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Sunday, July 28, 2019

Fake thief? + 3 more


Fake thief?


(A) Shrii PR Sarkar says, “The people who have committed some misdeeds driven by want (be that want of food or clothes or of physical or mental gratification) make society responsible for it. They want to convey to us that their want was created due to flaws in the social system, which is, however, substantially true.” (Human Society - 1, 1987 Edn, Justice, p.77)

And in the latter edition of the same book, it reads:

(B) The altered version of Shrii PR Sarkar’s teaching says, “Those who have committed crimes due to poverty (whether due to lack of food or clothing, or physical or mental factors), will blame society for their offences. They will claim that their poverty is the result of a defective social structure, and in most cases this allegation will be true.” (Human Society – 1, 2000 Edn, Justice)

Note: Here following are some observations about Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar’s above teaching.

1. This tragic scene which Shrii PR Sarkar is describing is happening throughout the globe. In “third-world” countries and in so-called advanced nations, often the common mass is denied getting their basic necessities– in which case, with no other option, they are pressured into committing crimes. 
For example, if a person does not have food, even if they do not have a tendency towards theft, they might steal food due to severe pressure of circumstance. And the same can be said of so many other situations. If a person lacks a proper shelter on a cold, stormy night, they may break into a building to save themselves. So there are many ways in which this could take expression. There are innumerable circumstances where due to extreme need and want, a person resorts to crime. 
2. In turn, the “powers-that-be” wrongly blame that individual and charge / label them as a thief or criminal. 
3. However, in His dharmic and revolutionary approach, Shrii PR Sarkar views the situation completely differently. He holds that the society is at fault for putting its own citizens in such a dire position wherein they cannot even get their minimum requirements. 
4. We should pay heed to Shrii PR Sarkar’s guideline and also make it known that the real culprits are those who are hoarding all the material wealth and not allowing general society members to get their basic needs met. 
5. Parama Purusa has given an enormous amount of wealth for maintaining the human society, but due to terrible and improper distribution, drastic inequalities have emerged, and so many problems have erupted around the globe. 
6. Everyone should remember Prout’s unique approach that 100% of the wealth belongs to Parama Purusa. He is the owner. All can and have the right to utilise this wealth in a rational way, but He is the Creator and the Owner.

in Him,

Scripture distortion in 2000 Edition

The teaching from the ‘Justice’ chapter of the book, “Human Society”, has been translated and published in two different ways - both of which are presented below.

(A) The yellow highlighted version from 1987 is more legitimate than the green highlighted version from 2000. Unfortunately, in his latest rendering (2000 edition) brother Jayanta of Suva sector ruined the book by retranslating them.

(B) In the green highlighted 2000 edition, the thieves referred to in the passage are said to blame the society: “Those who have committed crimes...blame society for their offences.” But that is wrong. Those thieves never openly state that society is at fault. Rather, a careful analysis of their actions - i.e. theft due to pressure of circumstance - reveals that society is at fault for those crimes. And it is the Author and Propounder of Prout Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar - not those thieves - who makes this revolutionary assessment and points out that society is to blame.

Due to Jayanta’s superficial understanding he could not manage the task of republishing the books. And the problem shown in the below green highlighted version is just the tip of the iceberg. Everywhere, throughout the entire text of Human Society (2000 Edn), there are countless mistakes. If you have the older 1987 edition, simply compare the two texts and you will find a stark difference.

* If you need a copy of the 1987 edition, let us know as we can provided an e-version as needed. - Eds

(A) Shrii PR Sarkar says, “The people who have committed some misdeeds driven by want (be that want of food or clothes or of physical or mental gratification) make society responsible for it. They want to convey to us that their want was created due to flaws in the social system, which is, however, substantially true.” (Human Society - 1, 1987 Edn, Justice, p.77)

And in the latter edition of the same book, it reads:

(B) The altered version of Shrii PR Sarkar’s teaching says, “Those who have committed crimes due to poverty (whether due to lack of food or clothing, or physical or mental factors), will blame society for their offences. They will claim that their poverty is the result of a defective social structure, and in most cases this allegation will be true.” (Human Society – 1, 2000 Edn, Justice)

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Insane approach to eating

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "One must have a balanced diet. “Whatever I get, that I will eat” – this must not be the policy of a sane being. This human body is a composite of protoplasmic cells, and these protoplasmic cells are made of the food we take in. If the food and drink is defective, then the protoplasmic cells will also become defective, and the human mind, which is the collective mind of so many protoplasmic minds, will also become defective. That is why támasik or static food has a negative influence on the human mind." (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, Physical Propulsion, Psychic Propensities and Spiritual Attainment

== Section 3: Margii Letters ==

Talk about AMPS crisis

Margii #1 wrote:

"Do not indulge yourself in criticizing others faults and defects". 

I do believe that you are not following Baba's Social Norms. I understand that you are trying to expose wrongdoing with regards to people in high posts in AM. 
Of what benefit is it to you or to anyone to draw attention to a few acaryas playing MONOPOLY. Everything is Brahma, You are not to know what preceded this game and why. It really is irrelevant to most people.


Margii #2 replied:

If someone were to break into your home, knock you down, and try to set your house on fire, would you choose to not call the police because "calling the police" is against Baba's social norms?


Margii #1:


== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why important to protect the head during sadhana

Ananda Marga ideology, ““The demonstration further showed that while the samádhi experienced remains in the subconscious, sádhakas may manage to keep some control over their bodies; they may stand in the beginning and sit later on without help. But the unconscious helps only slightly and indirectly in the subconscious mind; therefore, once the subconscious fully gives way to the unconscious, the control is lost and the body falls. That is why sádhaná has to be performed sitting in a firm ásana (posture) and on a blanket or other protection, so that, should the body fall, there may be the least possible injury to the head.” (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 33, Sálokya, Sámiipya, Sáyujya, Sárúpya, Sárśt́hi

== Section 4: Links ==

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This email contains four sections:
1. IT: Fake thief?
IT: Insane approach to eating
3. Margii Letters
4. Links