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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Way to be perpetually inspired + 3 more

Way to be perpetually inspired


The basic formula is that if you love someone then you do not feel frustrated, bothered, or tired when serving them. It is just like how a mother has endless patience and energy to care for her own child. But that same mother may feel exasperated, depressed, and depleted if she has to take care of others’ children whom she does not have love and affection for. The key point is that love is needed then you naturally want to help and please that person. That is the basic function and characteristic of worldly life.

Spiritual inspiration

Similar is the case in spiritual life with bhaktas and Parama Purusa. They think that everything is the creation of Parama Purusa, and Parama Purusa wants His creation to be served. So when bhaktas engage in service they think they are pleasing Parama Purusa. Because they are fulfilling His desire that His creation should be served. In this equation, the bhakta’s mind is keenly linked with Parama Purusa so that bhakta derives perennial energy and does not get tired.

In the case of worldly life, a person gets some energy, but eventually that individual invariably gets tired and fatigued as well. Even new mothers become fatigued and exhausted. The same is at stake with married couples. If they really care about each other, one will be able to serve their spouse to some degree, but at some point they will grow weary.

Here is the overall formula:
(a) If there is a lack of love then when trying to help that person one will get tired immediately.
(b) In worldly attraction if someone wants to please their loved one then they will have some energy to expend before getting tired.
(c) In spiritual life if a bhakta wishes to serve the Supreme Entity then that sadhaka never gets tired, rather they will derive perennial energy from the Eternal Source, by His grace.

Conclusion: Why non-bhaktas get frustrated & tired

Non-bhaktas lust after sensual pleasures and ephemeral desires. Their minds are not ensconced in any type of spiritual flow or ideological engagement. Rather, they do each and every activity for their ego satisfaction (i.e. name, fame, fleeting glory, prestige etc) and the satiation of their vrttis (lust, greed, indulgence). Those external activities are draining for them. They are not self-sustaining endeavours. Only a bhakta's life is propelled forward by the essence of their own activities.

The proof being that in difficult conditions those non-bhaktas get tired and fatigued etc. Those worldly pursuits become unbearable and overwhelming for them. They suffer in all kinds of ways: psychic tension, obesity, disease, worries, depression, fear, divorce, etc. They cannot maintain their flow; their approach is not self-propelling. They become fatigued because whatever they do is done to satisfy their own petty ego. That is why they get tired. They do not have any greater ideal. So they are not getting perennial inspiration from the Supreme Entity. Their pursuits are extraneous and become exhausting and deflating. Those engagements give them terrible tension in life. So if anyone is frustrated in this way we should conclude that he is not a bhakta.

Bhaktas think that everything is the creation of Parama Purusa and Parama Purusa wants His creation to be served. So when bhaktas engage in service they think they are pleasing Parama Purusa. Because they are fulfilling His desire that His creation should be served. In this equation, the bhakta’s mind is keenly linked with Parama Purusa so the bhakta derives perennial energy and does not get tired.

In Him,
Trikal Darshii

~ In-depth study ~

Bhakti propels one closer to the Goal

On the path of bhakti, that bhakti becomes the life of the bhakta. Sadguru Baba guides us that one gets their vital energy from that bhakti - by serving the society, by singing kiirtan, and by doing dhyana. For bhaktas, these pursuits are energizing; it brings bliss; and it is their natural way of living.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "You know, jina'na is a practice. Karma is also a practice. But bhakti is not a practice, it is a principle. It is something quite natural, and naturally associated with your life. So, when one becomes a [bhakta], one becomes natural in one's mode of life." (1)

Jinanis and karmiis involve in intellectual pursuits and mundane works for their own ego satisfaction. That is how they boost themselves up. But invariably, their inflated ego bursts and they come crashing down. Bhakti works in an entirely different sphere. It is not something external. A bhakta's spiritual practices propel them closer to the Cosmic Entity, by His grace. That inner flow is the essence of who they are. Such persons are true bhaktas.

Progression onto the path of bhakti

For those general people who have not yet tasted the sweetness of bhakti, step-by-step we should bring them onto the path first by helping them to do jinana yoga and karma yoga. And by doing a little jinana yoga and karma yoga, then they will begin to internally feel the force of bhakti as they incorporate different spiritual practices - like sadhana and kiirtan into their life.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "And what about karma yoga and jina'na yoga? They are the necessary preparatory phases for bhakti. You have to practise karma yoga and jina'na yoga. Through that practice you will ultimately be established in bhakti." (2)

It is not that sometimes bhaktas do jinana and karma. This is never the case. Because the works jinanis and karmiis do is for their own unit prestige and ego etc. That is why they suffer from vanity, and that is why mostly their lives are filled with frustration. Because they are principally involved in their own little ego. Whereas bhaktas are never on the path of jinana or karma. When they engage in action then that is also part of their inner spiritual flow because what they are doing is done in service to Parama Purusa - to please Him. This special state of top bhakti is known as parabhakti.

Why the general society cannot understand

Baba's many discourses and beautiful explanations demonstrate how bhakti is such a unique force - an unparalleled force. It is the highest quality in life. In materialistic society, bhakti is neither recognised nor valued. People do not place emphasis on bhakti. Instead, it is viewed as a liability - as something that will hinder one's ability to do work in this world.

So, on the one side, Baba says bhakti is everything, and on the other side regular citizens think that bhakti is meaningless, and has no practical value. In order to understand the greatness of bhakti one has to first colour their mind in that flow of bhakti. Without that, one cannot grasp its beauty and inherent nature. From the outside one cannot know.

Just as a thirsty person cannot grasp the importance of water until they drink some; similarly dry, materialistic-minded people cannot ascertain the essential nature of bhakti until they taste that. That is why they remain blind to the fact that real bhakti is the greatest force in this universe and that with bhakti one gets everything.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "As soon as you are established in bhakti, everything will be yours; you will have nothing more to attain." (3)

Seed vessel of this topic

Here, in seed form, Baba explains the entire shloka that is the focal point of this topic.

Bhaktir Bhagavato seva', bhaktih prema svaru'pin'ii;
Bhaktira'nanda ru'pa' ca, bhakti bhaktasya jiivanam.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Bhakti means rendering service unto Parama Purus'a. It is of the nature of love and a'nandam, or bliss. It is verily the life-force of the bhakta." (4)

If one is always using their time for sadhana, kiirtan, and pracara etc, then we know that person is a veritable bhakta. Because a bhakta's mind is always inclined towards Parama Purusa - always trying to please Him and basking in His bliss.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 24, Bhakti, Mukti and Parama Puruśa
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 20, “Prańipátena Pariprashnena Sevayá” – 2
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 20, “Prańipátena Pariprashnena Sevayá” – 2
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 33, 'Bhaktitattva'

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Saturate my mind with cosmic bliss

Note: Only those who sincerely practice the higher lessons of sahaja yoga meditation can understand this song in the depths of their heart.

"Tumi eso ámár mane, ámár sakal bhavanáy..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2070)


O’ my Parama Purusa, please come in my mind, in all my thoughts - always. Be in my sadhana, dhyana, kiirtan, and bhajan, and in all sorts of my ideations. Kindly remain ever-present. I go on searching You in all my works; by this way, You may be attained.  

O’ Parama Purusa, I want only You. I desire You in broad daylight so I can fight with the darkness. Then I won’t become fearful of the demonic forces. Baba, remove all the negativities of my mental domain and fill it with Your spiritual nectar. Please eradicate my mundane desires and saturate my psychic realm with cosmic bliss.  

O’ Parama Purusa, I am constantly asking You to fulfill one request after another. I never care to think what I should offer You. Just I am a beggar before You - always asking You for more and more. Indeed I kept extending my hand, again and again, to get various mundane boons from You. Now please wipe away this pitiful tendency and make me free from this poverty. Baba, I request You to give me that which can satiate all my hunger forever…

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Festivals: key for any society

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Every human being likes utsava [festival]. It is the desire of all that they will rejoice unitedly. In Europe Puritanism failed in the end, only because the Puritans failed to care for the desires of the general public. They preached their theory only to a handful of devotees of knowledge.”
   “Ananda Marga is for the general public. So, considering the necessity of the general mass, proper importance has to be given to the utsava in social life. Excitement in a utsava is the greatest in the children, in the tender aged boys, in the youths and last of all in grown ups. In the programmes of a utsava, therefore, you shall think for the children first. Their sweet stammering noises ensure the success of the utsava. But whatever arrangements you may make for the children, the youngsters, youths, or for the grown-ups, make that there is no dearth of discipline even to the minutest extent anywhere. Let there be complete harmony. ” (1)

1. Táttvika Diipiká (Dvitiiya Parva), Point #4 - Utsava

== Section: Important Teaching ==

TP distortion: anything but Hindi

The Tiljala in-charges have employed Bangalisation in a variety of ways. The following discourse, "Treading the Broad Path of Spirituality", stands as yet another example.

Below is an excerpt from the Electronic Edition publication of this discourse. Baba is telling a story about the King Akbar and his minister, Birbal. Tiljala Publications (TP) indicates that Birbal replied in Persian. But actually, Baba guides us that Birbal replied in Hindi. And although Tiljala publications printed Birbal’s reply in Hindi, those same publishers credited it as being Persian. This clearly depicts Tiljala publication's aversion towards mentioning of the term - Hindi. See here below that passage from the Electronic Edition:
Ananda Marga ideology states, "There is a fine story to illustrate this point. Once King Akbar said, “Birbal, can you please tell me something which will make a happy man unhappy and an unhappy man happy?” Birbal replied in Persian, “Aesá din nehi rahega” (Such days will not remain forever). This can be said regarding everything of the world." (1)

It is sad Tiljala Publications has printed Birbal's above reply in Hindi yet stated it was in Persian. Those who know Hindi will immediately recognise what Tiljala Publications has done. They printed the Hindi sentence - which Baba actually spoke in Hindi - yet labeled it as Persian. 

When something is clearly written in Hindi, it is deceptive and shameful to intentionally label it as Persian, in order to push down Hindi.

Note: Baba actually has given this discourse in Bengali, in Kolkata. And this one statement of Birbal, Baba spoke in Hindi. Baba never said Birbal gave the reply in Persian; Baba simply spoke Birbal’s reply in Hindi. But Tiljala Publications could not accept or acknowledge the fact Baba spoke Birbal's reply in Hindi. So Tiljala Publications wrote that Baba replied in Persian. But that is wrong. 

In Him,
Nandita’ Chakraborty

1. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 4, Treading the Broad Path of Spirituality (10 November 1978 morning, Kalikata.)

== Section: Topic ==
Baba's pictures should NOT be shared

Namaskar, All

I have written on this time and time again. And I feel it is time once again to say something. Baba's pictures should NOT be shared on social media. They should not be the banner of any group. They should not be on anyone's Facebook page, etc. None of that! Stop!

We must put a stop to this practice. We must be EXTREMELY discriminating about where and when we disseminate Baba's picture. Baba has made this clear in His ideology. But let us also look at it this way:

Baba's photographs are integral to our spiritual practices. He is guiding us, and He has given Himself to us. His pictures are precious, to be cherished and guarded. Baba Nam Kevalam. The Lord is mine and mine alone! So why should I share Him? I should not share Him. I should be a first class devotee and not share Baba's pictures, ever. His image belongs to me and me alone.

If you want to become an acarya and sell, or better yet, give His picture to a devotee, with proper instructions on how to handle, that is one thing. Otherwise, keep Baba's picture to yourself. Of course this includes video. This is not for mass consumption. Baba belongs to His devotees, which happen to be margiis. If you are a devotee of Baba, most likely you will be a margii. Doesn't that make sense? Follow 16 points and don't share Baba's pictures.

Just by cleaning up this mess, that is, stopping the misuse of Baba's photo, we will undoubtedly make Ananda Marga much stronger. Can you not see that? Just as Baba belongs to the devotee, so, Baba also belongs to Ananda Marga! We must not share Him indiscriminately. All margiis must condemn this practice of sharing Baba's pictures. The future of Ananda Marga depends on it.

A friend of mine has complacently said that the genie has been let out of the bottle. There is no putting him back. I don't agree with that attitude, and I much doubt that Baba would, either. We must demand complete change in attitude about this matter. If you want to gaze at Baba's picture, become a margii. That is how it should be. Do you not think Baba would agree with this?

His image should not be on the cover of books. His video should not be on social media. Etc. Please observe and respect the Divinity of our Lord's image. His pictures are among the most precious and cherished gifts. His image is sacred. It is blasphemous and plain stupid to scatter His pictures indiscriminately everywhere. Ananda Marga suffers.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "You shall protect, in all respects and at all costs...the sanctity of...pratikrti [photo] of Márga Guru." (1)

in Him,

1. Caryacarya - 1, Treasures of Ananda Marga

== Section 4: Links ==