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Thursday, September 22, 2022

Collected Kaoravas also


Collected Kaoravas also 


Sometimes the question arises, “Why have our Central WT's, who were physically close to Baba, become degenerated?” Here we have to remember that Baba collected Kaoravas / Kauravas also 

Here is one way to think of it. In the military, all do not get medals of heroism. Some become deserters, and some get shot in the back and killed while running away. There are various grades. When Parama Purusa comes, He brings all kinds of people. Just like how Lord Krsna brought Duryodhana, Karna, Bhisma, and Dhritarashtra. They were all brought to teach us that society is a mixed bag. Yet those who follow dharma become victorious. That is the key teaching.

It is obvious that those who fell were not in vashiikára - highest phase of the spiritual path. And, unfortunately, nowadays those fallen souls are in control of our AMPS. And they are making such a mess that it looks as though all have fallen in the mud. But that is not the case; veritably, there are many good people in our AMPS.

The central idea is that if you are walking on a plain field and you fall, nothing will happen. Simply dust yourself off, and you can start walking again. But the higher up you climb on a mountain, the distance of falling is greater, and thus the danger is increased. In that circumstance, even a small mistake will invite serious injury. And to whatever degree this happens in the mundane sphere, it happens even more so in the spiritual sphere. That's why for jinaniis, the path of spirituality is like a razor's edge. But for bhaktas, it is a completely different case. They have full faith and surrender to Parama Purusa, and thus it is the duty of Parama Purusa to save them at any cost. So when those bhaktas make a mistake and fall from the cliff, then Parama Purusa is there to hold them and put them on the path again. In Ananda Marga, all the three avenues exist-- jinana, karma, and bhakti. Most Wts are karmiis; that's why this chaos has come to be.

Physical closeness is meaningless

Mostly Wts were close to Baba physically, but not spiritually. Such a mentality has been nicely described in one Prabhat Samgiita composition. The sense of that song is that many are physically close to Parama Purusa, but they are far, far away from Him mentally. In contrast, some bhaktas may not be physically close, but they are immersed in bhakti and deeply linked with Him. In spiritual life, physical closeness is meaningless; it has no bearing. No doubt, some may be physically close and also mentally close; such persons are very fortunate. But the operative factor is having an intimate psycho-spiritual link with Parama Purusa. Such bhaktas never get degenerated, by His grace.

In Him,

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Age of spirituality has ascended
“Áshár pasará sahasá elo,álor túfán nikat́e elo...” (Prabhat Samgiita #3644)


The basket of hope came suddenly. Parama Purusa, the embodiment of divine refulgence, has taken advent. After ages of gloom and hopelessness, the cyclone of spiritual illumination has come near. The flood of His supreme blessing is immense, like a huge mountain covering the entire earth. The whole world is inundated with the overflow of His unfathomable love.

Today, even in remote corners, not even an iota of darkness has remained. Not even a tinge of stain is on anyone's mind. Everyone’s mental realm has become beautifully cleansed and purified by His cosmic affection. The Supreme Entity, the love personified Parama Purusa, with His infinite brilliance has taken advent. He has attracted the feelings of all, and satisfied their yearnings by the outpouring of love from His heart. Now their minds are ensconced in bhakti.

Some were bound and tied up in the deep, dark well or chasm of cimmerian darkness, while others had accumulated dogma the size of a mountain in their mind. Yet they were all blessed to open their eyes and look towards the eastern horizon, the rising sun of the dawn, and realise that the era of animality is over and the age of spirituality has ascended. Their dogma and staticity vanished away with the rise of the new day. All are now basking in His magnificent kindness. Each person has been auspiciously granted the opportunity to look toward that exquisite radiance. It has all happened due to Sadguru Baba’s mercy.

Baba, the Parama Purusa, with His unparalleled luminescence has come and showered His unending compassion and graced the entire humanity…

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