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Sunday, April 30, 2017

Should science govern civilisation or vice-versa + 3 more


Should science govern civilisation or vice-versa


Ananda Marga philosophy states, “What is science? That which teaches the proper use of material things is science. Where the development of civilization is utterly negligible and science gradually attains the apogee of development, science only paves the way for destruction instead of doing any good to humanity. And so, study and practice of science, though unavoidable, should not be given a higher place than civilization.” (1)

In His above teaching, Sadguru Baba is giving three key  guidelines:

(a) Firstly He addresses, “What is science?” In His explanation, Baba says that there are a wide array of materials created by Parama Purusa on this earth. And such materials must be utilised in the proper way for humans to exist and grow on this earth. Through science, we learn how to use these various materials. For example, through science we learn how to utilise soil to grow food or grain, and we use rivers to make hydroelectric power. These are examples of science.

Good and bad use of science

At the same time we should bear in mind that science may be used positively and negatively, i.e. for the betterment of society as well as for the degradation of society. Through science we may cultivate tobacco to develop medicines that cure diseases. That is a good use of science. Or one may cultivate tobacco in order to sell cigarettes and other harmful agents. That is a bad use of science.

Ultimately, science itself is a blind force; it all depends upon how science is applied - i.e. how people interact with science. Good people use science to make the world a better place and bad people use science to destroy the world.

(b) Secondly, In any society, there are some people who are are guided by their lower propensities. That means they cannot differentiate right or wrong; they are unable to use their rational mind to do what is best. Such persons are uncivilised. If science is used in that way it will be disastrous. Sadly, that is what is happening nowadays.

Civilised people should have full control over science

(c) Science is very much needed but it must be controlled by civilised people. To begin, people should be taught to be civilised. That means all human actions should be supported by logic and reasoning. For example, e-cigarettes are harmful so those who manufacture e-cigarettes and those who smoke them are uncivilised. They are not using their rational mind. Such persons should only be allowed to interact with science when monitored or under the direction of civilised persons. Science must not be used to satisfy one’s whim or selfish agenda. Civilised people must have full control over science. Unfortunately, that is not happening nowadays as science is used to inflict much harm.

The below photo depicts a bad use of science whereby big business is misusing science to build slot machines for gambling. This is a clear-cut case of the misuse and abuse of science. Gambling is a very degrading habit for humanity. It is addictive and escalates greed. Allured by gambling, and devoured by greed, people often lose their entire salary, instead of feeding their families, paying their rent, or caring for their children’s education etc. Such gambling machines are built to produce big profits at the expense of the well-being of the people. In this instance, uncivilised people are controlling the application of science.

The above photo depicts a bad use of science whereby big business is misusing science to build slot machines for gambling. In this instance, uncivilised people are controlling the application of science for negative purposes.

In Him,

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “The habit of making wagers is extremely undesirable. You must avoid lotteries and gambling.” (Caryacarya, Part 2, Society, point #38)

“Slot machines are a casino gambling machine that features three or more reels which begin to spin when a button is pressed. Historically, they have also been known as one-armed bandits because previous models had an arm on the left-hand side of the machine instead of the more modern button and also due to the chance of leaving the participant penniless (bandit).” (Courtesy of Wikipedia)


E-Cigarette Manufacturing Plant

The below photo depicts a bad use of science whereby big business is misusing science to manufacture and sell carcinogenic tobacco products like electronic cigarettes to produce big profits at the expense of the well-being of the people. Thus, in this instance, uncivilised people are controlling the application of science.

The above photo depicts a bad use of science whereby big business is misusing science to manufacture and sell carcinogenic tobacco products like electronic cigarettes to produce big profits at the expense of the well-being of the people. Thus, in this instance, uncivilised people are controlling the application of science.

1. A Few Problems Solved - 6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

How religious exploiters defeated materialists

Ananda Marga Ideology states, “On deeper analysis we find that the Charvaka and other schools of materialistic philosophy propagated certain doctrines which were more a revolt against the prevailing religions than an expression of a rational and benevolent outlook. They protested loudly against the clergy or religious traders who composed the so-called scriptures in the name of dharma (in fact it was not dharma, but religion); who took advantage of the fear psychosis, in the name of god, to ruthlessly exploit society. The Charvaka and other materialistic philosophies were motivated to strike against religious exploiters. They were fully aware of the way the vested interests exploited society, and they knew that nobody had the right to deprive others of their properties, since every thing of this earth is the common patrimony of all, yet they did not endeavour to lead humans along the path of rationality or formulate a healthy social and spiritual ideology.” (1)

Ananda Marga Ideology states, “The reason for this was that they lacked convincing arguments to stand against the sharp intellect of the vested interests [religious exploiters]. Thus, they merely attempted to negate the fundamental tenets of the vested interests [religious exploiters], often with rather abusive language. Due to the weakness of their argumentation it was easy for the vested interests  [religious exploiters] to emerge and gain strength in the subsequent period.” (2)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, In Adoration of the Supreme
2. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, In Adoration of the Supreme

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Animals also use herbs

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Since the advent of living beings on this earth, medicines have been used. Dogs, cats, snakes, mongooses-- all animals, in fact all beings-- need some kind of medicine in various conditions. When wild animals become sick, they rub their bodies against certain trees and plants to cure their ailments. This shows that all living beings are more or less acquainted with some types of medicine." (1)

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, 95 edn, p.28

== Section 4: Links ==

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This email contains four sections:
1. IT: Should science govern civilisation or vice-versa
2. IT: How religious exploiters defeated materialists
3. IT: Animals also use herbs
4. Links