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Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Bound you are? + 2 more


Bound you are?


In this created universe, everyone wants mukti: Liberation. Nobody wants to remain in bondage; even animals want liberation. The proof is that if you put an animal in a cage, they will try to open the cage and escape. They do not want to remain bound. When that is the case with animals, it is even more so the case with humans. With a more developed intellect and highly reflected consciousness, certainly no human being wants to remain in bondage.

Humans are bound in three ways

Yet human beings are bound in three spheres of life: Physical, psychic, and spiritual. To eliminate the bondages in the physical realm, humans have invented so many structures and machines to shield them from the trials, tribulations, and hardships, and make life easy and facile on the physical plane. And every day new discoveries are made, bringing more comfort and ease.

Even then, no matter how much humans advance in the physical stratum, the physical bondages will never be eliminated completely. So long as one has a physical body, they will be held in physical bondage.

Similarly, in the psychic realm also, humans try to overcome all kinds of bondages. But just when one problem is solved, then ten more problems emerge: fears, anxieties, despair, or temptation etc. It is not possible to eliminate all problems and bondages in the psychic realm. New problems are constantly emerging.

For example, nobody wants to grow old, yet it happens to everyone. There is no escape. And there are so many things in life that are beyond one's control. That is what is meant by bondage. People are also bound by their own reactive momenta (samskaras) and have to face the consequences. Without the complete exhaustion of one's samskaras, liberation is not possible.

Ignorance: most think they are free

Interestingly, most do not realise that they are in bondage; they think they are free. Yet, they are completely bound by so many limitations and inabilities. But they think they are free, just as a frog in a well does not think it is bound by any bondage. Only when humans develop a little bit in the psycho-spiritual realm, do they come to understand how they are inextricably bound. And at that point one can start to extricate oneself from bondage, by His grace. Without the understanding that one is in bondage, there is absolutely no hope or possibility of becoming free. Just one wallows in the ignorance of that bondage, falsely dreaming that they are free.

Both animals and humans want liberation

Only in the spiritual realm can all obstacles be eliminated, by His grace. Through sadhana the aspirant can achieve oneness with Parama Purusa; then all bondages will be eliminated. The culminating idea is that the concept of liberation is not some utopian dreamland. It is a practical, attainable end.

Again, both animals and humans want liberation. But animals remain in bondage; and, humans are unsure of how to proceed - so they remain in bondage. In that way, their whole life passes in vain.

Those who want a real solution to this problem should learn and practice sadhana and get liberation. To remove all bondages, one must get initiated, do sadhana sincerely, and attain mukti (liberation) / moksa (salvation), by His grace. This is the birthright of all humans. Without that, one will never find mental peace - always there will be tension.

Awaken: One day you too will have to leave here and go

Remember, those who are bound cannot do what they want. And maya itself is that binding force. Humans have to live according to those limitations and bondages imposed by maya. Everyone has to follow those rules, whether they like it or not. Everyone wishes to be healthy, but invariably sickness comes. This is a bondage. Nobody wants to die but invariably they have to leave this earth. Because they are bound by maya. Regardless of their liking, they have to go because they are bound.

So no matter how much you enjoy or are attached to your worldly possessions and relations like property and family, one day you too will have to leave here and go. You have to give up your post, power, status, relations, even your physical body etc, and undergo death - and leave this earth. Death itself is one bondage. You may want to stay here forever, but one day you must leave. That is the bondage imposed by maya.

Until one realises bondage not attempt to free oneself

Until one realises that they are in bondage, how can they break this shackle and attain liberation. A bondage cannot be removed until one understands that they are bound. Only then can one truly embark on the spiritual path. By Guru's grace alone can one become truly free. Sadhana and surrendering to the sweet will of the Supreme is the only way to become free.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "O human beings, proceed on the path of omnkara towards subtleness. Do not run after the superficial, pleasant mirage dominated by tamoguńa. Establish yourself in sattvaguńa and then merge yourself into Brahma. Reach the point whence omnkara has started. Awaken your latent dynamism through sádhaná and devotion, arouse your divine wisdom and merge that pure divinity into the endless stream of divine glory. Attain the Supreme state for which you have suffered tremendous privations. Today you have the most favourable opportunity to prove yourself as human being." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "The worship of Brahma should be done scrupulously, or else you will later regret and bemoan the futility of your life with the last drop of your tears at your last hour. You should make your life worthwhile through your sádhaná. How much can your worldly friends and relations do for you? After your death your relatives may perhaps ask, “How much money has he left behind?” Your friends may go to the crematorium and indulge in flattering reminiscences about you. Your husband or wife may cry for you for about ten or twelve days and then regain their normal composure. Your lot will be only a profound sigh – a record of the futility and frustration of your life. So do not waste your time lest you later have to repent." (2)

In Him

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy - 4, Our Spiritual Treatise
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour

== Section 2: Ananda Vanii  ==

Each and every life must be made effulgent

“The first and the final word of manifestation is mobility or dynamicity. Just as movement has no cessation, the path of movement also has no end. In this very movement lies the happy union between eternal ethics and the ageless supra-sensory realization – their centripetal affinity. It is not enough for a person to merely understand and abide by the truth, rather it must be translated into reality in the practical lives of living beings. With the greatest fulfilment in buds, flowers and fruits, each and every life must be made effulgent. Everyone should be made to realize that in the path of movement the Supreme fulfilment is the highest truth.” (Ananda Vanii #68)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.

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