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Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Sprout of bhakti


Sprout of bhakti


What is the real meaning of bhakti? That is what we explore here as we delve into Sadguru Baba's teachings.

What is bhakti?

Baba says the root meaning of bhakti is “sa’ para’nurakti ishware”. That para’nurakti on ishvara is called bhakti. Even many animals have sa’ma’nya’ bhakti. For example, some more developed animals are awed by looking at the mountains. They stop, look at mountains, and develop a feeling of surrender that they are in the presence of something greater than themselves. They bow and offer respect. When animals are even further developed, then this feeling of surrender becomes even more clear.

If we take an example of domestic animals, they obey their masters. The reason is that they feel limited in front of their masters, and therefore follow the commands and orders, be it a horse, dog, cat, elephant, monkey etc. Domestic animals see that their masters are greater than them; that is why they follow those commands. A dog barks, runs, and does other things by the command of the master because the dog has a feeling of respect towards the master. If the situation arises, the dog will rescue the master. The dog does not know anything about the existence of Parama’tma’. But it knows this much that the master is greater than himself, and therefore develops respect and follows the commands and orders. If the dog knew of the existence of Parama’tma’ then it would have given top respect to Parama’tma’. So in this case, as the dog does not know of Parama’tma’, we will say that the dog’s bhakti is misplaced.

Child-mother analogy

Another example is a young child. For a child, their mother is everything, Hence, the child only knows the mother and loves her so much. Being a child, s/he does not know Parama’tma’. Had s/he known Parama’tma’, the love that it has now for mother, in comparison to that s/he would have had far more also for Parama’tma’. For a child, mother is everything. When in a market, and the child cannot find its mother, then the child feels helpless and cries, as the shelter under which the child was living is no longer there.

Animals and human beings -- all have bhakti; the meaning behind this is that when one sees that something is greater than oneself, then they develop respect towards that entity. This feeling of respect, commitment, devoutness is referred to as sa’ma’nya’ bhakti. When this feeling becomes subtler then it is directed towards Parama’tma’. When such feeling towards Parama’tma’ arises, then the bhakta feels that Parama’tma’ is the nearest and dearest entity to him / her. As a result, the bhakta engages time in studying spiritual scriptures, in satsaunga, doing kirtan, meditation etc. In this way s/he engages in various activities by which s/he will come closer to Parama’tma’.

Confession of criminal

Whenever the bhakta is undergoing any physical hardship, then s/he will request Parama’tma’ for help, knowing that Parama’tma’ is the nearest and dearest Entity and Parama’tma’ knows everything. Even when the bhakta has done some mistakes, then s/he will try not to disclose his mistakes to others, but will ask Parama’tma’ for forgiveness and support, knowing that Parama’tma’ is omniscient. There is a feeling in the mind of the bhakta that Parama’tma’ is his/her well-wisher. Even a person with bad conduct knows that Parama’tma’ is omniscient and shares his/her feelings when in trouble. Such type of feelings the criminal does not share even with friends and family members but shares with Parama’tma’. The atma situated in every human being knows what s/he has done, and is aware of the reality, even though s/he hides the wrongdoings from others, be they court judge, friends, family etc. Within oneself satya only remains because atma knows what is the truth. So when the person’s all capacities are utilized and still one sees difficulties are surmounting, then one starts to ask Parama’tma’ for help.

Similarly, animals who live in a group generally follow their leader. Such animals are more clever than those who do not remain in a group.Wild animals have regard towards their animal leaders. Domestic animals have samanya bhakti for their master. Humans have bhakti towards Paramatman. Some people do rituals, others follow religions, and others have distinct ways of requesting Parama’tma’. Atheists do feel that something is greater than themselves, and they have respect for that. That is why Baba says that no one is an atheist. Everyone has bhakti.

When bhakti is pointed

When bhakti is more refined, it is for Parama’tma’ and only for Parama’tma’. In that stage, the bhakta feels the whole creation has originated from Parama’tma’ and s/he serves the creation out of love for that Creator, that Parama’tma’ whom they love.

Bhaktirbhagavato sevá bhakti prema svarúpińii;
Bhaktiránanda rúpá ca bhakti bhaktasya jiivanam.

In the highest stage of bhakti, the feeling develops that everyone is progeny of Parama’tma’ and needs to be served. S/he will feel that everyone and everything in this creation is her/his own, and will feel love towards them. Then the life of the bhakta will be completely filled with love because in every step s/he will feel that Parama’tma’ is there to help and rescue them so there is no reason to fear. But one who feels that they themselves are the doer then their life will not be filled with bliss because the doer is limited.

Bhakti vs a’sakti

Bhakti is a longing which one has for Parama Purusa. Sometimes it is misdirected, and in other cases it is directed properly. For example, one who has love for money will feel disturbed when they lose their money, and sometimes they will even die from the shock of that loss, depending on the degree of their attachment for money. In this case, their love is misdirected, and so it is called a’sakti. But when affection and bhakti is pointed in the correct direction, then there is love for Parama’tma’, and the feeling extends to the creation of Parama’tma’ whom the bhakta serves and loves. That life is then filled with love only.

Slowly, bhakti becomes correctly directed to one who is the Creator, and by this, bhakti is directed towards Parama’tma’. First the bhakta reads from scriptures, sings bhajans, kiirtans, does meditation. Slowly the feeling is developed from the heart that Parama’tma’ is everything and there is nothing to fear. It doesn't matter how difficult the situation is, the bhakta feels that Parama’tma’ is there to take care of and s/he never feels helpless. Rather life is filled with bliss because of properly directed bhakti.

In Him,