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Friday, July 28, 2023

Loud way + 3 more

Loud way


In our Ananda Marga sadhana system, certain practices are done out loud while others are done in a quiet manner. The first part of this letter addresses practices done out loud, and the second part examines practices done quietly.

~ Part I ~

When Ananda Margiis sing kiirtan loudly, that is not done because we feel that Parama Purusa is far away - i.e. up in the sky - heaven etc. We do not feel that He is far and that is not why we sing kiirtan loudly. We sing kiirtan loudly so other people can hear the glorious name of the Lord. That is why we sing kiirtan loudly: To propagate the Lord's glory to those around us.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Why does kiirtana have to be vocalized? The science behind it is that when you do kiirtana loudly your mind remains engaged. It cannot do anything else. At that time it is not possible to abuse someone or to have a worldly conversation. The mind is busy vocalizing, rather I will say that it is given over to the vocalization. The vocal cords are busy in that, the mind is employed in that thought, and the ears are hearing it, they don’t have any chance to go here and there. For this reason the rule of vocalizing kiirtana loudly makes it both heard and sung. Kiirtan is not done softly." (1)

Kiirtana is more beneficial than bhajana

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "The easiest way to do this is to sing the glories of the Supreme Entity whose very thought automatically elevates the mind. Chanting the name of Parama Puruśa aloud is called kiirtana; For, the vibration created in the atmosphere by kiirtana will influence others also. But if one’s mental ideation is conveyed only to Parama Puruśa without affecting other human beings, this is called bhajana. So bhajana is purely personal; it has no collective aspect. Kiirtana is more beneficial than bhajana, and hence it is said kiirtaniiyah sadá harih: whenever you find time, do kiirtana loudly and you will never become degenerated because by chanting the Lord’s holy name the mind remains elevated." (2)

In Ananda Marga, we sing kiirtan loudly so that others may hear - and be benefitted. We do not sing loudly to Him because we think He is in a distant world. Thus our reason for singing kiirtan loudly is only so that this kiirtana mantra will also reach the ears of others.

~ Part II ~

In this part, Baba is describing various approaches that are done quietly like japa, dhyana, iishvara pranidhana, and other lessons and practices.

Reciting prayers in loud voice is meaningless

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Those who call out loud to attain Him wrongly believe that He is far away from them. However loudly they might call, their call will never reach Him. To call that Supreme Entity the mind must be introverted with proper ideation. The scriptures describe three types of incantation: vácanik (verbal repetition), upáḿshu (muttering repetition), mánasik (mental repetition). Verbal repetition means to call Parama Puruśa loudly on the supposition that He is far, far away. In muttering repetition there is a slight movement of the lips causing the incantation to be audible to oneself only. In the third category of incantation it is the mind which utters and listens to the incantation; no one even gets the least hint that you are engaged in iishvara prańidhána ." (3)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Perhaps you know that japa is of three kinds – vácanika, upáḿshu, and mánasika. Vácanika japa, the attempt to attract His attention by reciting prayers in a loud voice, is absolutely meaningless. Respect, affection, sincerity and devotion are attributes of the inner heart and are not to be expressed loudly in the language of flatterers. Vácanika japa, therefore, serves no purpose." (4)

Your Iishvara is not deaf

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Those who don't have this feeling and think that Parama Puruśa is far away, may cry themselves hoarse, yet their sobs will not be heard by Him. The actual truth is that the Supreme Entity lies covert in the small “I” feeling of all living creatures. So He is not far from anything; rather, He is the very “I” of each and every microcosm. With this idea or feeling in mind, spiritual  aspirants should start their spiritual practice. To be ensconced in this supreme idea is the culminating point of all sadhana." (5)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Iishvara prańidhána means to move with accelerated speed towards that Supreme Shelter, God. Therefore, Iishvara prańidhána is absolutely based on bháva, or ideation – it is a mental effort in its entirety. Shouting at the top of one's voice for a big crowd to assemble, or showing devotion by beating drums, etc., has got no place in it. Your Iishvara is not deaf. Don't shout to convey your mental feelings to Him." (6)

Mother & daughter

Some religious followers call or shout out loudly to reach God whom they think is up in heaven. They think that their God is far away so a booming voice is needed to reach Him. That is dogma.

It is just like if a mother and daughter are sitting near each other then they speak softly, and if they are very far apart physically, they will yell to convey their message to one another. Same is the case of those shouting to Parama Purusa in hopes of getting His favour or boons etc. Tragically, they do not feel He is near.

Every true bhakta has realised that they can communicate with Him silently in dhyana - or anytime. Because always Parama Purusa is present - He is aware of their every thought. We know and feel that He is within and that He hears our quietest whisper and even our mental communications.


(A) Kiirtana should be done loudly so others can hear. It should not be done mentally or in a whispering voice. The purpose of singing kiirtana is to raise the glory of Parama Purusa loudly so others may hear. 

(B) At the same time, since Parama Purusa is very close there is no need to call Him out loud to communicate your feelings. Sadhana and japa are done quietly. 

(C) While singing bhajans, bhaktas sing to the Lord with a soft voice to express for their own satisfaction. Parama Purusa can hear whatever the bhakta thinks, but the bhakta likes to sing in a soft voice.

So kiirtana should be done out loud; sadhana and japa should be done quietly; and bhajans should be sung in soft voice. 

In Him,
Shefali Roy

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 9, “Always Do the Kiirtana of the Lord”
2. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle
3. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 6, Microcosm and Macrocosm
4. A Guide to Human Conduct, Iishvara Prańidhána
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, He Is Even Nearer Than You Think
6. A Guide to Human Conduct, Iishvara Prańidhána

== Section: Bangla Quote ==

মুখ ৰুজে

“ভাল মানুষ সে নয় যে ৰসে-ৰসে মার খাচ্ছে, অপমান সহ্য করছে, বা শোষণের পর শোষণের পালা চলেছে | আর সে মুখ ৰুজে সেটাকে বিধিলিপি ৰলে মেনে নিচ্ছে | এ সমস্ত ভাল লোকের লক্ষণ নয় | ভাল লোকের লক্ষণ হ’ল যে অন্যায়ের বিরুদ্ধে সংগ্রাম করে, ন্যায়কে দৃঢ় হস্তে ধরে থাকে, দুর্ৰলকে রক্ষা করে, পাপীর বিরুদ্ধে সংগ্রাম করে---সেই ভাল | Goody-goody boys যারা, they are not good boys |” (1)

1. Transcribed ver.MGD 25 Aug 1980 Calcutta

== Section: Prout ==

What about universal spiritual family

Prout philosophy states, “Ánanda Parivára or establishing a universal spiritual family involves not only a World Government but also a Universal Government. More correctly it is a universal social order. The question is, how can such a Parivára be established? This will certainly come through revolution which may be democratic or undemocratic; or it may be a pyramidical, palace or nuclear revolution. Among all the types of revolution, nuclear revolution is the best. The nucleus of creation is Cosmic Consciousness. It is also the goal of revolutionaries, and whatever they do by way of revolution with this goal in mind leads them to the culminating point of their life’s march. Revolution must have an ideological goal. In essence, revolution means controlling all the three nuclei of the universe – physical, psychic and spiritual. It is possible to make people conscious of Proutistic ideas in a democracy. This consciousness will have a repercussion in elections. Even before elections are held this consciousness may launch a revolution to change the social order.”(1)

1. Talks on Prout

== Section 3: Links ==

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