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Sunday, April 16, 2017

Silent Action is useless + 3 more


SA is useless in some situations


As we know silent action is one very special and deeply meaningful teaching which Sadguru Baba has given. And it works in its own particular and special way.  Just as various asanas work to cure particular diseases, silent action has its unique way of opposing injustices and bringing people onto the proper path. It works within its own specific sphere of influence or jurisdiction - and not beyond that. Unfortunately, some are trying to capitalise on the situation by telling that “silent action is the only way to approach or protest.”

How they manipulate silent action

Certain are Wts are misguiding others about silent action. They say, “If this or that group leader is doing something wrong and committing all sorts of injustices like curtailing margii rights, then if you are unhappy with them then just do silent action.”

Yet all the while those opportunists are fully aware that the margii whom they are speaking with lives far, far away from Tiljala or Ananda Nagar and that he has no opportunity to see those top group leaders. Even then to befool that very simple margii, they tell him to take silent action. But in such a situation silent action will never work. Because the physical distance between the two parties is too great.

For instance, you can imagine what will happen if simple village folk of Afghanistan take silent action against top US officials. Such an attempt will be complete foolishness. Because silent action has its limitation. Its hinterland is very limited. If the person is not living around you, nor in your unit, nor in your village, nor in your family, and is not in your direct line of communication, then silent action will not work.

Silent action's arena is limited to the reach of one's pathway of direct communication. If one has regular communication with that particular person then silent action will achieve the desired effect. But if one does not have any communication with that person, then taking silent action against them is useless.


It is essential that each and every Ananda Margii be acutely aware of how silent action really works. Here below Baba guides us:

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Silent action will force strict adherence to our principles, and it will put those against whom it is directed to shame." (1) 

So the operative factor is that silent action creates a sense of shame - i.e. the wrongdoer feels ashamed of their misdeeds. Through circumstantial pressure silent action achieves this result. But direct contact is needed. If someone is sitting quietly in one part of the globe taking silent action against the exploiting party who is far away, then it will not work. The wrongdoer will not feel any shame as they are completely unaware that anyone is even taking silent action against them. So they will continue on with their exploitation. That is why in that circumstance silent action will not work. In that scenario we should consider another way to proceed.

In Him,

One very important alternative approach is consciousness raising: Raising the ideological standard across the globe about the deeper aspects of Ananda Marga ideology. When all are aware about their rights and Baba's teachings, naturally proper corrective measures will be taken. The requisite social pressure will be created and our organisation will be cleaned.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Silent Action

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I was wrongly thinking that You are far away from me

"Dure bhevechi toma'y, ka'che ta'kiye dekhini..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4702)


Baba, in my life, all along in the past, I was thinking that You are far away from me. I always imagined that You are distant. I never cared to look closely, otherwise I would have understood that You are not far. Although You filled me with a nectar-like tune, but I did not realise that You loved me so much.  

O’ Parama Purusa, by Your grace, today I understand that since eternity You have been with me, inside me like the sweet nectar in the flower. Though, in the past, because of my materialistic bent of mind I could not understand my real self, I was wondering who You are. I could not realise what is the relation between You and I. But now, by Your grace it is clear.

Baba, You personally told me and made me understand that You are mine and mine alone. You whispered in my ears, “Look within your mind, search Me inside. Those  looking for Me inside, always get Me with the closest proximity in their sadhana, dhyana. They are my closest.”

By Your grace today I feel in my heart that You are mine and mine alone, my dearmost Baba...   

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Importance of His coming as Taraka Brahma

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Now why does He come in contact with the quinquelemental factors? Why does He come within the jurisdictions of the temporal-spatial-personal factors, these three fundamentally-related factors?  What's the cause?  There are two reasons. One thing is, the human intellect may get satisfaction after coming in psychic contact with the Impersonal Entity, but the human heart is not satisfied with that Impersonal Entity. The human heart wants something closer, something more sentimental, something more pleasing. And that's why just to satisfy, just to give pleasure to, His progeny, He comes within the scope of these relative factors.  Parama Purus'a becomes Ta'raka Brahma. And the second reason is that in this created world, in this universe, each and every progress is a progress through clashes and cohesion.  And human beings must have sufficient intellectual stamina to move forward, fighting against all those pebbles of obstacles.  When the human intellect fails to do something new in helping society to move forward, Parama Purus'a finds no alternative but to bring Himself within the scope of the temporal-spatial-personal factors just to guide the depraved and degenerate human society." (1)

Note: In the above guideline, there are two distinct points. According to Ananda Marga philosophy, firstly, Parama Purusa graciously comes as Taraka Brahma to satisfy the longing of His bhaktas who yearn to have a personal relationship with the Supreme Entity. Secondly, Parama Purusa has come as Taraka Brahma to wipe away the existing dogmas and hurdles give the guidelines to build up a bright, new human society.

When Parama Purusa remains as an impersonal Entity then the heart of the devotee does not get satisfied. And when He comes in human form and teaches and guides the way to reach to Him, then He teaches sadhana also. And with that support, bhaktas reach Him.

The process of dhyana can link from form to formlessness. That is why the culmination of dhyana is the merging into formlessness - dissolving the mind.

Bhaktas always feels that Baba is residing in their heart. We see in the history of mysticism, each and every bhakta in the world felt that the Parama Purusa is with them. Bhaktas feel that Baba is living in their heart. 

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, The Coming of Táraka Brahma

== Section 4: Links ==

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This email contains four sections:
1. PS #4702: I was wrongly thinking that You are far away from me
2. Posting: SA is useless in some situations
3. IT: Importance of His coming as Taraka Brahma
4. Links