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Saturday, June 22, 2019

Bored? + 3 more




In this world, no matter how much one likes to do an activity one eventually gets bored of it. For instance, someone who has an attraction for eating particular food items will, after eating those same items day after day, eventually lose interest in them. Someone who likes to sleep a lot will get bored of sleeping on a long train/airplane journey. Swimming is a popular activity, but one gets bored after swimming for a while. A person living in a warm and comfortable house may get bored of the comfort and yearn to go on an adventurous trip to a mountain so they can get away from the monotony of their home. On the other hand, after some time in the wilderness they will again long for the same comfortable and warm house.

If a person seeks worldly objects like food and shelter for survival then it is a different thing but seeking those same worldly objects for pleasure, and the ensuing boredom, is the subject being discussed here.

Why people get bored

All the worldly pleasures are temporary and short-lived. Humans have a desire for the Infinite which does not get satisfied by worldly pleasures. This is the reason that after a while any worldly pleasure begins to seem boring as the pleasure gets repetitive and feels limited.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Boredom occurs when the same thing happens in one’s life again and again, day after day. When people are forced to eat the same type of food for days together, it becomes bland [—even if the food which they most long for is provided daily]. People are fond of change.” (1)

Grass is greener elsewhere

The nature of worldly pleasure is repetitive and limiting yet people keep engaging themselves in various activities in its pursuit. The reason behind this is the defective thinking or belief that others are happy with their mundane pleasures. It is a mirage that befools people into a cycle of pleasure seeking and boredom.

For instance, unmarried people, often, upon seeing married couples, imagine how happy the couple's lives are and lament about their own painful singlehood. However, they hardly realize that the couple may be putting up a show of happiness and in reality may not be even on talking terms with each other due to a fight. And upon marrying to overcome the perceived agony of their singlehood may realize their mistake and then try to get a divorce. This cycle of pleasure seeking and boredom goes on forever but one does not get any satisfaction in it.

As another example, consider a person who gets mesmerized by looking at a large mansion. That person may think that the only way to become happy is by buying that large mansion and may imagine that the resident of the mansion must be the happiest person. Ironically, the resident of the mansion might have gotten bored of it and might even be planning to destroy it and erect a new building. This all happens because one is seeking permanent bliss in the worldly objects which have only the capability to give temporary pleasures.

Cycle of pleasure and pain

Pleasure and pain appear in mutual succession. A fictional story or film cannot be liked if it has only joyous scenes or only tragedy. A skilled story writer or filmmaker interweaves a mixture of joyous and tragic scenes. Likewise, the world also presents pleasures and pains. One may be infatuated with a person of the opposite gender and cannot bear separation from that person. Marriage may provide temporary relief, but soon they may begin to have fights and want a divorce. The judge, as per the laws, then instructs them to live together for a few months before the divorce, which they will find extremely painful. So, the same people who could not bear living separately before marriage find it agonizing to live together before the divorce. The pleasure and pain appear in cycles. People keep seeking pleasure after each painful episode. This repetitiveness of pleasure seeking is the cause of boredom. The cycle of pleasure and pain creates a bondage and compels people in seeking pleasure all the time.

Why boredom is positive thing

Boredom is an important part of sadhana. Due to the realization of boredom from mundane objects, sa’dhana’ vijinana was invented. The fact that one does not get satisfaction but rather gets bored from the mundane objects is good because it is the driving force that makes a person seek spiritual sa’dahna’. If one is satisfied from worldly objects like house and wealth then that person is living an animal life.

Animals never get bored. They are fully satisfied if their basic requirements are fulfilled and they are permitted to live in their natural way. The reason is that animals do not have an infinite desire. So if you see any human being who although looking like a human being says they are very happy in their mundane life and never get bored, most probably they are lying---or they are developmentally delayed i.e. mentally retarded. Because almost 100% of human beings have an infinite desire. That’s why they get bored in the course of mundane physical indulgence.

Solution of boredom

Only spirituality will provide the necessary force to break the bondage and compulsion of pleasure-seeking in the world. Spirituality will lead people to the Infinite Bliss. Boredom is not a possibility in spirituality as the repetitiveness of mundane pleasure seeking is absent. The only condition is that one should practice spirituality seriously and cultivate bhakti.


Worldly pleasures are short-lived and temporary. People, who actually need infinite bliss, mistakenly seek it in the worldly pleasures. The world is an interweaving of pleasures and pains in which people get caught, and this results in their continuously repeatedly seeking worldly pleasures. Often they see others and think that if they do the same things that others are doing then they will get happiness. However, in this process, they repeat the pleasure-seeking which causes boredom. Boredom is a positive thing because it makes people aware of the futility of the worldly pleasures. The only escape from the cycle of pleasure and pain and the ensuing boredom is a committed spiritual approach.

In Him,

1. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 4, “Caraeveti Caraeveti” – “Move On, Move On”

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Baba has come 

“Sei ajáná pathik áj elo, mor sab kichu dilo bhúliye…” (Prabhat Samgiita #4213)


That most loving Ajana Pathik has come today. He has showered so much affection and kindness on me that I have forgotten all my worries and anxieties - all the worldly problems in my life. He has come, captivated my mind, poured bhakti on my heart that was dry like a stone, so that now with His blessing a lotus is blooming. I have forgotten all my worldly desires and needs. Only His name remains in my mind. He has inundated my entire being with prema and I remain ensconced in His Supreme compassion.

To that heart, which was in slumber day and night, by giving the touch and smearing of sweetness of bhakti He brought the refulgence in that dark abode and made it full of divine love. The Ajanda Pathik has come today. 

O’ the most adoring and loving Entity of the entire universe, please listen to my inner longing. I request You to fill everyone’s core with Your incomparable spiritual radiance. Fill everyone’s mind with longing for the Supreme. Let humanity move forward after receiving this new and newer blessing of Your crimson karuna…

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #4213

[1] Ajana Pathik: The term Aja'na' Pathik means 'The Divine Entity Parama Purusa Who moves around this entire universe, and resides everywhere and knows everything; irrespective of where one goes, He remains along with you'. That is one of His many unique attributions and that is the speciality of the name 'Ajana Pathik'. The name 'Ajana Pathik' denotes this special quality.

Literally, Aja'na' means 'unknown' and Pathik means 'traveler' or ‘tourist.’ But this is just the word by word, literal translation; and proper nouns are not meant to be translated. So we cannot call Him the ‘Unknown Traveler’ or ‘Unknown Tourist', or Unknown Vacationer', or 'Unknown Backpacker', or 'Unknown Visitor', or 'Unknown Globetrotter', or 'Unknown Daytripper', or 'Unknown Hitchhiker.’ The spirit and meaning is then lost.

The inner sense of the name Ajana Pathik is that Parama Purusa is always moving throughout this vast cosmos and He is constantly present with everyone, all the time. He is in the Cosmic Nucleus yet at the same time through His ota and prota yoga He is everywhere - carefully watching & lovingly guiding everyone. This unique aspect of His grand Personality is treated as Aja'na' Pathik. Because He is constantly traveling yet present everywhere. He is in the nucleus as well as throughout this entire universe.

As the Ajana Pathik, Parama Purusa Baba moves and moves and moves. In their spiritual approach bhaktas feel that wherever they go the Aja'na' Pathik will always be there to shower His blessing. By His grace, bhaktas can always get His intimate company and companionship. With this mystical link, sadhakas understand that Parama Purusa is present everywhere, yet side by side He travels on and on throughout this entire cosmos. Thus He is Aja'na' Pathik.

Overall the name Aja'na' Pathik has one special and unique meaning that goes far beyond its literal translation. And in our hearts we A'nanda Ma'rgiis know and feel that Baba is that Aja'na' Pathik. Indeed in His discourses, in Dharma Samiiksa, and in reporting, in DMC, and in numerous ways Baba has shown this very fact that He is ever-present and always along with us. He is always moving and wherever we go then He will also be there. Parama Purusa has infinite attributions and one of them is this special quality where He always remains along with us wherever we are in this vast universe. In this way He is known as - Aja'na' Pathik. In true sense, as the omnipresent Entity, He does not go anywhere because He is everywhere; but in a more literal manner He goes from place to place.

Those who use ‘Unknown Traveler’ or ‘Unknown Tourist’ in place of Aja'na' Pathik are naive and ignorant.

== Section: Hindi Quote ==

Sadhana is the only remedy of monotony

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “एक ही घटना से, एक ही भावना से, एक ही तरह की चर्चा तथा ज़िक्र से monotony आ जाती है | जिनमें आध्यात्मिक साधना नहीं है, बुढ़ापे में वे कहते हैं—"अब मरना ही अच्छा है |"  जिनमें आध्यात्मिक साधना नहीं है, कम उम्र में भी मन पर अधिक चोट लगने से अथवा चोट लगने की शङ्का रहने से मनुष्य ख़ुदकुशी कर बैठते हैं, आत्महत्या तक कर देते हैं | क्यों जी ? न, higher pursuits नहीं है | मन में monotony आ जाती है | Applied psychology में मैं ऐसा ही कहूँगा |

तो, इस monotony से बचने का उपाय क्या है ? न, मन को एक ऐसा object चाहिए, mind के objective counterpart में एक ऐसा विषय चाहिए जो कि अनन्त हो | अर्थात्‌ जिसके contact में आने से मनुष्य के मन में कभी भी किसी भी हालत में monotony नहीं आएगी---हमेशा नया, नवीन, नवीनतर, नवीनतम | परमपुरुष एक ऐसी सत्ता हैं, जो हमेशा नूतन हैं, हमेशा नवीन हैं | इसलिए life की monotony से बचने के लिए आध्यात्मिक साधना हर इनसान के लिए फ़र्ज़ है | रुहानी तरक़्क़ी के लिए तो फ़र्ज़ अवश्य ही है; Life की monotony से बचने के लिए भी यह फ़र्ज़ है |

तो, dharma is a cult of individual life. Dharma is a must for individual life | धर्म नहीं रहने से मनुष्य धीरे-धीरे क्या हो जाएगा ? न, पशु के स्तर में चले जाएँगे | जब मनुष्य देखेंगे कि मानविक जीवन में monotony आ गई, तो हो सकता है ख़ुदकुशी कर बैठें | अथवा, इतना गिर जाएँ कि पशु के स्तर तक पहुँच जाएँ, ईंट-काठ-पत्थर भी बन जाएँ | तो, मनुष्य को अधोगति से बचाने के लिए भी धर्म एक फ़र्ज़ है |” (1)

(1) Subhasita Samgraha 15-02 (H) “त्रिस्तरीय मुक्ति सोपान क्या ?”

== Section 3: Links ==

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This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Bored?
2. PS #4213: Baba has come 
3. Links