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Saturday, July 1, 2017

Unknown garbage + 4 more


Unknown garbage


Ours is a spiritual society based on straightforwardness and selfless service. That is the essence of our tantra where all duplicity and selfishness are obliterated in favour of the broad-minded thinking of satya and caring for others. However, our Ananda Marga society is like an island surrounded by a bulky boat of capitalistic pseudo-culture.

And this materialistic pseudo-culture is a dangerous thing. It seeps deep down within a person's psyche and colours their mind in such a degrading manner. It goes to the very root and envelops a person's mind, heart, and affects their manner of thinking and speaking, i.e. their entire personae.

Materialism pollutes the psyche

Materialism is a type of religion and way of life that strikes straight to the very bone and marrow of one's personality. It affects a person’s entire thought process, expressions, and actions. We can see this by the way people dress, how they view others, how they worry so much about money, how people become self-engrossed, and by all their ways of doing from  food habits to their speech patterns.

Here following are two materialistic phrases which are prevalent in today's use of the English language, i.e. today's lingua franca. Yet these two phrases embody all the narrow-mindedness of capitalism and undermine our spiritual values. We should be aware and not let pseudo-culture invade our own psychic domain or linguistic expression.

'Take care' phrase: dogma

The phrase, 'take care', stands as the epitome of selfishness and narrow-mindedness. Some may wonder what is wrong with this phrase - but that's because they are not aware of its actual meaning. The phrase 'take care' means 'take care of yourself.' And then over time it was just shortened to 'take care.' And the meaning above and beyond all else is 'look after yourself.' That stands in direct contrast to the code of tantra which guides people to live selflessly and serve others.

So the phrase, ‘take care’, is indicative of the I-centeredness of materialistic capitalism where people are so self-centered that they even brag about taking care of themselves. People will openly proclaim, "I am doing this for me", or they may say, "This is “me” time", or they may even thank themselves for being good to themselves. Indeed, this is a most self-centered era and the phrase 'take care" is reflective of this.

People may say, 'you have to take care', and by that way they mean, “Do not give money to others otherwise you may not have enough for yourself.” Or it may mean not giving an answer to a co-worker to solve a problem in order to show that you yourself are better and you should get the credit. Or it may mean so many things where one is completely protective of their own I-feeling and their own existence, at the expense of helping others.

It is no different from when people say, 'Look out for number 1'. And that number one is not God; it is not your family; and it is not your friends. Number one is oneself. That is the inherent selfishness of today's capitalistic pseudo-culture. Sadly, such is the meaning of the phrase, 'take care'. The phrase - 'take care' - reflects the very essence of a capitalistic way of thinking: Self-centeredness and grossly ego-centric. And this has nothing to do with our Ananda Marga way of life.

Service to others is the essence of life

The tantra of Ananda Marga is a service-oriented society based on helping and serving others where 'taking care of oneself' is not an endpoint in and of itself. Rather we take care of ourselves with the sole aim of being better to help others. In so many discourses, Baba declares that this is the spirit of society - helping others, not letting anyone lag behind. This is our tantra, this is our Marga, and this is what we are to teach the world.

In this below passage, Baba clearly depicts how the self-centered way of 'take care' as understood in today's materialistic culture has nothing to do with the formation of one healthy, human society. Because our way is to watch out and care for others and thereby creating unity and cohesiveness in our human society.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "What is society like? It is like a group of people going on a pilgrimage. Try to imagine the scene! Suppose one of the pilgrims is struck down by cholera. Will the rest of them continue on their way, leaving the sick man behind? No, that would be inconceivable for them. Rather, they will break their journey for a day or two, and cure him of his disease. If he is still too weak to walk they will carry him on their shoulders. If some people run short of food, others share what they have with them. Together they share their possessions, and together they march ahead, singing in unison. In their eagerness to move ahead with others they forget their trifling differences...The essence of cooperation resulting from this collective movement aims at expanding a person’s mind by striking down the barriers of meanness [and selfishness]. I repeat that a true society is like such a group of pilgrims who attain a deep psychic affinity while travelling together which helps them solve all the problems in their individual and social lives." (1)

By Baba's above analogy, it is quite clear that the selfish materialistic phrase, 'take care', has no place in our human outlook and we should be careful not to use this phrase as we do not want to give any credence to such an outlook. If we are not careful, our whole human personality will be tainted by pseudo-culture. So we should be vigilant by doing sadhana and keeping the mind clean, and at the same time use words and phrases that reflect the broad-minded, tantric culture of Ananda Marga.


We should keep our linguistic expression neat and clean and not fall prey to common expressions of capitalistic pseudo-culture.

Ananda Vanii says, "The most valuable treasures on the path of human progress are honesty, simplicity and spiritedness. In no stratum of life should you allow the standard of honesty to deteriorate. In no situation...should you indulge in diplomacy or duplicity. In other words you must keep yourself straight in all other strata just as in Sasta'unga Pran'a'ma, and remain vigilant that the fire of your spiritedness is under no circumstances buried beneath a heap of ashes. None of these three – honesty, simplicity or spiritedness – are found in dogma, hence you should strictly avoid dogma." (2)

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Pseudo-culture is everywhere

Capitalist advertisements portray females as sex objects; people commonly eat junk food out of a box; and nearly the whole globe holds money as the be-all and end-all of life. Step by step, the world’s population is barraged by pseudo-culture. Some countries are more affected than others, but at the rate at which it is increasing, no one is safe. India, which rejected such pseudo-culture for generations and generations, is now fast falling prey to this debacle. Capitalist values are taking a strong hold in our India and pseudo-culture has gravely affected India's youth.

So no one is out of the loop; there is no place that is beyond the tentacles of pseudo-culture - every human being is susceptible.

Another bogus phrase: “Sounds good”

Now all around the globe people say, 'sounds good'. At first glance, it seems harmless enough. But beneath the words and letters is a superficiality and deceitfulness that can destroy the human personality. Because people resort to this phrase, 'sounds good', whenever they wish to agree to something which they do not truly agree with. That is when people have some other intention in mind yet want to keep that hidden, then they will use that phrase, 'sounds good'.

For example, if someone says, 'Can you help out in the service project this Saturday', and if the other person replies, 'sounds good', then it may seem like everything is fine and well and they will be at the service project. But in truth, that person who replied 'sounds good' is harboring an ulterior motive to go to the movies and not participate in that service project. But they do not want to say this openly, so to to save their prestigious they reply 'sounds good'. But in reality they know that they are not going to be there. In which case 'sounds good' is just one escape.

So 'sounds good' is not an innocuous expression and is not a mere phrase. Rather it is a collection of words that betray one's sincerity. And like all linguistic expressions, if one is not careful, the use of such a phrase is habit-forming. Wherein all day long one will say, 'sounds good, sounds good, sounds good...' But that is not at all how we wish to express ourselves in this world.

Actually the phrase “sounds good” stems from the idea that to the ear it seems fine but in actuality it is not proper. For instance, suppose a sweet-talking, hypocritical politician promises to help all the citizens. He pledges, "I will build schools and hospitals, and schooling and medical care will be free for all. Plus I will do this and that etc." So he is making so many grand proclamations that "sound good", but internally he has no plan to do any of those things. That is why the people say his talk "sounds good", yet side by side they know that his promises are just hot air. Nothing is going to happen. That is why the phrase "sounds good" is used for the aforesaid scenario.

Or if you have a flower bouquet made of paper that does not have any smell. You can say that it looks good. but you cannot say it is very good on the whole. Because it is not an actual flower, just it looks good.

One’s talk should be clear and conclusive

Our human personality is to be built on the firm foundation of tantra - the essence of which is straightforwardness, clarity, and precision, wiping away all duplicity and hypocrisy. And Baba wants that this very essence of tantra should be reflected in our very language as well.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Your language must not have any ambiguity. It should be free from all ambiguities. It should be clear, conclusive and decisive." (3)

So the phrase 'sounds good' has no place place in our Ananda Marga vocabulary, in our AM way of life. Because the whole spirit of the phrase is tainted in deceit. That is why Baba is adamantly against the use of such phrases and ways of thinking. With such a mindset, no good can be done in this world.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Those who seek to promote social welfare...will have to engage themselves in constructive activities in a straight-forward manner, instead of resorting to duplicity and deceitfulness." (4)

Now is the time for everyone in our Ananda Marga to once again remember Baba's teachings and hold firm to our spiritual tenets and be extra vigilant in Sixteen Points. That is the only way to ward off the onslaught of materialism.

1. A Few Problems Solved - 6, 'The Spirit of Society'
2. Ananda Vanii #54
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, Saḿgacchadhvaḿ
4. Problems of the Day, Point #19

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

By wandering around AN, Tiljala, and Jamalpur I wasted my time

"Notun eseche purátan geche, e notun mor cira nútan... (Prabhat Sagmiita #2175)
The new has come and the old has gone. This new is my Ever-New - my Parama Purusa. He has graciously brought fulfillment in my life by His affection; He is with me day and night, all the time, always.
Those things which have an end eventually become old. Only the ever-new Parama Purusa has no end. He is eternal. His coming and going never happens - He is omnipresent. He remains new forever - always.
This ever-new Parama Purusa is within me, in my heart. Days passed in vain searching Him outside. By wandering around the far away “holy” places, “tiirthas” like Varanasi, Puri, Mecca, Rome, Jerusalem, Ananda Nagar, Tiljala, and Jamalpur I just wasted my time. I did not find Him there. Now, by His grace I have realised that He is in my heart - at all times...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Perpetual fight in this universe

Prout philosophy states, “Fight is the essence of life. Biologically, life is an expression of inner stamina, and externally or physically, it is a ceaseless fight to restore an unstable equilibrium. Anywhere and everywhere in the universe there is conflict. Why? If one looks at the process of creation, one will observe that creation originated from the nucleus. In the first phase of creation, that is, the phase of expansion, it is Avidyá or material force which supplied stamina to the Cosmic Mind, which is the cause of the process of creation. However, it cannot be denied that Vidyá or spiritual force is totally absent in this phase. In fact, in the struggle between Vidyá and Avidyá the former is suppressed by the latter and the resultant is expansion from the original nucleus. In the second phase, namely the phase of withdrawal, it is Vidyá which supplies the life juice for an interial move to the nucleus. Here also Avidyá is fighting a losing battle. In essence, in every sphere there is fight between Vidyá and Avidyá, and the resultant is interial or exterial progress. When Avidyá wins the process of crudification goes on; when Vidyá wins the process of introversion goes on.” (1)

1. Talks on Prout

== Section 4: Important Teaching ==

How parents make their kids liars

Ananda philosophy states, “Today parents may rightly say, “We have almost no vital energy left after exchanging blows and counter-blows with life. We have no chance to mould the minds of our children with the care and tenderness of our hearts. All the sweetness and finer sensibilities of our minds have been sucked dry by the harsh realities of life. How can we take care of our children? We cannot even provide them with proper food and clothing. How can we know what they are thinking? Do we have the time to understand anything properly at all? We know children should be taught through the medium of play and entertainment, both at home and outside, but is it possible for us to do that? We even have to disturb our talented son at his studies to send him to the grocer’s to buy salt, cooking oil, spices, etc. We know it is wrong, but there is no alternative, for keeping a servant is beyond our means.”"

Ananda philosophy states, "There may be some truth in this, but it is not the point at issue here. In order to develop a healthy outlook, the most important thing children need is robust idealism. To impart this, parents require only two virtues: self-restraint and good judgement. Let us discuss good judgement first."

Ananda philosophy states, "When the parents are about to go on a trip or go to a show, or when they are invited to a pleasant function or a social outing, the children may start whining or nattering to accompany them. At such times many parents tell lies without a qualm; somehow they dupe their children and leave. When the children realize what has happened, they also learn to tell lies; and to hide their intentions or their actions from their parents, they gradually start lying more and more." (1)

Note: Without realising it, parents teach their children both good things and bad things. Being an ideal parent is not easy. Unknowingly parents often teach their children the ways of lies and deception.

1. Human Society - 1, Education

== Section 5: Links ==

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This email contains five sections:1. PS #2175: By wandering around AN, Tiljala, and Jamalpur I wasted my time
2. Posting: Unknown garbage
3. IT: Perpetual fight in this universe
4. IT: How parents make their kids liars
5. Links