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Sunday, April 17, 2022

Cause of beauty + 2 more


Cause of beauty


Here we examine the science behind how and why a person finds beauty in the world.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Suppose I see something. The vibration radiating from that object produces a sympathetic vibration in the mind. I begin to feel that I should assimilate that vibration, that I should accept it as my own. This is what is known as attraction." (1)

Every expressed object in the vast universe emanates its own unique vibration. Every jewel, stone, cloud, and every river has a particular vibration. Accordingly one feels attracted toward that object. People are attracted to something to the degree to which that object satisfies, satiates, and fulfills their heart’s desire. That is the extent to which they will call that thing beautiful. This is the universal formula. At the same time, it is highly individualized. Different people find beauty in different places.

Real life incidents

Let’s take a few examples:

(a) A handsome movie star can fall madly in love with an ugly lady and marry her. The entire world might be in shock how this happened. But for the movie star, he is completely enthralled with that ugly woman. For him, she is the essence of true beauty. 

(b) The mother of an autistic child thinks that her cross-eyed son who always has saliva dripping from his mouth is the most beautiful child in the world. Others are completely repulsed by the looks of that boy, but for the mother her son is stunningly beautiful.

Likewise, every survivor feels that the person who rescued him is most beautiful, and every child thinks that its mother is most beautiful. Finding beauty in the world is a personalised endeavour. 

In this way, the vibration of the wavelengths from a particular object has a strong capacity to attract someone - or repel them. That means not every vibration is soothing to every person. Not all objects create a sympathetic vibration in a person’s mind. It depends on the object as well as that person’s inborn samskaras and mental structure.

Nothing worldly is eternally beautiful 

Side by side, people also lose their attraction for particular mundane objects. An object no longer appears to be beautiful when it fails to give that deep satiation in their heart. In that moment, when an object loses its appeal, one begins to feel that that object is unattractive or ugly. With that change of feeling and loss of attraction, marriages end, people get rid of their belongings, or an individual moves from one dwelling to another. When people lose their attraction for a given expression they search elsewhere to find that beauty that will satisfy their heart.

However, no worldly expression has the capacity to exude unending beauty for time immemorial. Ultimately, at some point that object will fail to satiate a person’s heart. In that moment, the individual will begin to feel disenchanted and even repulsed by that object. It happens with everything of this mundane, ephemeral world.

Physical appearance can have the opposite effect as well. For instance, suppose there is a neighbor and due to their outward appearance you have no desire to go close and interact with them. But then you are forced into a conversation with them and you find that their personality is quite sweet and charming. In that case, your feeling and perception of that individual will change. You will no longer think that they are ugly, rather you will consider them to be charming and you will desire to remain in their company.

So one's physical appearance has no bearing on the real beauty or charm of a given person. But again, regardless of any individual's degree of beauty, that is limited and temporary. No created being can exude unending and ever-increasing charm.

How and when "beautiful" things become ugly

From a distance, initially people may think that something is very, very beautiful. But as they get closer or over time, they ultimately find that they no longer get that deep satiation from that object which they were initially feeling. Driving that same motorbike every Sunday begins to lose its appeal, until finally one day the owner is no longer attracted to that motorcycle, and he sells it. Likewise, one day the spouse of one's dreams no longer seems so attractive to them. And when this occurs, they go to court with divorce papers in hand. 

So it is not uncommon. People often lose their attraction for the person that they were once in love with, or felt attracted towards. Suppose a person sees someone from afar and thinks that person is "the most astoundingly beautiful person I have ever seen." For them, that person is the personification of beauty and charm. They are so attracted by their physical beauty. But when they interact with that person and they find out that they are unkind, mean, arrogant or abusive, and they have a bad experience with them, then in their mind all that beauty and charm vanishes. Such is the temporary nature of physical beauty and attraction. If one gets abused by that person physically or emotionally etc, then that physical form is no longer beautiful in their eyes.


Beauty is a psychic phenomenon. If the person or object creates a sympathetic vibration in your mind, then that is what you will think is beautiful. That is how the law of attraction works. 

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Bhaktas also attract others to path of blessedness

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "All the entities of this universe are mutually attracting all other entities. But Parama Puruśa is attracting all entities by dint of His love for all, by dint of His personal relationship with all. So Parama Puruśa alone is the presiding Entity of mohana vijiṋána, and not any other entity. When jiivas feel this attraction in the heart of their hearts, they think it is an excellent idea to draw all human beings to His charming sweetness by their loving hearts, and then guide them along the path of supreme beatitude, the path of all-round perfection, just as Parama Puruśa attracts all by the radiance of His unbounded love and affection. So those who love the Supreme, those who are genuine devotees of Parama Puruśa, are bound to love all and attract them to the path of supreme blessedness." (2)

Merging into Parama Purusa

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The feeling that is at work behind aesthetic science is nothing but pleasure. But what is behind this pleasure? I like this flower. I take delight in a particular arrangement. I feel amused with a special style of speaking. This is how dramas came into being and how human beings invented recitation. When this pleasure fills my mind, “I” becomes the subject or possessive case, and that which enthralls me becomes the objective case. When such a state of affairs continues, a stage is reached when that Entity feels that “I” am dear to him. Thus the reverse occurs. If this stage continues over a considerable length of time, one loses oneself.” (3)

Losing oneself to the very source of joy, is known as mohana vijiṋána

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “As long as I enjoy, my unit existence persists. As I exist, I can enjoy, and when I lose myself, when “I” becomes dear to that Entity, when “I” becomes the source of joy to that Entity, a stage is finally reached when my unit existence is completely lost in that Entity. The losing of oneself, the state of being lost or as a matter of fact, the beginning of the process of losing oneself to the very source of joy, is known as mohana vijiṋána, or the science of supra-aesthetics. And the Entity to whom we lose ourselves is Mohana, or the embodiment of enchantment. Parama Puruśa is Mohana as He enchants one and all. Had not Parama Puruśa enchanted the world, no one would have wanted to live here." (4)

Some people are attracted to notoriously despotic rulers. This can be highly befuddling to outside observers. But for those followers it is completely natural. Even though their chosen dictator commits untold sins against humanity, those followers are completely enthralled with that ruler. Because they find the vibration of that despot very appealing. And that attraction overpowers all logic. So beauty just depends upon on how far that person or that object satiates their heart. Likewise some are attracted to cigarettes. Others are baffled why anyone would find beauty in cigarettes. But those users enjoy the smell and sensation of those nicotine products. For them cigarettes are something beautiful.

1. Namámi Krśńa Sundaram, Disc: 25, 'Aesthetic Science'
2. Namámi Krśńa Sundaram, Disc: 27
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 10, Aesthetic Science and Saḿgiita
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 10, Aesthetic Science and Saḿgiita

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Your august presence

"A'lo jhariye madhu ks'ariye a'ndha'r sa'riye tumi esecho..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1233)


My Parama Purusa, You have come, showering refulgence, exuding nectar, and wiping away all darkness. You have arrived - making the flowers blossom and spreading happiness and bliss. By Your august presence, my hopes and longings have been fulfilled. WIth Your supreme manifestation, everything has changed.

Baba, in the anticipation of Your advent, living beings were waiting with deep yearning and melancholic longing in their heart. In the hope of Your arrival, they patiently began watching for Your coming - constantly looking towards Your path. The painful longing of bhaktas resonated in Your heart and You could no longer remain distant. You have come pouring the basket of prema - satisfying everyone's soul. The sleeping humanity has gotten new life by Your krpa’.

Parama Purusa Baba, that river which dried up and evaporated in the desert of materialism, and that spiritual song which was lost in the oblivion, You have mercifully  brought the current of that river and the tune of those songs along with You.

Baba, with Your auspicious blessing, You have inundated hearts with the nectar of bhakti. This is Your causeless grace...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #1233:

[1] The inner idea is that when Parama Purusa comes and inundates the heart with deep bhakti, then all those feelings of love, which had dried up, start to blossom. In the above song, the river signifies the flow of bhakti and the song and melody refers to that subtler expression of inner spiritual feeling.

== Section: Comment ==

Re: Cataracts, bathing, & sun

Namaskar and thanks for another great post.

I would like to add something here from my research about the Bath Mantra and facing the Sun...

What i have come to understand is that the water beads on over the body will refract the light into the colors of the rainbow.
Combining Physics with Physiology, research is beginning to understand the healing benefits of colors... 

Blue light can stimulate nerve cels, other colors may enhance cellular processes, enzyme production, immune activation.. What is also interesting, i would have to find the reference on this one,  Is that the red spectrum has a wave length that could be in resonance with the DNA double helix.(red light = 620–750 nm).  DNA double helix size is 46-50 nm in solution - not in vivo.  Even though not the same size,some suggest that it could be some kind of a fractal.  

Researchers are suggesting that DNA helix is more than a protein synthesis blueprint.  Rather that bound DNA in chromosome form may actually be a light storing and light emitting organelle.   The descriptions in literature discuss the idea that coherent light is used by the chromosomes to communicate with distant portions of the body. In health the light emitted is coherent, when unhealthy the light is not coherent, that is, not well organized.   Using laser therapy (or sun light refracted) we put back into the body this coherent light to help the body/chromasomes to reorganize themselves and promote healing...

i use this color (red) light and also infra red light in my practice with excellent results in many cases - by His grace.

So when we face a natural light source and perform the bath mantra we are infusing our body with this star energy and the full spectrum of visual colors - and the non visible wave lengths - providing profound healing potential. Baba was so far ahead of the science in so many areas it is difficult to fathom. 

in Him.
Mukunda - Seattle region

- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: Cataracts, bathing & sun