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Sunday, April 3, 2022

Famous but harmful + 4 more


Famous but harmful


In this era of rampant materialism, there are many pop stars, dancers, singers etc who garner large fan-bases and make huge fortunes by indulging in degrading and lewd behaviour. By exciting and appealing to the lower propensities, those pop stars earn tens and even hundreds of millions of dollars. The common people become absolutely enthralled with those stars and revere them like demi-gods.

How pop stars harm humanity & enhance their prestige

The awful ripple effect is that those degenerated performers poison the minds of impressionable youths, and even some adults. Kids and young adults get derailed and led into all kinds of negative dealings: sensual life, drugs, sex crimes, bad habits, pseudo-culture, half-naked dress, tattoos, intoxicants etc. Instead of honing in on their studies and getting engaged in sentient pursuits, youths are led down the path of hell. Those stars have the power to misguide an entire generation of youths. That is one aspect.
Next, to preserve their image and show themselves as caring and concerned activists etc, those same pop stars donate towards good causes, such as the homeless, the environment, underprivileged youth etc. Seeing their “generosity”, the common people get doubly-duped and hold that pop-star in an even higher place of honour. When the reality is that those degraded stars are doing far more harm than good to the society. The lives of so many innocent teens get polluted and ruined by the negative example of those pop-artists, actors etc. But with the millions those stars earn from licentious activities, they donate some pennies to good causes, thereby enhancing their image.
The situation is just like:
  • International pimps donating to shelters that rescue and rehab victims of human trafficking.
  • Sexual predators donating to women’s shelters.
  • Logging companies donating to green environmental groups.
  • The meat industry donating to medical research to find a cure for heart disease.
  • Candy companies donating to fight childhood obesity.
  • Drug cartels donating to drug-addiction groups.
  • Big mafia bosses donating to community action and crime-prevention groups.
  • The US giving arms and money to both (a) terrorist / guerrilla organisations and (b) for humanitarian aid efforts.

Their donation is a masquerade

Those with a clear vision can see through this sheen. They understand the ways of those pop stars are no different from chemical companies or the petroleum industry donating to environmental causes. That donation is done to masquerade their real efforts and intentions, which is to turn huge profits by ravaging the environment. And sometimes, those company executives get a seat on the board of directors of those environmental groups.
So it is all just a ploy. By their day to day operations those negative companies destroy society or the environment and side by side they give money to good causes to present themselves as being concerned about the welfare of society. For instance, the large cigarette companies used to give large donations to cancer research foundations, yet those same cigarette companies would make exponentially more money by selling addictive, cancer-causing nicotine to the unsuspecting public. This is the way things have been going on in this materialistic era because the public is blind.


The chief solution is maximum public education. Once the people understand that those stars are harming far more than they are helping, that will be a big step in the right direction. At the same time, it is our duty as a society to ensure artists are of moral character.
In Him,

~ In-depth study ~
Characterless, drunken, or greedy artists are social liabilities
Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The youth of a country are attracted to artists; it is therefore the duty of society and the state to monitor these artists’ ideals and character. Otherwise they may exert a harmful influence on young men and women who are the future hope of society. For this reason it is essential for artists to have impeccable conduct, a healthy lifestyle and strength of character. If those whom youths respect as ideal men and women possess an ideal character, the characters of those whom they influence will no doubt also be positively affected. In addition, ideal artists and actors who have a strong character will be able to express their artistic brilliance more sweetly and completely. Characterless, drunken or greedy artists will be considered liabilities by their fans and society.” (1)

How imposing pseudo-culture destroys a society

By injecting sensually-oriented films and music into a society, an entire people will fall into steep degradation. That is how one community captures and exploits another.

This below teaching well describes how the US exports pseudo-culture and Hollywood production to the entire world. For example, in the case of India, there was a high standard of moral values, and on that very basis films, dramas, and writings had moral teachings based on tantric ideas. Nowadays, pseudo-culture has been thrust upon India whereby the Indian population has become completely obsessed with Hollywood style; sadly they have lost the basic value of human life. Indian youths are falling prey to the western US pseudo-culture way of everything. Youths want to give up all traditional Indian values and become western. This type of inferiority complex has essentially ruined their way of thinking. This happened because the wealthy US imposed their pseudo-culture enterprise on the poorer population.

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Suppose a particular group has a high standard of arts (theatre, cinema, etc.), but the number of rich people in that group is comparatively few. The culture of another group, on the other hand, is very undeveloped, but among them there is a greater number of wealthy people. Now, the latter group wants to maintain its exploitation over the group that has a more developed cultural heritage, because one way that psycho-economic exploitation can paralyse people in the psychic sphere is cultural exploitation – to impose vulgar cinemas and dramas upon those good people.”
   “As you know, the mind has a natural tendency to degrade itself; it flows more easily downwards than upwards. So if some people, by virtue of their wealth, impose vulgar cinemas and dramas on others, this will break the latters' spines and they will become paralysed. And those paralysed, spineless people will thenceforth never be able to stand unitedly against cultural or any other kind of exploitation. They will never be able to do so, because mentally they will be completely dead – their capacity to raise their heads in protest will have been crushed forever. How can they raise their heads again?”
   Ananda Marga philosophy states, “This exploitation in the cultural sphere is accomplished by the propagation of pseudo-culture. Every honest, virtuous, rational person must fight against this pseudo-culture, and inspire others to do the same. If this is not done, the future of humanity will be sealed. It is proper for human beings to struggle for political freedom, for social emancipation; but if their cultural backbone is broken, then all their struggles will end in nothing – like offering ghee into a fire that has died out.”
   “If one's spine is shattered, it is impossible to hold one's head erect. Can those whose necks and backs are crushed under the weight of pseudo-culture, be expected to hold their heads high in any sphere of life? Hence it is the bounden duty of every rational person to save innocent people from pseudo-culture.” (2)

1. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations
2. The Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism, Exploitation and Pseudo-Culture (Discourse 7)

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Become mine alone

Prabhat Samgiita Intro: This song reflects A-grade bhakti. The sadhaka was intensely involved in meditation and Parama Purusa was present in a close and intimate manner. But then Parama Purusa left the bhakta’s mental plate. In that desperate and painful condition, with deep melancholic longing, the sadhaka is yearning for Parama Purusa to come in an intimate way. Parama Purusa is not gone, only the sadhaka is not getting Him in that deeply intimate and personal way in which he desires to hold Him. From the depths of the bhakta’s heart, this song has emerged. Unfortunately, those who do not have A-grade bhakti for Parama Purusa may not understand this.

“Ámi tomár lágiá jágiá rahechi, satata tomár patha ceye…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0255)

Note: Only those bhaktas who feel a spiritual vibration in their heart can understand this song in the depths of their core.


O’ my Parama Purusa, I am remaining awake for You. I am always looking toward Your path, waiting with full anticipation for Your blissful arrival.  By Your grace my mind is in a spiritual flow and I long for You alone. I have prepared the garland for You and arranged everything with the expectation that You will be coming. So please my Dearest, arrive secretly in my mind and become mine alone.

O’ Supreme Friend, why have You tied and bound me with the rope of Your love and affection. Why have You immersed me in my tears of longing for You. My Nearest One, why have You done this? Now I can never forget You. Your image floats across my mental plate always.

Baba, whatever I think, You are always there in the background of my reflection. What a tragedy I have been trapped in? Because of all this, now come secretly and stealthily into my mind, and become my own forever…

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Prout: cause of most wars

Note: In Prout philosophy, the terms shudra, ksatriya, vipra, and vaeshya are commonly. But some readers find it difficult to understand in a substantive way who these people are, and how to recognise them in the present day society. The following section is a very good description for understanding who is a vipra. 

After reading Baba’s below guideline it will be clear that Dick Cheney, Henry Kissinger, Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, bin laden, Hitler and thousands more around the globe are negative vipras, i.e. recent and present day intellectual satans who created wars. 

Prout philosophy states, “At the slightest sign from the vipras [ministers], major wars break out in different countries and states. The vipras  [intellectual demons] themselves do not fight. By whispering of war in the ears of the king, they send kśatriya generals into battle. Kśatriya soldiers, running the risks for the vipras  [intellectual satans], wage war on land, on sea and in the air, and the vipras [intellectual demons], understanding their physical and mental weaknesses, entice them with food or money, or inspire them with hollow, idealistic-sounding slogans, and land them in a holocaust.”

“Thus in the Vipra Age kśatriyas [military personnel] fight and die while shrewd vipra ministers receive triumphant ovations. This happens in every country where vipras [intellectual satans] play a dominant role. The names of vipra ministers are blazoned across the pages of history, but history does not record the numbers of soldiers who died on the battlefield or how many of them saw their golden dreams fade into darkness under cannon fire.”

Prout philosophy states, “When a vipra minister dies, the newspapers write it up elaborately. Condolence meetings are held; condolence messages come in by the thousands; flags are flown at half mast; and marble statues are erected at intersections in public parks. But the press will never acknowledge the kśatriyas [soldiers] whose blood enriched the ground for the harvest of victory. And actually, why should they? How can so many names be published in a newspaper anyway!”

“All the great warmongers, the great politicians of the world, belong to this vipra gang of satanic intellect. At their command, or due to their fiery lectures or diplomatic intrigues, millions of foolish shúdras have lost their lives and thousands of hot-blooded kśatriyas [soldiers] have served as instruments in the slaughter.”

“The pages of world history reveal that all the crusades and jihads of the Middle Ages were plotted by these satanic vipras [religious priests]. Caught in their intrigues, the shúdras [common mass] took the beatings; and the kśatriyas [soldiers] fought as religious warriors, but never thought deeply about whom they were fighting for.”

Prout philosophy states, “Was it only in the Middle Ages that this happened? In today’s world also, satanic vipras [war-mongering intellectuals], the protected agents of the capitalist vaeshyas [wealthy exploiters], have led and are continuing to lead millions of people along the path of death and destruction. Evil vipras [demonic intellectuals] are fanning the flames of the vaeshyas’ [wealthy exploiters] insatiable, demonic hunger. Neither the shúdra masses [common citizens] nor the warlike kśatriyas [soldiers] are responsible for the problem of the millions of refugees in different countries, for the heart-rending cries of the mothers, wives, sons and daughters of the soldiers who died on the battlefields, for the blazing flames of communal riots, for communalism itself, provincialism, nationalism and casteism. The responsibility lies with a small group of shrewd vipras [intellectual satans and religious priests] who, out of petty self-interest, have instigated the shúdras [common people] and kśatriyas [soldiers] to commit heinous acts.”

“The meanness and brutality of such vipras [intellectual demons] put on a ghoulish graveyard dance, seeming to make a mockery of the vipras’ intellect. In the Vipra Age the vipras [religious priests] drew power from this type of brutality, and through a staged display of black magic, vipras bestrode society. In the Vaeshya Age the vipras [intellectual demons] commit similar sins in order to shine like fancy shoes on the feet of the vaeshyas [wealthy exploiters].” (1)

1. Human Society part 2 - The Vipra Age

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Prout song


Morality is the demand of the day
Prout' the cry of the suffering humanity.
Wise you be, may not or may,
If sincere, success a certainty.
Fee Fy Fo Fum.
Expel the demons from physical stratum.
Fee Fy Fo Fum.
Expel the exploiters from economic stratum.
Fee Fy Fo Fum
Expel the brutes from psychic stratum.
Fee Fy Fo Fum
Expel the parasites from spiritual stratum.
Human body is to serve one and all,
Human mind to attend Cosmic Call,
Human spirit at the alter Supreme,
Surrender and be Supreme.

Note: Baba has given this Prout song after coming out from the jail. Those days, in each and every program, all the Wts and margiis were singing this revolutionary song. Now is the time to bring it back. We should put forth this call to the people - all our brothers and sisters of this universe.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Human tongue has six tastes

Baba says, “The six tastes are: tikta – neem (bitter); kat’u – chilli (hot and spicy); kas’ava – plantain (alkaline); lavan’a (salty); amala (acidic); and madhu (sweet).” (1)

Note: Not only are there six tastes in the human palate but those type of foods should be taken in a distinct order. Bitter taken in the beginning and sweet in the end.

1. Ideal Farming, Some Important Crops

== Section 4: Links ==