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Saturday, December 30, 2023

Baba calms wild boy + 2 more

Baba calms wild boy


Baba was delivering His DMC address in Delhi. Spiritual waves were overflowing. Everyone was captivated by His presence. All eyes were on Him; everyone was hanging onto His every word. Baba began beautifully describing how each and every sadhaka wants to sit on the lap of Parama Purusa.

Suddenly there was a big commotion. A teenage boy began yelling and screaming wildly and was trying to rush towards Baba. A raucous scene erupted as VSS guards grabbed the strong, young lad. He was 17 or 18 and full of energy. VSS had to forcefully grab and hold him. The outburst interrupted the whole event.

Baba then looked in that direction and said, “Let the boy come forward.”

Everyone was shocked to hear this as the boy was totally out of control. VSS guards dutifully, yet warily, let the boy go. Then that wild boy approached the dais in a very calm manner. Baba encouraged the boy to come closer and then said, “Sit down, sit down.” Very obediently, the boy quietly sat down, just behind some Dadas who were already seated on the stage.

Then Baba resumed His discourse, and amazingly, the boy remained totally still and silent throughout. Everyone was in awe of what happened and still today those present at that DMC remember the incident - they cannot forget it. It was November 1978 in Delhi. Below is the story of that teenage boy and his father, a well-known margii of Delhi.

Father-son bitter relation

The father of that wild boy is a long-time margii of Delhi. At some point in life, things changed for Pradiip, and he became a different sort of boy. How different? Well, he became somewhat odd and wild. He would say peculiar, irrelevant things, and he would get involved in strange activities. He needed the full care of his family in order to manage in life.

But the most dramatic aspect was that Pradiip would become absolutely wild in the presence of his father, Hariish. Pradiip was a strong boy and he would humiliate and physically harass his father, as well as yell and scream in front of him. In return, Hariish was obliged just to care for his son, as his son was mentally imbalanced and could not get a job or do business.

Hariish spent much time and energy in trying to help Pradiip, and some of the money Hariish earned at his job was spent on medicines and care for Pradiip. He had to support him. But the main thing was the overt violent and furious behavior that Pradiip would consistently display in front of his father. That was what was most shocking. In front of others he was basically calm and cooperative; but, as soon as his father would enter the room, Pradiip would begin yelling and screaming at him.

No one could figure out why. People were wondering why the boy was only so violent and rough towards the father - and not towards others. The boy would create the situation and force the father to interact, wherein Pradiip would heighten his abusive behavior.

Baba’s reply & explanation

As Hariish was a senior margii, he got the opportunity to see Baba on numerous occasions, by His grace. And most of the time, he had one troubling thought on his mind, “Baba, please help my son; the situation is very difficult. Please be gracious and do something.” This was the idea that was often haunting him when He would see Baba. And always Baba would give the same reply.

For instance, when Hariish went for dharma samiiksa, that same concern about his son was on his mind and Baba spoke: “Are you not ashamed? You should be more careful about money.” And even when Hariish was not in Baba's presence, he could hear these very words.

By this way, from Baba's response, many understood that in a past life Hariish cheated someone on the point of money, and in this life that someone whom he cheated has been reborn as his son - to torment him. Many felt that it was obvious that this was the scenario. And Hariish also thought that it must be true that in the past he cheated him out of money.

All in all, Hariish was a good man and in the past also he was a good man, otherwise how could he have become such a strong margii in this life and come in contact with Baba. But he did have that one black spot in his history, from a previous life: Hariish cheated someone on the point of money. And in this life, the person whom he cheated was reborn as Pradiip, Hariish's son. Since Hariish did not have deep repentance for his past misdeed and had not sought to rectify the matter, he was suffering from the cycle of action and reaction in the form of Pradiip abusing him day after day.

Take away

The main teaching from this story is that one can never run away from one's past actions, whether they be good or bad. One might be able to befool the neighbors or the police etc, but always internally one will know the truth, and so will Parama Purusa. In that case, prakrti will not let that person out of her grip. That person must reap the

Ananda Marga ideology says, "An original action begets a certain reaction, and simultaneously brings one within the bondage of actions. Unless those bondages are broken, the microcosms will have to keep moving in a cycle of action and reaction – they will have to be reborn again and again on this earth.” (1)

And here Baba says what happens to those who run after material gain and cheat others out of money.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "What will be the fate of a person who directs all his psychic propensities towards crude materiality? He will be caught again and again in the serpentine noose of death." (2)

So before doing any bad deed or injustice to someone, one must think a thousand times and refrain from that action, otherwise one will be bound to undergo the reaction, either in this life or the next. Because one thing is sure, one cannot escape.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Until all the reactions of actions, good or bad, are exhausted a person cannot attain salvation in hundreds of lives. Just as people bound by golden or iron chains feel the pains of bondage, similarly people undergoing good or bad reactions will have to accept them." (3)


Ananda Marga ideology says, "During the period of requital of the reactive momenta if one surrenders one’s samska'rik sam'vedana to the Cosmic will, then psychic afflictions will no longer remain as afflictions. One will accept endless torture and humiliation as the severe and fearful expressions of one’s dear Lord. One will feel blessed to have attained Him in that form, albeit a severe and fearful one. Thus, even in His fearful form, He assists microcosms in attaining liberation from the serpentine noose of original deeds. Developed sa'dhakas, instead of feeling agonized by the suffering caused by their reactive momenta, will rather feel delighted that their reactive momenta are now on the wane. (4)

So this story of Hariish and Pradiip gives the teaching that nobody can escape the grip of action and reaction, the cycle of samskaras. The only way is not to commit sin and surrender at His altar.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Public service helps in requital

Is it then that those who have done something wrong then their future is permanently dark? No, no, no, about this Baba has given His divine assurance. And the magic formula is: Show repentance for one's past misdeeds, do not repeat such mistakes in future knowing or unknowingly, and finally surrender to Baba. Then Baba will save you and everything will be alright. Here is how Baba wants us to live on this earth.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "If people continue to perform deeds for public welfare then they will be able to avert the bondages of action. They will not be required to be reborn in a world to reap the consequences of their actions. Good deeds produce good reactions and bad deeds produce bad reactions. To reap the good reaction and bad reaction they will not be required to come to this world, if they perform deeds with the sole intention of public welfare and not any other intention. Then they can avoid being trapped into bondages of actions. Then the welfare of others brought about by his deeds will be considered a reward for his deeds. This is the life of a real person – a righteous person. This is the reason for which human beings have come to this world." (5)

So we should serve others and not fall into sin. There are two types of sin: patak and pratyavaya. Patak is doing those things that should not be done; pratyavaya is not doing what should be done. So don't do bad and be sure to do good things. Both are needed.

Samskara theory & liberation

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Unless one undergoes the requitals of one’s mental reactive momenta – good requitals to good actions, bad requitals to bad actions – one cannot attain liberation.” Avashyameva bhoktavyam' krtam' karma shubha'shubham – “whether an action is good or bad, the reaction must be experienced." (6) 

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Then what is a good man to do to save himself from bad reactions of bad actions and good reactions of good actions? In order to attain salvation, he is to free himself from the reactions of good actions and bad actions. To save oneself from the reactions of bad actions, what may one do? Refrain from doing anything bad. He won’t do anything bad, but he is to do something." (7)


Just as Baba employs pseudonyms in His stories of Shabda Cayanika in order to safeguard the privacy of the individual, here I am using the same approach. The father, referred to here as Hariish, is a long-time margii of Delhi, and his son has been referred to as Pradiip. Those margiis of Delhi may already be aware of their real names. 

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, How an Ideal Person Should Live
2. Subhasita Samgraha  - 21, Dhruva and Adhruva
3. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 9, The Science of Action
4. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, In Adoration of the Supreme
5. Ananda Marga Karma Yoga in a Nutshell, “Kurvanneveha Karmmáńi”
6. A Few Problems Solved - 5, What Is Dogma?
7. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, Action and Reaction


It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way. If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story: 

“Courtesy of unknown bhakta via Ananda Marga Universal (”

This will be treated as the standard protocol.

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Your glory is unfathomable

"Vinati ja'i kare tava caran' dhare..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3687)


O’ Parama Purusa, holding Your lotus feet, I am requesting You again and again: Please come to my home. With folded hands, I make this request. You have countless abodes to stay that may be according to Your liking, even then You should not forget that this little hut of mine which is indeed of Your creation. 

O’ Prabhu, Baba, by Your grace I always dance in Your rhythm and sing in Your melody and tune. I play Your viina and am ensconced in the lyrics of Your song. O' Divine Entity, I am Yours, as is  everyone else. The way You play Your liila is my entire existence. Your divine play is our world. 

O’ Parama Purusa Baba, by Your grace I am always engaged in Your ideation and dhyana. I speak and sing of Your language, ideology, tales, and teachings. It is Your blessing on me. When You play Your divine flute, with that attraction You pull me close to You. That inundates me with bliss. I move accordingly by Your inspiration. You are the vital energy for my forward movement, the base of everything, and my quintessence. Your glory is unfathomable which cannot be expressed. You are the soul of everyone's heart. 

Baba, I do sastaunga pranam at Your altar...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Sympathizer vs margii

The Supreme Command states, "...Every Ananda Margii will have to perform sadhana twice a day invariably; verily is this the command of the Lord..." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Dharma is the assemblage of all your conduct” – the way you eat, the way you speak, the way you perform sa'dhana'. If your conduct is good, dharma is with you; if your conduct is not good, dharma is not with you. And if dharma is not with you, what comes about is your sarvana'sha, or sarva'tmaka vina'sha – that is, your physical, mental, and spiritual ruin....Conduct is the principal factor in dharma.” Be a sadácárii, a person of good conduct, and you will surely attain Paramátman." (2)

Note: If one donates 2% of their income to Ananda Marga service projects then it does not mean that they are therefore an Ananda Margii. Donating money or paying tithes also does not make one an Ananda Margii. To be a dharmika (an Ananda Margii), one’s lifestyle should be wholly consistent with the ideals of Ananda Marga, i.e. bhagavad dharma. Those who give money and live a different sort of life can be thought of as sympathizers, but not as dharmikas, i.e. as Ananda Margiis.

Greatest donor

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The most important point to consider is who has utilized his or her ability and to what extent. Hanuman [the mighty monkey, a bhakta of Rama in the mythological epic the Rámáyańa] fetched huge boulders to build a bridge across the sea, while the squirrels collected small pebbles. Yet intrinsically both these actions have the same value. We have no right to question anybody's sincerity, nor can we scoff at it. We cannot give more appreciation to those who have not utilized their potentialities properly but have done more work than to those who have fully utilized their talents." (3)

1. The Supreme Command
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 21, Niiti and Dharma
3. Human Society - part 1, Social Justice

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Prout: why everyone cannot be a millionaire

Prout philosophy states, “Society will have to encourage the individual search for absolute freedom because the psychic and spiritual realms are unlimited, and possession in these spheres does not hinder the progress of others. But unrestricted freedom to acquire wealth in the physical sphere has every possibility of permitting a few people to roll in luxury while hampering the all-round growth of the majority, because physical resources are limited. Individual liberty in the physical sphere must not be allowed to hamper the development of the complete human personality, and at the same time it must not be so drastically curtailed that the all-round growth of society is impeded.”

“Freedom is a right of every human being. To encourage comprehensive, unbarred human expression in the different spheres of social life a congenial socio-economic environment has to be created, because as such an environment does not exist today.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 13, Socio-Economic Groupifications