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Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Only solution of Israel-Hamas war + 3 more


Only solution of Israel-Hamas war

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.

Here we must remember that Baba guides us that open and healthy debate is welcomed on points of philosophy. Some may wrongly think that we are not permitted to point out any religion etc. However, Baba's guideline is that we must not mock their beliefs, but on points of philosophy, open and respectful debate is needed.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Different views can be compared and presented in philosophical books. The philosophical and psychological loopholes in an argument may be pointed out without being disrespectful." (1)


Nowadays, there are so many communal and religious clashes all over the globe. And steps are continually being taken by various governments and diplomats in hopes of ending these conflicts. Perhaps no better example of this is the ongoing battle between Israel and Palestine and the events unfolding in Gaza. Over the past years and decades, many have tried to intervene, but to no avail.

Both the Jews and the Muslims feel that Israel is their religious holy land. In that situation what can be done to resolve the matter. Some have proposed peace treaties and accords, others have argued for a single or two-state solution, and various theories and platforms have been presented. But to date, nothing has worked. The conflict rolls onward, waxing and waning through periods of modest unrest to full blown invasions.

When Jews & Arabs become tired

According to Prout, the only way to permanently resolve this clash over Israel is when both the Jews and the Muslims in that region give up their religious dogma and adopt the tenets of neo-humanism. When everyone in the region views one and all as children of the same Cosmic Entity, they will become true human beings, i.e. neo-humanists. And there will be sentient peace in the region.

Hearing this, some may be skeptical that this can ever occur. They may think that the situation is utterly hopeless, and reason that the region will not suddenly adopt neo-humanism. And that is true. But there is one other factor at play.

Ultimately, humans become tired of war. We saw this in India with the constant feuding between the various kingdoms. And we saw this after the World Wars in Europe. In both cases, the people became battle weary, and, little by little, they began to work and live together in a more cordial manner. And this same process will unfold in the Middle East as well. Step by step, the Jews and the Arabs will tire of all the bloodshed, and they will be forced to live together under the pressure of circumstance. Over the course of time, from one generation to the next, they will engage with one another more and more. And their ties to their own religious dogma will wane - as we see happening now wherever materialism is in vogue. When they no longer identify with any particular religion there will be great scope for the mass propagation of neo-humanism.

As Ananda Margiis, it does not mean that we can now sit back and wait till that glorious day. Rather, we should always be vigilant to preach the gospel of neo-humanism and Prout. The groundwork should be set otherwise the opportunity will be entirely lost. The more pracara is done, the more inroads will be made into those communities.

Blueprint for peace

Verily, this is the blueprint for peace between any warring parties, not just Israel and Palestine. In order for there to be peace, both parties will have to give up their dogma and embrace the universal approach of neo-humanism. And this occurs over a continuum. Some followers of Judaism and Islam may quickly be attracted to Proutistic ideals, while for others it may take more time and struggle. But one thing is sure, until they give up their religious dogma, there will never be a solution in sight. Their attacks, battles, bombings, and bloodshed will rage on, regardless of how many peace talks and diplomatic sessions are held. Only the adherence to neo-humanism can deliver a unified, peaceful society.

So there is a big job to do. As Ananda Margiis, our first and foremost endeavour is to keep Guru’s teachings intact. And then we have to embody and propagate His divine  ideals. And verily with His very advent as the Taraka Brahma, already Sadguru Baba has set the winds in motion for this grand change to occur. Remember, peace and unity cannot be achieved so long as both parties adhere to their religious codes. Ultimately, they will have to come under the banner of neo-humanism. There is no other way.

Judaism, Christianity, Islam: One SC holy place

From Wikipedia: “The Temple Mount (Hebrew: הַר הַבַּיִת‎‎, Har HaBáyit, "Mount of the House [of God, i.e. the Temple]"), known to Muslims as the Haram esh-Sharif (Arabic: الحرم الشريف‎‎, al-Ḥaram al-Šarīf, "the Noble Sanctuary", or الحرم القدسي الشريف, al-Ḥaram al-Qudsī al-Šarīf, "the Noble Sanctuary of Jerusalem"), a hill located in the Old City of Jerusalem, is one of the most important religious sites in the world. It has been venerated as a holy site for thousands of years by Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.” (Courtesy of Wikipedia)

So the question is: When will this ongoing rift over Israel be resolved. According to Prout, the answer is never - i.e. so long as Jews identify as Jews and Muslims identify as Muslims, there will never be a solution. So long as they both blindly hold on to their religious beliefs and feel that theirs is the word of God, there will be no answer to their discord and religious quarrel.

All Americans would have to be removed

Regarding Israel, Baba has given that the land originally belonged to the Jews. That is an historical fact according to Ananda Marga teachings. 

Prout philosophy says, "The case of the Jews who expanded into Palestine is similar. Palestine originally belonged to the Jews and the Arabs drove them out." (2)

At the same time, the Muslims think that it is their land and that the Jews only captured it after World War II. And there is some credence to this as well. But the Jews feel it is their ancestral property and the Palestinians have no right to be there. All in all, both parties are blindly attached with their religion.

Although from an historical perspective, Israel is the land of the Jews, but the situation is more complex than that. Because if you say that the Jews should get 100% of the land due to the fact that they were the inhabitants several centuries ago, then the same theory can be applied to numerous other lands. All Americans would have to be removed from the USA and only native people could stay; plus the upper caste of India would have to be fully removed since they were intruders long back. And similar things would happen in Australia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, white Mexicans from Mexico, Sri Lanka, white Brazilians, white Canadians, Filipino mestiz from the Philippines, and numerous other countries. So giving Israel exclusively to the Jews is not necessarily the solution.

In Him,
(Marcus Shapiro)

~ In-depth study ~

Who is a fake Jew, fake Muslim, & fake Christian

In this letter, the terms Muslims, Jews, and Christians have been used to denote those who follow their respective religions very strictly. Those who do not follow their religions in a strict manner are fake, according to their scriptures. To understand this more clearly please consider the following:
  • Some people say that, “My Christian friend loves all human beings.” But that person who loves all human beings is a fake Christian because they are not following their religious scripture, i.e. the Bible.
  • Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Almost every religion has claimed that only its followers are God’’s chosen people and that the rest of humanity is cursed and bound by the chains of Satan. One religion has declared, “”Our prophet is the only saviour. There is no escape from mundane sufferings except by taking refuge in him.”” Another religion has declared, ““I am the last prophet.” Or, prayers must be said before God a specific number of times in a certain manner each day. Or, special animals must be sacrificed on particular days. These are the wishes of merciful God. Those who follow these injunctions will attain heaven on the Day of Judgement.” Yet another religion says, “”Know ye, my son, thy God is the only God.” All other gods are false gods.” Just imagine, all these religions preach universal fraternity, and yet this universal fraternity is kept within the confines of their own community. Humanity gasps for breath at such preposterous claims of universal fraternity.” (3)
  • If someone says, “I know many Muslims who are vegetarian”, but according to their religious scripture, the Quran, those are fake Muslims.
  • If someone says, “I know many Muslims who love all human beings”. In response you can say, “According to their religious scripture, the Quran, those are fake Muslims.”
  • If someone says, “My Jewish friend drives their car on Saturdays”, then that person is a fake Jew according to Jewish scripture, The Torah.
  • If the Muslim living around the corner dances and sings, then according to Islamic scripture that person is a fake Muslim.
  • If Mr So and So communist is a devout theist, then according to the Communist Manifesto he is a fake communist.
  • Or if someone says that, “My Muslim friend is very kind to non-Muslims”, but according to the Quran that person is not a true Muslim.
  • If a Christian does not go to church on Sunday and instead does meditation on the Supreme Consciousness then they are fake according to the Bible.
  • If a margii smokes and eats meat then according to Ananda Marga philosophy that is a fake Ananda Margii.
  • If someone proclaims, “I am Muslim and I am a vegetarian” then the answer is that according to Islamic law you are not a true Muslim.

Strict believers: IRA terrorists & Muslim jihadis

With this clear understanding please read this following section about strict Muslims, Jews, and Christians etc.

Remember those who are ordinary believers sometimes become more dangerous. When their clerics or priests teach and remind them of the importance of submission towards their so-called holy scripture, those non-believers fully engage and try to become strict. They start following those so-called scriptures in a very rigid manner. They become absolutely brutal. That is what happened with those suicide bombers - i.e. IRA terrorists in Ireland and Muslim jihadis. The problem is when the scripture itself is ghastly then it can be used to goad strict followers to commit heinous crimes against humanity. That scripture should be wholly condemned by logic, reasoning, and open discussion. Then people will realise that the Quran, Bible, Torah or Puranas are fake and harmful. Those scriptures are not helpful in uniting human society, rather they are filled with all kinds of poisons.

True Jew killed Prime Minister of Israel

If we do not expose the inherent defects of those faulty scriptures, then teenage Muslim boys and girls will read the Quran and engage in terrorist activities as the Quran condones that approach. Or teenage Christians will read the Bible and stone someone to death for leading a promiscuous life.

Another key part of the conversation is this. Some naive people think that those Islamic terrorists are radicals and not Muslims. But the reality is that those terrorists are the true Muslims as they strictly follow the word of the Quran. Similarly, the Jew who killed Prime Minister Rabin of Israel was a very strict Jew. Their scripture says to kill heretics and he did. And those Christians involved in the Rwanda genocide and the Crusades were true Christians, according to the Bible. 

The conclusion is that those defective scriptures should be condemned in a very psychological and convincing manner. People should know that that those scriptures are harmful and against humanity. One should be very careful to ensure that critiquing religious dogmas is done in a very respectful and dignified manner. A band-aid will not solve this serious problem that is plaguing the world. Rather in a very respectful manner we have to unmask the flawed disastrous writings of those faulty scriptures.

Religions can never bring unity

Ananda Marga philosophy states:

“Q. How far is the unification of all religions possible?”
“Ans.: – To seek infinite bliss is the only dharma of humanity. Humanity has but one dharma. Thus, the question of the unification of religions does not arise. The apparent dissimilarity between various religions arising due to differences in their ritualistic practices is not a spiritual difference. Whenever rituals dominate and efforts to attain bliss are feeble, whatever that may be, it is not spirituality.” (4)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Human unity is purely an ideological unity, which means unity in the psychic sphere. Where there is psychic unity, physical unity will also occur. In the realm of unity, unity is always psychic – ideological unity means unity in the subtlest level of the mind. However, psychic or ideological unity may be affected if we encourage the exploitation of one group by another. So to avoid this there should not be any scope for exploitation [groupism] in society." (5)

1. Human Society - 1, Moralism
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout, Unity & Synthesis
3. Human Society - 1, Moralism
4. Tattva Kaomudii - 1, Some Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy – Excerpt B
5. Prout in a Nutshell - 3, 'Talks on Prout'

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why maximum four times

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “There are many people who are otherwise good but have no control over the food they eat. It is very important that whatever one gets should not be taken indiscriminately; rather, there should be control over food, and at the same time it should be nutritious.” (1)

Note: All the rules given in Ananda Marga teachings are rational and scientific. They are firmly grounded in logic and the spirit of welfare. With regards to the above conduct rule, people have a strong inclination or weakness for food. For instance, even if a person has just taken a full belly of food, but if they see something that entices them then they will eat it. But eating food in an untimely way - i.e. when one is not hungry - ruins one’s digestion and eventually leads to numerous diseases. To help and protect our Wts from such weakness, Baba has given the rule that they may eat only four times in any 24-hour period. By this rule, Baba is ensuring that there will be a sufficient gap in between meals. That helps in digestion and keeps the system strong. So that is why our Wts are only allowed to eat four times per day.

Then there is the matter of only eating four items in a given meal. Here again this rule was given for the welfare of our Wts. In some placed huge feasts are commonplace where 50 - 100 food items are available at a single sitting. And in the temples, the Lord must be fed 56 items of fresh food at every meal. The point is that in the religious traditions, feasting is front and center. But that leads to health issues and one’s premature demise. Combining different types of food is harmful to the body as some foods get digested by alkaline juices and other items by acid. If one eats a huge variety of food at one meal then one is far more likely to combine foods that are not complementary to one another, thereby causing serious problems for the stomach. By restricting the number of foods and following this simple rule, that pitfall is essentially avoided.

So all the rules and teachings are for our overall well-being and progress.

The more family people adhere to the rules given for Wts - such as fasting four times per month, or restricting one’s food intake in the above ways, the more they will be benefited.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, The Seven Secrets of Success

== Section 3: Links ==