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Thursday, June 15, 2017

Story by ex. jihadi woman: real face of islam -- sharia law


Story by ex. jihadi woman: real face of islam -- sharia law


Some people, those who only read propaganda, think that:
  • Suicide attacker Jihadis are not strict Muslims,
  • Islam is a very peaceful religion, etc.

But to find out the truth, please read the below report, which is written by a very strict Muslim ex. Jihadi woman. By reading this you can understand, what Islam really is. Let's come and read, and try and understand the so-called greatness of Islam.

In Him,

Real face of Islam

(Below article, courtesy: NPR)

In the '80s in Saudi Arabia, you were radicalized. We were radicalized in the '80s and the '90s. There was one source of information, the books were censored and we had all these wars going on around in the Islamic world. ... I was brought up in this era or in this time. ... We've been through this. ... Destroying our photos, stopping everyone from listening to music, questioning the beliefs of the others, the hate against the infidels, we were brought up this way. ...
I always questioned them, even when I was practicing to be a "good Muslim" and I was trying to please God and stay away from hellfire and go to heaven, I was still questioning these things. I wasn't really happy. The more I was trying to follow the rules we had been taught, the more miserable I became.
The one, really, who circumcised us was a barber. He was my father's friend. My mom herself was circumcised and she told us the story that she ran away when they cut one labia and the other one they couldn't cut, and she was bleeding and she hid in the neighbor's house.
Manal al-Sharif's path to activism began simply enough: In 2011, the Saudi woman filmed herself driving a car, then uploaded the video to YouTube. Ordinarily such a video might not get much notice, but because it's not socially acceptable for women to drive in Saudi Arabia, where there is a de facto ban, Sharif's video went viral.
Sharif describes driving as an act of civil disobedience: "For me, driving — or the right to drive — is not only about moving from A to B; it's a way to emancipate women," she says. "It gives them so much liberty. It makes them independent."
Initially arrested for driving, Sharif was released when her story elicited outrage from around the world. She now lives in Sydney, Australia, with her second husband and son.
Though she is no longer in Saudi Arabia, Sharif remains outspoken about women's rights: "When I see something wrong, I speak up," she says of her advocacy on behalf of Saudi women. "It should be the norm, not the exception." Her new memoir is Daring to Drive.


One man is equal to three women?
Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “There are some people who have the opinion that men are especially favoured by Parama Puruśa and that women are not; or that one man is equal to three women. This is dogma. These absurd ideas all originated in dogma. Any intelligent person can easily understand that these propositions are totally hollow and irrational. “The intellect of one man is equal to the intellect of three women” – it is a ridiculous statement. In reality, there may be some cases in which the intellect of one man may be equal only to that of two women. But then there may be other cases where the intellect of one woman may be equal to the intellect of twenty men. Such intelligent women can be found in the world. Or if we speak only of physical weight, then we may find some woman who weighs more than two men. Theoretical statements should not be accepted here.” (1)

Why Muslims hate and kill others

In the following teaching, Baba is indirectly talking about Islam. In Islam, music, dance, drama and all such forms of artistic expression are not allowed. Due to strict prohibition of music etc, Islamic followers become severely psychically diseased and due to this, become very brutal and cruel. That is what we see in our day to day life. That, those who are very strict followers, they are ruthless. So, we should take lesson from this and encourage aesthetic science wherever we get the opportunity. In result, we will see that the finer human senses of love and compassion will develop for fellow human beings, and violence in the society will be completely eradicated. This terror torn earth will be become loving, compassionate, and caring.
Ananda Marga ideology guides us, ”Humanity, in its all-out quest for this aesthetic science, attained spirituality. One must acknowledge this. Herein lies the excellence of aesthetic science. For this reason, I have given my whole-hearted and explicit support for nandana vijiṋána. You know that there are certain religions [Islam etc] which do not encourage aesthetic pursuits. You will notice that in those religions inertia, inferiority complexes and a sense of violence are predominant.” (2)
--- dash one-saudi-woman-daring-to-drive-was-an-act-of-civil-disobedience

1. Fight Against All Dogmas – Excerpt D, from “Buddha o Aśt́áḿga Márga” Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 15
2. Yatamána – the Stage of Perseverance; Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 10

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