the glands healthy.
(c) The health of the major organs of the body is maintained.
(d) One readily develops a sense of courage.

Due to lack of awareness some shave or cut the joint hair and thereby harm themselves physically, mentally, and spiritually.

In Him,

Ananda Vanii says, "...In order to march ahead on the road of human welfare, we will have to strengthen ourselves in all the arena of life. The complete seeds of welfare in all the spheres – physical, mental, moral, social and spiritual – are embedded in the sixteen points. Hence be firm on the sixteen points." (7)

1. Yoga Psychology, Glands and Sub-Glands
2. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology
3. Yogic Treatments and Natural Remedies, Nocturnal Emission
4. Sixteen Points, #3
5. Caryacarya-3, Asanas, Point #8
6. Yogic Treatments and Natural Remedies, Nocturnal Emission
7. Ananda Vanii #45

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Sadhakas and retaliation of avidya maya

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Sometimes it may happen that a man was a degenerated man. When he was a bad man, he was eating, drinking, and making merry, but as soon as he starts sádhaná, he is to face so many obstacles, so many hardships. He has become good, but be has to undergo so many troubles, so many problems. What is this? Why? Do you follow what I said? Why? The reason is that the pendulum moves. When it starts coming in the opposite side when its upward movement ends and the downward movement starts. The moment he becomes a good boy, becomes a sádhaka, the reaction of his bad actions starts.” (1)

Note: No one should get confused that avidya maya harasses you for no reason at all. Avidya maya applies the arsenal from the collection of your previously accumulated negative samskaras, which have yet to be requited. Suppose you did some sin or wrongdoing in the past and never faced the reaction of that bad action. In that case, that samskara is still part of the arsenal of avidya maya. And you will have to face that reaction. But in spite of such retaliation if you continue doing your sadhana then avidya maya will walk away and will not harass you anymore due to your sincerity in sadhana. 

1. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 14, Action and Reaction

Ananda Vanii #50

How little difference between prehistoric human beings
and present humanity regarding infighting

Ananda Vanii states, "The prehistoric human beings remained involved in group and clan clashes. The present humanity is involved in crude wars for dogmas. Then how far have they advanced? Let the marching ahead towards the supreme desideratum, taking all together, be the only mission for today's human race, and let the pauseless fight against any and all opposing forces on the way to fulfilment of this mission be the sole fight befitting a human being. Let this very struggle be reckoned as the Supreme Expression." (1)

Note: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis.

Ananda Vanii #50

== Section 3: Links ==

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Other topics of interest
More important letters

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