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Saturday, December 2, 2017

Defective thoughts are the cause + 2 more


Defective thoughts are the cause


Whenever anyone's mental plate gets polluted and deformed due to defective thinking and faulty ideas then we say there is a deformity in their objectivated mind. And when those ideas enter the objectivated mind in an uncontrolled manner and people become obsessed with that idea, then we say it is a psychic disease.

So a psychic disease occurs when one is fully consumed by a particular deficient thought process such as “everybody hates me”, or “there is a ghost in the house” etc.
And this stems from a defect in the objectivated mind. By constantly thinking about those faulty ideas, day after day, then a particular psychic disease develops.

Tandava is the only exercise for the brain and this will help in both curing and preventing the onset of brain disease. The medical community should conduct research on this. Soon this is going to happen because already the medical community is allotting money to investigate how yoga asanas help prevent and cure diseases. So the day is not far when it will become known that tandava is a great exercise for the brain.

Criminals suffer from psychic disease or brain disease?

Baba describes how criminals may suffer from either (a) a mix between brain disease and psychic disease or (b) exclusively from a psychic disease.

[A] Here below Baba guides us how in-born criminals suffer from both because brain disease and psychic disease.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Psychologists cannot treat the mental diseases which inflict born criminals all alone; the cooperation of physicians and sociologists is essential. Psychologists will diagnose the mental disease and explain its origins, and they will also play a role in helping cure it as far as possible. Doctors will be responsible for curing the disease through medicine or surgery, insofar as it is caused by physiological abnormalities. Then sociologists will have to arrange for the social rehabilitation of the criminal after he or she has recovered." (1)

With inborn criminals, the problem is two fold. They have defects in their objectivated mind which makes it a psychic disease. Plus there is often a faulty development in the formation of the brain organ, which makes it a brain disease as well.

[B] And here below in this next example Baba discusses how some criminals - i.e. criminal by snap volition - suffer from kleptomania which is exclusively a psychic disease.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Another type of crime occurs occasionally. This is a temporary criminal urge, a special type of mental disease which suddenly appears in a certain type of environment and again subsides after a short time. Kleptomania is an example of this kind of mental disease. After committing a crime kleptomaniacs feel ashamed and are anxious to return the property that they have stolen to the owner. They have sudden fantasies about stealing, abducting people, becoming drunk or indulging in decadent activities. But analysis shows that they do not in fact have the slightest personal interest in such things." (2)


By ideating on Him we can overcome all defects and become pure and pristine - physically, psychically, and spiritually.

Ananda Marga ideology teaches us, "In Brahma, the Entity who liberates one from all mundane ailments and the cycle of rebirth, lies the total cessation of all afflictions, the freedom from all ailments. He is the only dependable panacea for microcosmic distortions and imperfections; there is none other than Him - Na'nyah pantha' vidyate ayana'ya." (3)

In Him.
Ananda Sagar

~ In-depth study ~

Multidisciplinary approach for curing criminals

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Psychologists cannot treat the mental diseases which inflict born criminals all alone; the cooperation of physicians and sociologists is essential. Psychologists will diagnose the mental disease and explain its origins, and they will also play a role in helping cure it as far as possible. Doctors will be responsible for curing the disease through medicine or surgery, insofar as it is caused by physiological abnormalities. Then sociologists will have to arrange for the social rehabilitation of the criminal after he or she has recovered. If psychologists only describe the nature of the disease, or if doctors only diagnose the physiological disorders and nothing more, it will not be possible to accomplish anything productive. Of course at the present time the patient may not make a complete recovery despite the concerted efforts of psychologists and sociologists, because psychology is still in an underdeveloped state. Moreover, doctors have not yet acquired the skills needed to remove the physiological abnormalities responsible for mental disease. And furthermore, the science of sociology has only just emerged; it is developing extremely slowly. However, we must take the above measures for born criminals.” (4)

How burnt chillies can help

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Knowing full well that a person who is possessed by a ghost is suffering from a mental disease and a disease of the nervous system, exorcists generally beat a "possessed" person to reactivate his or her nerves, make him or her inhale the smoke of burnt chillies in order to return him or her to consciousness.” (5)

Types of diseases cured by psychological treatment

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “A disease can be mental or can be physical. Similarly, medicine may be mental or may be physical; hence it is most desirable and productive if both kinds of medicine are administered simultaneously in all diseases, whether they are physical or mental. Those who only believe in psychological treatment for mental disease know from experience that such treatment will not permanently cure the disease and the patient will soon relapse. Only where, along with psychological treatment, guidance concerning diet, bathing and behaviour is given, and to normalize the diseased glands of the body medicines prepared from the five fundamental factors are prescribed, can the disease be permanently cured.” (6)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “After having analysed the various types of ahaḿkára and their evil effects, we need to examine the ways and means of getting rid of these defects. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has offered a psychological method to save oneself from the malady of ahaḿkára. Ahaḿkára is really a mental ailment, and a person suffering from this disease requires psychological treatment.” (7)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Epilepsy arises when a person comes in sudden contact with something or some event completely outside the realm of his or her experience. Through proper counselling, attacks of this disease can be checked and through psychic treatment along with the use of small amounts of medicine the disease can be treated.” (8)

1. Human Society - 1, Justice
2. Human Society - 1, '87 Edn, p.80
3. Ananda Marga Ideology in a Nutshell - 6, The Only Way to Salvation
4. Human Society - 1, Justice
5. Human Society - 2, The Vipra Age
6. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations
7. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Safeguards against the Defects of Jiṋána and Karma
8. Shabda Cayanika - 1, Acala to Atha (Discourse 2)

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I want to receive You up to my full heart’s content

"Paráń bhare barań kari,eso áji ámár ghare,..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0438)


O' Parama Purusa, please come in my mental abode,  my Guru Cakra. I want to receive You up to my full heart’s content. After getting You, I will gaze upon You to my heart’s full satisfaction - until my soul is satiated. Baba, by Your grace, I will hold both of Your lotus feet, and always keep You in my heart.

O' Parama Purusa, in hopes of making You mine, my own, I have arranged a basket filled with flowers and fruits to receive You. And it has been saturated with my heart-felt love. In the corner of my mind, with full of sweetness, I want to have You forever.

Baba, today please sit in the lotus of my heart. I am calling You with shravana, manana, and niddidhyasana [1]. This yearning has been hidden in the depths of my heart for such a long time. All the while I have been waiting for You. Please fulfil that desire by coming to me. Fulfill my longing, which has been in the deep corner of my mind since ages. …

Baba, today, when You grace me by coming, that desire will be quenched forever….

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #0438

[1] Shravan, Manan, & Niddhidhyasana: Here below Ananda Marga ideology explains the special import of these three devotional practices.

Ananda  Marga ideology says, "To attain Him human beings have to take recourse to shravana (constantly hearing His name), manana (constantly ideating on Him) and nididya'sana (constantly meditating on Him). The Supreme Entity is Gurha, that is, He is lying hidden in the innermost recess of the human entity. To attain Him one must penetrate deep within oneself, and for that the development of an introversial outlook is essential." (1)

1. Tattva Kaomudi - 3

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1. PS #0438: I want to receive You up to my full heart’s content
2. Posting: Defective thoughts are the cause
3. Links