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Sunday, November 5, 2017

Vast difference between AM morality & others


Vast difference between AM morality & others


Here is a look at how our Ananda Marga's approach to morality compares with that of the major religions and even nations. First off, let us remember that Ananda Marga is not religion. And in Ananda Marga, morality is that which helps the human mind proceed to Supreme Consciousness, whereas in the various rotten, dogmatic religions, morality leads one toward their outdated dogmas. Here we are not referring to AMPS per se, but rather the teachings of Ananda Marga philosophy.

Code of Ananda Marga morality is yama and niyama

For instance, in Ananda Marga our code of morality is yama and niyama which propels the sadhaka forward on the path to the Divine. Practicing the tenets of yama and niyama goads the mind towards Parama Purusa. Our code of morality is universal and dogma-free. That is in stark contrast: to the approach of the various religions.

(a) The morality of Hindus was in the past based on brahmin supremacy wherein dalits (untouchables) were not allowed to wear shoes, use an umbrella or walk on the roads. In addition, Hindu morality preached that women must not hear the vedas or else molten lead would be poured into their ears. Plus there are any number of aspects of Hindu morality that suppressed certain castes and maintained the status quo etc in the past.

Who says: "all of creation is for my enjoyment"

(b) The morality of the Christian and Semitic religions is to follow rotten dogmatic, biblical dictates etc, and engage in the crusades in so many poor countries throughout Africa and Southeast Asia etc, and kill non-Christians. Their moral code also preaches killing and slaughtering animals. Their ethic is: "All of creation is for my enjoyment." To that end they ruin the lives of countless living beings without considering the innate rights of those animals etc.

Three women equal to one man

(c) The morality of the Muslims is to follow the rotten, dogmatic dictates of the Quran and do public beheadings to non-believers. Their ethic is to cover women from head to toe and claim that three women are equal to one man, and embark on various jihads etc. Indeed there is a whole component of Islamic laws and moral codes that go directly against neo-humanism. All Semitic religions did similar things in the past.

(d) Where capitalism reigns such as in US, Europe and other countries, the code of morality is always changing. Across US history, the moral code at one point allowed slavery, and now slavery is illegal, whereas things like gay marriage which were once banned are now being embraced. It all changes according to the whim of the leading capitalist exploiters. Likewise in many European countries and in certain places in the US like Nevada etc, prostitution is now legal whereas in the past it was outlawed. And there are so many examples of how the materialistic code of morality is just based on materialistic enjoyment - not welfare.

In all the above cases from the various religions and materialistic nations etc, their code of morality strays far from goading the mind towards God. Whereas Ananda Marga morality is based on the universal ideals and neo-humanism which goads the mind towards God / Parama Purusa.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Morality propels the microcosms [unit mind] towards Him [Parama Purusa] without break or pause." (1)

The morality of the Hindus, Christians, Muslims are outdated, rotten dogmas. While capitalists engage in sensual indulgence and selfishness.

Ananda Marga morality goads the mind towards Parama Purusa

In Ananda Marga, the code of morality is unique; its sole aim is to goad the mind towards God. On the path of salvation, the tenets are universal as they apply across time, space, and person. The Ananda Marga code of morality must be propagated to all as it leads to the emancipation of unit beings and brings universal welfare to society and perfect peace in individual life.

in Him,

Unfortunately, nowadays in AMPS the top moral principle is to become sycophants of “big thugs.”

Role of morality in Ananda Marga

The Supreme Command says, “...Without yama and niyama, sadhana is an impossibility...”

The question then that how is it that without yama and niyama one cannot do sadhana? Here is the answer.

By strictly adhering to the codes of yama and niyama then the mind will no longer lust or wish for mundane things. Those practicing aparigraha will not harbour thoughts of becoming a millionaire or billionaire. In that case, their mind will be easily channelised towards Parama Purusa. And those following the tenet of santos’a will not be hankering after prestige and popularity. And similar is the case with: ahimsa, satya, asteya, brahmacarya, shaoca, tapah, svadhyaya, and iishvara pranidhan. Then, the mind will naturally ideate on Parama Purusa at the time of sadhana. And that is the key aspect of Ananda Marga morality. It harnesses the mind in such a way that worldly passions and desires drift away and the mind is goaded towards Cosmic ideation.

In religion morality means

In the various religions morality is used only use to protect one’s self-interest. For example, they think, “I will not hurt you so you will not hurt me.” So there is no greater aim and goal than one’s own selfish, narrow-minded sentiment. 

1. Yoga Psychology, The Cult of Spirituality – the Cult of Pinnacled Order

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Towering peaks have dwarfed into meagre ant hills

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Prabhat Samgiita is the feeling of the heart, and the expression of the heart, and it has been written with the ink of the heart.” [1]

Note: Those who are B and C grade devotees may not understand the depth of this song. 

"Bole chile more gán shonábe, sei ásháy kál guńi ámi,
madhur hásite kathá diye, chile phire ásboi e kśuńi..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1126)


O’ Parama Purusa, You told me You would sing a heavenly song for me about supreme love. Ever since, I have been yearning and counting the days for that auspicious occasion. With a sweet smile and a compassionate heart, You promised me that You would soon come see me again. I am eagerly looking towards the path of Your arrival. But You have not returned back.

O’ my Dearest One, so much time has passed. Since then, how many times has the earth rotated. Innumerable winter, spring, summer, and rainy seasons have expired. And still You have not shown up nor have You sung Your tune for me. We could not sit in a quiet place together. Since then I keep weaving a dream about Your arrival, about You. But it was all in vain, You have not come as You said You would.

Baba, the Parama Purusa, since I last saw You countless moons have crossed the sky. The small seedling has become a gigantic tree. Long ago when You left me the mountains were very high peaks, but numerous ages have since lapsed and those towering peaks have dwarfed into meagre ant hills. You can understand the length of my waiting. O’ my Lord, an incalculable number of eras have cycled by since I saw You; an abundance of yugas have come and gone. My anticipation is now coming to an end - there is just no way to continue anymore. Even then, still I think that soon - any moment now - I will hear the sound of Your footsteps. I am passing my time in hope, constantly thinking and ideating on You...

About Prabhat Samgiita #1126: 

Just like a small child who lovingly and sweetly complains to its mother, in the same manner in this song the bhakta is lovingly placing his complaint before Parama Purusa - the nearest and dearest One. This type of very close and intimate relation is characterized by tremendous sweetness and love. This develops when one’s sadhana is of a very high standard - by His grace. Those with lower sadhana will not understand this song- rather they will think the feelings expressed in this song are puzzling.

When a child is young it has a tremendous degree of love for its mother and will cry when she is not present. As the child ages though that degree of love steadily declines. And they will one day think it is strange how a young child is crying for its mother. Because that older child does not have that high degree of love for mother. Similarly, to understand this song, above average bhakti for the Parama Purusa is needed.

In Ananda Marga there are many sadhakas who have this feeling in their practical life. They are fortunate; their life has become successful. Because this type of ardent love towards Parama Purusa is bhakti. And when one has bhakti one has everything. With bhakti surely one is going to attain Parama Purusa, by His grace.

What to speak of a sadhaka, if an ordinary, or even a degraded person, does sadhana sincerely, and from the deep core of their heart they request, “O’ Parama Purusa, I want nothing else, please grace me with the highest bhakti”, then the afore-described deep spiritual yearning will quickly develop, by His grace. The following Prabhat Samgiita composition carries this idea.

1. Morning general darshan on 02 January 1983

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Why important to be diligent in sadhana

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Bábá demonstrated these basic points by touching and sending into samádhi four persons. He also showed that through the grace of the Almighty as represented by guru krpá (the guru's grace), the evolutionary rise through sádhaná can be accelerated, and the slow walk can be maximized into a gallop. In this way samádhi can be induced from any cakra. But a success easily gained may not be fully appreciated and valued. Therefore, normally the sádhaka should be allowed to work out his success through the hard way of diligent sádhaná.” (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 33, Sálokya, Sámiipya, Sáyujya, Sárúpya, Sárśt́hi

== Section 4: Links ==
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This email contains four sections:1. PS #1126: Towering peaks have dwarfed into meagre ant hills
2. Posting: Vast difference between AM morality & others
3. IT: Why important to be diligent in sadhana
4. Links