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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Yoga hijacked by materialism + 2 more

Yoga hijacked by materialism


In India, thousands of years ago the science of yoga was started by great rishis and yogis. With their keen sense of intuition, they introduced dharmic practices based upon universal principles that led to self-realisation. But now if you go and see the "yoga" of European countries and the Americas you will be astonished. This journey of yoga started in India and reached European / western countries where it became metamorphosed. It has been grossly mixed with the colour of pseudo-culture and materialism.

  • The sattvika diet / sentient food has been grossly forgotten.
  • Yama and niyama have been watered down to an unrecognisable degree.
  • The system of appropriate dress has changed to pseudo-culture garb.
  • The open mixing of the genders has become rampant.
  • Various dogmatic rituals and idol worship have been introduced.
  • The overall sense of discipline and connection to God has been lost.

Tricky tactics of opportunists

Verily, opportunists have added so many ways to captivate people into “yoga” where it has become merely an exercise. The notion that yoga is based on the glands has been left by the wayside. And yoga is no longer practiced to achieve a union with the Supreme, rather yoga is for self-beautification, especially for females. To keep people interested and challenged, the opportunists have invented many very strenuous twists and turns that have nothing to do with yoga. To entertain new customers they brought in their own rituals, dogmas, fake chants, and an assortment of activities.

So the thoughtful and intuitive manner by which sages presented yoga is nowhere to be found; instead, it is all done for show as arduous exercises with exotic names to retain and attract new enrollees. That is why nowadays there is hot yoga, females and males mixed, and other degrading allurement to kindle the lower vrttis. It has just become one rajasik or tamasik scene that has lost its connection with God. All the dharmic standards of discipline have been lost somewhere.

Now this yoga has returned back to India in its new, negative form; and, it is polluting Indian soil. So you see, everything is getting affected by pseudo-culture. Yoga which was originally introduced by the great sages and rishis has become a form of pop culture. And this imposition of pseudo-culture is not only limited to yoga.

Noose of pseudo-culture everywhere

All the media of entertainment has become polluted: radio, television, dance, drama, literature, books, magazines, and publications etc. Verily, all the fields have gotten a serious blow from this capitalistic exploitation. And Baba warns us to be aware of this capitalistic monster: pseudo-culture.

In neo-humanism Baba teaches us how wealthy exploiters infuse pseudo-culture through the media of vulgar cinemas, movies, television, and internet programs etc to pollute the public mind, especially youths. When the public becomes intoxicated, capitalists create the circumstances and take away all their resources. And the common public, indulged in vulgar activities, remains oblivious about how they are getting exploited by those capitalists.  So due to the capitalists, these days anywhere you look, things are painted in the light of degenerating values.

This widespread disease is disturbing all the arenas of life. Here Baba explains how rich capitalists impose sensual forms of entertainment on those whom they want to control.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Suppose, a particular community has a high standard of arts (theatre, cinema, etc.) but the number of rich people in that community is comparatively few. On the other hand, the culture of another community is very undeveloped, but there is a greater number of wealthy people among them. Now, the latter [wealthy exploiter] group wants to maintain its exploitation over that [simple public] group having a more developed cultural heritage, and one of the ways to paralyze people in the psycho-economic sphere is cultural exploitation--to impose vulgar cinemas and dramas upon these good people." (1)

So in this above paragraph Baba is giving a clear picture how step by step rich people spread their net to exploit the common public by indulging them in degenerative entertainment, programs, movies etc.

Mind affected by its environment

Next Baba describes more about how the human mind functions. And how the mind of the innocent common public gets easily attracted towards negative and crude sensual pleasures and entertainment. It is the common tendency that most people like to watch crude negative movies and listen to negative songs. And in so doing the common people get trapped in the net of capitalist exploiters.

Ananda Marga says, "As you know, the mind has a natural tendency to degrade itself; it flows more easily downwards than upwards. So if some people, by virtue of their wealth, impose vulgar cinemas and dramas on others this will break the lattersʼ spines and they will become paralysed. And those paralysed, spineless people will thenceforth never be able to stand unitedly against cultural or any other kind of exploitation. They will never be able to do so, because mentally they will be completely dead – their capacity to raise their heads in protest will have been crushed forever. How can they raise their heads again?" (2)

Sadly, under this influence of vulgar literature, cinema, dance etc, the backbone of the common public gets smashed. By this breaking of their backbone they get paralysed. And they cannot stand erect. The common public is bound in the spell of this sensual attraction & they are even incapable to think about what is happening to them. How they are getting exploited and what their living conditions are like.

Most of the time the common public is not even aware that they have been trapped in the quagmire of pseudo-culture. Or that they are getting exploited by wealthy people. For the common public, over the course of time pseudo culture just became their way of life. In the recent past people had some time to think about social service and helping others. But now most of the public are busy, day and night, satisfying their selfish desires. Those animalistic propensities are far more dominant than the divine propensity.

The horrible effects of pseudo-culture

To understand more please read how the human mind works and how it is prone to crude enjoyment. And ultimately the mind gets degenerated; by this way, capitalists exploit the common public. Step by step, this happens. Please read the following Baba quote.

Baba says, "This [pseudo-culture] will break their backs and they will become paralyzed. And these paralyzed, spineless people in future will never be able to stand unitedly against cultural or any other kind of exploitation. They can never do so because mentally they are completely dead--their capacity to raise their heads in protest has been crushed forever. How can they raise their heads again?" (3)

Baba is furthermore explaining below that this pseudo-culture is very detrimental and dangerous. So we have to recognise that the majority of people are already trapped in pseudoculture. Without taking them out, there is no way for their emancipation. So Baba is telling that the duty of good people is to help others. To save others from pseudo-culture, i.e. their attraction towards crude dance, negative movies, literature, and their indulgence in crude gossip using slang.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "This exploitation in the cultural sphere is accomplished by the propagation of pseudo-culture. Every honest, virtuous and rational person must fight against this pseudo-culture, and inspire others also to do the same." (4)

Pointing out problem & giving solution

Excuse me, the story does not end here. Baba is warning that it is the duty of bhaktas, margiis, sadvipras to save humanity. And if it is not done then humanity will face its doom. So whatever we propagate in terms of social service programs, superficial help, or any other type of developmental project, that will not suffice. Because this sex instinct which capitalists magnify can have a horribly dominating effect in life. If a perverted mentality is dominating in the mind then nothing glorified can be achieved in the entire life. Whole life will be turned into utter frustration in the end.

For clear understanding please read out this Baba's quote.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "If this is not done, the future of humanity will be sealed. It is proper for human beings to struggle for political freedom, for social emancipation; but if their cultural backbone is broken, then all their struggles will end in nothing--like offering clarified butter to a sacrificial fire which has been reduced to ashes. If one's spine is shattered, it is impossible to hold one's head erect. Can those whose necks and backs are crushed under the weight of pseudo-culture, be expected to hold their heads high in any sphere of life?" (5)

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "It is the bounden duty of every rational person to save innocent people from pseudo-culture." (6)


The whole idea is that in materialism, pseudo-culture has become enmeshed in every aspect of life. It is surrounding and permeating around one’s entire existence. It is an on-going, pervasive problem that in one way or another we all are facing in our day to day life. So we have to be cent-per-cent vigilant and strict in Sixteen Points and in our Ananda Marga way of Life. Failing that, our own personal life and family life will be adversely affected. And our kids will also fall prey to this disease and children are the most impressionable and susceptible.

We Ananda Margiis should strive to remain free from pseudo-culture, and help guide others as well. By taking these immediate steps now, it will not be long before our Marga will be leading the way and giving light to the entire human society for their all around salvation.

Ananda Vanii states, "...You are the spiritual soldiers, you are the worshippers of Life Divine, hence I call you to adorn this crimson dawn deluged with glorious light. Victory is surely yours." (7)

In Him,

Pornographic way to ruin society

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Psycho-economic exploitation is the latest form of dangerous and all-devouring capitalist exploitation. It is a special type of exploitation which first weakens and paralyses people psychologically in various ways, and then exploits them economically. Some of the methods of psycho-economic exploitation include, first, the suppression of the indigenous language and culture of local people; secondly, the extensive propagation of pseudo-culture, exemplified by pornographic literature which debases people’s mind and particularly undermines the vitality of the youth; thirdly, the imposition of numerous restrictions on women, forcing them to be economically dependent on men; fourthly, an unpsychological education system with frequent political interference by vested interests; fifthly, the negation of dharma in the name of secularism; sixthly, the balkanization of society into numerous castes and groups; seventhly, the damaging of society by the use of unnatural and harmful methods of birth control; and eighthly, placing the control of different mass media, such as newspapers, radio and television, in the hands of capitalists. Both intellectual exploitation and psycho-economic exploitation are great dangers to the human race today.” (8)

~ In-depth study ~

In the height of this vaeshyan era, every sadhaka should take proper care not to be pulled into the pitfalls and degenerative ways of materialistic life - where those top capitalists try to pull all into their urn'a'ja'l (spider's web). In His historic June 1990 discourse, Baba reveals how human life is highly significant and that we should always engage in positive thinking.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The psychic potentialities of human beings are immense." (9)

But some negative forces in society have their own way of dealing and try to draw the masses in the opposite direction.

Yoga under the grip of capitalism

As we have all seen, capitalism extends its hands in various ways to grip the whole society, especially the downtrodden communities and poor countries. Capitalist leaders make them into satellite groups so that capitalists can extract their vital resources.

In most of the cases we see that the imposition of vulgar cinema and degrading dance and dramas etc plays a huge role. All these elements are slowly yet systematically imposed by capitalists. Their only motive is to exploit and use the common public, the affected mass of that area, for their profiteering ways.

Especially nowadays, with the help of the Internet, capitalists have spread their negative message and tactics all around. It is saturating and asserting itself in all corners and innocent people have gotten seriously affected - especially youths.

Note: In this extra busy, modern world we must always be careful not to get caught up in the temporary, degenerative allurements of pseudo-culture. Otherwise it has a disastrous effect. We should properly guide our children and adolescent youth away from the terrible ways of pseudo-culture, and onto the path of light.

1. Liberation of Intellect: Neo-Humanism, Exploitation and Pseudo-Culture (Discourse 7)
2. Liberation of Intellect: Neo-Humanism, Exploitation and Pseudo-Culture (Discourse 7)
3. Liberation of Intellect: Neo-Humanism, Exploitation and Pseudo-Culture (Discourse 7)
4. Liberation of Intellect: Neo-Humanism, Exploitation and Pseudo-Culture (Discourse 7)
5. Liberation of Intellect: Neo-Humanism, Exploitation and Pseudo-Culture (Discourse 7)
6. Liberation of Intellect: Neo-Humanism, Exploitation and Pseudo-Culture (Discourse 7)
7. Ananda Vanii #26
8. A Few Problems Solved - 9, Capitalism in Three Spheres
9. Yoga Psychology, The Cult of Spirituality – the Cult of Pinnacled Order, '91, p.134

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Will not neglect anyone

"Sabár tare ásá ámár, sabári bhár ámi nobo..." (Prabhat Samgiita #5000)


Parama Purusa Baba has sent me here to serve everyone. I have been granted this life not for my own self indulgence - i.e. not for living like an animal in human form. I have come on this earth to help one and all, without differentiating between educated and uneducated, or so-called high and low. Everyone’s problem is my concern. I will take it as my duty to resolve their miseries and suffering and carry the burdens of those in pain. I will always be by their side to console and encourage them. By the grace of Parama Purusa, I will go on remaining very close and lend my support to all my brothers and sisters of our universal family.

Nobody is alien for me - all are my own. Everyone’s home is my abode. I will give love, affection, and camaraderie amongst the entire humanity. Every person is mine. I will pour my heart for the welfare of all. Parama Purusa has sent me here to relieve others of their agony. I will not neglect even a single individual.

In the society, if anyone is plagued by any injustice, I will try to eradicate and rectify that wrong, alleviate their agony, and provide them with justice. I will wipe away everyone’s tears, remove their worries and anguish, and form one human society where peace and tranquility rule. By the mercy of Parama Purusa, I have come on this earth to watch for the well-being of one and all…

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Similarities & differences between dogs, wolves, & jackals

Ananda Marga Shabda Cayanika says, “A dog is a hybrid of the wolf and the vixen. In ancient times wild dogs were rather scarce, precisely for the same reason. There is hardly any dog fossil amongst the available fossils of ancient animals. Nowadays, however, wild dogs are also prevalent. These wild dogs live gregariously in jungles, and even a gigantic tiger has been seen to be flabbergasted and killed by a concerted attack of these dogs.”

“Although a dog is a hybrid of the wolf and the vixen, it must be said that there are many radical, extreme differences between a wolf and a dog. A wolf is voracious, but a dog feels satisfied with a small meal. It is difficult to tame a wolf, but a dog loves to be domesticated. A dog is extremely faithful and loyal to its master. A wolf is neither faithful nor loyal to its master. A dog is not ferocious by nature. It attacks or frightens someone as part of its duty. A wolf is ferocious by nature. It has no sense of duty. A dog would not normally kill a creature if its stomach were full. But a wolf, even when its belly is full, kills a creature. If it has no capacity to eat it, it carries the carcass to its den and eats it according to its convenience. Dogs do not generally fight with other members of the dog family. They fight with members of the feline family. But a wolf does not observe any such principle. A wolf avoids the strong and unnecessarily attacks the weak. Although there is a family resemblance between the wolf and the dog, whenever a dog is sighted the wolf attacks and kills it.”

Ananda Marga Shabda Cayanika says, “There are many differences between a jackal and a dog. A dog generally moves about during the daytime. But jackals are night prowlers by nature. A jackal moves in the daytime only when it is in danger, it has to change locations or is excessively hungry. A jackal lives in a hole, but a dog never likes to live in a hole. It prefers to live in the open. A jackal cannot be tamed; but a dog can. By virtue of being night prowlers, the jackals periodically howl in chorus to preserve their solidarity and register their presence. However, dogs do not have this habit. They bark collectively only when they have to fight an enemy as a body. Although both jackals and dogs belong to the canine family, a dog chases a jackal whenever it sees one. A jackal runs away at the sight of a dog. By nature a dog is brave and a jackal is cowardly.” (1)

1. Shabda Cayaniká Part 4: Discourse #27

== Section 3: Links ==