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Sunday, July 23, 2023

Cardinal human values + 2 more

Cardinal human values


Some think that telling lies to get donations for welfare work is par for the course. But, such an approach is not good.

Stealing for social service is harmful

Even if speaking truthfully may yield lesser donations, still one should not deceive others. Deception gets exposed sooner or later and causes mistrust among the common people and is harmful. In addition, telling untruths ruins the mind of the person speaking them.

Some people get involved in drug trafficking to collect money for welfare work. Drugs are intoxicating and harm society. Any such act that harms society should be condemned. Even if the intention of a person who smuggles drugs or other contraband items is to do welfare work with the money earned, in the long run the person gets debauched and harms the society, as well as himself.

A meagre amount of money earned via moral means for social work is better than large sums of money earned by immoral means. The immoral means of earning money damages both the society and the character of the person involved in those immoral acts.

It is similar to burning public property and cars during protests and demonstrations. Even if the protest is done for a just cause, the act of burning public property harms others and should be condemned.

Ultra-wealthy black marketeers

In extremely special circumstances, it may happen that a government is completely corrupt and dysfunctional and thousands of people are dying of hunger due to natural or man-made calamity. In this situation, when genuine efforts at a solution have failed and people are starving, then to save their lives if a group is stealing food from the grain warehouses of ultra-wealthy black marketeers and feeding the poor, such an act may be justified in the measuring scale of Bhagavata dharma. However, in normal situations such activity cannot be supported.

Exceptions should be made only in extremely rare and desperate situations. One should use proper methods to help others, as far as possible.

Engaging in looting others for making temples / mosques / jagrtis is very bad - others get harmed and get killed. Such an act is similar to terrorism and should never be undertaken. The main task of a spiritualist is to make ideal human beings. Ideal human beings will run service projects in a proper way. As far as possible, one should take recourse to proper means for public welfare work.

Cardinal human values are above laws

Cardinal human values should never be violated. Laws may be broken in extreme circumstances when: (1) The laws go completely against cardinal human values, (2) all other approaches have failed, and (3) the situation is dire and time sensitive.

For instance, suppose that there is a terrible fire on the other side of a national border, the crossing of which is prohibited for the citizens. If people on the other side affected by the fire do not have means to put the fire out and many are dying, then crossing the border to save lives may be against the law and therefore a crime—but it is certainly not sin. In fact, in such a scenario, not taking action will be pratyava’ya (sin of omission). Similarly, if there is abundant food in one country but famine in another, then distributing food without proper bureaucratic permissions may be sedition / crime but not sin.

Cardinal values never change and always work in favour of public welfare, whereas laws may change and may or may not be conducive to public welfare. For this reason, a higher priority is given to cardinal human values than to laws of a particular nation or state. But even then one should not go against the law so long as other options are available.

For example, abortion is against cardinal human values. And if according to the laws of a particular nation abortion is allowed, that means the law is against cardinal human values. To resolve this situation, a dharmic person should first educate the masses about saving the life of the unborn. In this way one should seek to achieve the goal of saving these unborn babies—without going against the law. In this situation, in an effort to oppose abortion one should not physically attack the abortion clinic. Because there are many other avenues available to achieve one’s goal without going against the law.


Asteya means non-stealing—to refrain from taking away others’ possessions. In certain extremely rare circumstances, when one’s life is in danger and there is no other option, then taking a little food from others’ large quantity of stored food is not against asteya, as the intention is not to take away others belonging but to save one's life.

In Him,

We are more responsible for that theft

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “We deduce conclusions just from whatever we observe in this external phenomenal world. We should try to see the subtle cause behind the crude phenomenal world, but we do not see it. For instance, a particular person stole something, and when we say, “Thief! Thief!” people will start beating him. If we try to inquire about the reasons for the theft, we may come to know that he had been hungry for the last three days. And how are we treating him? We are beating him rather than giving him food. So we should think and try to find the noumenal cause behind the phenomenal world. If he was hungry and so stole, then we are more responsible for that theft than he, because we failed to build up society, so that he had to remain hungry. So we must see, and try to find the noumenal cause behind the prima facie observable world. If we are intelligent beings, possessing intellect, we must discover the noumenal cause. It is not proper to arrive at conclusions from mere observation of outward expressions.” (1)

Person’s hand is cut off

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “In some places today, a person’s hand is cut off if he engages in stealing. With a little thought it can be seen that this is not at all a humanistic recourse to eliminate stealing. We must seek the noumenal cause behind all actions.” (2)

Four types of theft

Ananda Marga ideology teaches, “Not to take possession [of] what belongs to others is asteya. It means non-stealing. Stealing may be of four types: Physical theft of any material object. Ordinarily those persons who steal material objects are called thieves. But thieves are not only those persons who flee with stolen objects after committing armed robbery. Whatever is taken in possession by the use of brute physical force, of arms or of strength of intellect, whether it is money or goods, amounts to theft, because behind such actions there is the intention of taking others’ property deceitfully. However, acceptance of anything like money, crops, gold, etc., in exchange for money in a proper way is not theft.” (3)

In total there are four types of theft; one is explained above. If you would like to see Baba’s full explanation on this point of asteya, please let us know and we will provide it.

Saving life from death

For instance, consider a starving person in a state / country where there is no social service and the person does not have an opportunity for employment to earn their livelihood; under such circumstances, if the person steals from warehouse in desperation to save their life then that stealing cannot be said to be in violation of asteya. In such an exceptional situation, there is no intention of harming others. The person committing the theft is simply trying to feed himself and save his life. A person in such a circumstance cannot be called a thief.

1. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 12, Towards the Noumenal Entity
2. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 12, Towards the Noumenal Entity
3. A Guide to Human Conduct, Asteya

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Sky goes on calling

“Ákásha d́ákiyá jáy, niilimár końe końe…” (Prabhat Samgiita #3087)


The sky goes on calling from all four of its deep blue corners, from the farthest reaches of its great expanse. The air showers honey in each and every moment of my meditation. There is a deep sweetness in the gentle breeze that buoys my sadhana. 

The beauty that I see in the light of the dawn I do not find in twilight’s scarlet grander. The start of the day brings unparalleled wonder and hope. Each and every moment, newer and newer uncanny feelings and unique realizations arise in every mind of the world. 

Is the view of nature that I see in the dry, scorching summer ever seen present in the white, pre-winter clouds? Every season carries its own specialty. The tree that loses its beauty in the winter’s bitter chill undergoes renewal and regains its glory and charm with the arrival of spring. Each season generates a sense of awe and amazement as they cycle round and round, year after year…

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Materialism & breastfeeding

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "There are fishes who carry something like a sack inside their bodies and they carry their children in those sacks. There are some snakes who also take their children with them. Not only have they inborn instinct, but they have something more, that is, they have love and affection for their children. This is also true of some species of snakes, but love and affection for their children is more prominent in mammals. Mammals are more developed than non-mammals because in the case of mammals mothers feed the children with their breast-milk and certainly they have got affection for their children -- that is why they do so." (1)

Note: Mothers of financially poorer countries generally keep their babies along with them and breastfeed their infants. But the case is different with some mothers in the so-called developed nations where certain mothers do not want to breastfeed their infants nor do they want to keep their infants along with them.

Even when those mothers are not working in the office and go shopping etc, then also they do not want to feed their infants when the baby is hungry. Rather they give the infant bottled milk. You might have noticed that in public places where females are in a majority there is not an allotted place for mothers to comfortably feed the baby. 

Sadly, in materialistic societies, the mammary glands are treated as a sex organ, not an organ for feeding the child. The loser is the infant. Nature made this gland for the child. But now that utility is almost gone and those glands have become a sex tool.  And it is propagated in that way through the mass media and the larger society. That is why kids are deprived and mothers do not like to breastfeed. 

And with those who do breastfeed, those mothers often cover themselves with a towel whereby the baby feels suffocated and cannot feed itself in a comfortable manner. You can imagine that if someone covered you with a thick towel while you were taking food then you would get frustrated, stop taking your food, and get out from there. So the child remains hungry. 

Due to this entire situation, those children are not emotionally developed, become criminals, and engage in anti-social dealings.

So in comparison to those animals we have to see how far the situation stands. Because, per Guru’s above teaching, those mammals and animals do love and care for their offspring; accordingly, then humans are more advanced so they should express more love. And mothers of poor countries do like that. But the strange thing is that some mothers from the so-called advanced countries….

Using Baba's above teaching as a scale, we have to judge whether such mothers are really developed or moving in the opposite direction. 

1. Yoga Psychology, Instinct and Devotion

== Section 4: Links ==

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