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Monday, March 11, 2024

Semitic faiths & animal care + 3 more

Semitic faiths & animal care

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


The irony is that westerners commonly feel that they are the ones caring for the animals of the world, whereas those in the so-called developing nations "seemingly do not care and are unable to establish any legislation to protect endangered species etc." This is a common misconception in the west.

How then is it that those dominated by the Semitic outlook, that preaches "animals were put on this earth for our selfish enjoyment", have come to believe that they are more compassionate about animals. Yet often they are the ones embroiled in systemic factory farming and slaughtering of animals to satisfy their palate.

As our Ananda Marga teachings guide us to eradicate the suffering of all beings, we should clearly identify and carefully analyse the root cause behind such animal suffering. By that way, we can quickly bring about a healthy, universalistic order that ensures the welfare of not only humans, but also plants and animals.

Dogmatic religious beliefs are the cause

Wherever people live and whatever land they call their home, the common inhabitants become coloured by the religious beliefs of that place. This happens to just about everyone. And as we shall see this is the root cause of the mistreatment of animals in our western nations.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "In this universe there are people whose thoughts, character and behaviour are similar...Characteristics inherent in a particular group get mixed with the internal thoughts and ideas of other groups within a society. This leads to the development of national characteristics. In this way an entire national psychology - its external behaviour, its social outlook, and its philosophy of life - is developed." (1)

So each and every country has a particular way of living: A certain mentality that projects a common mode of behaviour. This Baba terms as prana dharma. And this shared outlook, or prana dharma, touches the very core of the people of that land, region, or country.

Cause of animal (mis)treatment in the west

So in the west, where the guiding philosophy or prana dharma is highly affected by the Semitic religions - Christian thought, Judaic beliefs, and Muslim customs - animal cruelty is systemic. Because the prevailing concept of all these aforementioned religions is that all the creatures exist on this planet solely for the exclusive pleasure of human beings. This is the divine decree of their merciful  "God"; so this is what they believe.

According to these dogmatic religions, animals are for human enjoyment only; animals have no rights of their own; animals have no soul, and don't feel pain etc. This is the Semitic way of thinking.

This approach has affected the preaching of so many western thinkers: St Thomas Aquinas, Emmanuel Kant, and various others. These so called philosophers do not recognise the rights or inherent value of animals. Even Rene Descartes who himself was a vegetarian argued that animals are purely physical entities, having no mental or spiritual substance.

Naturally, the common people living in those nations were affected by the religious and intellectual thought that essentially preached: "Animals have no intrinsic value; they are made for us - they are to be used for our human enjoyment". This is their outlook. With this mentality, the people use and abuse animals. That is what we regularly see happening in our west.

Animal cruelty in the west (cont)

This approach has done untold harm in the past, and led to the rise of horrific factory farms in this present era - farms that systematically and heartlessly bind and torture animals to keep up with the ongoing demand of meats, poultry, mutton, and fish for human consumption. This has been well-documented and anyone can view photos on the web of the heartless, cold-blooded treatment of the animals in such factory farms - where they are packed in very tight cages and can't move properly.

In those same western countries, hunting laws are instituted to ensure that there is 'enough game' so that humans can satisfy their fancy and legally go out and shoot defenseless animals. And there are numerous other examples and inhumane displays of animal mistreatment in the western world that is fed and supported by the faulty Semitic views toward animals.

May pour gasoline on beehives

All this mistreatment occurs because, in the west, the common people have been flooded with the religious propaganda that animals are merely a means to an end - and that 'end' is human enjoyment. This mentality has shaped and molded the minds of the people.

Verily, this is the mentality of the common populace including the kids. That is why children - without even thinking - may pull the legs off of various insects, or pour gasoline on beehives and burn them, or senselessly kill squirrels, rodents, and even cats etc.

The root cause behind all this is the dogmatic belief of the Semitic religions that animals have been placed on this earth solely for the pleasure and enjoyment of humans. So "we can do what we want to those animals - they are made for us." This is what their religious doctrine preaches.

Whereas, our neo-humanism beautifully states that all beings are the divine expression of Parama Purusa and we humans are to act as guardians and ensure the right and proper treatment of all - because all beings, including animals, have their god-given rights and existential value. all have the right to a healthy and happy life.

How ironic: the west blames other nations

Now that it has been asserted that the western psyche has an inherently harmful approach to animals due to the outlook of the Semitic religions, one giant misconception must be addressed.

At present, the common feeling in the west or so-called developed world is that, "We have made great efforts to halt and curtail the mistreatment of animals, whereas in the so-called developed nations they are unable to protect their jungles and wild lands so elephants and lions are poached, and in the towns the street dogs, cats, and other animals are severely mistreated." Thus those from the Semitic religions feel that it is others who do not treat animals well.

Semitic religions cause animal suffering

Such is the paradox that exists. Why paradox? Because since ages the religions of India like Vaesnavasism, Buddhism, and Jainism have lived in concert with animals - neither eating them for food nor slaughtering them for sacrifices. This is the long-standing tradition that carried on for centuries.

So it was the Britishers and others who indoctrinated the educated, wealthy elite in so-called developing nations that going on hunts and safaris was a civilised and regal thing to do. Whether it be British royalty or US President Theodore Roosevelt, there is a long history of western leaders hunting big game in the "developing" countries. It was only by this way that various kings, ministers, and the educated elite in those non-Semitic nations turned to hunting as a sport etc. They were indoctrinated into the notion that sport hunting was a prestigious endeavour.

Hypocrisy of western powers

Due to massive corporate takeover of their lands by western business, much of their wild animal population was destroyed. There is no shortage of examples of western oil firms and other businesses doing irreversible damage to the habitats of what are now endangered species in order to secure huge profits. In addition, due to huge economic exploitation by western powers, the so-called developing nations were economically crippled. In that state, it is not easy to begin enacting special laws to protect animals when the people themselves are struggling for survival.

So from the outside, it seems like the western nations dominated by the Semitic religions are very civilised and compassionate in their treatment of wild animals. But that is only from a very superficial, narrow perspective. The inherent belief that stems from the Semitic religions is that, "Animals are here for our enjoyment and that animals themselves have no existential worth or spiritual value - they are merely soul-less creatures."

Whereas, the teachings of Lord Buddha and Mahaviira Jain guided the people to respect all beings and adopt the philosophy, "live and let live." Not only that, so many seers and rs’is of the eastern world preached the well-being and value of all animals. Most religious scriptures of India etc essentially give animals their due status, while this is not the case with the Semitic religions which pronounce that animals are only here for human enjoyment. More about this is detailed further down in this email.

Yet due to various forms of economic and environmental exploitation, the materially wealthy nations dominated by the Semitic religions feel they are the ones safeguarding the world's animals while their counterparts in the so-called developing nations are negligent in this regard. That is the irony of this issue.

In Him,
(James Davidson)

Hypocritical 'pet' psychology of the west - 1

Right now on this planet we see so much suffering - it is pervasive throughout the globe and not limited to human beings. Animals also undergo terrible suffering, unnecessarily. We can say that cruelty to animals is rampant and, tragically, often openly accepted. This mistreatment and undue harm to animals is indeed rampant. But it has to be admitted that the mistreatment of animals is much more prevalent in the west, i.e. in those lands guided by the Semitic religions.

Those new to the western world or visiting for the first time may naively think that animals have a high place in western society. Because in places like the US, dog owners spare no expense for their pets. There are animal hospitals which primarily treat dogs, plus there are doggie salons, doggie spas, dog groomers, doggie retreats, doggie vacations, doggie massages, and even doggie yoga classes where pet owners bring their dogs to class and do asanas with their cherished pets. So there are thousands of ways to pamper your pet - and it all costs exorbitant sums, i.e. lots of money.

Hypocritical 'pet' psychology of the west - 2

Seeing all this, one may think that dogs and all animals are revered and given high-status in the west. But the prevailing 'pet' psychology in the west falls in their selfish and hypocritical perspective. Those pet owners derive selfish pleasure from their doggie pets and praise themselves for the grand way in which they care for their dogs, yet every night their dinner plate is filled with the remnants of slaughtered animals that suffered in misery their entire life before being sentenced to some painful and deceitful death.

And those same pet owners wear leather shoes and mink coats that only further testify to the fact that they feel they can do anything and everything with animals - because those "animals are made for us". So says their Christian doctrine and so says their conscience. Such is their selfish and hypocritical behaviour, unfortunately. It should also be included that those very same pet owners have started innumerable capitalist ventures that exploit animals in order to maximize profits.

Hence, by seeing the conditions of 'pets', we should not hastily conclude that those in the west / Semitic are very kind and sweet to animals.

Killing animals to please gods?

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "At one time people were told that this world is for human enjoyment only, so the existence of all the plants, of all the birds and animals, in the world is intended merely to provide objects of enjoyment for human beings. Their hopes and aspirations, their intense desire to live, their pains and pleasures, their affectionate family or community lives are simply without value. However much a baby goat may wish to live, the main consideration is how much meat that kid carries on its frame. This defective philosophy has made people ruthlessly violent – even more dangerous than blood-thirsty tigers. Tigers kill only to fill their stomachs, to preserve their physical existence; whereas human beings kill animals mostly out of greed. Generally people have resorted to hypocrisy to camouflage this instinct of greed; they have killed animals on the pretext of pleasing the gods, while actually their main motive in doing so was to please their own tongues. These are all the inevitable results of such defective philosophies." (2)

Note: There are exceptions - for instance, certain sects of Hinduism perform animal sacrifices etc.

1. A Few Problems Solved - 6, Práńa Dharma
2. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc: 14, Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Innate flaw of MPD

In countless discourses, Baba has guided us to think that Parama Purusa is the nearest and dearest One. An aspirant should not think that Parama Purusa is distant or far. Otherwise one will invite their extreme degeneration and ruin their spiritual life. Thinking that Parama Purusa is gone is very detrimental. It is 100% contrary to our life approach. Ananda Marga mantras give the idea: “Parama Purusa is with me.” Only avidya maya, viks'epta shatkti, says that Parama Purusa is far.

Ananda Marga ideology warns us, "If someone continually thinks, “Parama Purus'a is far from me”, then He will seem to be truly far from him...If in their ignorance people think that Parama Purus'a is far from them, then He may indeed remain for from them – so far that in future, even if one cries oneself hoarse, one’s cries will never reach Him." (1)

Rather the following should be the approach.

Ananda Marga ideology guide us, "Tadihántike ca: Some people think, “No, Parama Purus'a is not far from me. He is quite near.”" (2)

It is one’s spiritual duty to always remember and cultivate the supreme truth that He is always with you. Remembering His close proximity is bhakti. This creation is His thought projection, and He is the nucleus. So, He cannot be far, gone, or missing. It is philosophically and spiritually wrong to have a dogmatic annual death day program like so-called mahaprayan (MPD) that dictates that Baba is gone.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "You spiritual aspirants, you should remember that Parama Puruśa is always with you and His grace is always with you, and you all are His loving children." (3)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, The Secret of Dharma Lies Hidden in the Mind
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, The Secret of Dharma Lies Hidden in the Mind
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 19, The Path of Salvation

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

मेरे जीवन के हर अच्छे बुरे दिनों में तुम मुझे बचाते आये

प्रभात संगीत 3161 भूलो ना प्रभु, ए तव कणा रे भूलो ना....


हे परम पुरुष, कृपा कर अपने इस छोटे से कण, छोटी सी रचना को भूल न जाना, अपने आश्रय में सदा रखना। तुम्हारी कृपा से मैं तुमसे ही आया हॅूं और तुम्हारे साथ ही तुममें ही हॅूं। हे दिव्य! मुझे भुला न देना। मैं तुम्हारी कृपा की भीख माॅंगता हॅूं मुझे पराभक्ति दे दो।

हे प्रभु! इस सृष्टि के ऊषाकाल से, संचर के प्रारंभिक क्षण से ही तुम मेरे साथ रहे हो। मैं कभी भी तुम से पृथक नहीं हुआ | मेरे जीवन के हर अच्छे बुरे दिनों में तुम मुझे बचाते आये । इस मधुर बसंत की सुगंधित समीर में तुम्हारा हृदय मेरे हृदय के समीप हैे। हे मेरे परमप्रिय! तुम मुझसे दूर न चले जाना, मुझे दूर न कर देना, मुझे अपने साथ हमेशा  रहने देना।

हे परम पुरुष बाबा! तुम्हारी दिव्य सृष्टि में अच्छे और बुरे सब प्रकार के जीव है, उनमें सद्गुण और दुर्गुण दोनों हैं। पर मेरा मामला भिन्न है , मेरे पास सद्गुण तो अत्यल्प है पर दुर्गुणों का अंबार लगा है । मेरे सद्गुणों की संख्या से दुर्गुणों की संख्या इतनी अधिक हैे कि सद्गुणों का पता ही नहीं चलता कि वे कहाँ  हैं। हे प्रभु! मैं इस घने अंधकार में जकड़ा हुआ हॅू, मैं कष्टों और दुखों के कारण रो रहा हॅूूं कृपा कर मुझे अकेला न छोड़ना। मेरे प्रति दयालु रहकर मुझे अपने पास ही रखना।

== Section: Important Teaching ==

liberation from the bondage of staticity is a must

  Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The effort to attain liberation from economic bondage, political slavery and all sorts of social dependence in the physical world, is the liberation from staticity in the crude world. In order to attain liberation from worldly bondages of this sort, human beings will have to make conscious efforts.”

  Ananda Marga philosophy states,   “If a certain country is held in bondage to another country, then that subjugated country will have to wage war in order to attain liberation from the chains of slavery. That is why liberation from worldly bondages is essential for human beings. We have noticed that wherever there is worldly subservience – whether economic, political or social – the proper development of the innate qualities, or the genius of human beings, remains remote. That is why in every sphere of life liberation is necessary; liberation from the bondage of staticity is a must.” (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 4, Liberation From Staticity

== Section 3: Links ==