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Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Alive after dying + 3 more


Alive after dying


In his book, "Mere Rahasyamay Baba" (2010, Hindi), which translates as "My Mysterious Baba", Dada Keshavananda jii shares many of his experiences of being alongside Baba. As we all know, Keshavananda served as PA to Baba for years and years. So he has many remembrances.

However, that does not mean that Dada was always able to interpret everything properly. In particular, on pages 46- 48 of the Hindi edition of his book, Keshavananda tells the story of Yamara'j, the god of death. And he gives his own interpretation as well. It is a most interesting story and it is all recounted below.

The fascinating part is that Keshavanandaji first started telling this story years ago. And thereafter, in 1980, Baba Himself delivered a discourse in order to correct Keshavanandaji's faulty interpretation.

Baba's liila’ - beyond human understanding

When Baba is that most vast Entity, i.e that Cosmic Purusa, then as human beings, as unit microcosms, it is not always possible for us to perfectly understand Baba's each and every action. And in certain cases some people get it totally wrong-- 100% false & backwards.

The overall idea being that there are so many scenarios and interactions and Baba has His own special Supreme way of dealing. Naturally then it is not so easy for us to exactly say what is what & which is which.

More specifically, with all due respect and honor, those in Baba's physical contact cannot be fully depended upon to properly recount and explain each and every aspect of Baba's expression.

As a case in point, the following is the story of Yamara'j - god of death - as told by Dada Keshavananda jii, in the Hindi edition of his book. As we all know, Dada Keshavananda jii was PA to Baba.

The story of Yamara'j -- told by Dada K. in faulty way

Over the years Keshavananda jii has told this story at a variety of seminars, classes, & trainings. Hence, many of us are well familiar with Dadaji's portrayal. And of course, he has moreover printed it in his book, "Mere Rahasyamay Baba" (2010, Hindi). Here following is that story.

(Note: This is not a direct translation from the original Hindi version, but rather an accurate summary of that story from the Hindi edition.)

During the jail period, there was a convicted criminal, nay murderer, who was given the duty by the jail officials to serve as Baba's personal caretaker. The convict's name was Ramchij Rajawa'r' of Chhapara' District - as you may recall. And he served Baba well.

In the greater liila, Ramchij was blessed with the opportunity to be with Baba - such are the loving ways of Parama Purusa.

One day while Keshavananda jii was along with Baba then Ramchij Rajawa'r' excitedly came up to them and asked if he could tell the story of one occasion how he (Ramchij Rajawa'r') had experienced his own death.

Baba gave His approval so Ramchij proceeded to give his account.

Ramchij Rajawa'r' said: 'Baba, one day I died - I experienced death. I was suffering from a fever lying there on my cot and two uniformed officials approached and told me in an authoritative voice that my time had come and that I must go along with them. With no other option I followed their order and step by step they led me up to the kingdom of the god of death-- to Yamara'j.'
'I waited there with the guards and when my turn came then those two officials firmly brought me before the grand throne of Yamara'j. And they loudly announced my name to the god of death.'

'They said, 'Here before you we have brought Ramchij Rajawa'r---he is dead.'

'Immediately, Yamara'j became furious and he loudly shouted at his two officials.'

'Yamara'j scolded them, 'You neglectful fellows. I (Yamara'j) did not tell you to bring Ramchij Rajawa'r's soul here. I told you to bring Ramchij Ahir. You have confused the names and brought the wrong person’s soul. You completely misunderstood my command. Now go back and return Rajchij Rajawa's soul to his locale and bring me Ramchij Ahir’s soul. Immediately do as I say'.'

Ramchij Rajawa'r' continued on with his story:

'The next thing I knew I was now lying on that special type of stretcher used for carrying dead bodies to the cremation ground. And I was surrounded by all my family members and various persons from my village. I saw that they were all crying seeing my death. So when I opened my eyes and spoke to them they were startled and completely overjoyed.'

'And the first thing I said to them is where is Ramchij Ahir. I want to know about Ramchij Ahir. Right away two boys were sent to go get Ramchij Ahir.'

'They ran across the village and saw Ramchij Ahir milching his cows and then Ramchij Ahir looked over at them and then fell over - he died then and there, at that very moment.'

In that way Ramchij Rajawa'r' recounted his story to Baba one night about how he died by mistake and then after some time he had been brought back after death. And Keshavananda jii heard it all.

Dada K.'s (mis)understanding

Afterwards, when it was quiet, Keshavananda jii looked at Baba and asked if things like this really happen. Baba just smiled.

Seeing Baba's response, Keshavananda jii misunderstood and concluded in his own mind that Ramchij Rajawa'r's story is 100% accurate and stands as a realistic depiction about death. That's to say, Keshavananda jii concluded that such mistakes can happen: Sometimes the wrong person could be mistakenly made to die.

Thus thinking that he had heard a most amazing and incredible story, Dadaji began recounting this story in so many different lectures, seminars, and classes etc - all the while describing how due to an oversight or error in Yamara'j's system, sometimes the wrong person dies.

And indeed that is how he wrote about it on pages 46 - 48 of his book "Mere Rahasyamay Baba" (2010, Hindi).

Baba unlocks the mystery

However, some years after that initial event, in dharmic fashion Baba corrected and clarified the matter for one and all.

In His discourse "Yamara'j Ki Katha'" in Kolkata on 24 Feb 1980 (Ananda Vacanamrtam - 18 (H) & (B)), Baba makes explicit & detailed reference to Ramchij Rajawa'r's story about the god of death. And the first thing that Baba says is that his helper - Ramchij Rajawa'r' - is not a liar and that he saw everything in a dream. This much Baba says to begin and then Baba goes on to tell the entire story about Ramchij's death-like experience.

And in the culminating section of that discourse, Baba directly states that such mistakes regarding death never happen. Baba tells that Parama Purusa is in control of each and everything in this vast creation in His divine kingdom, and that one faculty of Parama Purusa is that of Yamara'j - god of death. Hence, since the Divine Controller Himself is the Yamara'j, Baba directly states that such mistakes about the wrong person undergoing death never happen. In the kingdom of Parama Purusa such oversights never occur.

Thus, in His clear-cut, precise manner Baba unveils the truth about such types of mistakes, i.e. that they never happen. All this is clearly given in Baba's discourse - "Yamara'j Ki Katha'" in Kolkata on 24 Feb 1980.

Dada Keshavananda misinterprets

By reading and hearing Baba's perfect clarification, we can all understand that from the very beginning Keshavananda jii misunderstood Baba's reaction to the story when it was first told to them by Ramchij Rajawa'r' in the jail.

That time Keshavananda jii thought that since Baba smiled therefore He was insinuating it is true and that such mistakes can and do happen at the time of death. But that was the wrong conclusion entirely. Means Keshavananda jii was off the mark.

So this is one clear-cut example how someone was telling a Baba story that was clearly shown to be incorrect. Because it is Baba Himself who corrects the story. Even then, Dadaji's book (2010 Hindi edition) was published 30 years - 3 entire decades - after Baba's discourse on this topic and still Dadaji got it wrong. 


The natural question is why did this happen. Why after all these years, after all it was 30 years between Baba's 1980 discourse and the 2010 publishing of Dada's book, did Dada tell the story incorrectly.

We can only conclude that Dada was lacking in common sense. Even though he was Baba's PA still he could not understand Baba's simple gesture. That is one part. And the second aspect is that Dadaji wrongly thinks he knows all of Ananda Marga ideology, therefore he does not read Baba's books and could not come up with the right conclusion.

In Him,

Common problem

We should all be aware that there are serious mistakes in so many books written and published by Dadas. The above is but one example of many. More are coming. The overall spirit is that Baba's Personality and teachings should be properly portrayed and if any book written - by a Dada or anyone at all - goes against this ethic, then the wrong needs to be pointed out and corrected.

Hindi edition is still wrong

The printed English edition of this book has been updated properly, but the original Hindi version of this book has yet to be updated and is still wrong.

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Quiz: what teaching is this?

Instructions: Kindly read the below quote from Baba's teachings. At the end of the quote a question has been posed. If your answer to the question is correct then it means you read Baba's books carefully; and, if your answer is wrong or you do not know the answer, then it signifies that you need to pay more attention when reading Guru's teachings. After all, if sadhakas are not diligent in studying Baba's books then who is going to read them - non-margiis?

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Cunning vipras [religious priests], whom I call intellectual satans, tried to turn the minds of the people from practical reality towards an imaginary void by preaching contrived philosophies. The essence of their voluminous treatises and verbose annotations to lengthy aphorisms was: the world is an illusion; therefore renounce the world and do not be attracted to its illusions. Become desireless, detached and self-abnegating by offering all your wealth at the feet of the vipras [religious priests]. Of course such philosophies did not preach that the world was also illusory for the vipras [religious priests] who received the offerings – clearly because it was through such ploys that they were able to achieve their objectives.” (1)

Question: Who is Baba referring to in the above quote?

Most probably, as an Ananda Margii, you know what the answer is. But if not, or if you want confirmation, read on below for the answer for the answer

Answer: In His above teaching, Baba is talking about the dogmatic, exploitative priests from the Buddhist and Hindu traditions. Those Buddhist priests (a) preach the doctrine of nihilism and (b) misguide people to empty the mind and meditate on nothingness. In a similar vein, Hindu priests imposed their faulty view that this entire world is an illusion, mayavada. Thus people were indoctrinated into the idea that they should not protest against exploitation, but rather focus only on the afterlife etc.

1. Human Society - 2, The Vipra Age

== Section: Update ==

Re: BP election commission: scam [2019] 


The role of the the bhukti pradhana holds a significant and meaningful role in our Ananda Marga society.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “The Ánanda Márga Pracáraka Saḿgha (AMPS) secretary of such a bhukti will be known as a bhukti pradhána. [Pradhána means “head” or “principal person”.]” (1)

Since the inception of the BP system, whenever DMC was held in a given bhukti, Sadguru Baba recognised the BP in the following ways:
(a) Sadguru Baba always bestowed a special place and honour to the bhukti pradhan;
(b) The bhukti pradhan would sit on the dais next to PA Dada, quite close to Baba every day of that DMS visit;
(c) Daily, on both occasions when on the dais, Baba always received the garland first from the BP;
(d) Before beginning His DMC address, in His exquisite liila, Baba would ask the bhukti pradhan about the subject of discourse and inquire whether the assembly would be DMC or general darshan;
(e) After varabhaya mudra was given, the bhukti pradhan would personally approach Baba and directly request Him for permission to do Guru puja;
(f) The local DS / Dit S Wts did not have this type of status that the BP had.

Continue reading... BP Election scam
in Him,

1. Caryacarya, Part 1, Bhukti Pradhána

- Here is a link to the entire updated letter on this topic: BP Election scam

== Section 3: Links ==
Recent postings
Other topics of interest