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Friday, September 22, 2023

Cultural programs & cakras + 3 more

Cultural programs & cakras


When some attended DMS, in the past, they were very surprised to see the teenage girls dancing in programs at a religious function. It is unusual to have a young girl dance at a dharmic program. To understand this we have to look back at history. These days in the general society dance is usually associated with crude and lewd displays that excite the lower cakras. So people were very surprised to see this going on at dharmic gatherings. Their reaction and comments are very meaningful because in the general society mostly sensual things are done in the name of dance and drama.

Cultural programs: past & present

Thousands of years ago, Lord Shiva introduced music, dance, and dramas purely for spiritual occasions. That tradition continued for thousands of years, but recently in the last few hundred years it became terribly degenerated. When done in a proper way, song, dance, and drama will enhance the mind; but, if done in a tamasik manner it will degrade the mind. Ananda Marga philosophy is expansive and all-inclusive. That is why Baba has prescribed numerous avenues to goad the mind towards the Supreme Goal. And that comes within the field of aesthetic science. Our cultural programs are a part of aesthetic science.

According to Ananda Marga philosophy, the science of music should only be used for psycho-spiritual development, not any other reason. Otherwise, it is just a case of misuse. The problem is that professional artists from the general society are immersed in pseudo-culture and lewd dealings. And when they come onto the platform of AMPS, they carry their pseudo-culture baggage with them into our RAWA programs, sometimes. That is why in AMPS functions also, sometimes those watching the programs felt their lower cakras were getting stimulated. We should be watchful that such programs are condemned as they defeat the original purpose of RAWA programs. Such artists should be banned from performing on our AMPS stage. But that is not happening, and that is disgraceful.

Judge for yourself

You can watch and judge for yourself how far it is ok or not. And, at the end of the cultural program, if your mind became more spiritually inclined, then that was a good cultural program. And if the mind remained as is then it was a waste of time. And if the mind went down and the lower propensities were stimulated, then that was a toxic, harmful affair as you got degraded. In this way you can evaluate the calibre of the program. If many sincere margiis do this then this problem will be solved forever.

“Create a taste for spirituality”

At grand functions like VSS camp, ETC camp, DMS, retreats and other big occasions, cultural programs are always held. Unfortunately, sometimes these presentations have been called cultural programs when in reality they are not up to the proper standard. On this point, before calculating things by our own way, let's see what Sadguru Baba says:

"Your physico-psychic activities are architecture, literature, dance, music – they are all your physico-psychic movement. And this movement is from crude to subtle, starting from the cruder arena and moving towards the subtler arena. That’s why in Ananda Marga I encourage this physico-psychic movement: because it will help you in moving towards the subtler world, in moving towards the supreme spiritual goal...For physico-psychic movement, I encourage boys and girls to start work in the RAWA [Renaissance Artists’ and Writers’ Association] movement." (1)

According to Baba's above guideline when dance or music goads the mind to a sentient and spiritual outlook and the mind starts thinking about Parama Purusa, then that type of dance and song is called a cultural program. Whereas, if any dance, music, or song does not goad the mind toward divinity and instead goads the mind towards the lower cakras, i.e. carnal and worldly attractions or animal propensities, then that is not a cultural program. This is our standard according to Ananda Marga philosophy.

Cultural programs are for pleasing the Divine Entity

In many parts of the world, bhaktas sacrifice animals in front of their chosen idol / deity and think that Parama Purusa is pleased by their action. But Parama Purusa is not pleased by such heinous acts. Similarly, we must evaluate how far today's "cultural programs" are pleasing to Baba.

Before 1990, cultural programs at DMC were presented in a very sentient manner. The girls dancing in cultural programs were below puberty and the music was always well suited. So the mind was always goaded towards the higher cakras. Unfortunately, after 1990, similar thought and care were not always applied to the cultural programs. Due to alluring, provocative, and sensual displays, some of the post-1990 cultural programs have directed the mind towards the lower cakras. The onus is on us to have to critically evaluate whether our cultural programs are according to His strict standard.

Even then, certain so-called top Wt organisers of cultural programs are giving the logic that the programs since 1990 have all been in accordance with the appropriate standard. But such organisers are not being truthful with themselves. Remember, a cultural program means goading mind towards divinity, otherwise it is an exposé of pseudo-culture.

How idol worshipers fall prey to self-befoolery

In various occasions, we Ananda Margiis are called upon to arrange or attend cultural programs. So we should carefully evaluate whether such dance and music programs are up to the mark. Do they truly goad the mind toward the thought of the Supreme, or are they just a mundane show, or even worse do those so-called cultural programs degrade the mind. So we have to give an open and fair estimate.

We should not befool ourselves as idol worshipers dupe themselves and degenerate, ultimately turning to stone. Those followers think they are worshiping God, but because they are concentrating on a piece of stone their mind gets degenerated. In their heart of hearts no idol worshiper wants to become stone, but ultimately it happens. Similarly, no Ananda Margii wants to degenerate themselves by participating in some "cultural program". But degrading cultural programs will goad the mind in the wrong direction.

Your honesty and support are needed

Think about a recent cultural program at some organisational function. Or perhaps you may have seen or heard about a program at DMS in the post 1990-era wherein 14 - 25 year old girls and boys dance together. Then honestly ask yourself if seeing that dance - you can ask yourself, no need to tell anybody - goaded your mind towards Parama Purusa or somewhere else. If it was going somewhere else, then do not attend or support such programs. Otherwise, you are merely befooling yourself.

Not only that, even if your mind was ensconced in Parama Purusa by His grace, then even then you should come forward and join those who oppose such so-called cultural programs. Because over the years some have complained about these so-called cultural programs and how they do not goad the mind towards the Supreme but rather push the mind in the other direction. Many people are not elevated like you, so you should be sympathetic and support their cause.

Up to 1990, cultural programs were done regularly. But then the girls were below 8 years of age and all aspects of the program were very sentient. So the programs achieved the goal: The mind was led in a proper direction, not a negative one.

We should be honest with ourselves. We go to DMS not for carnal satiation or to satisfy our lower propensities, nor for all kinds of TV channel delights or Holly / Bollywood movie scenes. Going to a dharmic ceremony should entail strict adherence to a code of discipline and not any negative encouragement of the mind.

A few guidelines for our cultural programs

Here are a few guidelines to ensure our cultural programs at AMPS functions server the right purpose:

(a) Girls below puberty should dance for a co-ed audience, whereas those girls above puberty can dance to an all female audience.

(b) When any drama or dance occurs that requires boys and girls to dance together, then similar aged girls should play the role of boys. And they too should be below the age of puberty.

(c) Even then small girls should not wear revealing or Hollywood type of dress. The music also carries a vibration, positive or negative microvita. So we should be sure it is sentient.

(d) If the song or dance degrades the mind then the entire cultural program is a complete failure and a danger for society.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "If someone makes a sound like 'ra, ra, ra -- cha, cha, cha' or if someone sings, 'Follow my song! Let us sing and dance our way to hell', these are sound inferences, but they carry a very crude idea." (2)

(e) One thing we should never forget is that the purpose of such cultural programs is to elevate the mind of the entire audience toward the thought of the Supreme and drench the mind in bhakti. If any such program fails to do so it is not worth being called a cultural program; rather it should be called a pseudo-culture display.We should not let such scenes unfold in our own Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha cultural programs.


We are to ensure that all our cultural programs are done with the right idea in mind and goad the mind unto Him, Parama Purusa. That will be a culture program in the real sense of the term. Not only that, they help elevate our standard and invariably more people will be drawn to attend.

In Him,
Pramila’ Devii

We should be honest with ourselves. Baba is our greatest Self. He is our greater "I". We should not try and hide behind any hypocrisy. We should only support those cultural programs that goad the mind toward the higher cakras. And He knows if that is happening or not. He knows the truth. If you watch something that is degrading to the mind - and you know it is wrong - but you have a stake or personal interest in the program and you do not want to admit it is wrong, then you should be honest and not lie to yourself. Otherwise Baba will know as He sees and watches everything.

~ In-depth study ~

Giving a voice to the voiceless

This letter is not based on a single ETC or DMS or ERAWS or other such cultural programs. This is a general trend and this comment is related with all recent cultural programs. It is a wide-spread issue related with all cultural programs.

I have personally talked with so many margiis and wts and I am writing with their voice in mind. Because they are not in direct control of the program so they do not have a voice per se. So this is their voice - I am speaking on their behalf. That is why when such programs being held many sadhakas of the Marga do not like to participate. They wish to keep their mind pure.

RAWA programs and cultural programs can be held for all kinds of venues, not just huge occasions. They are also appropriate for any local or unit gatherings, functions or festivals etc.

Impressionable youths affected by artists

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The youth of a country are attracted to artists; it is therefore the duty of society and the state to monitor these artists’ ideals and character. Otherwise they may exert a harmful influence on young men and women who are the future hope of society. For this reason it is essential for artists to have impeccable conduct, a healthy lifestyle and strength of character. If those whom youths respect as ideal men and women possess an ideal character, the characters of those whom they influence will no doubt also be positively affected. In addition, ideal artists and actors who have a strong character will be able to express their artistic brilliance more sweetly and completely. Characterless, drunken or greedy artists will be considered liabilities by their fans and society.” (3)

Artists must goad the mind towards the Supreme

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The nature of art is such that in order to develop it subtle intellect and appreciation as well as deep sensitivity is required. Thus, during that time that artists do not devote to their artistic efforts, they often feel compelled to express their subtle intellect, appreciation and deep sensitivity in a demeaning way. Due to this psychological tendency, we generally find that artists whose singing, dancing, acting or other artistic achievements earn the unstinting praise of hundreds of spectators express their subtle artistic power in quite opposite ways in private life through the pursuit of material gratification. Thus we hear obscene language from devotional singers and observe a strong worldly attachment in detached spiritual aspirants. Those who are fanatically sanctimonious in their youth become immoral lechers in middle age. Actors are no exception. The only way to save oneself from this kind of psychological degradation is to keep one’s mind constantly engaged in the thought of the Great and to always look upon the world with sweet, benevolent sentiments. Artists and actors must never forget this even for a moment because they have a great responsibility to society and an immeasurable influence over it.” (4)

Debauched artists not allowed

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Unlike in the past, people today do not want to establish separate theatrical societies for artists because of immoral conduct. Actors are now a part of society and this will continue. This is necessary in the greater interest of society. Although actors are not fully accepted in Indian society today, in practice they are becoming or are in the process of becoming fully accepted. So under these circumstances strict vigilance should be kept over the purity of their individual conduct. They should not become the cause of a disease which invades the whole social body like a cancer. If actors and actresses fail to acquire a basic level of personal purity or are reluctant to acquire it, it will be the duty of society and the state to compel them to lead good lives by creating circumstantial pressure. No matter how talented they may be, immoral actors and actresses will have to be deprived of their right to exhibit their artistic talents, and sent to reform schools.” (5)

Importance of RAWA cultural programs

Ananda Marga ideology states, “You are not merely an animal: simply eating, drinking and sleeping is not everything for a human. A human has a subtler life, a more charming life, a more fascinating life, so your physical existence moves towards your psychic existence, and this movement is your [quest] for higher life, your [quest] for subtler life, that is, your physico-psychic movement, starting from the physical level and moving towards the psychic level. Your physico-psychic activities are architecture, literature, dance, music – they are all your physico-psychic movement. And this movement is from crude to subtle, starting from the cruder arena and moving towards the subtler arena. That’s why in Ananda Marga I encourage this physico-psychic movement: because it will help you in moving towards the subtler world, in moving towards the supreme spiritual goal...For physico-psychic movement, I encourage boys and girls to start work in the RAWA [Renaissance Artists’ and Writers’ Association] movement.” (6)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30, Human Expressions and Human Movements
2. Microvita in a Nutshell, Smell and Microvita – Excerpt C
3. Human Society - part 1, Various Occupations
4. Human Society - part 1, Various Occupations
5. Human Society - part 1, Various Occupations
6. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30, Human Expressions and Human Movements

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I will surely get Your blessing

"Ga'n geye ja'bo, shono na' shono tav iccha'..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2305)


O’ Parama Purusa, I will go on singing Your song and chanting Your glory. As per Your wish, You may listen to my songs, or not. But, with these tunes in the depths of my deep ideation, I will generate spiritual waves, by Your blessing, and go on serving You.

O’ Parama Purusa, by avoiding me, maybe You are thinking that I will not sing Your glory anymore and remain quiet. Or perhaps You are considering that out of frustration I will give up all hope of getting You, and I will leave my sadhana, japa, and kiirtana. Or that I will no longer engage in the supreme flow of those divine compositions and melodies, which is inundating the vast sky. And I will not utilize these melodious treasures in my practical life to get closer to You. Baba, with my deep yearning I am calling You again and again. But I am not getting Your response. Even then I will go on repeating my japa whether You pay heed or not. 

O’ my Parama Purusa Baba, with the skill of knowledge, wisdom, intellect, and worldly attributions, Your profundity cannot be measured. Nobody can realise You by their own merit. In repeating Your name and surrendering that very unit "I" which You have bestowed me, I will surely get You by Your blessing.  

Note for Prabhat Samgiita 

In the above song, the sadhaka has deep love and a strong yearning for Parama Purusa. So when Parama Purusa does not respond to his call in the way that he desires, the sadhaka makes one loving accusation towards Parama Purusa. 

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How to keep avidya maya away

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Sometimes it may happen that a man was a degenerated man. When he was a bad man, he was eating, drinking, and making merry, but as soon as he starts sádhaná, he is to face so many obstacles, so many hardships. He has become good, but be has to undergo so many troubles, so many problems. What is this? Why? Do you follow what I said? Why? The reason is that the pendulum moves. When it starts coming in the opposite side when its upward movement ends and the downward movement starts. The moment he becomes a good boy, becomes a sádhaka, the reaction of his bad actions starts.” (1)

Note: Avidya maya does not harass you for no reason at all. Avidya maya applies the arsenal from the collection of your previously accumulated negative samskaras, which have yet to be requited. Suppose you did some sin or wrongdoing in the past and never faced the reaction of that bad action. In that case, that samskara is still part of the arsenal of avidya maya. And you will have to face that reaction. But in spite of such retaliation if you continue doing your sadhana then avidya maya will walk away and will not bother you anymore due to your sincerity in sadhana.  

1. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 14, Action and Reaction

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Baba’s teaching about future became reality

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Human beings will definitely be able to increase human longevity by scientific techniques. In certain special cases they will even be able to restore life to dead bodies. The endeavour to expedite the advent of that auspicious day of science is certainly an important part of social service.”

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “One day human beings will also learn how to produce human babes in science laboratories. Perhaps then it will be possible for human beings to place an order for their children and to get children according to their choice. Why should these laboratory babes lag behind modern humans with respect to intellectual and spiritual wealth! Those opposed to science today challenge, “Let human beings demonstrate that they can produce living entities!” By producing laboratory babes, the human beings of the future will give a befitting reply to this challenge.”

“The development of intuition will make human beings more spiritually inclined. What Saguńa Brahma [the Qualified Supreme Entity] is directly doing today will be done increasingly by the human beings of tomorrow. In that age the reproductive capacity of the human body will gradually cease to exist.” (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #25, 1959

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